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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Shakes head@JB's sense of humour! Ibti, why hate me? And how are they disadvanted by being here? Malika, advise well noted. Why not go back to the topic?
  2. Ibti- Yes! I hope you don't hate them as well! I don't like to think of myself as better than any other human being, but to be compared to JB hurts. I am sure JB is greatly indebted to you! EDIT- JB, it is me who is insulted with the pairing of the two of us. Yet, if some crazy man shoots into a market place, he will most likely kill a Mufti and a thug at the same time. But women will still cry loud "so many 'men' are killed". Now, the issue is not who between us is good or bad, let us forge a front and fight back. The students are on the attack. Inagu aan isu danbeeyno, doqon yahow!
  3. Calling YEY a toielt paper is a praise. A toilet paper has a use. He is useless. Kashafa ha u joojin traitors'ka.
  4. Indeed, Ibtisam- being restless and innovative is an asset in ICU (intensive care unit) of the newly-wed. Of course, if he the person is restless outside the house, I think he is more of JB than AT. Aniga hawshaydu xaafada ma dhaafayso. Honestly, I am a very shy person in front of others. No marketing. Waa run.
  5. Ibtisam You wouldn't have killed me. Indeed, You would have killed Malika for suggesting this. It is easy to talk from a hypothetical point of view.
  6. Malika That is you, I guess. But, there are instances where the jerks like JB have a advantage over a real gentleman. Like examplified in that famous Somali riwaayad where Mohamed Adan Dacar lost to Abdullahi Diriye Sooraan; and upon learning that he was reject because he is Jaajuur (hollowblock), he shook his head and said " Ma xishoodkaa ceeb noqday?" EDIT- malika, I think, it would have been a fun! Ibtisam, I am not sure about the 'dysfunctional' bit- I mean literally speaking.
  7. What exactly is this Dulqarneyn fellow trying to glorify? I listend to all the parts of the nauseating senile sermon Yey has bellowed above. Not once did he sound like a rational human being. It was all full of lies and vacous innendous. And yet DQ, came up with irrelavant verabtim for which there was no necessity of quoting, as far as the discussion here is concerned. All indications are, for now, this guy is another Duke on the making. Welcome to the club of 'reerka aan difaacno' and confused qaranimo rabble.
  8. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: Jerks are never shy. Since the jerks don't care about anyone else, they have nothing to lose, and can approach women in a completely relaxed and confident way...And women LOVE jerks. Waryaa JB, yaan lagu waalin ninyahow. Don't read too much into these so-called studies. I think I am a jerk, and no one loves me! Aayr iska xishoo oo si tartiib ah hawshaada u wado, saaxib. On a serious note, the study complements long-standing feelings I had about some women. I have seen lots of women who reject a sound and calm guy for mid waalan oo wareersan! I never understood why. However, usually kuwa wareersan happened to be better looking than ninkan 'Gentleman'ka ah ee raba inuu ukuyaalo u soo xidho haweenka!
  9. Where is Somaliland? Are they not there? Come On JB will be offended!
  10. Originally posted by Ibtisam: A&T WHy do you write so many stories that you never finish?? Short attention spam and easily bored? Or are you a starter that never finishes anything? starter that never finishes? You know that is good in some respects! Anyway, time is a big factor!plus, I think I finish the stories I begun. Who would read more than one page here in SOL? And to have a decent story that is not rushed, you need more than a page!
  11. So it is CARA,again? Why am I not amused?
  12. Canjeex, Maxaad u jeeda? Don't distinguish between men for the sake of this argument at least. It is all about assumptions, Let us assume all men are the same. Now, having said that, I know I am speaking for the oppressed men folk here in SOL who are silenced and cornered, when I say core-feminists are a real threat to family harmony and islamic way of life. They are composed of losers who are bent on destroying happy families because they couldn't have one! As I said before, most are ugly and depressed. It is a fact but not many dare to say it! In fact, kuwii tidcadee xamraday tin iyo cidhib qurux badanaa (those pretty girls we all know) are busy on other important issues, than resenting how Faarax's are behaving! The sad thing is some good women whose agenda is only to see a fair and equal treatment of women [which is to be encouraged] are increasingly led into the sabotages of these core-groups who have a more sinster vision. I equate ultra feminists with those who are dancing in the streets of the wrold crying for 'recognition' and equality of the gay communities. Down with ultra-feminists caawa iyo barriba! The good thing is members of that club waxba inagama wataan! The right sisters are the majority and are with us! At least those we meet, and we ask whether they feel oppressed in any way, say 'o! no! without you, dhaxan baa na layn laheyd!' EDIT- Any women who replies to this, is a feminist and ugly!
  13. War waa saase! Xiligii gabdhihii yaryaraa meeshan iman jireen ma la gaadhay? Ilaa shalay waan ka qasnaye? Ibtisam actually decried too much Somali here. Bal dadka aan fasaxnee soo wareeg! Foodhi-foorka (44) u wareeg!!
  14. Nepthys/Bishaaro "Boqolkaa nin ee baratantay iyo Baqasha hoos roori..." Gabay la yidhaa ma dhameeyaa mise waad i taageeri?
  15. 1000%! Ilaahay ha guuleeyo Alshabaab!
  16. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: hahahaha ,,,,, Now i know Ngonge is your cover name of your zigzag luuqluuq girls ,,, Admit it man ,, just admit it ,,, I should tell your wife (if you have one :confused: walee taasaa iska ba'day) that she is right about Ngonge ,,,,, Hello Afro ,, saaka waa la fiican yahay. Islaantaydu maxay ku ba'day, waryee? Waxaa lagu leeyahay Ngonge Soomali layidhaa hadaad soo heshid, sheeko iyo shaahid, anaa kaa gar dharan! Laakiin, habeen waba inaad saaxibadaa uga sheekayso waan maqlayaa! Yaad moodaysaa inaad ka maskax badan tahay? Hadda adigu riwaayad baad u haysataa????
  17. Ninku horta waa khaai'n weyn! Laakin, farsamo badan! let us give him his dues! Nepthys, he doesn't care about your anger. he has 86 like you who enjoy the ride. On the question of how he organises himself for the task, I think it is supply-oriented. Waa soo gaadhaa guf! It is the women who have to avail themselves for the feat. Sida loo kala jeelan yahay!
  18. Morning trollers; When you receive this letter, I know you will all be saying 'o! no more dacwo and gar!' no more nonsensical oldies talk'. But I have no alternative. And it is not a fiction. NGONGE is ruining my family life. My wife thinks I am dating NGONGE (she thinks Ngonge is code-name for someone I am in love with). This is what happened yesterday. I promised I will be at home for lunch after Friday prayers but Ngonge's lenghtly games with me here meant I have to return to the office and stay until 6:00pm. From 2:00 pm, my cellphone run out of batteries. So, the family kept on calling, but found it was uncharacteritically switched off. I went home fiidkii with a female collegue of mine, just managing to announce our arrival before 30 minutes. And suddenly a female relative I haven't heard of for 12 years called from far away. She doesn't speak Somali- she speaks Amharic. Then I have to say her name loud, oo H- 'where were you all this time?' Now, why is this important? Two days ago, when I was talking to a male friend I invited to SOL, and as we discussed about the forum, I mentioned Ngonge several times saying he is a friend. Apparently, the wife was listening to the exchanges. Having never heard of a somali by the Ngonge, and only taking the lines ' Ngonge is my friend. We are in constant contact. I am intersted to meet', she smelt rat there. So, the relative who called last night was Ngonge (she)! Walaahi!Balaayaa dhacday! No sleep xalay oo dhan. Bartaas warqadaydii dhig etc! A deal was struck when I promised to bring her with me and show our exchanges with NG. All of it! Hayeh! is this man not runining my life? * * * * Now, the reaction will range from the bipolar mantra of serenity, to the rolling eyes of CL, and to the who cares of Ibtisam!
  19. Nepthys, Maanigaa Garam-garam ah! wax yar isug adigu? Gabayga kugu dhaca! G.T- ma arladii baad tahay? Salaan saaxiib! they don't know the REAL SOMALI's are those in occupied territories!
  20. Xinn, I have to leave. But ask that guy if it is yes or no! No explanations.
  21. Xinn Adeer laba su'aalood waydii? Does he altered the picture I sent hin? Seriously, it is important? Ngonge- as a men, come clean and respond YES or NO? EDIT- Waryaa NGONGE, Are you crazy????????????? Don't go further. Just tell Xinn whether you have altered the picture or not? Geeljire- You are right! But we have a gar right here. Magaala-joog xumo ma daawatay!
  22. The somali is perfect. I liked how you captured Xinn's inappropraite intervention!
  23. Originally posted by Geel_jire: war ninyhow Xiinow waa maxay isbaarada aad salaanta u dhigatay ... gartiina iska wata howlo kale ayaa si talan-taali ah u socdee looooooooooooooool@talantaali and Isbaaro!! Xinn; He did. But the idea was for him to show me how to upload a normal picture into a site and then use as a URL. Lesson baan waydiistay. I gave him pictures. Mid buu intuu dad ka dhex saaray meeshi ku dhajiyay. I swear that photo was half of a larger one! Anigana ma aheyn!!! EDIT- Lily- thank you walaashay! Xinn- Just ask him this simple question? How many people where in that photo?
  24. Xinn waxaan kaa sugayaan kaa waayay! Waxaan rabay inaad dharbaaxo igu dhufatood tidhaahdid ka tag meesha aan kugu mansabka aheyn ey yahoow!!! Hadalkaaga dabacsan baan diiday oo nin iga naxayaaan kaa filayey! You cannot be so lenient when your friend is embarrassing himself like that!