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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. ^Nuriya (Afro) Bal noo nuuri hadda. I see the avaitar is still there! Salaan sare. Ngonge- You remind me of my high school friend who always used to snatch the exercise books from a girl he loved and tore it down. Supposedly becuase he can't stand her sight! War dee Ibtisam waad jeceshaye iska sheego oo caddayso. Ama gabadha ka hadh dee! Maxaa kaa galay uun ha odhan? What happened to UNKOWN? Miyuu carrarey? Poor guy! Ngonge's Baala-xoofto ayuu run mooday?
  2. Dabshid; loool@ waxkasta ma TFG baa kaaga muuqda? But frankly that old man waa da' ee muxuu coach ka yahay? Ma orodka mise wax kalaa jira? Sayid I am busy walaal. Plus, I think what I started as a fun is turing into addiction. I could only write bed-side stories these days! Balaaya dhacday. I think I am getting into a quaqmire. I have one about a man called Cabdi-sulub who distinguihses men as either Sheep or Goat when they are in the ring. Shall I post it, waan la xishoonayoo waxaan islahaa it is a bit of X-rate. On the politics section, there is nothing intersting. Arguments are cyclic with no end. And of late guys are teling me to concentrate on what I do best: phantasies.
  3. No Ibtisam, when I finish you will be cursing me. I can only say non-verbal communication can do wonders to a relationship. Who said you have to sit on a table and engage in Hardtalk? Edit- even as someone who is morally 'bankrupt', I am disgusted by the socil ills JB seems to be promoting! Waryaa girlfriend iyo riwaayadaas miyaan laga bixin wali Hargeisa? Waa wixii loo rogay markii hore?
  4. How do you know if he is Bile or Abdi. Names are important for a story. They give life to it. In the meantime, you don't expose the person by telling his name in public.
  5. Fantastic picture. Love it. Laakin that dark old guy on the right, ma TFG baa dirsatay, he surely doesn't look like an athelete. Ninkaa may may sawirka ka saaraan, mood'ka ayuu naga qaldayaa! Otherwise, proud to be a Somali! Ibtisam- since when has JB's fibs proved to be otherwise. Waa beenti! Anyway, shall I tell you how I resolved the acrimony which started because of Ngonge? [reader discretion is required].
  6. Ngonge- my hunch tells me unknown1 is going to be intersting guy.
  7. Salaam to dear sister Ibtisam. Unkown baa la yidhaa. He is an explosive newbie. On top of him is written "keep out of the reach of women and children". Iska ilaali! Unknown- ha maqlin Ngonge! Although I think your lost your way and ended up in Troll while looking for General Duke in politics section, I like you. So, I authorise you being here. Isku qarxi waxaad aragtid. Sayid- saaxiib salaan sare! I am still leering from the guilt of lambasting you for nothing. You are good guy and it hurts to feel I hurted a good man. Ngonge- ma salaamayo asaga! Tuug weeye!
  8. Irrelevant and parochial. I see every Xayraan has the means to scribble down foolish ideas as strategy. Looking for solutions from what was missed in the past [wrongly identified here] is not innovation. Magnifying the difference among two individuals in ONLF leadership is hardly going to lead to a sensible policy recommendations. This writing was a waste!
  9. A friend by the name Bile once had a bad gonnorea. He went to see a Doctor, and the female doctor told him to do what stoic is asked above. He did. Then, when she started inspecting it [it was in bad shape with all kinds of bruises and fluids]. Yet, because he was touched by the hand of a women the pendulum saluted the Doctor with effort. it raised the head and tried to react. Then, the Docotr hit him and said " even in this state of health you try to respond? Pathetic!"
  10. Well it is not. It happened barely four hours ago. I passed a yellow traffic light, 100km/hr, and then suddenly the siren of a motorbike with a police man waving frantically for me to park off the road caught my attention. before I hit the brake and turned left I hit an advance car of the Motorcade that passed by the other side. Not a big accident, Alxamdu-lilaah! The car is Isusu Big-horn 4WD! JB would have loved to see the back of me. But for now I am alright!
  11. I was driving. National day here, driver on leave. It was their mistake.
  12. I am only amazed Malika is rediculing me for obeying a sound advice. Otherwise, things are fine. Only that my car hit a speeding Presidential motorcade by mistake today and I have to go a bit of questioning.
  13. Warmonger They are not!!!!! The Moryaans haven't brought Ethiopia to Somalia. Yey did not once, not twice, not thrice, But more than a dozen times!! Let us speak with facts! Talking about Moryaan shabab's won't clean YEY of his dirt.
  14. Has Ngonge heard of my predicament at home because my wife thinks I am dating him? Please go back and read and help me out!
  15. Dulqarneyn What is so intricate about Yey and his politics? Have you heard of the Vichy government in France during the WWII? Or more recently Hamid Karzai? But, indeed, when it comes Jilibkee xoog-badan politics, I know I won't be able to challenge you. You are an expert as exemplified by your apparent mistaking of Yey's vitriol against 'reerihii xamar bililiqaystay' as a political witticism! Is that what you call not taking shit from anyone? Adeer, by trying to paint a monster as a man of substance, you forfeited your legitimacy to get engaged with real debate. When you get out of your tribal nest, I will be more than willing to try to reason with you, even from apparent 'underdog' position you have condemned me to be. When you judge yourself to be the maestro singlehandedly,I feel it is quite showing. Feeling big often is the result of being small- actually. I reckon my bedside stories deserve better attention than a frivoulus glorification of a traitor. I would have also loved to see one story of yours. Never mind the bed, just somewhere!
  16. Originally posted by Ibtisam: ^^When and more importantly IF I reach 30, I would not be reading your stories, let alone liking them. I see! You will be living them.
  17. ^ Ibti- life starts after 25. I mean real life. Inta ka horaysa, for me is a dalliance. When you reach your 30's, you will start liking my stories.
  18. Originally posted by STOIC: I think shyness comes with having weak self-image. I don't agree with it. It could be true for some cases and not for others. I know people who can't say a word in front of two strangers, but think highly of themselves when with friends. The upbringing has a role. And the social values that are being espoused by the larger society. For a somali who grew up amid a society that regards silence and disengagement as a good trait, it will be difficult to accept being proactive in meetings [however knowledgeable you are about the subject under discussion] as a good thing. Looking for undue attention infront of a lot of people is a bad thing for some; for some it is a measure of how confident you are. When I sat for a job interview some years back, a European collegue who was advising me on what to do with the interview insisted I should emphasise the word 'I' in the session so that the interviewing panel sees what I am capable of doing. Now, when you are asked if you can narrate any example of a successful team that you have been part of and why it has worked that way, will you start by saying 'I' did this or that; or will you say 'we'. The European insisted that I keep on singling out my role, which alone wouldn't have achieved anything.
  19. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: A&T, you don't take my advice coz you think i'm a rival to you. You don't take Ibtisam's coz you don't agree with her. You don't take Cara's coz she has an agenda ,,,,,,,,,,, and yet you contine whinning ,,, Yaad wax ka maqashaa markaa bal aanu doonee ,, ?? Try Ngonge, Xinn, Ducaysane, and a lot more as emissaries. Their record is unblemished. Ibtisam is fine, but her reading is wrong. Cara is a non-starter. Iyada arimo kale ayaa jira (just kidding waryaa.)
  20. Exactly Ibti. It is a perception that needs to be corrected. It is just a way of talking that I see Ibtisam in one thread and start by reminding her of something that happend the other day. There are ABSOLUTELY no emotions attached. Of course, no one cares to see the feelings of the man behind the screen. Hence, it is a way that needs to be jettisoned. The whinning will continue for sometime I guess because it hides an achilles heel that is to do with being too aggressive, if fighting back. Better be the crying one than the bullying one. CARA Don't you think it is time to wind up all the fuss about the feminism thing? You know meeshuu ka biloowday. Maad af-jartid?
  21. JB- you take advise when you agree with it (like in the case of the aviatar). Not when you don't. I told you I don't agree with Ibtisam's assessment, and that is not why I don't take it. Plus Cara has an agenda! [waa wixii la iga waaninayay] Waxay igu samaysay waxba kama ogid adigu! Edit- so nice to me? I don't want to see when you are mean!
  22. Without being defensive, it is more of style of argument than reflection of feelings. Maybe it is not a good way of argument as well.
  23. It wasn't whinning, it was fightng JB! I am happy I am seen as the crying victim after the impolite attack on JB! Cara, all of us worry about how others perceive us. Let us be honest. Your salvo was a decisive hit, though,timed to perfection after all my provocations. I need time to come back on this one! Ibtisam- at least in my exchanges with you, I know they ended several times when you got offended. Can that also be whinning? Anyway, I enjoy playing the victim card quite often, that is what is seen as whinning. It is fine with me. The alternative would be to fight back hard and that is not what I do best. You have sen what happened the other day.
  24. Although I am not a beliver in curses [when there is no ground for it], It is a good sisterly advice. Well taken, and thanks. Advise will be effected asap. On a serious note, and without being biased, do I REALLY sound like JB in any department save for the loquacity in this forum?? Maxaad ugu eexanaysaa ninka waalan? I mean my 'problem' has been in discussing subjects seen as taboo; but who can exhaust the failings of JB? Just look where his kaftan ends up always!