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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Xinn Never mind you at times rig the facts and dish out harebrained interpretations of who is relevant and who is not, in Somali politics; a week is not long and even a man of low patience- as I am, can wait for it. However, the poisoned chalice dangled out to Somali's as peace by those who wrecked the nation, and who still have noting against the occupation of a sovereign nation will not deliver the salvation we seek. I am not also a fan of your vacous reading of the would-be agreement which is fueling your gratitious euphoria of peace through the backdoor. I hope it is that easy! Gheele T You are a good man, but don't mistake a plaintive whimper for words of wisdom.
  2. Watching that Sheikh's sublime Qasiido rocked me last night. It was on Somaliland TV which I installed after paying several greens. The title was divine: "Caadilul Burhaan" . I am not good in arabic, but could never miss what he wanted to say when he chanted: Muxabaa!! Khayru-khalqulaa Muxabaa! Nuurul-carshilaa Muxabaa! Muxabaa! It was melodious. I don't know how many of you like Qasiido. I always had a love-hate relationship with these rituals. I like the rite and hate the performers.
  3. Originally posted by Abtigiis &Tolka: quote:Originally posted by ilax: Originally posted by Abtigiis &Tolka: [QB] On a per capita level, I reckon it is better. The annual budget allocated to the Somali region is usually around 120 Million USD. 90% of it, is consumed by the elites in Jigjiga and goes to the town directly or indirectly. With a population of around 300,000 (maximum), it will come to 400 USD per per son, if the money were to be distributed equitably. That is massive. Who is that greedy elite that eats up all the budget for the Region? I was told the Regional Goverment devolved more than 70 percent of its budget to the district. Waa markan xaraaradeni kasaaro. I think, if that is the case, the local elite will have more share than the regional elite They told you lies. That money is physically transported to Gode Bank doesn't mean it is not coming back to Jigjiga. Look for more information. Plus, do you know they now formally decided to cancel that charade of devolved funds and have empowered the Regional finanace bureau to be in charge of all disbursements? ^The immediate former poster, must you mimic one or the other of SOl members to come up with a witty remark?
  4. kolkol intaad iloowdo miyaad ku yar tuurtaa? I mean I know a friend who often drinks water only to realise he was in Ramadan later. They say its Allah's way of blessing some among us!
  5. Why do people think if UN goes to Somalia, it will stablise? The more combative Ethiopian army couldn't stop the Alshabab and certainly military might is not the answer. The answer is as Thierry said a political soultion, but between the relevant entities. Xinn's dragging the dead horse of the TFG into meeting halls will not add value. In that regard, he is regressive. Thieryy has added an intersting dimension to the argument, though: the demise of the 'yusufites' in the TFG. Still, who said Nuur cadde's hands are free of blood? Is he not the man who said the Ethiopians were in self-defence when they massacred people in the Bakara market? Just becuase he wasn't on Ethiopian tanks during the invasion doesn't mean he hasn't committed treason. He is irrelvant to the only forces who matter in the competing binaries of Somalia- the Alshabab. And also to the nationalists who will not like to see traitors participate in the rebuliding of the nation. A negative precedence where one is allowed to devour the soul of the nation and then join the bandwagon when freedom is attained must not be set.
  6. Ngonge is wrong. For ME, to tell you, not to be insensitive is not his mistake. Me is right.
  7. The people of Puntland are the flagbearers of somali nationalism and unity. Unfortuntely, a distinctive generation with SSDF mentality and rampant martydom complex have opted to put self-interst and revenge before anything else, and are holding the majority hostage.
  8. Now time you reflect on the suffering of the unfortunte sisters in Somaligalbeed. Watch channel 4 and pray for them.
  9. Nobody wants Ngonge's comfort or lip-sucking from his cacoon in London. There are brave men out there doing their best to change the course of events. Yet, I agree with me that NG needs to listen to the girl who is saying 'my kids didn't eat last night and this morning'. I know it is not because he lacks compassion, though.
  10. That is even not the worst. Rape and killing is the order of the day. The solution is not different than what tpday's oppressors did. Fight for liberation. It is time those who feel their bretherns are wronged join in the fight. Technicalities and names are not big deal. We know the gun is the only language the Tigrayans understand.
  11. Originally posted by Malika: Yep..The thought of being in the same room with the likes of you,Ngonge,Johnny and Nuune ..a girl might just have to fake a faint! Ooooooooooooooh! yaad soonka ka jabinaysaa ugaaso! faint? I don't have that luck!
  12. Sheekhoow First of all, I thought all shaytaan is what is chained. The fishy part is maybe in relation to the question you were asked. "The shaitanimo behaviour" allusion. When combined with that, it seems to confirm something. That is not your fault, though. Wabilaahi Tawfiik.
  13. You are right. All men and waliba those with the biggest testicles. Welcome Malika. You know I like uunsi.
  14. Dear Johnny, even in my amertuer knowlegde, I think you shouldn't read much into the words. The non-verbal communication was all too clear. What more did you wanted. If someone carries around a milk yelling, dhayda' lo'da', all you have to do is ask for the price. The willing buyer- the willing seller principle. I agree in your case, you are dealing with a tricky customer. Ilaahay baa waxanagii laaq noo saaray was what the orgi said when the ram challenged why he has to blow all the dust to do what itself does with ease. Farsamo ku wad, laakiin waad dhadhawdahay. Nuune; I don't think so. General section'ka ilaa laba loo qaybiyo oo parental discretion is required label la sameeyo meeye, I don't want to corrupt the souls of the innocent children here.
  15. username South Somalia has no problem. Your uncle exported it onto their lands motivated by tribal avarice and power obssession. Stop blaming the innocent people of the middle and Lower Shabelle, the middle and lower Jubba and Banadiir. If you are really serious about the independence, please proceed forward. Good luck with the spaaro and piracy. ANd with the barren fields.
  16. They are not yet here! Wali mayna soo toosin ha'e!
  17. Nuune, Ninkan odayga ah maxaa bisada daba dhigay? let us have some serious talk, gentlemen? NG is resourceful and shouldn't sound like Cajalad rikood ku dhegtay, Sida Xinn oo kale! Johnny- shaly way isugu kaa dhacday. Adigoo wax baayici baa iigu danbeysaye ma ku heshiiseen qiimihii?
  18. Xinn What is this cat you are obssessed with for the last couple of days? Methapor in display? On a serious note, where do you live horta. Yes, in Arabia, but where in Arabia? EDIT Sorry, That is for Ngonge. Saaka Xinn baan ku soo toosay. DS Nuune Salaan sare.
  19. ^^^ Allaa anahum humul muslixinn walaakin ...., Is that where you are driving at dear Ayoub? Sorry for putting thought into your mind,but that is exactly how I am feeling. Xiinoow; Meeshay kaaga socoto waad la soctaa ee is furdaami. Soo alaabtaydi lagaama kari la'!
  20. Everytime I see the incongurent tolaaeyeey posts of this fake General, my mind refuses to bury the pictures of the proverbial Igbo poet, Christian Akigbo, who subordinated his art to his ancestry. General Duke follows in the path of the narrow-minded poet. Duke is first a man of the reerka, and then a somali. He has subordinated the intersts of the nation to that of the jilib. And hence, has closed his mind to reason and logic.
  21. There are only two possibilities. Either Xinn is in Djibouti representing either of the talking parts and hence knows a lot we don't know; or he is delusional. Good Xinn has lost his muse eversince he decided to follow the footsteps of a lost caravan wallowing in no-where with chants of innuendos and moving fast to destination Phantom. I disagree with the portrayal of this mediocre Sheikh as the saviour of Somalia. He is a good man, albeit with proven flaws- like escaping a battlefield. He is nothing if he can't get the support of the fighting forces.
  22. Siphon Your insinuations are condemned. There is no shame in seeking cilmi. The good Sheikh Nuur's explanations are fishy.
  23. No contradictions. Just work around the logic. It will end up in your face if what happens?