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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. iska iloow Qabiilka uurka kaga jira! Waxa uurkiisa ku jira la iinooma dirin! Mar haduu Ethiopia la dagaalamayo ila wado sheekha!
  2. War dadka lacagta wax ka sii, bakhaylyahoow. Talafoon'ka macal anagaad naga xidhay malaha!
  3. Unknown1 You astray bullet! Sheekhu wuxuu ahaaba wuu towbad keenay! His fighting against occupation is more than a redemption! Don't be fooled by the lackeys of the xabshi and haters among us.
  4. I am sick and tired of baby-sitting General Duke and his ilks nonesenses. Were they not the ones cheering the occupation yesterday? Ma kolka adeerkood ka xumaatay Ethiopia nacaan? Anyway, at least General Duke deserves congratulations for his promotion of transparent tribalism. There are others who disguise their clanish sentiments by honeying their arguments and adding a acne of sophistry to it. Allahu Akbar! the sights of Xafidullah Sheekh Roobow and Sheekh Y.M. Siyaad Indhacadde is mind-soothing. They have booked their golden pages in the history of the Somali nation with their gallentry! Allahu Akbar!
  5. loolllllllllllllllllllllllllll@hadaan laba ama saddex helo! War Johnyy B'ganina wuu ii dhinaa ileen? What is your other shirt? magaca kale ii sheeg. Far waa weyn unbaan wax ku fahmaaye. Saaxiib, hadaan wax hayno maxaa intaa naga dhawaajinaya? Side XINN baanu anagu soo doogsanay oo hadda soo toosnay dadka meesha isku haysta kala qaban lahayne! Sheh Salaanta miyaan la iska qaadayn? Waa sidee?
  6. Exactly!NG! ragaasi cosobsi bay ku jiraan. Meel kasta gacantay mariyeen! Radkoodiibaa meeel kasta daadsan. But I am not all dumb. I realised their potential; and it is not by happenstance I am a freind to Nuune and Xiin. I have the feeling Nuune inuu wax iigu maqan yahay. Xinn waa xaasid. Che is a bad man. He doesn't want to share what he has.
  7. ^ Soo ta dhamaatay. Ninkii polis'ka bastoolad buu ula baxay seedigii Ildab, yaa alaahu baa lagaga qabtay. Asturan'na noo fur baa lagu yidhi. Il-dab (not the real name) ilma-adeer ayaanu nahay.
  8. By the way, NG, maad igu soo wareejisid qolodan afka kale ku hadasha?
  9. I agree, they are fine working places. But, a mother who called her son in US sums up my felings. The man told his mom he works in a slaughter house where they kill more than 1000 bulls each day and his task is cleaning the blood. A worried mother told him " Hooyo, yuuna shaydaan ku dardarine qardhaas ma kuu soo diraa?"
  10. Azeb waxay kaga dhexdhacday dhiiqo iyo biyo intuu simbiriri xooday; dad badan ayaa isugu yimid oo uu ku jiro nin seedigii ah (Asturan's brother) oo Polis ah!
  11. Sheh salaan kor iyo hoosba! soo dhawoow! CL, I may not be upto to task to land one SOL bird by my own, but that doesn't mean I cannot instigate NG to throw you so hard that you come to file Dacwo with me and then you know what happens. NG- hamaqlin warkeeda. You aint going anywhere. We need you here. Work won't prevent you from posting. Of course, dadka hiliblayaasha ka shaqeeya iyo kuwa factory labour qabta will have no time. Not an office guy. [ no offence intended here against laboureres, but they won't be able to access computers].
  12. Ma wadi karo. Nin baa arintaa ku ceeboobay oo arin fool xun.
  13. IL-dab and The disabled girl Il-dab finally convinced his conscience that it is not a crime to sleep with Azeb - the young pretty Axmaar girl, who is paralysed by Polio and was on a wheel-chair for all her life. She sells the small kiosk next to his house, where he is taken care of by his solemn wife- Asturan. Azeb was twenty-two and just took her school leaving examinations this year. That Ildab squints his left eye and looks like a car with only one headlight didn’t bother her. He was humane and kept on expressing his interest for a long time. She felt like a proper girl worth living because of him. Becuase of His flattering remarks and reassuring words. But the proximity of Il-dab’s house to her shop and the logistical hazards of moving a wheel-chaired girl into places in town constricted the available options for consummating their love. Or at least what she saw as love. Clearly, it was lust that drove Il-dab into this arduous hunt. Then that unforgettable Thursady arrived. At first, he was taken aback by her suggestion that they leave the wheel-chair behind. Her plan looked foolish but the unassailability of her ingenuity amazed him as she spewed out the details. He was told to rent a taxi and come at 7:00pm in the evening (the closing time of the shop), carry her on his shoulders and then they are off to any hotel. He couldn’t believe his luck. That part of the plan was executed with deadly accuracy. Then, the failure of factoring the season into their plan become apparent as the dark clouds soon started releasing their waters. It was Gu’ (the main rainy season). It was also the peak time for tourists to arrive and all hotels are overbooked. He also made the mistake of ejecting out of Taxi’s with the young girl on his shoulders while asking the receptionists if they have rooms to let. From Hotel to Hotel, people at duty on front desks shook their heads to signal ‘No’, in horror and disgust, as they looked at the drops of water on the young girl's head and the thick man carrying her. ,,,,,,
  14. CL- the explanations are palpable for you to see. on a more serious note, you need to respect me more than you do now. Do you realize I can ruin your life? I am the closest friend to NG. I will tell you what you asked me, later. Afro-girl adigu waadigii i diiday maalinkaan ku idhi bal waran e maxaad ii sheegi? Waa kaad is dhagoolaysay!
  15. Safe Journey JB. If your company is Ibti- Johnny B iyo anigu maxaan markaa isku haynaa? bad luck. Nuune- War meesha ka kac oo bal meesha ii dhexmar. If you find all the nubile ladies are either occupied or unwilling, kuwo aan ka ducaysto soo hel. I am not finicky. Aakharadaydaan u shaqaysan.
  16. She agrees. She is one of them. Just see how she is responding to your therapy. That is what I lack. The persistence.
  17. Nuune Hal mahayo saaxiib. Anigoo kale waxba ma helo. Raga khatartii waa kuwa meel uun daba-dhigta. You will pick a pattern. See Ngonge. CL bay u sudhan tahay. Spare part'na wuu haystaa. See Xiin, Bishaaro leewarka u hayaa. Anigu kolba mid baanu is haysanaa. Markaa waa la iga diday! Ngonge- Salaams. Koley waan eedi salaantaadee! CL good to see you understand my Somali. Or is there someone translating to you. NG? You see what I am saying is a good farmer can only have a bumper harvest if he concenrates on his farm. I am a lazy farmer.
  18. ^ Waa la isu kay sheegay baan umaleyne, let us concentrate on ambushing new entrants. Inta hore, they are updated. Mise iyaga laftigooda mid laga xanaajiyey baan sasabtaa. have you ever been approached by a beautiful girl (an acquaintance) who tells you at length sida uu her man -in most cases your friend- u xumeeyay? And did you have the gut to console her by wiping tears from her eyes and suggesting non-verbally that the tears could go away forever if she assents to what is in your mind? Women are sophesticated. There are some who understand it in a fraction of seconds. And all the grief is gone!
  19. Originally posted by Johnny B: Ibti, let's just hope that you kept my pic. AT&T iyo his captivating stories ba budh la dhacay,oo hos u dhige, ana sawir dirid iyo look @ me ban ku washe. Waryaa Johnny B; Who told you AT&T's face looks like a bone roamed by qudhaanjo. Send your photo to Ngonge and let him judge bal in aad koob shaah ah iga wadid. Of course, wajiga is not the only thing. We may have to present ourselves for physical inspection. Adoo suulal (toes)malaasan iyo taayiro kuwa ku yaal cartoons'ka Amiin Caamir la moodo meesha la yimid yaan lagu arkin! Nuune War bal line ii bixi bahaabahaadii hore waxba kuma hayee, Sheekh ma iska dhigaa oo sida BOB Asalaamu calykum iyo Wabilaahi Tawfiik dadka mu ku garaacaa. Ramadan is looming and it should help in terms of the timing for the transformation. EDIT- nuune, galalxoor waan fahmi waayay. Nin gabannaya unbuu iila muuqdaa. Tan kale, the real name is not Nafiiso. Magaceeda saxdii waa si kale.
  20. Nuune waxaad igu qaldayss XINN. It was Xinn whose PM was full and I was complaining about that. By the way, I have altered the name of the caller to Nafiiso, becuase I am having the gut feeling that the same lady is on SOL posting under a very familiar name. Mid baan ka shakisnahay inay iyadii tahay, walaahi!
  21. Nepthys; La hamiyay dartaayoo Habeen socod ku waasho Waxan heega dhaabaa Haawadaa Sariirtee ma inaan nidhaa ayaad rabtaa??????; waa maxay waxan aad kaa kicinayso. You should know some of has soft spot for romantic music.
  22. few weeks back, Naxar nugaaleed was defending Mohamed Dheere as the strong pacifying man. Now that he is appearing to be at odds with NN's adeer, I wonder if he will see him for what he is.
  23. ^ Dabshid, imisa xaas baad lee dahay? Hawlaha yaree. * * * 15 years ago, fed up with the innumerable 'inaabtiyo' and 'habrwadaags' I have, and finally pushed by the remarks of one girl who told Nafiiso 'Ma inaad nin quman saaxiib la tahay baad ismooday. Bahalka xun ee sidii dakhsi oo kale qudun kasta lagu arko'; my girl friend sent me a letter with these words: Hadaad kaligaa is mooday Inaad kalgacayl abuurtoo Rag baa kaa sii sareeyee Jacaylkaagii Kaxeeyso aniga ii keeni mayside mid kale kohoshada la doono... Guess what? This morning Nafiso's call from the far west woke me up. Wher are the men she siad are above me? I am immensely pleased. Or could it be a classic case of: Kalgacaylka guunkii Inuu gaaxdo mooye Sina kuma gaboobee! At least the self-esteem and confidence that was getting low as ALL SOL ladies decided to boycott me and not even one cared to send a PM to me is restored. Was there a special session where ALL of the bilcaans here decided not to engage me? I have this request. I am not choosy now. Isu taga oo mida aad necebtihiin, hala i siiyo as a curse, if you may!! All age < or = 45 waa caadi.
  24. Below is the exact cut and paste of what I wrote in the supposed filth thread. Bal masabidaada la igu hayo eeg, ya xiin. Does this seem remotely profane? I was comparing past and present Somali women. * * ** ** ** ** Comment 1: Yesterday's somali women couldn't look at two cats consumating their love with eternal union and used to look away holding their hands on their eyes. Might have managed to peep through it, but that was all! Today's women are represented by Cibaado, the wife of Axmed Gamadiid, who didn't care whether I will hear her taunts against her husband and continued to warn him " Maxaad isaga damin waryaa" when he asked to be relieved of unrelenting 'strength' as the result of 'Geed la calashado' oo nin Oromo ah uu prescribe gareeyay. To fight his impotency, he paid the traditional healer at the instigation of his wife. It worked where it mattered; laakin he couldn't go to the town. It needed to be 'down-played' after mission was accomplished. The thing refused!!!! When he suggested he should go back to the man who raised the projector because the law of 'what goes up has to come down' is defied, that is when she started screaming at him: Maxaad isaga damin, bal waxaad ku hadlyso eeg! Yaa kuu kicin hadhow???????????/ That should sum up their difference! Comment 2 : a response to Ibti Dear, I can manage. For instance, I refused to condone the act of one silly man who got divorced from his wife becuase he asked for the unconventional. Even the mosque people condemned his acts when the lady revealed his demands. Then, the two wanted to come togather after a while. The lady was asked how she thinks it is Xalaal to go back who was intersted in the 'not-xalaal'. She said, he has a way of working around the system. She said his ways are more like burning a 'Madane' (the metal put in-between two fires to make marks on animals). When I heard about it I condemned it and still think it is filth! So you see I can also condemn X-rated stories when they are really nasty!