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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. laba meelood buu ii calaamadiyey? waan ka shakisnahay his intentions laakiin.
  2. Ngonge ayaa shalay tilmaan i siiyey ee ma ku qaadqaadaa mise waan ka fiirsadaa?
  3. Thanks for the inaccurate lessons on short story writing. Anyway, hawshaas waxaan geliyay moratorium'e, macalin xaggaa baan ahaye wax war ah?
  4. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: Dear A&T, Stop running after women. If they want you they will come to you no matter what. No one will stop their way. They are not coming JB! I have waited for too long. Warkaa iga daa oo, ma wax baad ii haysaaa?? ramadaan karim saaxiib! On the length of my stories, I balame you: The impatient reader. How on earth do you think a story can be told without first bulding the characters! that takes some lines.
  5. At least Johhny got one smile! waryaa isku mid baynu nahay maxaad u lahayed? Ramadaan karim folks! Ilaahay intii dhimatay ha u naxariisto intii noola sidoo kale!
  6. Nuune Hedde away ku he? macalin xagaa baa ahay oo kolkan Nuune arkaba inaad i tilmaamysaan moodi? Sorry for the outbrust. It is out of desperation. Johnny I didn't get her telephone! Old style shukaansi tactics. Pretend things are working so the soft-hearted run away! waa kaarto. if you are also a proven loser, join me in the hunt! Waxba kama qabo if we scramble for the leftovers of Nuune, Xinn and Che.
  7. What has famine and war got to do with love? CL! waa sidee? Now get out of my face. You are marked! Nuune, away hee?
  8. Cabdi Cabdi Most importantly, they are happening on a daily basis but people don't want to talk about them!
  9. Nuune adiga laftigagaan kaa shakiyee are you with me or with the enemies (sidii Bush)? Ilaa shalay dhagtaa ii taagnaydee maad meel uun farta iigu fiiqdid?
  10. ^Kaalay Johnny- adigu ma meeshan galo unbaa malab laguugu sheegaa? maxaad ka rabtaa Afro? You remind me of Cabdikarim nin la odhan jiray!! My aviar shows what I am not a philospher- that is nin wareeray!
  11. ^Waraa geeljire Prince iyo waxaa ma garanayo ee ninkaa feedha-weyn ha laga saaro meesha. Dameerahanguna isma saartaan! Afro-American'kaba in la iga shido miyaadan ogeyn? Including this OBAMA guy!
  12. remove this one immediately! odaygii xayraanka ahaabaa dhaamay! just becuase Afro likes to twist and turn judging by her aviatar's doesn't mean she will like to have ciyaala suuq shaaha la caba 50 cents. Afro- intaana ku baafin war halagaa helo.
  13. Iska daa Ngonge waa nin fiicane; maxuma ratigiisu! take it from me. Lots of people are just resenting that I am following the advices of a true genius! There is no shame in that! If I can't be a genius, why not listen to one? Adigu sheekadaa inaga daa oo ma Samuel Jackson buu u eg yahaybaad ka naxday waadiga hadalkii adkeeyee????
  14. Sameul L Johnson is not even one of my favourite actors let alone resemble me! NGONGE maxaad magacyga u bi'inaysaa? AFRO ayaa waxoogaa hadal jilicsan igu la hadashay oo markaasaad iga didinaysaa soo ma aha? Afro- ha maqline halkii xalay inooga wad! Nuune- Salaan sare!
  15. Sanadkan Somaliya ninkii diin lahaa unbaa dad ka noqday. The rest are filth! hassen, there is nothing called Ethiopians saaxiib. By legal definition, I also am Ethiopian and brandish Ethiopian Passport at Airports! The OROMOS are also ethiopians by this logic! www.Nazret.com is owned by a Tigre! The Amhara's own www.ethiopianreview.com. Go and see what they are saying there. The Tigres and Amhara's are the enemeies of Somali's, not the rest of Ethiopians. But, even among them, the Amhara's would have jubilated if the Tigre army in Moqdishu is massacred. Blind general hate will only consolidate the powers of the enemy. You must play the game the way they play! For now, concentrate on the Tigres!
  16. Awaey Nephthys page'kagii is missing. Waa talantaali tani!
  17. Originally posted by Gheelle.T: AT&T, Salaan kor iyo hoos ahna maxay ahayd? It doesn't concern you, dearest. Haweenka unbay khaas u tahay! Waa farsamo! kor u bax! I mean wareeg baan ku idhi if you are hearing me! afar-iyo-afartanka u wareeg! have you ever used a radio language?
  18. Unknown Inagu aynu isu danbeeynee ninkan horta wajah! waa qaa'in weyn oo bahaabahaale ah! yuuna ku didsan. Nin botero la yidhaa buu meesha ka eryay. Adigana Go away waa kii ku lahaa! markaa adigaan ku difaacayaa, inkastoo aadan i dirsan! Mutadawac@isqor.dhiiga
  19. Malika, Salaam. Dee waayadan xageed ka dhacay?
  20. ^ Agreed! Unknown! Guul! Sheekh Abu-mansuur is above a man. In the pedigree of Ayroow and others. Indhacadde is not there but he surely did fine by fighting occupation. Afro Aad ayaa laguugu fiican yahay walaal! Salaan Kor iyo hoosba iga guddoon. Kolkol unbaa wareeraayee irredemable ha imoodin. Wa'ayo ninka BBC'da ka caytamayaa? I guess YEY? How I relish his demise!
  21. So what? her brother could have butchered tens of people in Bakara market? ma adiga service lagu siiyey baan xabshi ku cafinaa?
  22. Afro Dee tooshka ha idu shidin when I misfire! ka bood! Otherwise, how are things with you? Horta where are your political affiliations? Are you with the Dukes and Emperors or with the sons of the soil like seef-wielding Unkown1, the irreplaceable Kashafa and the fighter Dhubad?
  23. Ngonge; Horta ninyahoow maxaad Coke iyo Tea kaga mashquusha! Saad nin weyn u tahay unbaad minor groceries dhex boodi! Ninkan UNKOWN ah maad iska daysid. You destroyed Botero and is is the next! Wuu kaa soo dacwooday!
  24. Originally posted by Afr0 GirL: ..the jabiso will kick my a$$ and Afro, I wish I was jabiso then. How lucky! Unknown Sheekh Indhacadde ka hadh haddaad amaan iga rabtid. You must know the man still had the option of surrendering to Axmaaro and Anti-islamic America and enjoy his 'gang day' loots. If his conscince led him to persue a different path, why must his past haunt him. You may not regard him in par with the illustrious Abu-Mansoor, but he is not a traitor! Wixii dhexdeena ahaa ka bax saaxiib.