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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. No Faheema. I have a track record of apologising and accepting apologies too. That is when I am convinced of the mistake I did or done to. In this case, none has been committed.
  2. Or if the devil inside is not letting your soul to rest and reflect objectively, then perhaps it is time you listen to "Shaydaan Marooraa, Soomali sheegtaa" By Maxamed Suleiman.
  3. Waryaa NG- maxaad dadka isugu diraysaa? There was nothing to apologise for and there is no issue here.
  4. So you are literally saying JB is a tribalist. Brofosorre, balaayaad dhigtay. Infact, I read the politics of the belly but never remember what was in there.
  5. +Faheema No, I am no hung up with earlier comments. Everytime I decry your inconsistencies, dee reference hore ha doonin my dear. I like you and care about what you say. See it that way.
  6. Nuune Ninkani riwaayad buu u jeedaa ee wax soo qor cidna ma odhan. On the other hand, if indeed he is asked to come up with a story, and he is brainstorming will all SOL members here, who will take ownership of the final product? Was it not that the teacher really wanted to streach his imagination and inventiveness? If I were the cheated teacher, I will have given him "F".
  7. Double standard? Is this not the same faheema who denounced the evil side of my things in the past? War anagaa wax aragnay!
  8. AfroGirl Waad mahadsan tahay walaal, and salaams. laakiin, JB have rejected my support. Well, you know I can't gate-crush. But I can give him a hint: Waxaad ka qortaa naag raylisle ah. I know a bachlor friend of mine who keeps his hair for a month if he has to, if there are no women hair-cutters in the barbershops.
  9. What has your man said about the bakaraa masaccre of yesterday? Ma kaas baa ummad hogaan u ah. On the children programme side, I invite you "...hooyo, ha waayin walaala dhowr ah, ha waayin soomali weyntaa". That should have inculcated a sense of brotherhood in your small chicken-head.
  10. Ngonge No, waxaan u hiiliyey damiirkayga. The alternative would have been worse! To advance my career at the expense of my wronged brother. It is an enormous risk, as the new head of office is just deployed and is unlikely to be removed, but it has to be! The Loquacious, all-knowing, master of everything, the only real professional Cameronian has even insulted the somali guy as a muslim killer. What more should I wait for?
  11. Sheekooy sheeko! Diin iyo dacaawaa baratamay!
  12. caught between bitterly fighting Camerounian head of office and his somali kenyan deputy. There is no mistaking who is the wrong one this time. It is the loquacious west african with his indiscipline and mismangement. They Somali guy has flaws but is right now. A mission is coming to investigate. The Cameronian is warning us all that he will give us the marching orders should anyone support the deputy. I have decided to just do the right thing and support the truth and the fairness. Bal soo duceeya, Nuune! CL- Jambo! missed you. Hi lily.
  13. ^War ilmahan yaa yaqaan aabihii oo dadka ka qabta!
  14. Dhulqarneyn lad; Why come into the dance floor if you really can't dance? If you don't know about ONLF, then is it wise to talk about the rendition issue at all? To what level are you disengaged? I thought if you know why they were handed over, you will also know who they were? Easy with the insults and personality attacks again. Grow up!
  15. Dear Spohist; I know more things when it comes to the United Non-sense (UN). I work for it. Believe me this is all business as usual for Ahmedou. A career issue. And here in the UN, when you fail and put 200 bags of food in the toilet, this is how you report: "200 bags of food intended for supplementary feeding for district X was dumped into a pit latrine. A lot of work has been done to make accurate assessement of the need, to identify the real beneficiaries and enhance more targeting of the delivery of the food. There was a lot of progress in all those areas; and we now have a database of who should get what. The 200 bags were not delivered appropriately; but there are lots of positives things to take from this exercise. Lessons learnt. Overall, the operation was a success! Dear sophy- Processes matter and count here, not results. The Personal Appraisal System (PAS) for Ahmedou will reflect all his meetings and their venues!
  16. Repeating a lie with even more pronounced anger and insult won't make it a truth. Both men were in Puntland and have families there. Now forget about who they were. Fine, they were members of ONLF. Are you saying you will handover any ONLF member to Ethiopia? Just answer this question. I am against Abdullahi Yusuf and all his likes ( the traitors in the TFG). In fact, I believe the more I curse them, the more ajir and xasanaat I will get. They are filth, without a shred of decency.
  17. Abdullahi Yuusuf anigu waan gartoo waligii buu khaa'inul wadan ahaaye, Nuur Caddahan coodcoodsan ma fahmin? Muxuu riwaayadan ka dhex boodayaa?
  18. If Sheekh Shariif settles for anything less than a total withdrawal and restoration of the soverignity of the nation, he will be even more irrelevant than he is currently. He can't enforce any of the decisions he agrees to in Djibouti. Isagaa cirka roob ku og!
  19. Ahmed Ould Abdalla oo Jabuuti isaga tagay, iyadoo aan wax heshiis ah la saxiixin Muqdisho, Sept 21, 2008 (WDN)- Wakiilka QM ee arrimaha Soomaaliya ayaa xalay isaga tagay dalka Jabuuti, iyadoo halkaasi aan lagu saxiixin heshiiskii la filayay in ay dhinacyada isku haya siyaasadda Soomaaliya qalinka ku duugaan. Ahmedou Aould Abdalla ayaa ka duulay garoonka magalada Jabuuti, isagoo safar ugu kicitimay dhanka dalka Kenya. Arrintani ayaa timid xilli xalay mar kale la isku mari waayay qodob ka mid ah qodobadii heshiiska, oo dhigaayay in muddo bil gudaheeda ay ciidamada Itoobiyaanku kaga baxaan xaafadaha magaalada Muqdisho guud ahaanba, iyadoo dowladda KMG ah arrintaasi ay u cuntami weyday, kuna adkeysatay in ciidamadu ay ka baxayaan oo kaliya meelaha ay dadka rayidku degenyihiin oo aanay ku jirin goobaha aanay dadku ku badneyn sida ay ku doodeen wafuuddii dhanka ammaanka ee dowladdu. Goobaha hadda lagu muransan yahay in ay ciidamadu ka baxaan ayaa waxa ka mid ah garoomada ciyaaraha, dhismayaasha dowladda iyo meelo kale oo dadku ay ka ag dhow yihiin, taasina waxa soo jeediyay isbaheysiga ARS iyadoo dowladda KMG ahna ay diiden. Lama oga in wadaxaajoodka labada dhinac uu sii socon doono maalmaha soo socda maadaama wakiilkii QM ee dhex dhexaadinaayay arrimaha heshiisku uu isaga duulay dalka Jabuuti isagoo aaday Nayroobi. Jamaal Cismaan WardheerNews, Muqdisho http://www.wardheernews.com/News_08/September/21_Ahmed_Ould_Abdalla_oo%20Jabuuti%20ka_ambabaxay.html P.S So much for Xinn's optimism. Adeer, ama ciidamada Itoobiya ha baxaan ama heshiis ha dhawrin!
  20. Now, is it the turn to dish out the lies. Two of the men were residents in Puntland forover 10 years and had wives and children. Go look for the facts, before you lie in the month of Ramadaan. Waryaa,beentu waa ceeb.
  21. Originally posted by dhulQarnayn: ^^^Puntland nationalism keedu weligeed wey noolaaneesaa, ee labada gobol oo is yiri Somaalaad ka go'i kartaan hamigoodi wuu guray. dhulQarnayn :cool: Republic Of California Viva with the same nationalism that thrives when it delivers blind-folded Somali's to Ethiopia!
  22. Maybe Username is a cyper pirate. This time raba inuu af-duubo a whole region. The vast seas are not enough for the wicked.