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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Xinn If at all my conviction to explore the tranqil world of eternal moments has increased. But time and pressure is not doing me favour. I am in talks with Ngonge about a mega-project on the issue. It is sad it looks inaan u hanqal taagayo Ngonge's call for macsiyo and not to your requst for me to seek the road of redemption. Ibtisam ima yeelayso oo waa Occupied. So stop dhiiga igu kicinta. Meesha haweenka jooga horaa loo kala sariftay, as I think. Wax ila hadla mahayo. Waxaan gaadayaa wax cusub oo aan i aqoon! I thought Cabdiyo Cabdi was new only to find out waa Buuxo.
  2. War meesha dee maa sidan laga daayo. Arimihii ad adkaa maa la galo waa maxay mikimik du? Kol haday shukaansi uun tahay HARDWARE ka ha loo daadago. Hadii kale sheeka quman meesha ha la keeno. Having said that I am sending my greetings through the air and oceans to Malika. I am here, dear. Ibtisam way carartay after I sent one punch at her. For all her bravado, she can't handle it. Now, I am looking for the final showdown with the old crocodiles VAL and Sheh. The prospect of a duel with them is mouth-watering. They have been balsting me in my absence. EDIT- Ngonge, I think we are missing the astray bullet- Unknown 1 to warm the place up. Right now, muqaaxidu ma shidna.
  3. Salaam Malika. Habaari. Anagu waan fiicanahay. Did you settle the debate on regularity of Somali's with lily? I saw you twisted her innocous reference to Somalia proper. Ninkan Ngonge la yidhaana horta where is he from? Waan ku wareeray. Is he an Arab or he is one of your own?
  4. Lily, something is bothering me. Your somali is impeccable from what I read and what you seem to decipher. On the otherhand , you refer to times when you didn't understood things. I have the feeling you are part of the KEN-TAN mafia in SOL? Eeyaa ma sijuu baa tahay? Ngonge- what if VAL is telling the truth and I am lost? Some soul searhing yaan u baahanahay. the other day I saw you talked about curi dibjir ah. Were you referring to me? Paranoia in display dheh hadda.
  5. Sahalo JB. Walac baan ku idhi (if you understand what I mean). Riwaayad baa la iga dhigtayba. I will elabore to you in Luuqa. Lily, waa arin iska hoose but thanks for the concern. Many thanks. To everybody (notice) I saw Ibti's comments some pages back about how she is incompareable to me when it comes to temper. I can say loudly even by my own standards, I fear Ibtisam. She is volatile, indeed. Seexteedu gal kuma jirto. Waa dadka yidhaa when you say maxaad sheegtay? Maxaan sheegi lahaa!!
  6. Originally posted by Valenteenah: Walaalo ha is ceebeen anaga ha na ceebeen ee odaygan NG iskaga hadh meel daran buu kaa ridayaaye. I CC this to Ngonge. Waad aragtaa NG waxa lagugu sameeyay! Val ninkan saaxib baan nahay. Who said one shouldn't be a friend to mentally challenged people? By the way, Sheh yay u hanjabaysaa tolow? If you don't want me to compose afareey aad SOL kaga cararto, behave! JacayBaro- meeshi waa sahalo. Walac baa i qasaya. Kolba nafi kuma jirtee kaalay baa la ileeyahay!
  7. Iyada laftigeedaa kolkii hore UGANDA ka timid! Ceeb! wataa R Kelly reerahoodiina gabdhihii bililqaysteen! These women who defean us here in SOL with stories of the failures of Somali men should pass a message to their sisters and educate them.
  8. Even VAL miyey i biloowday? I and Ngonge are friends. I can resent when he ignores my Salaams? Waa maxay waxa kale ee laga shanqadhinayaa? Ma dad riwaayado kale yaqaan ayaa meeshan jooga? Val iyo Sheh tu la yidhaa waan ka ducaysan jiray in ilaahay sharkooda i garab mariyo. I see I am not lucky this time. Shar Gudban, shaydaan xijaaban! If that loquacious cameronian boss of mine hadn't called us for one of his 'short' meetings, VAL meeshaan kala dhaco waa la arki lahaa. Ibtisam will cry tomorrow, I vow. Waa inoo bari iyadiyo Val ta weynba!
  9. Ngonge Talk to me. Are you like those men who desert their friends when surrounded by women. Waryaa ila hadal oo xagee wax marayaan? I need your attention. And frankly I am feeling jelous. No wonder my wife thought I am dating you.
  10. Originally posted by Cara: Hello trollers. Tell me to get back to work please. No, Please. Come to me CARA.
  11. Is it a coincidence that when Ngonge is not here, CL is absent too? Ibtisam- salaan sare. Has that thread of us been removed? I think I am in danger for my profanities. Jacaylbaro dadkuu isku diraa ee hala la socdo.
  12. Originally posted by Ms DD: Nephy/ducaysane Clearly you missed the point that women of past didnt have any feelings at all, so what would they express on bed? MS DD Humm and haah! lots of it. What the late Istarliin did to our friend. She was divorcee and our friend married her because of her beauty. The first night they went to a nearby hotel, it turned out nasty for the man. In the morning warqadeedii buu siiyey; because he said, I quote him, " Xalay oo dhan dhawaaqeedii baa Hoteelkii loo fadhiyi waayay. In those mellow moments I was distracted to stash xitaa Garbasaarteedii into her mouth but even that couldn't control her excitement. Tanni way i ceeebay. Tanoon laba qol oo marti iigu imanyaso dajiyo bal ka waran?" That is the feeling they need to express. The useless guy misunderstood a true Aphrodite
  13. Do you know who I am talikng about? Or you just assumed someone? I am leaving now. But if you respond, talk about Ngonge. I meant him. Because tii uu ku jiirjiirey nayey is not around (I mean CL) I think he is upto something with her!
  14. Ibti It is out of respect for you that I am taunting you with those things (I know you hate) today. Weird love miyaa tolow? How can I rejoice the wrath of someone I enjoy talking to. In any case, let us bring the torment to a conclusion and discuss seriously? Away ninkii?
  15. That is fine. Here is one for the test! A young boy of 6 bandishes his 'lizard' at his mom saying obsence things. The mom looked at him and responded "Enkuan ya aante intin, Ya Abaatih jallaa alchaalayim" [let alone your small finger, your fathers police stick could do nothing against me". It is an Axmaara story! Don't blame me! At least this is what you suggested. I mean a story for children.
  16. Ibti Dear, I can manage. For instance, I refused to condone the act of one silly man who got divorced from his wife becuase he asked for the unconventional. Even the mosque people condemned his acts when the lady revealed his demands. Then, the two wanted to come togather after a while. The lady was asked how she thinks it is Xalaal to go back who was intersted in the 'not-xalaal'. She said, he has a way of working around the system. She said his ways are more like burning a 'Madane' (the metal put in-between two fires to make marks on animals). When I heard about it I condemned it and still think it is filth! So you see I can also condemn X-rated stories when they are really nasty!
  17. Ibti- waa lagu salaamay walaal. Salaan qiimoiyo qaayo badan. As to your question, belive me I don't enjoy it; but when the exigencies demand a relevant story be told, what can I do macaan?
  18. Yesterday's somali women couldn't look at two cats consumating their love with eternal union and used to look away holding their hands on their eyes. Might have managed to peep through it, but that was all! Today's women are represented by Cibaado, the wife of Axmed Gamadiid, who didn't care whether I will hear her taunts against her husband and continued to warn him " Maxaad isaga damin waryaa" when he asked to be relieved of unrelenting 'strength' as the result of 'Geed la calashado' oo nin Oromo ah uu prescribe gareeyay. To fight his impotency, he paid the traditional healer at the instigation of his wife. It worked where it mattered; laakin he couldn't go to the town. It needed to be 'down-played' after mission was accomplished. The thing refused!!!! When he suggested he should go back to the man who raised the projector because the law of 'what goes up has to come down' is defied, that is when she started screaming at him: Maxaad isaga damin, bal waxaad ku hadlyso eeg! Yaa kuu kicin hadhow???????????/ That should sum up their difference!
  19. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: Religion is not the answer to everything. Haaaaaaa! Iminkaan wax fahmay. Waxa CHE loo la baxay. Dear, That is not what OUR religion says. Retract your irresponsible comments in time ama is adkee like a typical communist oo sii daa dag!
  20. CHE is my enemy. I will live to disappoint him.
  21. Norf1 Waa runtaa walaal especially when I am going to travel to a very dangerous city. Jo'burg. Istaaq-furullah and to Ngonge- good I see your true colours. You were ineterted in my 'wealth' and not me! As the kids say Cuuuuc!
  22. Ngonge, no bank account. I only know those words in dictionary. I am a poor man and you will be disappointed. But I can tell you where my clothes and shoes are. Those are what I can bequeath to you. Go to Dukaanka Dayib-dheere and ask for A%T's chinese made bag. Code: mention I have been last sighted with a an elderly women who had Xinnah all over her hands. He will give you. North, I was expecting you will be the first to offer condolences.
  23. Ngonge This is a message to you. I am going somewhere. If you don't hear from me in the next two days, fine. But if you still don't hear from me another two days, something terrible must have happened. Please announce my departure to heaven and accept condolences on my behalf. Bye!
  24. KK You just said loudly what everyone says in his heart. Don't listen to those who want to be socially correct. Iska ilaw kuwaas.