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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Originally posted by Ibtisam: ^^WHat makes a MAN?? @ A&T Big BALLS, Brave heart and Brilliant mind!
  2. If promoting Qabiil is deemed wrong, I am of the opinion promoting Christianity in this forum should have been as well. Admin listen to our calls, please. You don't have to flex your muscles against harmless people like Marx. Ninkan hanalaga qabto. Waa War-xume guy. LX- Adeeroow, why can't we get your valuable and mature thoughts more often. Adeer, dee anagiibaad naga dhigaysaa niman iska duryamaya uun markaad noo aamustee fadlan warkaaga hala helo. Iyo taladaada. Xinn oo Jabuuti ka dhamaan la' ayaan miciin bidnay hadda.
  3. Originally posted by Ibtisam: So would you stop moaning and crying and calcal. If your Xalimo is no good, get another one who agrees with your views or a none somali one, just anaga warerika naag taay. I think all somali men who complain about somali women, just can't get one because they are ugly, bitter and stuck in 18th century. Haye. Well, to your first suggestion, what if changing six doesn't work? To the latter assertion, I thought In la adkeeyo unbay haweenku ubaahan yihiin'e it is not so much about being pretty. If that was the case, mid Jamican iga dooratay would have gone with me instead? I salute all the Raga raga ah ee SOL such as Sayid-Somal, Unknown1, Saqajaan, Dabshid and Ducaysane. I condem the spineless 'Rag la mood' such as Ngonge, Xinn, Jacaylbaro (oo saacadna nn rag ah saacadna xaawaleey).
  4. Waryaa yaan lagu jabsan. Meeshan islaamo dadka cunnaa jooga. Respect the rule laakin dabada u qabo!
  5. ^^ Welcome cry babies of SOL and feminists in the making. No one will delete it. This false citadel of sex-centrism and self-correctness you built is going to be crushed. I will not be surprised if CARA shows up anytime soon.
  6. Originally posted by Ibtisam: HAHAHA I did not thing of that, niinka naag baa laak qaadey. Maskeen, he is bitter. Forget about naag nalaga qaaday Ibti. Kuwaas haday wax tarayaan lugtaan ku wadhwadhany oo waan ku heesnay. But am I not vindicated for being angry when my wife plays politics with my baby when she wants to get at me? When she says he is having diaarrohea when he isn't just to get at me? or when she insists her medicine [dawadadeedu] waxay taalaa Cape Town when she has a mild flu? I am talking about the Suuro of the good old ones. The new breed- are utterly useless. The suuro continues albeit with a bit more sophestication. On the contrary, the care and UUNSI and the cock-dance before the big game are replaced by nagging over who goes to the kitchen and who holds the babies. I am totally justifed to feel nostalgic about the old ways.
  7. Speaking of Nin La gagay, who has heard of this poem? Nin la gagey gamman iyo ha koro geenyo fadal dheere Orod baan garmaameynayaa duhur gadiiidkiise Ha gorfeeyso Sheekee waxaan gaadi baa jira'e That obnoxious Nepthys ama her Xinn bal ha noo macneeyaan!!
  8. gene'ka yaan la badalin mooyee otherwise dhib ma leh. Laakiin, imagine mid Brad Bitt ama Wesley Snipes u eg oo ku leh Somali baan ahay? There will be nothing unique about our being 'self' haday taasi dhacdo. Laakiin Naagaha somalida dhibtooda darteed, waa in India iyo meela kale oo quman loo naago doontaa. Our Xaliimoos are useless.
  9. Yes, but I am talking about Athletics! not jabadaan or xeego! And When it comes to middle distance running, I get passionate [as if I am a real Ethiopian]!! The majestic moves of the Green floods as they are known at home is simply breath-taking! Watch the 5000ms women and tell me what you feel. It is on friday. The rivalry between the two Ethiopian Tirunesh and Meserat is so huge that they refused to speak to one another after Meseret denied Tirunesh a share from the million dollar jackpot of the Golden league. Tirunehs won five consecutive ones and needed a win to take 250,000 USD. Xaasidnimada Xabashida Meseret who had no chance of getting anything run as if she was getting an Olympic get and beat a complacent Tirunesh! It is between the two, and they have refused to work tactically as a team paying deaf ears to cries from fans and officials. A record will be smashed. Radhiyoow baa la jabin doonaa as Ina Duse used to say!
  10. Viva Oromia boys and Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Imperious Kenenisa (for whom Teddy Afro sung that beautiful Kenani-keya melody) swept the 10,000m, and although less comfortable in the 5000m, is keen to make an Olympic doubles. Ibrahim Jelani might be a surprise. The even more confident Tirunsh took 10,000m women; but will have to be at her best to get anything in the 5000m if Meseret Defar is on fire as expected. But, how many of you know all these gold medalists and the previous greats such as Derartu Tulu, Gete Wami, Haile Gebresellassie (not oromo), Fatuma Roba are all coming from the small village of BAKOJI- 223 kms south East of Addis Ababa amid the forbidding ARSI highlands? Bravo Bakoji boys and girls! Bravo Oromia people! When those chauvinsts Amhara's decried the loss to TPLF in 1991; lamenting the 'spineless',largely Oromo, army by composing this defiling Poem about Oromos' (they call them GALLA) they should have known better: Bi jagir naw injii ya Galla Wataadher Areeraa iyaa tatuu erenyinet neber! [meaning:] It is only out of a need That an Oromo has to be a solider; Otherwise, they are only good for drinking filthy yogurts and tending to the sheep) Ironic, it is the same people who are crowding the streets of Addis by waving national flags and chanting " Alle gannaa! Ethiopia Hagere!" pathetic hypocrats!
  11. Good my dear. Maalin wanaagsan. How Am I ever get to home? I skipped lunch again? Waa la ii yaabaa maanta?
  12. You are right. Some are related to astronomy (old style). But too of them are easy Somali. Socotodiisii -is from socod (going). Its going (referreing to the moon). Gaad is to try to catch something with out being seen. Waa la gaaday means he was ambushed, also. Mariqiyo, Dirirkii are the names of some stars. I guess Mariiq must be drived from the Arabic Al-Mareekh (the moon)??. Anyway, Anigaba waa la ii turjumay. Now that I gave you the directory, can you pull the meaning togather? STOIC will do, haddii kale.
  13. Wax saas u eg majiro. I know you are handsome guy. Psycholgy waxbaan ka qaatay, waryaa. Anigu as you might have seen waan wareersanahay oo xaalkayga iska xun. I found the aviatar describes my situation. I like it.
  14. CL I belive in Presentiments. Bring him in, then. Stoic The part about the mat is wrong. Ibti was right. I think you misread Godosho as Gogosha.
  15. It was the start, Nuune. Lily can help her with this one. But I am amazed by her level. She got A. Don't mind if she can't this one. Sagalkiyo Mariiqiyo Xidigaha Sideeda ah.. Dayuxunna Socotodiisii Diririkii Ma seerayn Gaad maduu la sugaayeey Waa kaa Sagaalkii inoo guday!
  16. I want Ibtisam to translate this song without help. I count on her adherence to the instructions. Just testing her somli, not to imply anything. Haduu dhugatoo Geel qabo Ma dhadhamiyo Geedaha Wuu godasha dhuubtaayee Ana cudurkan igu dhacay...
  17. NO. You are not lying. Only Misfiring.
  18. Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF)’s New Cloths "At last, all of the people who witnessed the nude emperor in the grand procession exclaimed “but he has nothing on at all”- following the cry of an innocent child. The Emperor realised he has been conned by the two swindlers, who he mistakenly, crowned ‘Imperial Weavers’ for manufacturing the ‘invincible suit’. But, instead of scuttling for cover, he decided to ‘bear up to the end’ and the ‘chamberlains walked with still greater dignity’" (sic) From Hans Christian Andersen’s ‘the emperor’s new clothes’ Last month’s ridiculous flag-waving and national anthem-chanting charade at Addis Ababa Stadium, orchestrated by Ethiopian Prime Minster, was not a mere display of new-found love to what he, not so long ago, described as ‘a piece of cloth’- the Ethiopian flag. I, here, set out to denude what that entire plaintive whimper was all about. It was the culmination of a political repositioning TPLF has been half-heartedly mulling for while; once more not because of a change of heart, but born out of the same sinister pragmatism that enabled this organisation to transform from seekers of Tigray independence to Rulers of Ethiopia; from being like a Siamese twin to the ruling party in Eritrea to its arch-enemy, from communists to capitalists in the span of two decades. They are also the sole owners of the oxymoronic ‘revolutionary democracy’, whose definitional cracks are so enormous that the curious who sought to get the feel of it have now resigned to the famous Amharic maxim ‘Hod-yifjaw’ [let the stomach churn what it means]. Having failed miserably with its policy of pseudo-federalism, crafted from the outset to marginalise the majority ethnic groups, mainly the Amharas and the Oromos, and to give the façade of empowering minorities; the new music to tune is a reversal of the ‘chauvinists’ mantra so mercilessly employed against the perceived past rulers. All of a sudden, now, we are required to dance to the song of ‘preventing anti-Ethiopia forces and secessionists’. And it was precisely to instil that ‘patriotism’ to the ‘unsuspecting rabble’, that the event has to be launched with such fanfare; and has to surpass in importance the famine that is ravaging millions of Ethiopians. Here comes Hans Andersen’s analogy. Does Meles think the Ethiopian People will seriously take him for a nationalist because he invaded Somalia by the order of the USA, and because he has refused to let Badme, so central to the national pride, goes to the rival Eritreans? Doe he really think Ethiopians are not following the recent land sales to the highest bidder, when millions of the land owners are ruined by famine, with awe? Is it lost to the master rhetorician that, indeed, he is born from the ‘people tested with fire’ and not from those they supposedly vanquished? Absolutely not! Like the nude emperor, Meles realises he has no cloths on. He is also like the king in that he thinks he needs to bear to the end. The underlying assumption of both dictators is that this folly can last as long as they wish. The folly, that the tribal avarice that has engulfed the horn and led millions to misery and displacement would be given an undisturbed continuity by constant machinations and political realignments. The tribal avarice that resulted in the illegal occupation of sovereign Somalia, and the reckless chewing of that unfortunate nation’s entrails. Let us not be detained by the Meles’s idiosyncratically discourteous attempt of giving the impression he has jettisoned what has served him best so far -division and breeding hatred; and is jellying with a call for unity and national pride. The bottom of that cyclical lie has yielded, and the ignobleness of the attempt to deceive is as palpable as the nude Emperor. But the question is will it really throw a life-line to the sinking ship of the TPLF? It is my considered judgement this latest political spectacle will not add a day to the era of Meles and comrades-in-crime’s rule in Ethiopia. Before I supply fodder to my argument, let me shed light on another tragic aspect of the TPLF’s last minute attempts to cheat an imminent organisational and aspirational death. In the last two weeks, in Somali Region, the top echelons of the Tigary People’s Liberation front led by long-time Party Chairman and ideologue Abay Tsehaye, are holding a series of meetings for various Somali clans. For the first time, open incitement of one clan against the other is preached. This is not new, but the level of direct state support for igniting armed conflicts among the people in the region has never come out so obvious. In one of the meetings, a Somali clan was ordered to apprehend any member of another clan in their vicinities and to confiscate their livestocks. Rogue members of the ‘rebellious clan’ members are empowered to assert their whims on others, by denying people from other clans Passports and other benefits they are entitled to. The same Rogue members, led by the regional Security Chief- Abdi Ilay, a parvenu of unprecedented impishness has been given the sole role of deciding who is citizen and who is not. This is to instil feelings of resentment against the clan he is seen to be representing, who actually are the primary victims of the miscarriage of Justices he dispenses on a regular basis. These desperate measures are the products of frustrations as the result of failing to defeat the growing insurgency in Somalia and in Somaligalbeed. It is also a manifestation of the level to which the tyrants of the East can go to maintain the sustainable status-quo. Dhoodaan must have been thinking about them when he said Takartaa Maroodiga Liqdaan Soo tuf leeyahaye” The revolt in Oromia is gaining momentum. The reinvigoration of the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) with the return of veteran politicians like Lencho Leta and Dima Nogo, not to mention the value to be added to the military wing of the front by the addition of General Kamal Galchu- who recently defected from the Ethiopian Defence Forces (EDF), the roads that go to all directions from Addis Ababa will not be without incidents in short period of time. ONLF has been mounting attacks on the Tigre-dominated demoralised EDF with more audacity. The Ginbot 7 (mainly Semitic Amhara and Gurage) group is said to be mulling joining the groups who are engaged in armed resistance. The crux of the matter is Meles cannot rule a democratic Ethiopia; and he cannot indefinitely succeed to hold against the coalescing forces for real change militarily. But the depth of the swamp he plunged Ethiopia into will be revealed when he is forced out of power. Brace for a replay of the Balkans 1990s!
  19. Do you think I fabricate things Saaxiib? Of course I fit one issue to another, but most of my stories are basedon REAL events. Haa, habeenkaa islaan baa na waashay! But I managed to escape. I haven't finsihed the story.
  20. Remember I am Badaw, not Fuley. I can't pass such things with a shrug! By the way, the talk about a cow named Toorays is true. I was watching a match and one man in the Muqaaxi kept on saying 'Sacanagii Tooreeys' baa la odhan jiran. I will share with you another story about watching footabll with Reer-Tuulo guys who are really into the thing. Laakiin at elementary level. Do you believe if I tell you two guys actually started trading blows when one insulted Thierry Henry and the other kept on saying " Aniga waad i caaayi kartaa, hoyadayna waad caayi kartaa, Laakiin Henry ma caayi kartid"? BTW, when did I claim I live in Ethiopia? I saw you say that on another thread? I lived there doesn't mean LIVE there. I can tell where I am in the Qolka.
  21. Originally posted by NGONGE: This one was from the heart. meaning the others were from the lower parts! I never miss your insinuations crazy carab!
  22. Ngonge Those are the best. Take it from me. I can explain in story, But it is Jimce Unknown; For some it is not yet jimce? Aduunkoo dhan ma Somaliyaad mooday?
  23. Nuune- Horta sac la yidhaa Toorays ma maqashay adigu?