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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Is there a mole here! Who told Afro I like women with kinky hair? Fed up with the blista, runti!
  2. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: ^Apart from A&T and NGONE that's. The report is true, at least about me.
  3. Classic stuff! I can see the heads going up and down!
  4. Haaye meela way fidaysaa, meela waa uun iska sideedi. Don't you think that could be the main reason.
  5. War ninkan unbaa ku daba qaataye xataa 40 people oo meel isugu timid can be described as "mass". Anigu ma difaacaagaan eeday?
  6. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: ^^Did i say 7 days? That was not xiin! Hohohooooo! Oo kaalay ma dafiraad cad baa bilaabatay. Wakaa sheekhii haddaba ciddii Xinn sheekh u haysatoow. See what you said here: "War maad isugtid isbuuc baa noo hadhsane...". Spin it again, ilee as I told you you are suffering from that infallibility syndrome. http://www.somaliaonline.com/ubb/ultimatebb.php?/topic/9/15981/4
  7. Prologue to Assimilation Policy? By : THE MAAN-HADAL TEAM September 23, 2008 The latest session of the ‘parliament’ in the nominal Somali regional state enacted statues that are of high interest. First, men and women are to share their assets equitably in the event of a divorce and no more reference is to be made to the rules in the Sharia court. Second, the ‘irksome’ five-star in the corner of the regional flag is soon to be a thing of the past. Third, Friday is to be a working day. When announcing this ‘landmark’ laws, there was no disguise of the contempt for the feelings and beliefs of the people in the region. The vulgarities were so vile, the insensitivity so audacious! In fact, a laurel wreath was proffered onto the head of the man who announced it- a man merely used as an amplifier by the real rulers of the region who originated the laws. What temerity! The people of Somaligalbeed will need its most living God to get the better of this massive attempt on its heritage and identity, if this is what we, indeed, think it is. We suspect this is a prologue to a new policy of assimilation the regime in Addis Ababa is trying to implement in the region, along with the already pursued divide-and-rule policies. The explanations given for the introduction of these laws are an indication of the phased strategies hatched up to delink the blood, history, and destiny ties the people of the region had and have with their kins in Somalia. This hitherto concealed agenda is beginning to obtrude blatantly; betraying the lies of the regime about valuing the customs and identities of nations and nationalities of the inhabitants of Ethiopia. The regime thinks the removal of the star and the shade of blue background from the not-so-scared flag will hopefully mean, all of a sudden, the people of the region will be insensitive to the atrocities committed in Somalia. It hopes it will end the desire to be a Somali and will usher the dawn of a new transformation. We think, beyond publicity, it won’t go far. Indeed, the stooges in Jigjiga all looked drunk with well contrived misapprehension when their dishonest leadership announced that this measure is a step forward in the birth of a new sense of ‘Ethiopianism’ in the heart of the people of the region. Rigging facts is not something new with the regime and their implants. But one may still ask if this gratuitous euphoria have any chance of being a reality? The Somali people are one in culture, religion and are intricately tied together by blood, bonded in marriages and share common livelihood sources. A mere elimination of a star will never stop the relation, but on the contrary, might act as a catalyst to solidify the affiliation and bolster self-awareness. It may wake up those who were asleep, oblivious to the danger lurking. Therefore, the euphoria is short-sighted. It will never impact on the social, political, cultural, psychological and economic attachment and interdependence among the Somali nation in the horn of Africa. The people of the region are burdened by a severe famine to care about the imposition of unenforceable laws by a despairing regime. A regime that is busy expelling humanitarians and media people so that the cries of hungry children and the grief of abused mothers is not revealed to the world. Add this to the well founded reports by credible international human right organisations on the extra-judicial killings, arbitrary detentions and burning of villages committed by the Ethiopian army; and one would wonder if massive starvation is the right tool to arm-twist the Somaligalbeed people to sing in praise and long for the tri-coloured flag of Ethiopia. That Friday is going to be a working day is part of the phased attempt at the assimilation of the conquered natives. Perhaps, the decision on the rights of women and men is the most far-reaching. Apart from the questionable motives and the challenges around the operationalisation of the law, whether good or bad, the issue is, will it be accepted by the suspicious Somali’s who see it as a dictation by the Christian highlanders? Even if one argues this particular decree was made for the welfare of the women and with good intentions, the method of delivery has sullied its value and reduced the chances for practical implementation. Not to mention the parochial and controversial nature of the law. After the killings, arrests and mass starvation polices is this the latest weapon to subdue the ‘unruly’ Somali’s? The designers of these laws must have dug deep and read all the lessons from French colonialism, for there is no better way of vanquishing a rebel than to force him/her to reject his/her self! This new invention is particularly dangerous as it is targeted against the soul and sacred beliefs of the people. Whatever physical pain and loss is inflicted upon the Somaligalbeed people by the colonizers will heal with time. But, the shame and loss that follows the absconding of our values and core beliefs will alter who we are and will have an eternal sore in our soul and that of our progeny. Therefore, the people of Somaligalbeed and their Somali brothers elsewhere must denounce and oppose this denial of religious rights and the blatant attack on their identity. From our side, maybe, it is time we remind the strategists of this wicked policy, the living words of the eminent poet Jaamac Kadiye: The sound I understand is a Somali The genetics of me is a Somali The way God created me is a Somali He who I greet is a Somali He who I share food with is a Somali He who I befriend is a Somali The perch I sleep on is a Somali The land I walk on is a Somali You find a Somali If you cut my skin I object to the dissection and dalliance – (of those who wish to divide us) Never will we be kept apart I am a Somali, I am indivisible!!! Maanhadal@maanhadal.com www.MaanHadal.com http://www.maanhadal.com/maanhada/Prologue_to_Assimilation.html
  8. Are youn saying you are back-tracking from the seven day promise? Soo digii ilahaa todobaad isug!
  9. Ninkan Feedha weynee ku mashquulay af-duubka erey aan ku idhaahdo Adeerow Shalaytoole ardayba ku dhamaaday agagaarka bakaare ee inta aad iga daysid afadiyo odaygan loo aloosay qorshooyin Bal aan maqlo adoo Ka oyaaya inkaarta aafaysay umadoo dhan iyagoo wada sooman
  10. I was not trying to highlight that af-lagaado part of your statement. Waan fahmaye, okas baan uga boodayey. How much will you think will do the job?
  11. Acuudu bilaahi Mina shaydaani Rajiim! Bye waryaa Che.
  12. Xiin, waxani ka badan sugitaan e adeer armaan saan kuu ag fadhiyo, fadhi-carbeedka lagu qabtaa! By Al-shabaab.
  13. He has the tendancy to be unreliable. Barri baynu eegi doonaa, but the mission was his so far.
  14. Way isu qaybiyeen cadaankii. Adigo qabo ana waan kaa sii dayn! Like Xariif Dilaal, both parties, the tenant and the landlord will be made to pay.
  15. Maye miskiin kalkaal ayaan ahay.
  16. Massive is what JB thinks, not what I think. One step up from Mass, I hope. Was trying to help. Anyway, your clarifications are appreciated by me, on behalf of the wronged JB.
  17. Waryaa Che, leave my friend alone. JB knows it is not mass but MASSIVE. He is not born with English like you. Car wakaase Af-somali iskula dhaca?
  18. Brilliant NG- If I have half-of your talent, with all the encounters of life I witnessed, I should have been contending to the Booker Prizes. Anyway, I for once thought, the women found Condoms in her husband pockets. Now, I see it is normal Mirqaan business. I have seen plenty of it. Our friend -Iran- is enough to fill pages. JB- don't copy the story. Change Qasim's name to Daahir.
  19. "Ninka weyn ee dharka cad xidhan ee gurigana daba fidhiyaa wa'ayo?" Axmed yare asked "waa Ilaahay" replied his younger brother. Googaa cigale business.
  20. Originally posted by B_G: ^^ u gone krazy 2day? Ngonge? BG Read again and tell me if you still think Ngonge's 'stuff and Nonesense' should end up in the hands of dangerous kids. Of course, I don't expect the delinquent kid to understand the insiuations. His cranium needs to grow to decipher it.
  21. Dear Brofossore, I think the book is full of generalisations such as the excerpts you posted. Ngonge Fight for your copy right. Kids are wasting it everywhere. You can't invent a dealy weapon and leave it at the hands of infants. At least you should have written "keep out of the reach of children" on it.