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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Malika I told you if you are over 21, you qualify as Islaan. If so, by virtue of your past prudent advice, you are exempted for one time. Kindly give us your advices. If, on the other hand, you are under 21, you qualify as "dhaylo", and by virtue of their innocence and lack of malice, females of that age are allowed to be part of this discussion. They contribute a lot to the welfare of men.
  2. Banaanka is out of the game. Lama ogola saaxiib. Yaad guriga uga baxaysaa, in la yidhaa miyaad rabtaa miskiinka? No, no. And to your surprise, Abdi Dahir's wife thinks caring at home is more important than work? Shaqo maxay sheegi? she says, sometimes.
  3. You fillies who think the rugby game is on everytime, pay attention to the real issue. And the challenges in the supply side as well: Quote: ..."He could have thought what men usually would have suspected. But, she is sick and has serious gyno infections, complicated by pregnancy. " Abdi thinks she needs to recover!Muu sii kala tuuraa? That is insane! You will have shouted "animal" if I tell you wuu ku jiireeyay bukaanti! Now, is reading not a good coping mechanism under the circumstances? Edit If so, I don't get you. Bal ii sii sarrif!
  4. Sayid gabadha Malika ah iska daa dee maxaad ka rabtaa! Yaa ku yidhi gabdhay bixisaa? Malika, hit back!
  5. Malika ^are you? how old are you? please provide the islaanimo advice and run like hell! No women allowed to interfer here! Sayid If I decipher the code right, do you mean F in english and D in Somali? Macalin aabihii!
  6. Yesterday, when you said I am Pippo Inzaghi, you were woman. Ka bax meeshan Afro. I only forgive you because I think you are not Islaan. But still, no women. EDIT sayid, please provide advice on Abdi's predicament. It is a real and present danger. Buug ma akhriyi kartid, talefoon laguma hadli karo. Some of you may say why can't he just go to the lounge and do what he wants to do there. You should be reminded the first thing that was prohibited years ago was no hanging out in the lounge and in fornt of the TV after 7:00am. Waa mamnuuc!
  7. So in the end, we have come down to this? the wife is saying he can't talk with anybody on the phone in the bedroom becuase she is disturbed. The moment he stops doing that and starts to read one of his books, she tells him " please switch off the light. I am getting headache with the lights." He could have thought what men usually would have suspected. But, she is sick and has serious gyno infections, complicated by pregnancy. He is confused. I mean Abdi-dahir, my freind. What does she want? what should he do? the part about no-phone calls received in the bedroom is worrying him, because he enjoys talking while reclining on the bed. Wouldn't that amount to denial of basic rights? Should he buy a new bed and put in a seperate room? a tele center in his own living house?
  8. Afro, Like when am I Pippo Inzaghi? Nepthys Now that alatii and thuma is being paraded as Carabi lagu hadlikaro, I am afraid Ngonge will take the back seat. I am good at Quran carabi. My favourtite story is the xeroow who wanted to intimidate his egyptian teacher in the school. "Yaa ustaad", he said, " cindii daqdu dam. oo walaahi idaa qadabtu..."
  9. Johnny, I am skinny. So Ramadan is really hurting. On the language thing, adigu Afalaa-tacqiluun? Use English. It is more fancier than arabic. Especially with middle east girls. nuune, I welcome your generosity. I take you by your words and assume I have something in the pipeline. Good news!
  10. Emperor; Kuwa kale eed tidhaahdaan shaadh qabiil bay xidhan yihiin like Xasssen Dahir Awyesna waa sidaas oo kale uun. But you don't give them chance to prove themselves. Good to see some sense from the senseless supporters of the status quo and 4.5 nonesense at last! Why do you think I support the religious groups? They are the closest to reunite the Somali's and bring sanity to the nation. Old corrput mentality (qabiil-kasta ooy yihhiin) dadka way sii kala geyn uune faa'iido ma keenayaan. I can bet with you if the TFG blooms, it will only be a short-lived honeymoon. With the mentality of the mainstream politicians, no government will survive for a decade in Somalia. The statregy has to be build from the grassroots, use islamic groups to bring the people togather, and gradually elevate to the formation of a conventional governance structures led by technocrats.
  11. I actually speak Carabi, saaxib. So advantage me. Anyway, Ramadaan'ta ka waran.
  12. Binti's "Markaan Boosaaso gaadhay muxuu bada doon ka raacay" for Afro! O! war way gubeen gabadha!
  13. Nuune, adiga luflufkaagii baa yaanu isku haynaaye, wax kale ma jiraan. Hadaad tolnimo wado, wax noo tilmaan. Charity begins at home. Ninkaas iyo anigu isku meel ma joogno. Waad muwah muwahda dhacaysay ha deer. Yaad igu halaynaysaa?
  14. I was not going for anything you think I was after. But, now that you mentioned meel adag adag, tolow ma LST laftigiisaa dubaalada u gaabiya? But, stop the deafetist mentality. Just because you failed doesn't mean everybody will fail. I mean don't discourage others from trying. Aniga ma aha! I know my limits.
  15. ^Ninkaasa (JohnnyB) leh isku dhib baynu qabnaa? Adeeroow ha igu digan. Bal halkaad sii marayso day: muwah kulahaa! Anaguna wali waxaan taaganahay "Suleekhaay aragaaga...saddex bay ku qadaaye, ha ka goyni salaantaa".
  16. Afro, considering you said you found the perfect match in life in another thread, how do you come to learn about all these truths?
  17. I mean has she/he used another name before? Ma meel adag bay ku xidhantahay why are you frightening me? from your admonitions, I think it is she. If so, cafis.
  18. Waryaa nuune, do you buy her suuro? She is very good in Somali. I made the mistake of thinking she is not, before. BTW, I am happy McCain is finally on top in the polls. After the demise of Hillary, I hate this demagogue Obama. I don't mind if he wins, laakiin isagoon meela gaareyn inuu islaanta naga rido ma aheyn? Sorry for mixing politics. I thought it is current affairs.
  19. Who is hayam? I mean before he become Hayam? Is-sheeg!
  20. Actually the getting fat from the down is a praise, not an insult. That is a place where one wouldn't like it to be slim. Istaaq-furullah. I knew once Ibtisam is here inaan danbaabi doono.
  21. Nuune, ka makhraati ahoww hadaba macalin. Look at Ibti's reply to my welcoming message. Why is it hard to believe Sarah Palin?
  22. Nuune, waan fiicanahay saaxiib. Wax la'aan mooye, waa Ok xaalku. Malaa'igahaan iska weheshanaa! Adigu waran. Ngonge, Do you material girl? Ka daa dee Serenity is old foe of mine doesn't mean you have the right to taunt her.
  23. Ngonge Must be the old age.
  24. Ngonge, Waxan dadka ka daa waa Ramadaane. Just because you don't fast doesn't mean you have to corrput others as well. Speaking of musalsal, it is being used as a compensation for missed love by somali women back home.One entered a room where I was watching a mexican series (accidentally), and the lady's first question was "Kolkay is dhunkanayeen may i dhaafaty?" with such disappointment you would think she was the one that missed the kiss.
  25. Hello Malika. I am back and will be off soon. Sneaking out.