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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Just landed at jomo kenyatta. Alpha i called you but as usual your phone was off and the lady kept on saying "this phone is switched off". I think the automatic operator should say somthing like " this phone is on now", for it looks your phone is on only for few minutes in a day. Ngonge, I agree this update is a bit juvenile but please understand the fury of a jilted man, a man who is dealing with midlife crisis. I promise the rest of th chronicles will be more serious and will be focused on social,economic and political observations.
  2. Juxa, I am not a feeble-minded person as you think. In fact, I have a knack for creating a positive out of the most negative situation. When the maid said she loves me, I didn't take it badly at first. She was my maid. I looked at the matter carefully and realised that the maid could have loved me only because I am a good-hearted person. A courteous one too. I saw the silver-lining in the situation. I took it as a confirmation of the widely-held view that I am a man full of compassion for people from all walks of life. I am not overly concerned with the lack of a young lover. I know I can buy one. I just get upset when others of my age tell me that they are switching off their phones because they are chased by univesity girls! I say why is it not happening to me? I mean it is not because I don't meet many of them. My work means I meet many gilrs of high-stars. And I am complaining not only about Hargeisa but also about Nairobi! I don't mind if no one comes close and shows interest, that is normal. They could think I am already taken, and not available. I am dismayed because I am becoming the most eligible second-hand man for menopauses and maids. That is a matter of pain and hurt for me. Waryaa let me run and grab a quick lunch at the nearst hotel.... Waryaa J- WAG, I know you are reading this in Nairobi, bari update on the politics baan kaa rabaa! Don't call me caawa.
  3. I am leaving Hargeisa in few hours. I can't say I haven't enjoyed it, even with a bad health. I have asked a friend of mine why they do not have a catagory for "people living with flu and allergy" (PLWFA) like they have one for People living with HIV/AIDS. It could be old age. But health problems are the last of my complaints. I leave Hargeisa heart-broken, genuinely dismayed. For all the talk about pretty girls swarming the streets and alleys, I have yet to meet one single decent girl who showed any interest in me. Of course, we rule out the crazy gold-diggers and mindless qat addicts who go with anyone with few coins to share. I am talking aout decent girls from good families. Yes, I am an old man. I know that. No self-respecting girl finds an old man with sagging belly and beaming head attractive, but then there should have been some equally decimated second-hand women who show some interest! In a way, my fortunes in Hargeisa mirror a life-time of deprivation in the love arena. The only two to three women who ever said they love me, both happen to be from a lower profession - a maid and cleaners in an office. I felt like hanging myself from the next electric pole! And again, the third one was this week. Again, a clearner. I don't have any bad attitude about the profession itself, but why can't I attract women of younger age or of better career? It is something that bothers me. And yes, I heard one other high-career women was asking about me. it is not clear if she wanted me for work-related matters or if it was about myself. I saw her and this one was in her late 40s, just like me! Am I made for retirement love, sometimes I wonder! Ok, let us stop all this rubbish palaver. What preoccupied me more than the lack of a new blood of lover was my safety, what with Norf tasking Jacaylbaro to posion me and this young flamboyant Alpha smearing my name alleging that I hate Somalilanders. ...more sensible observations to follow!
  4. Apophis;871329 wrote: Yes but have you come across the hadiths on hypocrisy? Apophis is sharp and caught Maaddeey here, but isn't Maaddeey all about hypocrisy and contradictions?
  5. Ok, I am guilty as charged. Minus those two words, we now agree my portrayal or expectation of Maaddeey was totally wrong. For the avoidance of any confusion, this is the statement Ngonge endorsed: "So, you are basically saying I, Abtigiis, may have promoted the man beyond his competencies and appropriate station in life, and in so doing burdened this ... individual with expectations much too serious for one so ....; indeed one so ripe ."
  6. So, you are basically saying I, Abtigiis, may have promoted the man beyond his competencies and appropriate station in life, and in so doing burdened this mediocre individual with expectations much too serious for one so simple; indeed one so ripe . It is a charge I accept if Maaddeey confirms your views of him.
  7. You do not need to shun music, cigarette, shiisa and thighs to support the ONLF or any secular outfit. You do need to shun all these 'excesses' if you are an Alshabab supporter. It is this bleeding contradictions of Maaddeey that are of concern to us and the fact that he is now jumping ship. All this point to a pseudo-jihadist, which if we agree on that depiction, leads to a scrutiny of his motives. This shows the guy is a mole. Unless, ofcourse, he has totally gone bonkers, in which case his shrinks need to take him to the nearst dabiib center. I say this not out of malice or hate for him, but out of a geninue concern for the welfare of Maaddeey.
  8. No, it is not! it is a clear demonstartion of how intelligence manuals and tactics are catching up with the internet age. There are times when we thought Maaddeey was just a ductile product of what Salman Rushdie calls "the outrage industry". But overtime, evidence from various sources finally confirmed we have a serious problem here. Otherwise, how can one reconcile the idea of a genuine jihadist who is also a fun-lover at the sametime? Unless Maaddeey is another Islamprenuer?
  9. Blame the Kushitic-Saxons, or black british that are somalilanders. Immediately after you arrive at Egal International Airport, the first signpost you read says "The Duke of So and so opened this airport in 1955" something like that! It is a way of advertising your Britishness, I suppose. I will not even be surprised if I hear that there is an internal circular urging people to show extra respect to men of white skin.
  10. Adeer, that you are undercover is not a concotion of mine. Go blame Axmed Cabdisalam who is the source of this classified information. It is shameful Ngonge is appeasing this dangerous undercover. It is a confirmation of Ngonge's decline both in intellect and in courage. It is nowadays becoming difficult to tell between Ngonge and Xaji Xundjuf and one can only theorize that this is because their point-man in the south, Godane, is losing.
  11. Maaddeey's treatment of the rest of confused Jihadists in this forum,including but not limited to Che, is like the the selfish neglect of a crafty lover who torments her man with the preliminaries only to brusquely disengage at that intoxicating moment when things start to get really stirring. All along he titilated them with false national fervor and steely determination only to show signs of turning his coat at the crucial stage when Alshaba's life has passed its denoument and is getting close to its end. This can only suggest that the guy was in this fanatical posturing for a purpose.
  12. I think Che is in trouble because he trusted Maaddeey.
  13. Naxar, there were! and Maaddeey posted a profile of him I posted some years back to hit against the latest dsicovery about his real person. I find the following lines interesting because it is clear the suspicion about his multipe identities was always something that bothered us. Maaddeey is funny, cheeky, wise and shallow in equal measures and is an enigma to most SOLers. The fact that he was suspected of being a script for a range of different personalities, from Ngonge to his arch-rival Xinnfanin, from an invention of mine to Kashafa’s new face is indicative of the multiple characters he displays.
  14. This thread doesn't say you are not a CIA mole. It says you are charming and we still believe you are.But underworld personalities and even outright criminals, such as Pablo Escobar, are charming in their own way. So, if the intention of digging up this thread was to discredit the new revealtions aboiut you, you failed.
  15. :D He wouldn't. He actually likes it, they say.
  16. Norf made the tea. But then SOLers have been raising their suspicions for sometime since Maaddeey mentioned both Hassan Dahir Aweys and Magool as his heroes (basically a mullah and a singer at once) and declared his love for Marlboro cigaretttes in his famous thread "sakareetga dhuuga, sanka qaaca ka sheena". With the fall of Kismayo, the man is expected to come through and signs are that he is preparing for such a transformation. I can confirm that he twice shared with me disturbing list of people he thinks are working with Alshabab. At the time he was saying these are the good and patriotic Somalis who are with me in this fight against infidels. I now think those are the ones marked for extermination. If I were Che or Xinnfanin, I would be worried. Blue, this is a serious matter, not a bikini parade.
  17. Alpha you are no dylexia vitctim, the allegation is you are a love machine and the Tigre Woods of Hargeisa. That is why you have no time for visiting friends. I know you want to be a leader in the future but how can a man who cannot manage his zip manage a country?
  18. Walaalkiis, this is the outcome of a painstakingly deligent investigation. There is no reason why we would besmirch the good name of a SOLer if we aren't sure of what we are saying. The purpose of posting this finding is to warn fellow SOLers from exchaning private messages with this man- Maaddeey. For your own safety, please avoid any direct contact or communication. Also kindly delete any information you may have exchanged with him in the past. If you are a girl he got in touch with, kindly rethink any plans you may have had in mind. The man is known to promise to marry the last women he sees. Apophis, by we I mean myself, Ngonge, Norf, the Zack and Nassir. It is the conclusion of these men that Maaddeey is a CIA mole. I am speaking on their behalf.
  19. Forget about the mud and mire our resident Alshabab affecionado, Maaddeey, wallows in to hoodwink credulous members of this forum. We can now confirm that the chain-smoking, music-loving Maaddeey is indeed a certifiable CIA operative hunting for radical islamists online and on the ground. His real name is Abdilatif A. Wacaysle and he is in his late 40s, barely a year or two younger than me. ...more damning details to follow.
  20. Maaddeey, ninyahow nin maskax badan baan kugu ogaa ee baryahan meeshaad ka socoto iyo meeshaad u socotid ma garto. What are you saying now on this thread? Are you arguing Kismayo is not taken or that it will not be taken or was taken or what? Why does it matter if it is already taken or if it vacated and the allied forces move in in few days? I think you are suffering from what Yalaxow calls the "bililiqo amnesia syndrome". :D
  21. :D Maaddeey, if by what you said you mean you are now jumping ship, I wlecome it. You are right, if I can stop that, there is no reason why you can't ditch Alshabab!.
  22. "Al Shabaab oo isaga baxay Kismaayo" Should be followed by "Maaddeey oo isaga baxay Somalilaonline".
  23. Not even a hint of what is taking place in that place? People will be shocked to know that there are about 3000 inmates in Jeel-Og.den in Jigjiga which is built for less than 300 people. Every week or so, two or three bodies are given to their families after they die in that jail. Only in 2011, 47 names were released of people tortured and killed in that jail, including Garaad Hassan Ahmed Makhtal and old man Nadir from Qoraxeey.
  24. We will change that Hospital's name "Abdullahi Guudcadde Memorial Hospital" soon. We will also rename the road from Jigjiga to Dhegaxbuur "Xassan Aw-Ciise road". We vow to the sky to the earth that their sacrifices will not be in vain!
  25. The Zack, leave Nin-yaaban alone. he didn't understand the video is a mock video of Abdi Iley's cry after Meles died. If you can get the other video post it here. Tan dadka dabataagan ay leeyihiin "Meles Ma dhiman" after him.