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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Bffffffffffffffffffffffff@ Ibti's Somali. You got F sis. Nothing like that has been said here. Someone may clarify.
  2. loooooooooooooooo@waan is fahmi waynay. And all the insults against CL? I worry for you when she starts reading Somali.
  3. Maye, nin yahow mashquul baa la ahaa baryahan. Mida kale, dee yaan gabadh badhida la taabtay la sheeginna waa la yidhi. kolkaa ma sheeko kale ayaa meesha taal?
  4. Ngone, are you joking or what? You mean ilaa hadda waxba maad dhameyn? from the intimacy of the talk one would take the impression it is done and buried. But I am not amazed; I think you and Xinn are slow on those issues. Haweenkaad ku meeraysataan. Your knife is blunt! Edit- You should care if I think you are a good or bad. I owe you nothing. You explained something and it is accpeted instead. Odayda igu salaan, say some naught guy in SOl feels he is lucky!
  5. What is the fuss about? Is it about Ibtisam is a good girl but her martial status is unclear? Or the bit monestrously picked out of context by CL on despicability? There, I was referring to an act and not a person. I stand to be corrected.
  6. I am talking to Ngonge? Do something about your other-half? and No hindi please. Haddii kale kii Shakti ee Punjaabi'ga ahaaban meeshan keenaynaa! AABkee........
  7. Then you are excused and the matter settled. Ngonge get a business now. This one is done. May you please do something about your other-half who plays dumb when we speak to her in Somali and yet understands enough to roll eyes when she disagrees? SomTan miyaa mise waa from kenya horta?
  8. I am talking here refusal to return an islamic greeting, Mrs. Rolling Eyes? What do you say in polished Kisiwahili " are you eyes not tiring?"
  9. Nunne; I think there is no hard and fast rule on how to treat them. But generally you are right. Sinna ma ogola. It is good to avoid the extremes: Too bad or too nice. Ngonge- who can be better than you in being naughty? Do it. But if this earns me a greeting, I think Ibti's behaviour here was dispicable.
  10. I am staying put Ibti. This is unacceptable. Either men and women are equal in all and no one is to be previledged or it is the usual old way? You can't have it both ways. On behalf of the SOL men, I condemn this thread.
  11. She is not upset with me, waryaa Ngonge. She might be afraid of me. Edit- Nuune, salaan sare my dear. Ibtisam is good girl. I don't know her martial status,and it is vague in her profile. I don't why I am stating this. But I mind when she doesn't return an islamic greeting.
  12. How can she love me when you don't? I knew it. By the way, why is your Dumaashi not answering greetings?
  13. I suppose the milky one is the one that disturbed you. In any case, wixii qaldan nala soo socodsii adiguna. In public or private.
  14. This is discriminatory. Why have a separate thread for women when the world is moving towards gender equality? I object this and the separation of public toilets into male and female sections. We are the same and equal and we need not to be divided!!!!!
  15. Asalaamu calaykum Dearest Ibtisam. CL is an NGONGE project. I think they are playing on our psychology. Admin should investigate.
  16. Ursad- the Jolly Policeman Ursad knew that Qoor-gaab was not in the same league with him. And frankly, he isn’t! Qoor-gaab’s entry into a city life begun, when as a cameleer boy he joined Jabhadihii 77, got wounded and ended up in Mogadhiso. In those same days, young Ursad was the envy of all when he danced to the rhythms of ‘Saturday Night Fever’ and the blistering harmony from BoneyM in Mogdisho’s night life and major weddings. But Qoor-gaab is not intimidated by Ursad’s profile. He is convinced his exposure to calamities in his past nomadic life- the snake bites, the confrontations with hyenas and lions, the thunders and lightening he braved in open fields, prepared him for everything and hence; he will never succumb to challenges in life. That misplaced self-confidence is what annoys Ursad most. Qoor-gaab tried to hoodwink him on a subject he is well versed on. That Qoor-gaab reviled Maryan Mursal was not fresh to anyone’s ears, let alone to his closest friend Ursad. Qoor-gaab has stated at multiple times and in many forums that it is because she had starred in an obscene movie, and has polluted the good name of all Somali’s. But Ursad learned from Qoor-gaabi’s wife that his hate for the famous singer is to do with a less serious matter. Since the day she played, clearly intent on taunting him, Maryan’s “Qortiisa dheer, labada qaar, Rabbi baw dhameeyee, dhameeyee”, he started turning off her songs every time he hears. Their friendship started here and not in the big city. When Somalia crumbled, both took separate voyages back to their home village. After numerous attempts to go abroad, none succeeding, Ursad decided to seek employment in the Police force. Quickly, he started seeing the big difference between the liberty of the music and fun world he relished and the rigour and discipline of a constricting life in a law enforcing institution. The main challenge for him was wearing the brown police outfit and carrying a gun. Ursad is a very polite and soft-spoken young man with a taste to the enlivening life of company with women. Many who resented his contiguous attachment with girls dubbed him the ‘asymptote’; saying he gets closer but never touches the axis. Even Qoor-gaab once insulted him with something in that line, saying “you are the lid of the ‘wound’ of women’. Others mocked the way he moves around as if he was wearing an Armani and carrying a guitar; when he is patrolling the streets of the town. They say he shuts his mind to the fact that he is actually carrying a gun not a bag; and is wearing police uniforms and not a suit made by a designer. They are right. Ursad imagines he is walking to a theatre to perform whenever he is on duty. It is symptomatic of the life he leads. He even confided to friends that he believes his soul is in New Zealand, and only his body is in Dhagaxbuur. So when a suggestion from a man with so much self-belief and aspiration is flouted by a distinguished member of ‘raggii ceelasha’ as is Qoor-gaab, it is disheartening. But Ursad is not known for being inconsiderate and coarse. He shakes his head and laments the luck that plunged him down from the floors of Curuuba to Qoor-gaab’s Bacadle, from where he usually takes items on loan. Qoor-gaab insisted that the Police man is making irrelevant analogies when Ursad argued that Badal-Talyaani instigated the violence in the main prison which resulted in the death of six people after he watched and attempted to replicate ‘Prison Break’ . ,,,,,,,,,,,,To Be Continued, Insha-allah
  17. Hillarious! Ayuba is sharp!
  18. Originally posted by Kool_Kat: quote: quote: Originally posted by Ibtisam: ^^WHat makes a MAN?? @ A&T Big BALLS, Brave heart and Brilliant mind! My neighbors curi has bigger balls than nimanka qaarkood, waana is ogtihiin yaan la isku been guurin... [/QB]Loooooooooooooooooooooool@curi with bif balls!! Classic KK! That was good one. Don't get started though. I was just descriping a real man not myself. Kan JB ah asagu haweenka hoostooda muxuu ka qabtaa! Fur maxay in loo bixiyo miyuu rabaa? And he rejoices when one potential competetor is banned.
  19. I can't believe the sharp mind of Ibtisam will fail to see the obvious. Culture and Loyalty? Are these not synonymous with Religion (that should be the culture) and Honesty and Truthfulness with Loyalty? I see it is an oversight. Anyway, good we agree on the core values. You are right. I don't know about yours but I can surely say he is better than Ngonge. Ilaahay kaa yuuna kuu geyn. But I see he claims he is related to the man. Ceeb! Gold-diggeres are not good. But I have a story for you about those. I mean a real one. I will tell you tomorrow, insha-allah.
  20. ^ If you are looking for a good social worker- a good man in that sense- you got them already. Ngonge and Xinn are good candidates. Ilaahay ha kuu barakeeyo. Sorry, I thought you were looking for a good husband. On what makes a good women, I would say all the things I said about a good man; but would add somone who understands the unique difference between the two of sexes and appreciates that difference. A good muslim women will know that. But She should also be someone who can think beyond the glitters and can see the real thing. Not many of you pass that test of being lured by Dhaldhalaal and Dhanlanteed!
  21. Warmonger, I don't want to remind you the antiquated aphorism naagi tol maleh! Don't put me in a bad situation. +Faheema is also incisive with adjectives, and I don't want to mess up with her!
  22. Haven't I? Why focus on the Balls part only?? I said kind, generous, understanding, truthful, Intelligent, humourous, RELIGIONS (the main point), and honest. Laakiin adiga waxay kaa qabsatay uun Big balls kaan umaleyn? Edit- just for clarifications, are you looking for good man who is also a good husband or is this an advertisemnet for a good social worker or a Mu'addin in the local mosque?
  23. A lot of things. Kind, generous, understanding, clean. But he will still be incomplete without the Balls package. I mean literally. EDIT- Looooooooooooooooooooooooooool@ hoos aan iskala socono dee! Waan kugu dhawaaqaye raali noqo. Kolkol baan suufi ahay.
  24. ^ No,you don't understand. Rag baa jira meesha u soo shukaansi tagay oo is gadaya! Saas ula soco. Gabdahaa la iska dhaadhicinayaa!! Ibtisam Should I go in detail why big balls are needed or why brave heart and the other. I think, under the circumstances, it is quite specific not general. Ducaysane I hope you haven't inadvertently exposed your prey! Anyway, you and me waynu is ognayhay. ALl the things you say in the PM I will reveal if you don't stop pretending.