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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Towolde’s Second–half Tactical Changes By : THE MAAN-HADAL TEAM October 01, 2008 Like a harrowing, metaphysical murder mystery, the fall of Abdullahi Lugbuur, the notoriously nepotistic now defunct President of the Somali Regional State had all the drama, the climax, and bathos of a Greek tragedy. And for those who watched it unravel, the turns and twists of events were mesmerising and richly sardonic. Lugbuur, alias LB’s radiant morning started with a well-orchestrated offensive against the wonder-boy of the regional politics - veritably known as Daa’uud Axmaar. The tongue-tied ex-president did his machinations well in advance as he connived with key men in the Somali Peoples Democratic Party (the largely dysfunctional ruling party) including the head of the Party Abdifatah Sh. Abdullahi, the sweltering cadre Ahmed Arab, and Dr. Ahmed, the polluted health Professional-turned-politician. The awkward Ahmed Sheekh has always been in Lugbuur’s pocket. Looking back at his suicidal purge against the main implant of the real rulers of the region, the fallen President may rue his miscalculations for assuming decisions in the Party are made by members and their votes. Of all people, he should have known better; after all, he knows how he came to power himself. So, the torrent of accusations flowed like a stream of water against the impassive short man- Da’uud. They accused him of being the main obstacle to Party unity, the orchestrator of bickering and division, and the incorrigible rebel in the house. One after the other, the vultures scrambled for the cadaver. What made them oblivious to the lurking threat- the withering look on the face of ‘the soon to be slain’ Da’uud, begs an answer. At last, the votes were to be casted by raising hands to end the long-drawn-out political adventure of the enigmatic young man. But the referee blew the whistle for the half-time with the score line three-nil in favour of the ex-President. Then, in the dressing room, the tactical changes started. The seasoned Coach, Towelde, the representative of the TPLF who is widely known as the Colonial Governor of the Somali Region, summoned the head of the party and the immoderately talkative Ahmed Arab and told them that it was really never too late to jump off the sinking ship. They were told there is no way the Federal Government will get rid of their trusted man; a reliable instrument of control invested on for a long time. The second-half begun, and the President’s team started to look jittery. One after another, they left the field ‘injured’, while some got ‘bookings’. And like they say, chants of ‘you are lonely when you die’ started to sear in the mind of the President, as the defection en masse went on unabated. After asking for forgiveness for wrongly accusing their infallible deputy head of the Party -Mr. Da’uud, men of the Executive Committee set off the depredations against the President. Nepotism, Corruption and plotting a Coup were the main charges. In the second half, in football analogy, he conceded five goals and lost the duel. He was fired from the executive and Central Committees, removed from Presidency and thrown out of his cocoon in Jigjiga. It is always good riddance when massive manacle is put on the hands of any of the corrupt regional leaders and surely the starving people of the region will not be missing Abdullahi Hassan. If at all, we will be spared his bad-lies, foul language and mixing up of names of interviewers. But, salvation is not coming the way of the unfortunate people of the region. The Tigray masters will continue to experiment with worthless ‘briefcase carriers’ and to fake leadership for the noble Somali people in the region. In this regard, the status quo is given an undisturbed continuity. Yet, among the hells, there is a lesser hell. Surely, Da’uud and his mob will cause more pain and suffering than Lugbuur did. He was a cheap traitor, they are psychopathic torturers. Go and see Jigjiga Prisons to get a feel of what is in the offing. Da’uud’s clique, including the security chief, were the main instruments of torture and arbitrary detentions the Tigray rulers used in the past years. On top of the instructions by the Tigre’s, they are also capable of unleashing their own wave of terror when and where they desire. They have the license and the danger is they crave for blood. Even by the history of the characteristic law of entropy in the region, the ascendency of the young killers is troubling. Maanhadal@maanhadal.com www.MaanHadal.com http://www.maanhadal.com/maanhada/Towolde_tactical_Changes.html
  2. Has anyone saw the funny interview the Somali pirate had with Aljazeera. He said, "given the infation and the drought dhulka ka jira 20 million is not much. And the international community can afford it."
  3. Ciid wanaagsan to the pirates. What a way to mark the CIID. Waryaa DQ adiguu meeshan Cyper pirate haka ahaane, emulate the real men who are holding 30 T-77s.
  4. De ja vu'! The same news from my hometown. Sheekh Cabdi is the LIFO (last-in, First out) sheekh. Hardly does any Ramadaan Month get beyond 27 or 28 days. The record was set at 26 some years back, I heard. Like Manchester United, the Sheikh is a low starter. He doesn't rush into the Ramadaan. When it was announced that September 1 was the day the fasting month would start, he said, he hasn't seen the moon and hence will not decree for people to fast. When September 2 arrived, he said he hasn't heard from a very influential Somali cleric in Malaysia- a close confidante of him. People know the Sheekh evades the Ramadaan because of his chronic unlcers though. So, last night the Ethiopian TV announced that Tuesday is the EID. Sheekh Cabdi, at any other time, would have said "ciid mubaarak" and would have concluded the trying month. However, the fury of his Xer and the people of the town mounted as rumour of his endorsement circulated. So, he decided the Ciid will be on Wednesday; this time becuase "Hindiya iyo Pakistan" lagama ciidin. The Islamic Council of Ethiopia is urged in Addis Ababa to enforce the EID across the country. So, I hear, the police are sent to the Mosques to bring people out to prayer fields. Some beatings already reported. The Sheekh refused to budge the whole last night,but when it become apparent the Ethiopian authorities are not ready to listen to him; he decided to pull one among his many tricks. He will lead the prayer for the EID, but he will not break his fasting. That is what he told his followers. At least this year his is not among the first outs. There is no such accounting principle, but, it could be termed Last-in, Last out (LILO) for this year.
  5. CL no speak somali. Sayid maxaad ka rabtaa. Dadkoo dhan ma anigoo kalaad moodaysaa wax lagu qabsan karo. Even without provocation,Ngonge is dangerous!
  6. It is an injustice not to wish CIID Mubaabark to the heros who are holding the 30 Tanks off Xarardheere Coast. It seems they are going to spend the Ciid surrounded by mighty ships from US and Russia. I am proud of them! It is not pilferage what they got!
  7. I am fed up of the mature people of SOL who are bashing me in PMs saying "maxaad ilmaha ula qasanaysaa". I once applied to a TV station to do "Maaweelada Caruurta". That is why I have soft spot for kids, not to mention that I have some. So DQ, you must understand I am doing you a favour by engaging you; when everyone else shunned you. You are still not inviting me to discuss an issue.You want me to say things about your title bililiqo business. No comment!
  8. Does this story of Cabdikariim tell you anything. Cabdikarim saw and loved Faadumo and introduced her to his friend, Ali. Ali married her. One year later, he saw Ifrax and decided to show her to Mustafa. Mustafa married her. Three years later, he saw Hinda and this time Mohamed was the friend who have to endorse her. Mohamed married her. Then, the town named Cabdikariim, Bulli (this is the proverbial bird is said to lead you to Gold if you follow her). They say he discovers good things and it is good to follow him. He doesn't get it though. Am I cabdikariim or it is you?
  9. I can only talk as an individual and see you as one. This madness of speaking to "many' on behalf of "many" is characterstic of primitive thinking. As an individual, I see a sick kid who needs all the help one can give to get out of this clanmania and misplaced pride in being a wholesome.
  10. The merry-go-round with Caanaboodhe is not yet abetted. Wondering if you may have been a victim of it.
  11. ^Who told you this is his creation, yaa Red? It is another plagiarism, but this time around from local mediocre afarareey experts.
  12. Ilaahay ha ku caafiyo Ibti.
  13. President Riyaale is a good man. Bahashi dhaneeyd ee aqoonsi aheydba wuxuu ku soo koobay calankii baan guri ka taagay iyo kaluumaysataan la soo shiray! Good Job Riyaale; No one id doing better than you when it comes to preserving Somali unity. Halkaa kaga hay oo u been guur SL lovers'ga. Probably the French were told the flag is that of a club in Hargeisa that likes PSG and wants to send players to Stade de France.
  14. Happy Eid to Layzie G. I thought you were out of the orbit. Even DQ is wished a happy Eid. Edit LG- Dhulqarneyn torments himself only.
  15. This is the time to chant Xassen Diiriye's waa maalin Ciidoo.... Maanta Cadar iyo aynu maaweel Isku maydhnoo Mushmushaaxnee Maalintaa weyn yaan la moogaan I say Happy Eid to all soler's even Xaaji Xundjuf and Dhulqarneyn! I salute dear friends Xinn, Ngonge, Nuune, Ilax, Sayid, Zack, Che, Jacaylbaro and Johnny B. I don't wish happy Eid to General Duke,Username etc. I wish we will see Unknown1 back again. On the women's side, my greetings are to Malika, Ibtisam,Nepthys, KK,Cabdiyo,+Faheema,AfroG,Lily, serenity,CL and all others. I am not greeting CARA as usual. Sayidsomali, adeer geela inoo kala du'. Bye and see you after the EID.
  16. Sayid- You haven't suffered the same humiliation. See where I am written.
  17. Ibtisam I protest to be greeted in the footnote! Not after I greeted you in my opening statement. Nuune Irmaan and Walac are not related.
  18. So they didn't tell you inaan qaskii waa hore daayay!
  19. I LIKE IBTI! MAY SHE HAVE A WONDERFUL CIID! Stoic- longtime no see. See wax yihiin. Any lectures for Walac please! Is Walac a scientific thing.
  20. Gheeloow Walee reer anaan ogaa ma guuraan maqli jiray! Walee haddaad nin aan ogahay wax ka sugtid baanad meela gaadhin. Xiin wali maydaan isbaran'e iska hoggo roobku isagaa kugu qaadiye.
  21. Afro-You may well have thought you were giving explantions! Soo ma aragtid how things are not so black and white!
  22. ..."Naysayers will always be naysayers". Indeed, but who is the one who said it again? Linoln or Jefefferson.
  23. Now Meeshaan rabay waad soo gasheen adiga iyo +faheema. Listen to this conversation and please answer true or flase to the question: A: B, you are a theif! B: No, I am not. What Have I stolen? A: Look, you are even defensive!! Question: B is defensive. True or False?