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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. The day I saw Mcgacan (McCain) push Sarah Palin to the podium, I, impulsively thought of Ibtisam. Xawliga ay meesha ku soo gashay Sarah Palin unbaan is idhi 'war ma Ibtisam'baa?' Anyway, Salaams to all. Nuune, xageed joogtaa?
  2. Ramadaan Kariim KK. Ilaahay khayrka bisha barakaysan ha ina siiyo. Salaan kor iyo hoosba.
  3. Brof; Colonization is an extended occupation. Seey kaa noqotay!
  4. Originally posted by Sayid*Somal: quote: The Mini-A&T is back ........ what is with these comparisons with me and A&T????? :confused: the first time, i exchanged words with the guy - he accussed me of being christian of some sorts and i am getting you people calling me mini A&T - what is with you? am i missing something here - would someone let me know please. Sayid Soo digii lahaa waan ku cafiyey!
  5. Meles Zenawi and the Somalis, in the Lafontaine Tales By : THE MAAN-HADAL TEAM September 04, 2008 “…After centuries of unreality, after having wallowed in the most outlandish phantoms, at last, the native, gun in hand, stands to face with the only forces which contend for his life- the forces of colonialism…” Frantz Fanon, the Wretched of the Earth A quick look back at the ageless fables of the 17th century French Poet, Jean de La Fontaine, evokes an interesting comparison between the interactions of his lucidly conversing animals and what led Meles Zenawi to invade the sovereign nation of Somalia and sustain the subjugation of the ethnic Somalis in Ethiopia. It would be appropriate to start with the current state of the Somalis. The basis for the perpetual internal conflict among the Somalis is summed up by the tale of the two Nanny-goats, in which ornately costumed beasts fight so hard for a right of precedence on a narrow bridge that they both fall into the river. The tale could be extended to include the identities and motives of those who have provided the garbs for the duel to the two goats, and it will elucidate all the dimensions to Somalia’s conflict: the internal foibles and the external malice. In the last two decades, Western financial institutions for various reasons, ranging from genuine commitment to end hunger in Ethiopia to geo-political considerations, has been pumping money into the pockets of the regime in Ethiopia. The support continued despite persistent reports of human right violations in the form of detentions of political opponents, denial of democratic rights, and targeted violence against ethnic groups perceived to be unsympathetic to the ruling elites. This unconditional financial and political support from the west blurred the eyes of the regime to the dangers of overestimating its ability to rule by force. Any doubts as to whether the leaders of the regime would be held accountable for their crimes dissipated soon after the charade in 2005 elections ended in the massacre of over 300 children and the arrest of all political activists. Buoyed by the ceaseless inflow of money and mislaid accolades from western leaders, it was only logical for Meles to believe he is an Eagle and not a Raven, anymore. In the Lafontaine tales, the raven attempts to act like an eagle, and perishes when his incompetent claws are tangled in the thick wool of a lamb. Meles, who prides himself of having a thorough understanding of the Somali psyche- a psyche he thinks, is full of tribe and triviality, sought to use an attack on Somalia as an entry point for a much needed transformation into “a conquering Ethiopian hero”. The exigency of growing a new skin dictated the move; after the deceitful ethnic-federalism policy failed to either allay the fears of the nationalities that supported the initiative, if not the way it was practiced by TPLF to assert its hegemony on other regions; or the misgivings of the unionists who opposed it from the start as a policy sowing division and discontent among the different ethnic groups in the country. Meles sent his army into Somalia, partly to serve the American and western interests, but also because he expected an easy ride. The latter misreading of what lied ahead emanated from Meles’s engagements with Somali political figures who were mainly warlords and self-seeking political rejects with no national agenda. For him, the mentality of those apathetic individuals who stooped down to lick his boots for advancement of personal and/or clan ambitions epitomized the essence of being a Somali. Coupled with the fact that the clan card is often present in Somalia’s political discussions, he thought he would be able to foment a civil war in Somalia and will be able to use one clan against the other, indefinitely. To some degree, he has been successful. But, he has underestimated the conviction of true Somalis who would not take the insult of being colonized in the 21st century lightly. So, the fight back is consum
  6. A MAN OF GOVERNMENT Looking at the shirt spattered with a bird shit, Inshaar felt a wave of thrill the pleasant nuisance instilled in his heart. He may not subscribe to the superstitious flock that would have jumped with overt greed in anticipation of big money coming their way, but he, at least, translated the occurrence as a sign of good things to come. Maybe, Ethiopia will decide to stay longer in Somalia? Maybe, the US will bomb hidings of the terrorists in Somalia? Or maybe the clan that supports secession in the north will be eradicated by earthquakes from the face of earth? Earlier in the day, the circling of buzzards all over the sky frightened him. He thought their new adversary in the government might win; or the brave men of Somalia - the Cabdi-qaybdoon’s, the Mohamuud Dheere’s will be discarded so ungratefully by the creeping tribalist Prime Minister, masquerading as a peacemaker. “The difference between the thugs of Al-shaytaan and their clan men in the government is ever getting blurred” he thinks. Twenty years ago, he would have taken quick strides towards the next shop and would have grabbed two buluugs to return his shirt to what it was. No one washed a white shirt without dying with buluug those days. It was the days when men were men. Real men! The days when the whiff of their manliness assailed your nose from a distant! How the quasi-feminine men of today want to discredit the source of that odour, which symbolised the valour and raganimo of the olden generation, is irritating. How dare they say it was because raggii hore were not using Shampoo and Perfumes and were not taking daily showers! That is a big mistake. Inshaar knows ten of today’s men will not be able to produce half of the sweat and other fluids past men used to produce. “They even look down on the beauty of buluug ’ he lamented, and decided to change his shirt. In many ways, his ‘love’ for the national flag is synonymous with his nostalgia for a white shirt dyed blue. He longs for those days when it was clear who is Laandheere and who is not? Who is Gob and who is Gun ? Who is born to rule and who is born to be ruled? He narrates with immense anguish how small tribes, who were still very much in the woods when he was having dinner in the moon, today, challenge him for leadership! And of course, he is irritated they have to hide under the shadow of religion. But he will deal with them one at a time. Inshaar is a man of government (Nin Dawlo). He reneged on his religious education when he completed Idaa-waqaca. He commenced the worldly school at the age of 15, as a beneficiary of Adult Education. He was an enthusiast and quickly grasped the basics. Ever ambitious, he didn’t wait too long to take up a career as a member of the Tulba-taariyo (customs Police); where he knew lots of young people made money fast. Inshaar believes the threat posed by rival clans, intent on reversing the established order and hierarchies, redefining the roles of everybody in Society, and imposing an egalitarian application of the rule of God is bigger than a temporary occupation of the motherland by a friendly state [friendly to reerka], and displacement of few thousands of the illegal squatters in Muqdisho. Of course, with the return of Qaranimo, the order shall be re-established and the primitive natives will be banished from the capital city. He doesn’t accept that it was social injustices, massive corruption, cronyism, and dictatorship that were the fundamental causes of the present misery of the nation. He doesn’t realise that the inheritance of the state structures by youth of camel-herding background, utterly inexperienced for the demands of governance, has led to today’s ills. He doesn’t seem to care that Somalia cannot come together with force; and with a gun of an outsider for that matter. Of late, Inshaar has got the skins of a snake. In his latest skin, he is a nationalist who supports what he calls the government, solely because he is opposed to anarchy and wants to see an end to the rampant chaos. He doesn’t regret, however, being a member of the rebels who fired the first bullet on Somalia’s first and last regular army. Inshaar was pleasantly surprised when he learned the news. His son, Abdi-wali, who has been tasked to wipe out cyber-jihadists and those who hate ‘Dawladnimo’, told his father that he saw on one website that Ina-Riyaale is not leaving power peacefully, and bloodshed in the North is imminent. Inshaar sighed with immense relief and finally understood what the bird-shit heralded! “I have banished haters of our Qaranimo and our allies from stateonline”, the son told the father. The father had no time to listen to the outcomes of mundane debates in the internet. He was happy that the son, with his computer skills, is increasingly looking like the father. “Sons of criminals rejoicing fruits of loot” some say, but he knows the royal blood is in the child; and that comforts him. The prospect of more bloodshed in the north and the south put him in seventh heaven. The blood of ‘delinquent’ Somali’s. Blood that must be spilled to restore Dawladnimo!
  7. My heart goes out to Ardo and all the suffering people of the Somali nation. Da'libul Ilimi- according to the likes of Dhulqarneyn, she has only herself to blame.
  8. Originally posted by dhulQarnayn: ^^^ Ma waxaad rabtaan SomaaliGalbeed inuu kusoo biiro oo aad caano booraha isla walaaqataan. War hoy ninkaan haadaan yuuna kaa ridin. dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California Adeer,Somalidu waa isku mid, baahina wax isma dhaanto. Yaase ku yidhi dad baa baahi lagu caayaa! Which moral school taught you so? More and more I am realising I am arguing with someone who haven't been to the gates of schools; but managed to learn typing in the internet and picked up English from the street! because your language is that of the street. Shaqsiyan haddaad rabto inaan isu cayno, shaad kaan kuu dhigan, because the likes of you mistake xishood for fear. Laakin leave the Reeraha out of this. Is is SHAME! And this is the last comment from me to you. And if you think the Somaligalbeed people (who are composed of all the somali clans by the way- although your focus is on one clan alone) are cowards and beggars, perhaps it is time you take up the the responsiblity of liberating and feeding them. Like that racist poet Rudyad Kipling, you should: " Take up the white man's burden - The savage wars of peace Fill full the mouth of famine And bid the sickness cease!"
  9. Those who looted Somalia, those who want to seceed, and those who don't have gut are individuals. Surely, you don't think all the people of Somaligalbeed are cowards? But, regardless of your late back-peddelling, your intentions and insiuations were palpable. Adigu qabiil baad u jeeday dad ma tihidin! Ma xoolo aan wax kala garanyn baad dadka u haysataa. I don't need to be Haatuuf to read your corrupted mind. I can tell the one-eyed among a flock of flies. EDIT- Nuune, that is only the tip of the iceberg. His word selection is disheartening. Laakin, more embarassing is his ideas and the last-minute attempt to hoodwink us.
  10. Looooooooool@ your admission of jaahilnimo???? War ninkan waa sidee? JB- runtaa!
  11. My mission is partly to denude his madness. Kolkuu hadlaba wax xil leh unbaa ka soo baxaya! For him, people are structured into distinctive catagories and each group thinks the same way. Collective language is misleading. Idinku, idinku is not something an educated person should utter. He should know even at household level, people differ on ideas and outlook.
  12. At this age baana arag Somali noocaa u fikiraya!! Reer-hebel way kibrine let them go to heel! Reer-hebel are useless becuase they are still under occupation {mind you the Palestine's are blowing themselves up but are still without a state}, reer hebel boobkii soomaliyey ku taajirinee, they should be finished. Yaab!
  13. Anagoo ayo ah? Why can't you go out of a group and reer mentality? Shaqsi la hadal, walaal. Ileen reero meesha ku garamaya ma joogaane! By your every utterance, you are exposing your spite for X or Y clan. Ummadoo dhan haddaad nacdid, yaad rabtaa in aad dawlad u dhisto? I am sure you also hate reeraha Xassen Daahir iyo Sheekh Shariifna? Yaa Somali ka soo hadhay kolkaa? Ileen adiga colaadaadu waa against reero ee ma aha againt fikir ama shaqsi! Already I am reer hebel for you and not an individual! EDIT- Ramadaan Kariimtan xujada ah dhinac u yar leexi horta; ninkan dakanooyin faadh-faadh iyo qabiil-cay ka bixi la' baan rabaa inaan soo hadeeyee!
  14. Originally posted by dhulQarnayn: ^^^ warr stop kissing the a$$es of these blood-freezing sanctimonious secessionists. What part of..."Surely no one has any gripe with these traitors taking their lands (i.e awdal,waqooyi galbeed and some parts of toghdeer)", don't you get? dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California Bal waxaad ku hadlyso day bilaa caleyk? have you been to Awdal horta? And do you think the people you hate so much -the I's, should not worry about a reunion with people of your attitude? Adeer, grow up and shed off the tribal emotions from your feeble arguments! Don't preach hate here! You are the least qualified to advocate agaist the break-up of Somalia, when you are cheering those who are eating the entrails of that nation as we speak! Sidee wax kaa yihiin? As to me posting the last, surely if you continue to believe how much you shout and the venom of your words adds any weight to your argument, I may have no option but conclude I am talking to a man carrying grudges against certain people. And it is then done. Let us say this is the penultime reply. Penultimate if the small probablity of getting sense out of you turns out to be the case!
  15. Your rethoric against 'secessionsits' won't help the Somali cause. We don't want our brothers to seceed. Adigu hadaad reer inay go'aan raali ka tahay, anaga kuwaaasi waa noo walaal! And if the time comes that they indeed can't leave as part of a prosperous Somalia, so be it. They will still be our brothers in blood and bone. Sida qaabka daran eed u doodaysana jooji! Ma ciyaal baad tahay? EDIT- cabdullahi yusuf baa abti kuu ah miyaad tidhi? IS LAHEL!!!!!
  16. The man who gets fat during Ramadan Whether Tennessee Williams believes his creation ‘Birds in a cage accept each other, but flight is what they long for’ is entirely his prerogative. But, if the insinuations are, marriage couples tolerate each other but, at any given time, the heart of one or the other wishes to flirt and explore the outside, it is not valid with Luuntire Dayib. He married Ruqiya-Nooc four years ago, amid controversy over the legality of the marriage and threats of death against him by those who felt they were robbed off their widow. Under the guise of ‘dumaal-ship’, the entire scramble was about the wealth her deceased husband left her which the Tolka wanted to retain. So, when the twenty seven year old Axmed married a fifty year old woman, it raised lots of suspicions. But Luuntire knows he is in it, not to inherit wealth or for any other sinister motive. The last time he talked to me about his wife, he couldn’t finish the piles of praises he heaped on her. “Look at me”, he said. “Look at me, today! And compare my looks to the one you saw when we first met.” We met five years ago, a year before his marriage. “Didn’t I look like the roof of a grain-mill house, back then?” He told me that he loves his wife so much and that she cares about him the same way. “In the morning, it is always goat’s liver and ciir sonkor leh for breakfast. Seldom did I not eat meat (usually garab or feedho) at lunch, and for dinner, I get everything from Digir to Baasto, from Kaluun to Ukun . And of course the mandatory Caano lo’aad ”! Her love never ends there and she always insists that I eat Doolsho along with Casariya tea.” Although many people ridiculed him for expressing his love purely in food terms, some questioning if it is for nutritional considerations that he is in it; he knew that the food part is the consequence of the love. For him, it was a cause and effect matter. But, even by his standards, something kept everybody bothering. That he gets fat during the Ramadan. Whenever the holy month of Ramadan dawns on us, Luuntire starts exuding confidence and a sense of impatience that it arrives sooner. By his own admission, there is nothing that pleased him more than the chants of 'marxab marxab yaa ramadaan'; and he used to insist that it is the whole routine of the fasting season that he likes. His wife also makes additional arrangements to ensure he doesn’t lose any kilos. Or so he tells us. All People, even those who peddled cheap rumours on how he is a man who married for food, admired his wife for her handling of him during the Ramadan. Some men went as far as questioning their wives, why it is not possible that they learn the art of keeping husbands intact from Ruqiyo-Nooc. Everybody envied him, until Ali-dheere, that wanderer boy, found Luuntire stuffing his mouth with Canjeero and roasted meat in the middle of the Ramadan in ‘Geetooch’ (the lord) Restaurant, owned by our Axmaar friend- Binyaam.
  17. Nuune, waan la socdaa! Adigu PM baan hadda kuugu warami; meelo la ii tilmaamay baa jiree. Bal adigaa soo maraye, aad iga ilaalisid wixii over-age ah!
  18. PM waa la ii bixi waayay. That is what I have come public. Anyway, waa Ramadaane bal danbiga inaga daaya! Aniga quraankan islahaa wax ku qabso, it seems most SOL ladies have gone beyind 'WA-NAAZICAAT'- that is where I stopped.
  19. Speaking of Faysal cali waraabe, he is mad! Wax xidhxidha unbuu la'yahey; because reer salaxleey oo dhan buu wax ka maqan u raadinayaa! Anigu waxaan ka helaa kolkuu muqadasnimadda somaliland ku nuux-nuuxsanayo.
  20. Originally posted by dhulQarnayn: ^^^bullocks mate! Justice in Somaliland? yeah right! Nobody gives a flying fcuk if a certain Somali clan secedes up north. What most people are against is the audacity with which they want to force their warped vision down the throats of Somalis who dont want anything to do with the subversion our lands and peoples. Look how your blood boils when it is a somali clan doing mischief to the motherland. Where is the same patriotism when the sovernigty of the nation is defected upon by your uncle and his Ethiopian backers? Speaking of Qabyaalad, I mean!
  21. The man might be a good person. I don't know him; and he surely looks charismatic. But, i seriouly doubt his wisdom in running for Presidency in Puntland. Either he is overestimating his capacity to do something positive or he is there for the looting. Nin Soomaliyeed oo maanta xil ku orday, su'aal weyn ayaa saaran! As to the appeal he has, I think tolkii unbaa dabada isqabtay oo xoojiyey'e when it comes to vote, jilib jilib unbay noqon. In Ilaahay lagu barto waan ag joogay buu yiri ninkii dambaabay!
  22. Who are this countries in AU? Nin kasta markuu mijin ka tuuro, hadduu hallucinations'kiisa xog ka dhigo waa mushkilo!