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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Unknown PM'ing Ibti? No!NO! waryaa, are you using it as a dating tactic? Kaarto Qodaal (the tactic of the peasnats), they say it in Hargeisa.
  2. Don't redicule the freedom fighters Johnny the loser! Unkown Ibtisam is on our side at least on this case. She should get it!
  3. KK If indeed you are over 40 as some allege here, I doubt you know your exact birth date. Most of us in that age catagory refer to such a date by recllaing major events that took place. Like me, my mother tells me inaan dhashay waaguu Cabdulaahi-dheere ninka torida ku dilay. Of course, by reworking the events, linking then to the Iseal-Arab war and the days of Jamaal cabdinasiir, I finally arrived at a convienient date. I don't celebrate it, but It is useful when filling official records and accessing my account online. Anyway, who said Islaamuhu should not have their days, Happy Birth day to you KK!
  4. + faheema I am sure you haven't read about the story at all. Just that some people condemned it is enough for you to come out with the usual vitepurative demagogeury! Which is of course your right!
  5. I found it now. Will give you feedback soon.
  6. Unknown I could't access it. I am trying even now. Maxaa si ka ah? is it blocked?
  7. Good day Unknown! You are my only hope today! Go to the gyno thread and issue FATWA denouncing all those who attack my 'enlighting topic' as absurd profanity! You are my salvation. TAKBIIIIIIIIIIR!!
  8. Salaams Ibti. Sayid, "Halkaa go', halna ha gelin, labadeena googaa, maad garan xisaabtaa? mise geedkii midha lehba adigu way iska goosataa?" Proceed!
  9. Xiin xishood uma jeedee xabad buu ridaya Ana xaajo maqaatee imikaan xunbo tuuri... Xiinoow, it is a pity that the whole of last night i was losing sleep thinking whether you have survived the trip to Kismayo and has nearly posted a thread to ask for your whereabouts this morning. And what do I find? The same sanctimonious Xinn, whose expose' revealed to be in the catagory of Nuune and Che when it comes to the 'lepords among women in Sol' denouncing my innocuos post that has merely passed on the message of a confused brother! Shame on you Xinn! Sidaan kuugu lisay iigumaad hanbeeyn miyaa la odhan jiray? Waa ninkaan ilaa xalay walbahaarkiisa la seexan waayey ninka waxan oo defamation ah igu wada. In protest, I have decided to post the story of a doctor relative of yours, The gynacologist Dr. Nadiif, urgently. I would have waited until Ramadaan, but kol hadaan moratorium'ku uuna waxba ii tareeyen, better reign in hell.
  10. Ethiopia's Undisclosed Strategy Toward Eritrea Tamrat Nega September 10 , 2008 Ethiopia is on the verge of effecting regime change in Asmara. Reeling under 14 years of self-imposed, excruciating landlocked status, Ethiopia is expecting to regain the control of the Red Sea port of Assab, if another round of fighting breaks between the two belligerent Horn of Africa countries. Senior military officials of the Ministry of National Defence (MND) here in Addis Ababa are openly speaking of a concerted strategy devised to bring the Eritrean regime to its knees. "If another war flares up between the two countries" pronounces senior military general who spoke on condition of anonymity, that "our forces will launch massive, unprecedented and coordinated ground and air onslaught throughout the territory of the enemy". According to this source, Ethiopian Air Force is poised to hit 100 strategic targets in Eritrea in the first day of the outbreak of a new war between the two adversaries. These targets include "airports, ports, telecommunication facilities, fuel depots, bridges, railways, military command and controls, anti-aircraft batteries and military garrisons and installations". Officials of the MND are confident that they will bring everything to standstill in Eritrea within few days. "Ethiopia will assert its air supremacy over the skies of Eritrea, crippling Eritrean air force and air defence forces", my source states. Supply lines of the Eritrean forces in the frontline will be cut off and their commanders will be denied the benefit of communicating with their units. With that being the scenario, three Ethiopian mechanized divisions are set to move toward the port city of Assab. Furthermore, the source discloses, "two friendly neighboring countries" are expected to facilitate passage through their countries to the Ethiopian troops thrusting Eritrean territory from the east and northwest on what he described as "diversional fronts". Ethiopia is also counting on receiving intelligence information and air reconnaissance support from unnamed friendly country which is interested in regime change in Asmara as well. Having won the diplomatic battle, Ethiopia is holding on its guns with the hope that Eritrea may make the wrong move that justifies the implementation of Ethiopia's new military strategy. Eritrea doesn't seem to be giving that opportunity to Ethiopia at the moment, notwithstanding recurrent rhetorical threats. Top Ethiopian military officials are of the view that the battle with Somali Islamists may not yield the desired results until and unless the stalemate with Eritrea is brought to an end. "More than eighty percent of Ethiopia's military forces are currently tied to the Eritrean theater", reveals the source. Ethiopia wants to maintain a military base in Assab after ousting Issias Afworki from power. The MND is planning to redeploy 50,000 troops from the Eritrea front to Somalia as soon as the war in Eritrea is concluded. The new strategy envisages the establishment of permanent Ethiopian military bases in five strategic locations in Somalia; namely, Berbera, Mogadishu, Kismayo, Baidao and Beletwein, to enhance the long term stability in war-torn Somalia and evolve an enabling conducive environment for regional economic and political integration. According to this source, the essence of the new strategy is to overcome the prevailing "siege paranoia" in Ethiopia. As per the covert strategy contrived by Ethiopia's top civil and military officers, prominent Eritrean opposition leaders who are currently based in Addis Ababa will declare the formation of an Eritrean Government in exile soon after the outbreak of the fighting. Landlocked Ethiopia which relies entirely on other countries for shipping and receiving goods from overseas, would like to see a friendly government installed in Asmara – one that is acquiescent to Ethiopia's national interest. Between May 1998 and June 2000, Ethiopia and Eritrea fought a bitter war over a disputed border town called Badame. The fighting resulted the combined death of more than 100,000 combatants in what is often referred to Africa's first trench war that bore semblance to World War One. The unfinished war between the two belligerent countries continues to divert hundreds of millions of dollars from much needed humanitarian and development projects to military build up at a time when both countries are facing the looming threat of a large scale famine. As peaceful settlement of the conflict becomes increasingly and hopelessly unattainable and unable to move assets from the Eritrean theatre to Somalia where the Islamists are gaining the upperhand, Ethiopian military generals are venting their anger at the drawing board envisioning various battle plans, scenarios and options. _____ *Tamrat Nega is an Ethiopian freelance journalist based in Addis Ababa. He can be contacted at:tamrat.nega@gmail.com http://www.wardheernews.com/articles_08/September/Tamrat_Nega/10_Ethiopias_strategy_towards_Eritrea. html
  11. Ma is fahanay hadda Sayid? Hope we will part roads from here onwards!
  12. Send me a PM please. I couldn't send to you. EDIT- who are you teasing here, waryaa? Meel kasta miyaan kaaga tagnaa?
  13. Unknown is the real argagixiso.com. I like the guy.
  14. Originally posted by Sayid*Somal: that is even better - Ngonge knew what i wanted Any clues as to meesha lagaa raacay?
  15. Agree! but even among monkeys, some are more pretty than the others. I like your attitude, but please be at one place. Ma Baloon baad aduunka ku martaa? As to the thesaurus job you are doing, don't bother yourself too much with it. Crazier is grammatically correct, but even if it isn't don't mind. Waa af-qalaad. Go to the politics and continue the 'muqaawamaa' with the man with big feedh0 (Duke). George Micheal's 'I am gonna shoot the dog' ma maqashay horta?
  16. Wax waalan wax waalan baa loogu yeedhaa baan maqli jiray! This man is going to drive me crazier!
  17. Next week, you will be in Ulanbator, Mongolia.
  18. What is going on here. Adeer Sayid, see wax yihiin. Maad haadka inoo kala du'did! Maxaa i kaa daba dhigay? Do you want me to sing Dolly parton's 'jolene' male-version? Please!
  19. Nuune; Waryaa Unknown wuu na wareeriyey. Just becuase he is unknown doesn't mean his locations can' t be traced. Kolba meel buu leeyahay waan jooga as if he is printed in multiple copies by Xerox machine.
  20. Close to sing that! I tell you Oz. KK I have been to london once and I have to tell you I spent most of the time with relatives in South Hall. I don't know the city center that much. But, overall hasn't been impressed so much. I preferred Geneva. Unknown- you cheat. Didn't you say you were in jowhar last week? Waa sidee odayga?
  21. Unkown, ka bax meesha. There is no war here. Only the soft side of life. As to your question, since when? my answer is since the mullah's started to frequent dance floors.
  22. The thing is turning nasty turns. Time to ban Islaamo with their sick minds.