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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Afro Girl Adiganna Aviatar'kaaga ayaa loo fadhin la'yahay anigana Afkayga; maxay kula tahay hadaan meel isugu keeno?????? Xageed joogtaa waa loo baahan yahay qof saas u diirane? Sayid- Typo error
  2. I Love CL too. Language barrier is a problem. But, I think she hates me. How do I greet her when she can't read Asalaamu calaykum!
  3. NG- Salaan saaxiib. I wanted not to distract you from the hunting. NG- kolkaad wax eryanayso it is not wise to bother you. Ibtissam- Your tanslation was better than mine.
  4. Literal Translation of Sayid's message: "You better not look for shame from a man who witnessed the night you were conceived, who also grew grey hairs and knows your INSIDE and outside". Will it do Sayid?
  5. Buuxo/CC Saas naga dheh dee! I knew it sounded familiar. Thanks walaashay.
  6. What was the name of cabdiyo cabdi. She sounds familiar? Muxuu ahaa magacaagii hore, aabayo?
  7. The semi-finalist Mother-in-law Something was ominous about the ringing of the phone. The last thing I wanted was for Mooge to remind me how long he has been waiting for the money. I mean, honestly, how can he turn my world into a living hell just because I borrowed a satellite dish from his ‘wada-dhalasho’ Electronics Shop? Three times it rang and I didn’t pick it. She stormed angrily from the bedroom, and asked me to pick it up. When Sucaad, my wife gets upset, I behave. ‘Hello. Yes, speaking.’ I said with melancholy. The voice of the caller on the other end made me exhale a heavy sigh of relief. It wasn’t Mooge. ‘This is a telephone center. Someone needs to speak to you. Please talk to her.’ The man said and I could hear the clutter of handles and wires pushed around, before a familiar voice said “Hallaw! Ma Guuleed’baa?” No!No! Not tonight. I knew what was coming. It was Habo Dahabo, who as I suspected told me my mother-in-law has just fainted and I need to rush to their house. “Come fast. All others are here. It is only you who is missing.” She said, before adding “oo tii miyayna kuu sheegin?”. She was referring to Sucaad. There is no love lost between the two and I am aware of the degree of animosity Habo has to my wife. Sucaad also hates her. I disregarded her query. After the exchanges ended, I pondered over my options. Shall I tell my wife that her mom is sick and we need to go? Shall I delay the announcement until the big match ends, and pretend I misunderstood the message? So many thoughts, so little time. In the end, my quandary was ‘resolved’ when her brother called Sucaad and broke the news to her. She knew that was the message I got moments ago, judging from the pensive look at me. At about the same time, Asad called. “Robino or Messi? Who will score tonight?” He asked without bothering to pass through the formalities of greetings. “Get ready; I am coming to pick you.” I didn’t want to seem to be so careless about my wife’s families, but I was desperate to watch the big game between Brazil and Argentina. “There is no way I am gonna miss this Derby of the Derbies”, I vowed earlier the day, as the giants clash for the Copa-America. I have to join Asad and all other fans for the entire thriller; the electrifying atmosphere has become something of an addiction to me. And as if the boiling of her blood just at the kick off of the European Champions Semi-final before two years was not an ill-timed coincidence, she gets sick at this one again? And in Japan/South Korea, was it not because of her getting sick that I missed the controversial Italy/South Korea cracker? “I am not going to let her inopportune, if not deliberate, fainting and panting ruin my passion.” I decided firmly. What a casino is for a gambler, football is for me. I love it. ‘Torres is better than both’ I replied after repeated insistence. I had a reason not to mention the offered alternative names. Sucaad heard Robinho and Messi before, and she would have realised I am talking about football players at a time of immense distress to her family- and by extension my family. My uncle, who recently came from the country-side, and was gazing at the TV with wide eyes; often insisting “gabadhii shalay luntay ma la helay tolow?” (Referring to a Mexican series which was running for a while, where a young lady was missing) picked the name and in a way saved me. “My cow is named Torrays,’ He said with a chuckle, obviously understanding I am talking about a person and not an animal here. ‘You people in the towns are ridiculous. I saw someone calling the other Kildhi the other day,” he shook his head in disgust. My uncle’s intervention distracted Sucaad. But Asad’s honking at the gate woke her up. “Muxuu doonayaa kana. Go tell him to leave us alone. And call a taxi for us to depart”, she ordered. She doesn’t like Asad, who six months ago married a second wife. I know the source of her detest, but she says it is because he takes me out for ‘childish hobbies’. Footabll is the main one. When I told Asad it will be difficult for me to join him because my mother-in-law is in coma; he was unapologetic in his sneering and displeasure. “This Semi-final Mother-in-law is a tournament herself. Maybe we should bet she will win or lose this one? When will her final be?” I didn’t really was upset about his profane remarks; but I pretended I was. “War isla yaab dee, I said” but asked him to come up with a scheme that could enable me to go and see the old women and then quickly proceed to the Sportcenter, where Halgan was ready to put 10 USD against a loss for Argentina. The piercing scream of Sucaad ended our little conspiracy. "Shall I walk or you are calling a taxi?” she said angrily. It is one of these times she never controls her anger, even in front of other people. Matters that involve her family are always contentious. I told her that Asad can drop us. When we reached the old mud house where her mother leaves, Qamar, her younger sister was sobbing. She said Hooyo Tiriig has been out of breath for over thirty minutes. In my mind, I was in the Sportcenter where the game must have started in the last five minutes. I imagined the graceful entry into the stadium of my team, Brazil. More than the football, sometimes I enjoy the walk out of the rest rooms and all the posturing before the national anthem is played. It reminds me of when you bring your darling to the room, and before the real matter starts, you run around to bring beverages; all along thinking about what lies ahead. My phone blipped and there was a Text message from Asad. [brazil 1-Argentina 0 Julio Baptista (the Beast) scored in the 4th minute). My face brightened and all the tension was relieved. Sucaad noticed this and spoke in my ears. “ Ilaahayoow Islaantan Iga dil baad is lee dahay soo ma’aha” She murmured. Hooyo Tiriig opened her eyes and did a small prayer thanking the Almighty for giving her health back. She saw me and said, “All of you, I thank you for coming. I am really feeling better. I don’t think you need to worry. If it doesn’t kill me in the first half-an-hour, my pressure usually gets better. You can leave; it is late.” I giggled with enormous gratification and leaped forward to greet my mother-in-law and wish her good luck. She caught my hand and said “You, You will stay with me in case I need to see a doctor later in the night. Let Sucaad go home for the children.” I wished this was her final game.
  8. I don't think the one I am posting now will be for Nuuriya (Afro). It is fine for Ibtisam, I guess. Salaanta horta maad naga qaadaan!
  9. very early indeed, Al-Jidaawi/Al Burcaawi. salaan sare. Waxaa kale oon halkan ka salaamayaa CL, IBTI, MALIKA,iyo Dhamaan asxaabta ku nool dunida daafaheeda; Including SERENITY! ASALAAMU-Calaykum Wa RAXMATULAAHI! CL- Ha loo macneeyo. (Malika, kindly translate the greetings to CL).
  10. Xinn The sheikh story was an anomaly. The real thing will resume soon. Haye, marada ka carar! Lol@GT's tororog. But could it also be resourcefulness?
  11. Maya, Xaggaa ma aha! Micnaha Gabadh ii weeraraysa ayaan u qaatay. Dhanka kale Maashaa-allah! Xiin- adiga umbaa i badala. Hadana kol hadaad dhago-nuglaantaydii khalad ka fahantay waan is dhariijin.
  12. I like this Unknown1 guy.
  13. War Unknown' kani waaba wadaad qaxar ah. Halkana maxaa keenay?
  14. KK- wax yaalo badan waan maqlay. Ma soo marin walaashay.
  15. The last weeks of July and the first weeks of August have seen an increase in activities by newbies who recently joined SOL [a welcome development with the nuance that most seem to have been trained in Xerada Manaas near Baidoa], and members whose bodies were here, 'dead', but whose burial days have never been publicised. It is good to see all Sakaraad people are back again. This certainly has been four weeks of plenty of action. That is why it would be a great disservice to all of the 'Thriller' club members if we don't declare it the 'weeks of the aliens and virtual members'.
  16. Originally posted by Sabax: Somali Men have come a long way sharing sexual feelings/fetishes and fantasies with strangers. Disturbing notion. Sabax, fine with the acrobat on the bipolar allegation. What about this one? Where are the fetishes and sexuality? Salaan sare, sida kale.
  17. Haye!haye! This one was really bad.Jacaylbaro style bay iga noqotay! Sorry.
  18. Originally posted by Afr0 GirL: adiga meesha waxba kuma heysid sxb ....A&t ayaantan wuu shidan yahay ..waliba sheekoyinkiisa waa QARAX Qarax weeye xagayga, laakiin adigaan arkaa in aad qaboowday oo surwaalkii lagaa saaray aad maalmahan xidhnayd. Nuuriyaay, soo kaad la hayd qashin kaad ka shaqaysaa. Goor maad quman tahay?
  19. This is a story about what happened during the previous regime. Sheekh Muxiyadin is still alive. I don't think it is particulary anything useful but certainly sharing wouldn't hurt. Alfa- Horta isfahanku ha inoo danbeeyee, bal adigu sawirkan ilkaha dhaadheer inaga badal. Waynu wadahadli doonaaye! Ducaysane You are right. Waa useless tani, laakiin dee it is not presented here as a normal story. No plot, no character bulding. At the sametime, adiga iyo aniga waxay inoogu baxdo waynu naqaan dee!
  20. Robust defence from Malika. I knew it was coming from someone. I am glad it is you. I don't mind the insults and the others things. I am an old man to know the thinking behind some of it. And I realise how much you decry what is seen as 'evil' -when it is not- has now been taken as the measure of decency or the pretense of it. More bad things than dating a milking mother are happening in our communities. It would have been good if ask the right questions about whether it is good or bad. That way young people here would have learned about the bad things they need to avoid. Sadly, everyone has to show off his worth to someone else in the forum by abusing the writer who shouldn't involve his judgements in the story. If asked what I feel about the characters, I wouldn't necessarily be different than others. Just imagine this lady who have to dig up all psychology books to label me 'bipolar' when she had no basis to say so. I don't get offended, but it just amazes me. I won't complain to the Admin, for I really don't take whatever is said here seriously. EDIT- Nuune- As you saw Harari ladies are not ordinary. Waa beauty'dii la sheegay. They are also so nice to talk to. Markaa no man wants to leave the house. Lugta unbaad hayn. It is the men to blame, and they later say way na sixirtay. In fact, mid aan saaxiib aheyn oo gabadh MAAWARDI la yidhaa qabay wuxuu ku leeyahay "bal xaalkayga la socda waxaan umaleyn in maydkayka laga dulqaadi doono anoo saarane!"
  21. DABSHID- Qorigaan Keebka hayaayoo inaad mid toosh ku shiday baan mooday. ISkiin gabadh baan mooday. Nune Adarida gabdahooduu waad aragtay quruxdooda. Ragooduna waa useless qayila. Markaa Somaalidii soo qaxday 1990s ayaa Islaanimo intay ugu soo gabadeen eber ka dhigay.
  22. When Sheekh Muxyaddin told President Siyad Barre that the SPM rebels who went to the bush to wage a gorilla war against him,will not reach even Kismayo, he was bluffing. That he claims to be an Awliyo lagu jiro doesn’t mean he belives he can do such wonders. He is too well aware of his limitations. But, when the news arrived midnight that indeed the rebels fleet of vehicles are stuck in the muddy roads that lead to the capital of the lower Jubba, he couldnot believe his ears. He was delighted. ‘I will keep them in the quagmire they are in. ‘Meela uma dhaafayaan’ he vowed with a sense of jubilation. Jalle Siyaad, worn down by insurgencies from multiple fronts, in the later days got mystical. So he was overjoyed by the magic help offered to him by this Sheikh. He decred that Sheekh Muxiyaddin is the special Sheikh to the Presidency and showered him with lavish praises and prizes. There was no need to rush to capture the rebels. The Sheikh was at work and would deliver them next morning. However, a team of mechanics and drivers were at work as well trying to pull through the mucky jungles. And they succeeded before dawn. Sheekh Muxyadiin was banished from the state house at about 8:00am the same morning. He now lives in Jigjiga.
  23. Most of it is Myth. Of course, there was a time whenever I travel to Diredawa, my mom would do 'nabaadino-xidh' from a famous Sheekh. But, I encountered nothing. The practice has also reduced through time. There is myth that in Harar, Harari women make the man sit in the house with sixir. True, most husbands in Harar are inactive and usually in their homes. But I think it has to do with the life in the area. It was extremely comfortable; with fruits of all types in the garden's of every family. Also the effect of 'Qat'. Arimahaas mooye meeshu waa melting pot. Somali, Oromo, Carab, Talyaani, Greek, Axmaaro, Harari's (adari) waa la buuxaa. Waana meel ninkii ilaahay haleeyey u roon!!