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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. I wouldn't mind to be under-rated like that prior to the mattress-messing sessions. Doubt if the same utterences will be made later.
  2. Welcome unknown. Where do you disappear mad mullah? KK started chapter one of the anlayis. How insightful of her. Trust chapter two will be even more exciting. Go on.
  3. easy dear, and sorry for the inundations. It isn't contagious.
  4. While I seriously doubt the fasting of a man who cheers the killing of somali's by Ethiopian troops amounts to anything more than a self-imposed hunger strike, I smell rat in that that MP was an ally of Abdullahi yusuf. Clearly, People of that traits were always legitimate targets for the forces of liberation. But, let us not be pushed to pass judgement on dead people. Ilaahay ha u naxariisto. So the looting of the Bakara and the consequent massacres were to get back at the loots of reer-hebel? I knew it.
  5. Speaking of C/O, I was told a man who wrote this on an envelope: (Alla ha u naxariistee, Axmed Siyaad.) KU:- Maryan Jiciir L/O xaafada 3aad magaalada X Lam. guriga 265 H/l/waayo (haddii laga waayo): waxaad ka day'daan Dukaanka Siraad Xaaji H/l/waayo halkaana: Warqada ii soo celiya Dardaaran: Waa manuuc in ama cid kale loo dhiibo ama la akhristo.
  6. I trust KK has a lot to offer. Go on waayeelka.
  7. Congratulations, Nuune! Waryaa PM baan kuu soo diraye, laakiin waxaan ku soo hagaajiyay Adminka C/O Nuune ayaan ku soo qoray ee ma heshay! Old style baan aheyn nin yahow. Which means you can fly down to where I am. Ilaahay ha kuu fududeeyo inta hadhayna Nuune.
  8. With all due respect to deceased and not suggesting he was involved in any shady deals, his tribe doesn't matter for Al-shabaab. The way you are prostituting with the news is naseauting. No muslim man should be killed and the death of any somali is regrettable, but even you care so much about the dignity of human life, perhaps you wouldn't have ululated when Bakaara market massacares were committed. Consistency please!
  9. Originally posted by Ibtisam: P.s.s Who said I'm over 21 I'm one of those girls are 20 daafiin baa! O! really? Apologies, Ibti! You are most welcome here, then. But if you are this much sizzling at under 20, kolkaad 25 gaadho, website kale ku leexo fadlan.
  10. ^Cara, I welcome your ducco. And if at least one, any, would have bothered to return my endless PM's, I wouldn't have been ranting here, jumping from thread to thread in search of the customary salaan! Assuming your moral boosting narration is half-true, didn't you hear what Cilmi said when his clan men fielded 12 beauties to ease his pain for Hodan? Or have you ever heard of a singer called Muluken from Ethiopia, who described his obsessions with the one that has to be and become blind to all others? Here are his words, and over to you: “When hundreds lined up And No one looked like you Is it love? Is it sickness? -they were imperceptible to me I suspected my heart Might it be seized?” Why are you reviving healed wounds?
  11. Originally posted by Oz: Ibti, Plz don't call me a RECISTS! This story seems more like A&T with Ibti in a house. I have to say while the analogy is misplaced [because that will be a curse to Ibti], the tempers of the charcters of the story do resemble some of the things going on here. Let's see if lessons learnt from my hot exchanges with the combative Ibti will be fed into the recommendations for solution. Good brain Oz.
  12. Oh!my frailites. Fine, I agree you are the right person-Mrs. Siphon. But, apprently, you seem to be at loss. I am trying to get-crush and wrestle one of the ladies you suggested here; but will that offer any panecea to the pain of Abdi. I mean the two are distinctively different! Ibtisam It is he who is victim. It is not her. You are turning the roles. The problem with your reply is you have a particular person in mind, and you are talking to him; when the problem lies elsewhere. Don't shoot the messenger, ibti! You may not have married A&T in million years, but Abdi and Deeqa are married. Do you have any advice to offer to them? Ka bax insinuation'ka kale. BTW,didn't I say over 21 need permission to comment here?
  13. What are you doing here SD? You are not the right person to suggest solutions. Evidently, yourself is wallowing in dilemma, judging by your name. This issue needs decisive people.
  14. Ibtisam, don't jump the gun. Don't be presumptous. Suggest the options you have. As to Abdi, he says he is not trying to get rid off anything. He wants to maintain. Just help him, if you can. Sometimes, I wonder if Abdi is married to someone like Ibti- a fighter! too much dagaal weeye waxaagu! I know you think "He" is "me", but for one minute, just try if it is actually somebody's real predicament. Oz, I think you are the only person who have tried to give positive advices. Clearly, your suggestions are useful. I concur with you all in all.
  15. ^That is too optimistic. What if it sets a precedence? And what if Abdi is coming from a background of "naagaha waa la iska celiyaa?"
  16. Abdi feels is he is indeed young and could get all that is being offered without compromising and abusing his self-esteem. So, he may brandish the red card if the nonesense is not limited to the Pregnancy thing. That is what he says.
  17. ^Oxgen, some what? to get back what more? too blunt. Bal clarify garee. Malika She decided. Not exactly like that.But the non-verbal communications are obvious that he doesn't want to sound he doesn't want to be with her and has to run in!
  18. Originally posted by Cara: A&T, for all your bluster, I think you're firmly in the "runs a marathon to support breast cancer research" category. Cara, what is this supposed to be? I like the part about the breast thing, but the overall connatation seems to be "you are a loser". Am I right? If so, you are right. But that I failed with you doesn't mean I am failing with others. You should have peeped into my inbox. Naa waan iska ciyaarayaaye, waxba ma hayo. Kudoos for your accurate analysis.
  19. You think so? Don't you see anything in the timing?I mean could walac (pregnancy mood swing) make women like that? There is no lack of space, but I told you inside bed room time is 7:00am. EDIT- Oh! the bachelor thing? for a while; but this time it is with people she knows. All male!
  20. ^He says she is 21 and he is mid 30s. Nuune That range is perfect! but me runtii I would have preferred late 30s kuwa ah!
  21. Not every child in Somali aspries to be a warlord, resistance. I am sure the kids in the west will be part of the bulding blocks of somalia,but many of them will also be bringing in undesirable things into the society. So, let us not talk in catagorical terms.
  22. Allamagan, he is not somali looking. In the typical sense. He is afro-american looking; but if you look closely, you can detect the somali blood. Dhiigeenuu lee yahay yarku.
  23. Norf1- haadaa al mushaakil min al zawjaat! waa la wareeray saaxiib! Salaams. Inzaghi makes 19 off sides and secores twice. Mostly, crucial ones. I hope I become like him in real life. Sayidka- is xoreyn has consequences. First, you are not sure the is xoreyn actually results in a better outcome. You may find someone else with worse habits. Second, Abdi might feel the exhibited character is an anomaly and a fleeting one. Anyway,you have a point there, waa in la is xoreeyo. But, he tried that once. When she hit him with a glass for coming late, he actually broke a flask in anger!
  24. Honestly, nuune- It would be a travesty if I try to lecture you on your speciality. But, There is a trade-off between having a young girl and a mature one. The young ones offer all pleasure in return for nothing. Pure thing. But, also they are a liability, because as they mature, they feel they haven't been getting what was due to them and tend to try to overcompensate for the loss so far. Plus, they do silly things and immature mistakes. The oldies offer specialised treatment measured against whatever is returned from the man. They tend to be good and well behaved, but where is the diirimaad? where is acrobat? where is the xarakaat? and plus too much economic calculations. Am I cynic?