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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Originally posted by +Faheema: lol2Afro, you're not fooling anyone A&T, what did I do now? Why would you say I am cruel bal, I asked a valid question Why are you defensive now?
  2. Waryaa ma gabay ingiriis ahbaad wax ku shukaansanaysaa? Waa tagtaye! laakiin Lambarkaad garaacayso wax waxaa ka yar loolama tagi karo! Warkeedaan hayaa!
  3. For JB's Kins(seediyaashay), 'Fa.qa.sh' are worse than Yuhuuda. Ask Xaaji Xundjuf!
  4. Enjineer Mahdi used to say "waa lala yaabay warbixintaydii. Afka unbaa la qabsaday". No body knew whether it was in awe of appreciation or incrudility of its Stu.pid.ity. But for him, it was clear: "Mutacalimnimadaan eeday" he used to say! Maybe, why I am after the kid is because of that prized "mutacalimnimo". Who knows!
  5. resigned to his fate will be more accurate to describe my situation.
  6. Malika Good advice as usual. Pity no payment for all these counsellings. I must return the favour one day. In kind or in,,,,,
  7. HornAfrique Hadalkaaga uma qalmee waxan ha u jawaabin. Anigaa la yar qasan just so that I teach him how he should give people a break. Duliqarneyn-Alexander Dumas says an impolite kid is most likely a carzy one too! Or does he? Google and tell me.
  8. Aamiin yare, ka leexo eedadaa waryaa! Dadka waa weyn lama caayo! Howmany times Should I tell you. Must may name read Hugh Scofield or Giorgious Karamandiis to listen to me? Shakespeare iyo kuwa kaleba waad maqashayee imaqal yaa walad. By the way, "fieyn baaabaa, hunnaa hoo, camu mi" yaan hawada kuu soo marinya as present for the ciid! Horn Ilma ha canaan adiguna. Kuwii ku yidhi Kismayo inagaa qabsanay unbaa hadana ku yidhi xanaaq! The boy knows nothing outside his room and Computer desk.
  9. Aamiin yare, ka leexo eedadaa waryaa! Dadka waa weyn lama caayo! Howmany times Should I tell you. Must may name read Hugh Scofield or Giorgious Karamandiis to listen to me? Shakespeare iyo kuwa kaleba waad maqashayee imaqal yaa walad. By the way, "fieyn baaabaa, hunnaa hoo, camu mi" yaan hawada kuu soo marinya as present for the ciid!
  10. Or giggled here! BG isjir!
  11. Children get confused when things get intricate. What did Charles Dickens said about this? Bal noo sheeg yaa Dhul. Ileen waxaasay kuugu baxdaaye!
  12. Malika, Ciid wanaagsan in advance! One of the most boring Ciid coming my way!
  13. Originally posted by Afr0 GirL: EDIT AA&t At least I know I'm nicer than someone out there Why are you defensive?
  14. +faheema is crazy. Afro is cruel.
  15. Thanks Afro. I will learn to control my percieved state of fear and percived lack of inability to calm down.
  16. Afro and +Faheema Excited about nailing me down telling falsehood? You are wrong! Ever heard of Hal-qabsi? It was all that and stressing the point that it is not a fiction. Of course, I can tell a ficition both in Ramadaan and other times, as long as I don't claim they are true. I have never lied in this forum, just for your information. When I say things that are abusrd, I either say it is hearsay, fiction or facts I observed. I catagorise the reliablit of it. Coming back to the story, it was an issue I have to mediate as I said.
  17. Afro Kinky- Salaams CL- it is true. She is doing a lot of odd things including asking her friends to ask the man to divorce her. And when the man says no, she all of a sudden jumps in delight. She cried the whole day because he is 'doesn't care about her', but that is when he is away from home. When he is home, she is healthy. The man is saying I am not able to work because she sends text messages while he is in office saying that she is leaving home and she is in the Airport. All this to get his attention and care! So, yesterday, HE said he wants to divorce her! What do you think. We are in ramadaan, I can't make up stories.
  18. Too much love is dangerous. It makes the person bitter and teary. Someone's wife might be divorced for loving her husband too much! The man couldn't rest. What advise for my friend?
  19. Crucial stage doesn't necessarily mean I did anything bad. Sheeko ayey noqon kartaa. Otherwise, how would I have seen the dog?
  20. The closest I came to such a thing was when in Garoonka diyaarada agtiisa with Ruqiya (lug bay ka yar dhutin jirtay) a dog barked and bit my trouser at a crucial stage. Wixii ka raacay aygii waa la ogaa. At any other time, I would have run!
  21. I heard laba soomali ah oo suuli ku dumay iyagoo muraad adag ku jira. One of them survived.
  22. It is not becuase ay caruurtayda abti u yihiin that I defend JB though!
  23. Here, there is no big deal. Just read the title and see if the premises and conclusions match.