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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. ^^ Xiddigo iyo Bishaaro hala sugo ma dawbaa?
  2. Breaking News!!!!! At least Ibtisam is back! Good news! Xinn, Ngonge noo gar qaad!
  3. Waryaa Ngonge, wali miyaad isii dacaayaday naysaa intaad igu been abburatay? Horta waa runtaaye, where are the people! ka daa soo kuma odhan!!
  4. The Communist That is history. Who is the new enemy?
  5. Now,Ngonge try your luck. Bye. Serenity- cue I why you rule out diagnoised one!
  6. Waryaa Ngonge? waa maxay waxaad samaysay. Ka saar aviatar ninka aad gelisay. I may look horrible, but I don't want to develop a self-hate. You maybe my friend and thought you save me some embarrassment by not showing the real ATT, but it is insulting. Iga saar ninkaad meeshaa galisay si deg deg ah. Instead do what I asked you to do. I don't mind seeming my kids when I click on here. Disclaimer- whatever is peddled as my photo by Ngonge is a fake picture.
  7. Ducaysane/Habaarane, xageed isku aastay baryahan? Waryaa meesha soo shid ninyahoow. Your humor is missed.
  8. First let me see what you have done to them? Did you remove the beard? Or tampered with the height? Let me see what you want to share. You cannot send those of Duke and label A&T!! As much as I am horrible, I am comforted by the knowledge I am better than the Somali Ambassador to IRAN! EDIT- Waryaa, if it is Ibtisam who asked for it- despite her theatres here, i sug Caawaan isa soo sawirayaaye! Anigoo Kursi ku fadhiya! Waryaa, wait for me, let me shave.
  9. Sorry to say this, but there they would have no hope against the likes of Tirunesh Dibaba, Gelete Burka (women), and Kenenisa Bekele and Ibrahim Jelani (men) from Ethiopia. Dad gaajo ka cararayaa jooga. I fancy the Ethiopians to take all medals in 5000 and 10,000m. They have a strong team, as ever. How was the Somali athlets selected. Was the TFG involved? Cabdullahi Yusuf haduu rabo 4.5 halagu saleeyuu odhan!
  10. Sakashvili is a stooge demagogue. He won't last long. The mighty Russians are on the move! I hate all things American.
  11. Don't show what you saw to anyone waryaa! On a serious note, bal suuq ii soo raadi ninyahow. Yacni Al-ladaii zalika Cishq!
  12. And yet no response for me?
  13. Could it then be true that the cold war will be back soon. I am nostalgic about it. Meel loo cararaa la heli. Ilaahayoow isku kici!
  14. Waryaa Ngonge! Is that what friendship is about? Or trust? Meesha ha igu ceebayn tuug yahow! Do the aviatar thing for me, and stop the circus.
  15. CL (edit) Pole sana about that. Nina seemaa, kuwanini una ijuchukia? The photo? Reply in English, please.
  16. ^ CL [edit] why not? Ma waa lagu indha beeli yaa lagugu yidhi? I mean about the pitcure? Ngonge- Macawis Abu-quruurad ah xagee laga helaa?
  17. loooooooooooooooooooooool@ polish remover. Waa gartiis!
  18. +faheema- Ka daro dibi dhal. I just wanted to talk to you. No hard feelings, runtii. Salaan sare!laakiin dee halqabsi baa laga dhigtay ee la soco! Is it Ibti who is oppossing that my picture is displayed on facebook?
  19. How do I send to you? Which address?
  20. If you can author another master vile expletive after the Qasab jabtay one, it should be motivating enough. Dad baad ii jabisay, +Faheemaay!
  21. Dhubad Miyaad maqashay 'Qayrkaa magaalo u cay'? Let us do a fraction of what he has done and later advise others against! Ninkani wuu ku wadhwadhay! Adiyo anoo kale ma aha.
  22. Ngonge, if I send you my picture, will you be able to put in the FB? I am technologically retarded. Am I right in assuming pictures will be there.