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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. I differ from my dear freind Kashafa on Shariif's ultimate goals (I don't think is solely about jago). Sheikh Shariif's latest manouvers has frankly proven my assertions about him being naive wrong (with his recent friendhip to the State Department). However,I still fail to see the peace Xinn is so obssessed with. Peace with whom? With the crumbling TFG? The right language for Xinn should have been peace between Sheekh Shariif, Al-shababa, and other liberation forces so that the transition is made peacefully. I see no role for the TFG. There is where I differ with good brother Xinn. Who, by the way, banished me from my roost in the general section with incessent Salafist banters and back-hand deals. Xinn, I saw your parades of victory on that section where you went on endlessly about my age and what I should and I shouldn't write. Let me tell you I refuse to leave my coocon inside the sensual parts of human body as far as story-telling is considered. You put up or shut up. That I am not there, is as a result of protest more than a heeding of your draconian advice.
  2. loooooooooooooooooooool@Nuune. I understood the joke but please saddexda line ii macnee. Alam nuhlika awalinaa ??? Thumu nutbicu humul aakhiriin (kadibna xaga danbe yey maraan miyaa??) Kadaalika nafcalu bil mujrimiin (we do that to the mujrihiim)
  3. Speaking of Alif-wax-ma leh, the Oromos are one better than the Somali’s. They don’t say Alif has got nothing. No such affront. The teacher will exclaim “Alif Maal qabaa? (what has Alif got?)and the students respond “ Rabbiin Qabbaa!” (It has got God!)/ (Ilaahay unbuu leeyhay in Somali). Still on the subject of religion, is this story true, JB? Someone told me he prayed in a place under the Imaam-ship of a typical hargeisaawi (with convulted collars and Muraayad in the top pocket). The guy looked back at the first row with “Istuw! Istawu!” and said to a man with a bloated belly, “aar! taas! Shafka soo taagaysa, shafka celi ku dhaha dee!” Again, he saw a man with a crooked leg, and rebuked him, “ kaalay, adiguna ma rigoore ayaad laa daysaa, maxaad isla qaloocinaysaa! Istoosi adeer garoon kubadeed ma joogne! Istawu! Alaahu Akbar!
  4. Duuliye Sare Nuune Waad salaaman tahay! "Mirqaan nacay hadii uu siciid miig ku kicin waayey" gabay la yidhaa unbaan xusuusan whenever I think of flying and airplanes. it was composed for someone who used to chew from dusk to dawn oo suu u qayilayo garaabadu ay buuxiso ilaa wajigiisa. So much so, they used to say qofka la qayilaya ayey ka qarin jirtay!
  5. JB -In appreciation of the religious rennaisance in what used to be known as Waqooyi galbeed, which only before few decades its best sheekh's could only utter (during friday prayers): " Waar, Ilaahay CABASSA buu yidhi. Kagamuuse Hadhine, WA TAWALUU raaciyey. Wa bilaahi tawfiik." Have now produced the likes of Sheekh Mustafa, I recognise Somaliland as Somaliland. The land of Somali's who live in the provinces of Hargeisa, Saaxil and Togdheer.
  6. I can't know more than you know about afghanistan and true the baised western media makes things worse than they are, but the level of development was there for all to see! I don't wish that for Somalia. I want a modern islamic system. Mohamed dheere, Ina caydiid and Abdullahu yusuf all deserve to be hanged. But considering the issue at hand now, they are insignificant. let us talk about the bigger picture. Wa salaam.
  7. Unknown1 There we differ. the Taliban were horrifc. let your religious zeal not blind you to the gross injustices committed under the name of religion. I support the AlShabab in their struggle against illegal occupation, but if what you intend to bring is the Taliban interpretation, I am fasting, and I tell you it wasn't any islamic. It was wrong. Waryaa, I watched when they were hanging girls in stadiums and felt small in shame for being a musilm. They bshould punish adultery but whay do it so publicly and in such cruely? You are dangerous if you think every somali who astryed one day must be beheaded. Ina caydiid or even Mohammed dhere are pity when compared to the Somalia cause. If forgiving them brings stability, it is the least one can do to revive his nation. Islam shall rule Somalia, not becuase people are flogged and heads are cut, but becuase it is the only way that can offer justice and our society accepts and loves it. Dadka diinta ha ku dirinna! If you are not ready to held elections and let whoever the people elects to lead rule the country, you will be fought and defeated. Don't overestimatd your appeal and your powers. You are winning against invaders becuase the people want you to win. If you are implying you will impose your rule by force, that is just replacing a tyranny with another tyranny! I am not in that fight.
  8. Ma maantay yidhaahdeen wuxuu xumo la soo maagay Midkii kaliya ee xerada aan miciin ka moodaayey? Ma Xinnfanin ayaan caayay oo maamulku u booday Ma'ay wareeystaan asaga wuu mug weyn yahaye? Mise mareegaha isugu kaaya xidhan ayaan meeshaba ka muuqan OO inuu muraayad ii yahay yaa la moog yahayba? Sorry, I have to come back to clear the issue with Xinn. How many of you know the depth of our relationship?
  9. The admin must have given up on you. I now know they consider me a sane person, and that is why what I do wrong matters to them. Adiga way kaa quusteen show?
  10. haye walaal. Wabilaahi tawfiik. Caanahana allah ha inoo siyaadiyo. If only you knew personally I could feed you (shaqsiyan) for 100 years. yacni, waad naga badisay taajirnimo sheegashada saaxiib! I didn't want to boast.
  11. Saaxiib, why is difficult for you to debate issues. Ok, I am scum-bag and all you said. Leave that alone, and what is the bone in the discussion. Shall we discuss whether Alshabab's way is right or that of the TFG or not? Waxaa intaad iska daysid iyo qabaa'il cayga, let us debate on issues. Hadii kale, let us part ways.
  12. I object to your vulgarities. The killing of nin soo tukaday is to be deplored, if I may try to make any meaning from your otherwise charactestic bile. If insulting clans means you win debates, so be it! You insulted qabiil not me. I am not an advocate for a clan.
  13. Money is right but an idealist. Pick your sides saaxib. What you say is all true, but stating true statements is hardly a solution. Unknown, you are great. But, you seem a bit too overzelous. You need to be tactiful. And your ultimate aim has to be the rebirth of Somalia. If you are thinking of Somalia that is run like Afghanistan was run by the Taliban's, you are dangerous. WE don't need that. We need a Somalia run like the Sudan Islamists run their country. See the distinction. We need progressive, intellectual, and pious leaders; not xer dadka masaajidada ku hor istaagta oo u diida in ay aduunka wax la qabsadaan. How do we achieve that? We support the Shababa because the issue is now about sovereignty. Let them free the land. Once that job is done, it is the moderates like Sheekh Shariif and intellectual somali's all over the world who should take the lead. The right man for the right chapter! The danger is Alshabab might impose their will under the barrell of gun! I doubt that will work in Somalia. Their appeal will run out once the occupation is ended. Plus, some among them might have learned lessons from their past plunders. let us hope so! For now, there is no alternative but Al-shabaab! Takbiiiiiiiiiiiiir! Dhulqarneyn As usual, sfiting through the grammer of people and little of substance. Quite frustrating.
  14. Look guys,I have to place my complaints here with you as the elders of SOL. Ngonge What you said yesterday was all correct about petulance and spite. But you missed one key ingredient in your descrption of criticisms. I can't believe you missed such an obvious distinction. I will give you an example from the post deleted: Sheh said : "dude, this is not a story. It is nonsense and crap. (something to that line)- This is what I see as a civilized criticism which I should not whine about. she was talking about the story, not me! Ibtisam said : "..edeb ma lihid." This is not considered as criticism where I live and where I lived in the past. It is considered as insult. And passing insults with a shrug is only to encourage anarchy. I respond to correct her, not because I am angry. let us be clear. Xinnfaniin There was no malice in the tale of the Doctor who abused his patients. I stand firm on that. yet, because Ibtisam whinned, it was taken out. fair enough. It is time for me to make a decision if the petulance of an under-age dictates what can be posted and what can't be!
  15. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: Yes that is why i love the FB ,,, there are two ethio-somali wars ,,, 1964 and 1977 ,, which one is your birthday ?? Loooooooooooool@JB!1964 kulahaa! KK, I now know your age. If you were born in 1977, then you are younger then me and should respect me. Canjeex- wax badan baa kaa danbeeyey saaxiib in case you think me and KK are still firing at each other. Soo xog wareeyso. Salaams.
  16. +faheema I admire you are specific at last. However, I disagree with what you said should not be discussed. Just like that. I don't think any one will go and talk about nudities and obscenities, but such personal encouters need to be unveiled. There is no harm. Of course, it varies with people's age, priciples and background. AT&T Wataa Admin'kii maalayaan taan soo maroorsadaye Muska waxaan u galay odaygaan laga majiireyne Alahayoow Xinnfaninn sideen ugu muraad seegay! (they deleted that gyno post becuase Ibti and you protested.)
  17. No malika, it is that imposter Xinn trying to sell his good image at the expense of me. There is no substitute for being honest and I am proud I excel him in that department. It is not a great art that takes years to learn. The art of playing cool and nice in public. I can do it better.
  18. He is just displaying shrwed statesmanship and real humility. What is wrong with this, bishaaro?
  19. No harm in mentioning her name Malika. It come as a follow up to a discussion. He said he wants to PM her and I askd if that is to teach her the Kitaab. It didn't come out of the blue. Thanks for the advice anyway.
  20. Johnny B It was my mistake. Unknown infact wanted inuu kitaab u mariyo Ibti. My delusions.
  21. +faheema Xinn is an imposter. It is a forum and ultimately people will differ on their conclusions. I am writing what I find passionate. The insinuations that I am doing this to please some others is even more hurting than the personality attacks. Can you please tell me what is wrong with those three paragraphs, without linking it to who wrote it and his history?
  22. I would be glad to see them implement a portion of strategy! It will hasten their demise.
  23. You ask them! some are looking for the 3rd.
  24. Originally posted by unknown1: A&T im married so i wouldnt do that. and plus i dont date and i dont want to. Sayid, Nuune, Che and Xinn are also married. But you know what is going on.........
  25. Originally posted by Sayid*Somal: Unknown & co -when did the Al-shabaab website become top secret? everyone knows their website here is the URL=http://www.somaliaonline.com/cgi-bin/ubb/ultimatebb.cgi?/profile/10132]link [/url] Be careful Sayid! He may issue a fatwa against you soon! looooooooooool@profile/10132.