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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Welcome back Ibtisam. I missed you.
  2. Dadka sidana Somalidu waxay tidhaa il-qurux.
  3. ^Why does Xinn worry himself with the fall of kismayo. Sheekh Shariif will deliver it to him soon. The caravan (peace) is coming home to roost! Johnny B Wali ma anaad naf iga sugaysaa? Mise waad cosobsatay already? Dilaa weyn ayaad tahay, I trust my instincts.
  4. Is JB a teacher? NG- greetings saaxiib. Except your other-half anytime soon? I mean CL. ANd then this troll will lighten up. Any news on XINN horta. Are you sure the man is alright? Or at least he is not the imam money says he beat up during a prayer, mistaking him for a killer!
  5. I second Bixi's conclusions. But I want to warn them against marrying a beautiful woman. Looma baahana kuwaas. Wareerkoodu caadi ma aha. Mid 'low average' iska ah oo hawlaheena maamulata ayaa dhaama.
  6. JB- think big. Xaafadan yar eed isku soo ooday ka bax ninyahoow. Think about the bigger Somali nation. You and me are the same. Wanaaga Somali oo dhan la doon. Sidii nigisaantii carruurta cidhiidhi ha noqon! Afro-Dance; Salaams walaashay! and please stop the dance for the Ramadaan. Hana danbaajin fadlan.
  7. Ngonge, you are not going anywhere. Waryaa, meesha yaad ku cidleyn?
  8. Originally posted by Cara: CHAUVINISTIC men can be petty and infuriating, but that might be as far as it goes. Women are more unnerved by not knowing a man's views than by overt sexism - so much so that they perform worse in exams. [/b] In lay man's terms, this means Cara, CL, Sheh and women in general are unnerved by the likes of Nuune, Xiin, Che and Geeljire; than A&T, Ducaysane, JB, and Dabshid. Good to know this.
  9. O! long time. The not-so-serene serenity is finally back.
  10. Ninyahow, this woman collegue of mine- Dyane is giving me hard time. She is a mix of Irish and French. Some other blood also, I don't remember. Every morning, she asks me "When is the 21st?. That is the special day, huh? please do alert me one day before it arrives. I want to fast. I mean just in case." These gaalo are funny walaahi. I told her it will not be counted for her if she is lucky that day is the 'laylatul-qadri'. What more Should I have said?
  11. More and more disgruntled people are pouring their venom onto good Ngonge. And some of the are forgetting what it means to be a yard away from one's privacy? SD is the second person I notice talking about Ngonge's occupation. The question is are you paying him social welfare? Or is he a dependent of yours? Why care or worry about his time and what he wishes to do with it? Somalidu waa suntii harkaha runtii. Talk about what you don't like in his remarks. Please let us be civilized and stop attacking the personality of the person. This is a general remark. Waa hadaad wax garad tahay. Hadii kale, wiglada tumo.
  12. I said CL only because she doesn't return greetings usually. No other reason. Ngonge knows what is going on my side. Waxoogaa dad baa iga xanuunsan oo dhakhtar baan habeenkii seexda. Waan dhibanahay ninyahow. Shaqadii, Soonka and attending to the sick.
  13. Is it ficition or fact horta. either way, it is great and unique. But, I'm not holding my breath in anticipation of a contiuuation. Unfortunately, like a lazy husband, Money has the habit of discontinuing a nice journey of the mind abruptly. If I am right, is he not the guy who told us about 'when faarax hits on Xalimo' and disappeared? Waryaa Money, adeeroow waa tirtirsiyee sheekada dhakhso u dhamee. Hanagu badh gooyne. By the way, Imam'ku ma reer-baadiyu ahaa? Feedhka moo soo celiyo isaguna. I am fed up with the sterotying of Sheekhs as people in capable of boxing and doing the Sabaaxad! Try on Al-shabab! Wajigay kaaga dhici walaahi.,
  14. Mugabe is a true african hero. Accuse him of poor judgement (if you may) for picking a fight with the wrong people, but he is not what they say in the BBC and CNN. Come to his land and witness.
  15. Salaams to all on this page: Malika, Lily, Ngonge,Sayid Somali,BG,nuune,and Even CL. Ramadaan Kariim! Sayid, have you finally managed to shed off the ghost of A&T? I mean the ignominy of being compared to me? Ngonge- tribo magaadi saaxiib. Tmeans many greetings in shona. keef xaalaf yaa saaxiibi. Ayuhal ikhwa, falaa taqrabuu haadihi banaat, fatakuunaa minna xaasidiin! I mean those you recommended.
  16. I hear some of Xasan Turki's clansmen are mad at him for transferring 'their town' to others. Let them weep blood if they so wish! Religion and Somalinimo is what matters. Million congratulations for Sheekh Xasan Turki for the qabiil-free initiative. Alla-ya-cizak yaa sheek! Magaalo hebla anagaa leh baa Somali baa'bisay. Kismanyo is owned by no reer. It is one of the major cities of Somalia, and every somali owns it! That is the justice Somali's are looking for. And that is what an islamic adminstration can deliver. No salvation for somalia without following the 'Sh'Turki' Model. Guul Alshabab! Guul Qabiil-diid's and Guul Somalia. We all know how Abdullahi Yusuf would have dealt with the ownership of Kismayo if he wins it. Reer-hebel intaa, reer-hebelna intaa! ayaa ka dhici la heyd.
  17. Hunguri, anaad igu soo caan baxaysaa soo ma aha? Insha-allah, waa inoo bacda Ramadaan. I denouce tan kuu jiibinaysa ee Nepthys ahna. Dhiig iyo uus toona ma leh! Ahey ah! Ma horteedaa sidaa la iigu xagxagtay? Waan tirsanayey awol.
  18. Malika; Ramadaan kariim walaal. Been long time since we talked. How are you? Nuune- Baarey waa eesh calaa. Dhulkii gaadh. they say if Prophet Adam come back today, he would have recognised Afdheer.
  19. Waa Ramadaane, I would have told you the distinction between the two types of love expressions. Kan vanillaha lawada leefo iyo kan aan la wada hadlin in front of people, laakiin back in the mundul farsamo lala soo baxo! How enticing to go on and on! Afro, I am with you! Nepthys, which way is yours? I can wait till Ramadaan is over.
  20. ^In-aaboow, ma dhulkii inaad gaadhid baad rabtaa? what a fresh air around chereti and God-cusbo!
  21. Ibti she was so vigours, full of energy. I mean Sahara Palin.
  22. ^ war ninka Dubai ka raadi. Xinn's last words were he wants to get a wife from there. Halkaasaa faataxada uun meher loo kala qaataabaa la igu yidhi buu igu yidhi. He is a miser.
  23. Norf; Ninkii Xinn ahaa xaguu kumaqan yahay! The last I heard was inuu rabo inuu dubai ka soo kaluumaystee, any news? Nune Maye, waa la joogaa, laakiin de hal xaafad unbaan nahay! Ramadaan aanan maqleyn: "kuwa raranka naartiyo laga reebay jahanamo Ayaa raystay maantee Inta raacday nabigee rafiiqiisi noqotee aan rumaysay noqonee kusaliya rasuulkaa (scw).." Ma ramadaanbaa?
  24. Norf Saaxiib, ramadaan karim! adigaa dhulkii soonku ku fiicnaa joogee, anagu xero-gaal baan ku cabudhsanahay! Walaahi, never saw boring times oo Ramadan! Kaligay baa afura! mushkilo! Nuune waa Ramadaanee, bad ha galin. Ma arkaysay islaantu (Palin) say u xiiqsanayd! Waxaad moodaysay iyadoo meel iska fadhida in la yidhi kaalay hagbad baa lagaa casuumee! No preparations what so over! I cracked with laughter kolkay ku uruka xoolaha ahaa oo daba taagnaa ay tidhi 'that is my husband - hebel'. Neef buu ahaa! inuu yidhaa bay aheyd, naa ciddina dooran mayso naagtaadan 17 years old gabadheeedii garcataye naga fadhiiso! "Inani waa hooyadeed"!