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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. On a per capita level, I reckon it is better. The annual budget allocated to the Somali region is usually around 120 Million USD. 90% of it, is consumed by the elites in Jigjiga and goes to the town directly or indirectly. With a population of around 300,000 (maximum), it will come to 400 USD per per son, if the money were to be distributed equitably. That is massive. I don't know about Moqdisho's economy, and I guess it is much higher, but it is being shared by much more people-including Ethiopian Generals who are buying big plots and cars in Addis with the loot.
  2. ^looooooooooool@conjugal. Che, afkaga caano lagu qabay!
  3. I can speak for myself. Aniga waa la ii keenaa Johnny! Kolkolna wajigaa la igaga daadiyaa! Some were suggesting an abrupt end. Just think about the long faces! If that happens.
  4. Originally posted by nuune: B.G, true, qof aan saambuus cunin in Ramadan, Soomaalinimadioisa khattar ay ku jirtaa DS nuune; Yaad u jeedaa? I have eaten sambuuse only the first two days. I start with proper food. The sharaab follows after 1-2 hours. No suxuur at all. Maadaama oo aana cuntada aad u cunin, I am worried if I don't eat food at the time of afur, I will not be able to withstand the ramadaan.
  5. Sayid Ramadaan taa na diciifiseey saaxiib. Did I tell you this boy with a severe gooryaan problem once uttered "War ninyahoow soonku...". I have the feeling he wanted to complain. Then, he was squeezed by the gooryaan inside so hard and he read that as a sign of warning. he qucikly changed his language, "Haa, Soonku waa caafimaad", he shouted. Halkiibaan ku dhow nahay.
  6. Thanks Nuur At least some cruel fellows citing commonsense were saying you stop it.
  7. Sayid Waa kalgacal saaxiib waxaan kuu xagxaganayaa! II waran oo how are things with you? Wax kuu hagaageey? Also, I didn't know that nick?
  8. BG Because the same monotony has been coming out of his beak, and so far the functions of his ears were only limited to amplifying what the neighbouing bodypart says, Xinn really belives his messages are what everybody else says or should say. I can understand the talk-charade is to give a face-saving deal to the embattled stooges in Baidoa. The TFG has died a natural death and are no more relevant in Somali politics. The issue now is will Sheikh Shariif, with his new international support, be able to bring the liberation forces into one fold and move forward in forming an all-inclusive (stooges are not in the all) Xalaal governmnet when the term of the stooges end? On a personal note, I am a fan of Xinn's reasoning power and way of articulation, but he disappoints me with his too-much self-assuredness and the aura of invicibility he builds into his arguments.
  9. Sayidka Ani iyo adi ayaa isku dhici doona hadaadan hawlihii ka bixin. Ngonge, Malika, Ibti, JB and Faheema ramdaan kariim. I hope Ibti knows mine is not fake fasting.
  10. Salaams Ibti, Who is fasting without ajir?
  11. Dear Nuur/Rahima, This gentleman was woken up by his wife so that he gets ready for the Suhuur. He looked at his watch. 4:20am. Normally, the final Azaan is made at 4:30am. Lured by the swagger of the wife who brought milk to him, he saw there was still a time to satisfy an intimate desire. The question is what does the rule say? Do you stop the act or you finish the round? [ September 18, 2008, 07:53 AM: Message edited by: Nur ]
  12. Infact, the pictures don't show where Jigjiga excels. The residential houses. Some of them are world class. Al-Hashimi should have gone to K-05 and Badda-cas.
  13. Waa lagaa qaaday sister! Ngonge Have you made any headways with the investigation on the whereabouts of the zealot? The man whom I am terrified off. Laa-yacraf guy, I mean.
  14. Sheh Who is the devil? I get Yo for greeting you? After what you did the otherday? Ngonge- you didn't tell me the meaning saaxib. At least I told you mine. Seriously, how do you found Mikael Balayneh? That man own his own place in Addis, where you sit and enjoy the Injera while all the beauties are gazing around. Is that not heavenly?
  15. Hello Val and Sheh. Val new role after promoted or demoted? Ngonge The last ciid I was here; and would have loved to be back to Addis for the Ciid festivties. I know I can't. Miki's "I wanted to know about tomorrow, I desired to see the future now" is for you. Simply breath-taking! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWslqffzGCo&feature=related
  16. JB It is the habit of most Somali drivers. Intuu cadceed ku taaguu hadhow ku odhan waan shaah doontaye miyaan raagay?
  17. ^ The last time I descended from Boeing 767 at Heathrow, I was welcomed by more than 14 friends and family members, not to mention the two Sussex University staff who were taking care of all those who arrive for the training. I have plenty of pictures. Two of the men were heads of the Jaaliyada reerkanaga in the UK and one guy from the Embassy (the first secretary), who happens to be a relative as well. Then, in 2006, I was not a member of SOL. It seems I missed a great opportunity to pass the word to the world with the headlines "Mudane A&T oo si diiran loogu soo dhaweeyey dalka Ingiriiska. Wuxuu la shiri doona Ilma Muxuyadiin oo deggan xaafada South Hall, kadibna wuxuu u anbabaxayaa magaalada Brighton oo uu kaga qayb-galayo shir caalami ah oo loo qabtay Xoolo-dhaqatada". If 9 relatives welcoming their old unlce could stir all this news, why not my travel. Brace for it next time I travel.
  18. Originally posted by Faynuus: AT meelwalbo muran unbaad ka raadisaaa ninyohow waaban kusii nici rabaa waana rabadaanoo inuu qof i dhibsado ma jecli. i like some of ur jokes laakiin i think ur way out of line to call this discusion filthy. maxaa filthy ah? ma natural mesntrual rituals mise how to handle them. why r bads or tampoons filthy? they are made for menstruating woman incase u didn't know and there is nothing shameful about them just like there is nothing shameful or filthy about diapers. the sister is stil young and has a genuine concern about using a certain product for her own personal hygiene so who is more approperiate than anynymous somali sisters who tried it themselves? Dear Amiina-Tiriig, sorry Faynuus Horta de meel cidla ah uun yaan la iska nicin. Waa la istoosiyaaye la isma noco!. What I am saying is not why did she ask questions. Was it not possible for her to ask privately? And you are right ma maqal alaabtan la isku aabudhayo. So naturally, I did react negatively. And the talk of stuffing it up in the wrong places! As far as the cycle is concerned, my motto has always echoed: Let the rivers overflow It won't bother me!
  19. The women's part is no filth, waxan lagu gurayo is. I am not after you. Tame your paranoia dear Ibti. The No Guys label to me sounds like the sign Ethiopians post public places where they use to pass their urine. "No urine" please it says. Strangely, such places are targeted for disposal of the waste. On a different note, the men-women interactions you object to are as much natural and not filth.
  20. Some of the concerns of the men there was "condoms are too tight" and the women were worried whether there the female condom "makes too much sound" in action. Waan yaabay? condms too tight? Wax bakhtiyey gelii, waa kii la odhan jiray!
  21. The latter dimension is not going to be resolved by the DDjibouti dialogue anyway, dear Malika. You need to see the Somalia conflict in phases. The first phase now is stoping the active fighting in Southern Somalia and ensuring Somalia's fate is back onto the hands of the Somali's again. The Ethiopian are keen to get out (forced to do so- The TPLF/EPRDF are going for a retreat to the northern town of Bahir-dar this week with Somalia the main agenda). I hear they are utterly dismayed by how things turned out there. So, in the face of this backtracking from their backers, and the general hate for this rotten government from the Somali public, where is their relevance coming from? As far as I understand, the TFG doesn't represent Somaliland and Puntland. Th second phase is bringing all players (South, Puntland and Somaliland) togather and there is where all-inclusive talks and compromise will be most needed.
  22. You deserve it bro! This is no fattery. Duliye-sare Nuune is what I will call you from now on. Depending on out intimacy, I may drop the prefixes though. Ramadaan'taa maanta si xun ii haysa ninyahoow. And my employers are not considerate. I just came out of a must-do orientation session on how to use men and female condoms. Islaan weyn ayaa noo sharxaysay oo wadatay qori weynn oo prototype alaab ah. Ceeeb baa meesha ka dhacday. I walked out in disgust after the 40 or so particpants started to act like teenagers.
  23. I see mr. Dulqudhmuun is even defecating in Sports section. What a venom inside this soul?
  24. ishiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiish! Ceeb! waxan hoos isugu sheega! Hadhow baa la odhan doonaa waxbaa edeb daran! Discuss your filth privately!