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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. I am looking for the actual video of Iley actually chanting exactly like Ayanle is doing here. Someone shared with me but I deleted so give me few minutes to ask the guy to resend and I will post it here. It will become much clearer after seeing Iley's real one.
  2. Hilarious! the guy is mocking Iley! Great. Thanks Ayanle! I can't get enough of Ayanle's mock eulogy!
  3. Hailemariam - Chairman of EPRDF Demeke (Amhara) - deputy chairman
  4. Just came out of steam bath at the African village to address a nagging muscle. The guy is a Trinity Orthodox college graduate who is now doubting if religion is real. It was a good talk, but soon I learned an Og.den man was shot last night inside Hargeisa in retaliation to Iley's attack on Harshin community. So, no going out tonight.
  5. Duke answered the question, I suppose. There is no point in saying conversation is changing in Borame, there has never been a conversation about secession in Awdal.
  6. waryaa I am indoors the whole day. So, pass by my place if you can. Sul...is asking about your whereabouts. Markaa dee isagana soo gaadh oo salaan. Sidani waa ceebe. Why are you mixing politics with friendship? Are you that young to allow politics get in the way of friendship?
  7. Alpha, please pick my phone. I am calling you from a new number. I know you hide from the multitude of girls who chase you, but take a risk and pick the phone.
  8. The Sage, you are in denial. Many brainwashed disapora cyber-pundits are in denial too. You will see, the day the South gets a proper government, expect the message you see in this video not in a youtube but thousands marching in Borama, Las Anod, Buuhoodle, Badhan etc. It is why I always say SL need to come up with a fast solution or risk an internal implosion. Edit: - The maid in this house who just overheard this youtube message insults the Awdalites: "Iyagoo SL ah ayey hadana somaliya doonayaan *baas*tariin****tani" This close relative of Faysal Ali Waraabe says. She adds "...iyaguba way na laayeen barigii siyaad barre ee waanu iska saamaxnay". There it goes. If the Awdalites look south, they will become the enemy!
  9. I had a long day with Jacaylbaro. We agreed he will issue a joint communique as the host. But I can break the highlight here. JB aplogized to me and slammed Alpha for being petulant and childish. It was reassuring to know that the young boy is not yet fully embedded culturally and therefore his rants are to be seen in that context.
  10. The views of these boramaites don't mean much. The views of Suldaanka from Oceania and that of Norf from Arabia is what matters. But seriously, why was my post attacked but this video is left alone?
  11. Norf neutralized, had a fruitful dinner with JB. Tomorrow I will see Alpha and I am sure we will agree because we seem to click. That leaves the threat of Suldaanka from oceania remain the fart a dog breaks out to put off a furnace.
  12. The only thing that baffles me here is a man of Apophisis intellect debating seriously with our resident journeyman Xaaji Xundjuf
  13. Indeed, Xinnfanin, safety is the priority. Alpha is a good lad and definitely not a zealot. It is Norf using Jacaylabro that I am concerned with. But I say bring it on.
  14. Minitid, except that they are not waxa-la-yiri, the are real. Anyway,there is always a disconnect between the diaspora and the grassroots. Alpha, I am trying to organize a dinner with you so that we can iron out any differences in a civilized manner. Please answer the phone or call me.
  15. But then Mintid why do you think that international pressure will relent as the south (with its resource) gets stronger? Also can you tell Burahaadeer, the baby secessionist, the international community is not a toy?
  16. Thanks mintid for the correction. I have since corrected it to 'bikini'. Abu Salman, I only stated my reading of the mood in Hargeisa and the SNM bandwagon jumped on me. I didn't want to rush things.
  17. Unless the common belief in SOL that Norf's political intellect is only superior to that of Mooge is true, you will not miss the methaphor of the widow and the man who took her at the time of her distress. SL doesn't need to showcase her beauty to Somaia, it has to show why Awdal, Khatumo, Salal should fight for her and be happy in her!!! Ofcourse, it has to do so, without telling them about mayhem in Somalia!
  18. Suldaanka;868434 wrote: Hadba Dawdar falanbaa u kaca nimanka A&T ee Dadka oo nabad isaga jooga ayay dacar ku oogaane! dadka kama xishootaan marka dili karaysaane Dekenaha reer tolkay waa baryayba waa dawarisaaye Ma dabkii Amxaarku qubtaa daafad kugu biirshay! It shows your clanish mindset which also inform your political views that you accuse A&T's clan of this attack when you know Iley has killed 500 times more long-foots than your kins. On September 06, last week, the village of Qorile in Wardheer saw the face of the Iley evil. 12 civilliahns, including 4 women were summarly executed. And whilst the Harshin community at least feels less upset because they also fought back and managed to kill the Liyu police, the O victims are broken and fathers have long resigned to the fate of seeing their teenage girls forcibly removed from schools and sexually assaulted. Instead of sympathising with this devastated community as fellow muslims under tyranny, you go and accuse them of Iley's kins and then incite hate against these Gypsies of the horn. It is sad people who have gone to school and crossed broders still think like that!
  19. N.O.R.F;868890 wrote: ^ Anyone from SL with an ounce of common sense would maintain his/her position as, to be frank, nothing has changed (apart from the President). The bombings continue (8 people died yesterday), there isn't a cabinet as of yet, Somalia is still in effect a failed state. This is the fundamental problem of juvenile secessionists. Like the foolish man who console a widow after a tragedy and quickly managed to capture her heart with incessant references to death, dark things and the macabre, the idea of cementing Somaliland's statehood status on the altar of Somalia's misery is not a safe bet. The man who beds the greiveing women by talking about how good her man was when alive and inducing tears into her eyes can only millk that distress for a limited period of time. Sooner or later, he will have to talk about himself, about what he brings into this relationship, and why the woman has to live with him. Likewise, the macabre news of Somalia has served to sustain the delusion of superiority and civility among secessionists for 21 solid years. Somalia is about to forget its misery soon, and therefore Norf et al will have to talk about their own beauty rather than the south's ugliness. It is a daunting prospect for we know all the warts of clanish grandiosity in the north will resurface soon. Edit: Alpha, War miyaadan ilaahay ka baqayan. Is staying in Ambassador because some *silly** rules insist on that making me an elite? I am not in Safari, in Hadhwanaag, in togdheer tea shop, and all over the place? Is having one old friend from kenya by myside is a sign of an entourage that is distinctively -non-somallanders? Who is Wiiwa? who is Caraale? Who is Axmed Yassin? Who is shiraac? Or who is fartuun? Asia? Are these not Somalilanders? And the duriyada core for that matter? The only time I closed myself into a house and is not going out is this last trip of mine and that is because I received credible intelligence that you an Jacaylbaro are trying to silence me through intimidation and bad mouthing. I strongly reject the accusation that I have contempt for SL. Alpha must retract that accusation in the interest of fairness.
  20. Ngonge, when you say the 'new' president, are you counting the macallin-dugsi-quraan sharif as former PRESIDENT too? that is tantamount to referring to "Dr." Farole as the previous SCHOLAR after he finsihes speaking on a podium about the benefits of Piracy and Professor Krugman is invited to speak after him!
  21. Surveys,like bikini, may not show the most important thing and therefore may be useless, but they are revealing nonetheless. One can imagine the inner thing from the outer layer. So, let us do a survey on the positions of SOL cyber politicians and see if it reveals anything. Norf, Ngonge, Ayoub, Suldaanka, Burahadeer, Lander, Oodweyne, Alpha, Jacaylbaro, Mintid, Oodweyne,Africaown,etc etc are all pro-secession. What else do they share? Oh, one is from Puntland, one is from Awdal, one is from Buuhoodle, one is from Dhagaxbuur, and the other one is from Guriceel. So, this survey doesn't show that secession is a one-clan preoccupion. Why? because Buuxo from Awdal is nonesensical, Xidigo is possessed, A-Khadar is an unrepentant son of Ina-dafle, and Abtigiis was the karaani for Morgan and Colonel Tuke when Hargeisa was bombed. No group that I know can muster such a one-dimensional baloney, yet could strangle others for pointing out certain overbearing realities in the somali peninsula. These people are possessed by a demon of delusion, dogma, demagogeury, and deception.
  22. seeking the upper layers doesn't mean getting delusional and shunning facts that face us everyday. Also analyzing issues doesn't mean its my preference. This is the same curse I get from ONLF when I say Ethiopia will not disintegrate. They get mad and accuse me of wishing Ethiopia good. Carafaat you are heading that way. It is a reality that Awdal has different feeling towards Somalilandinimo than Berbera has. It is a plain and clear reality. That Suldan was sad because his clanmen lost. HiilQaran is transitioning from political activism to strategic politics. The difference is the first is dictated by your wishes and aspirations, the latter by the facts and realities that face you and the strategies you need to come up to deal with them. I hope you see my point.
  23. unless all somalilanders ar simpletons,I talked to those I thought were intellectuals and professionals. Ofcourse, the followers of Askarmotors and Gabiley.com class is to follow not to lead and therefore their opinions do not mattter much.
  24. Ayoub, Suldan Abshir is praising Professor Ahmed Ismael Samatar. "Somali halkaad doonaysay may gaadhin". Afterall, he looks a man upset that their man hasn't been supported for his somalinimo ideals. If at all, it supports my claim that should Professor get a big docket in Somalia, Awdal will stop flirting stealthily and will declare its open love for the somalia suitor.