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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool@ina-quureex! Saas ninyahoow maxaa kuu diiday waa horey arintu dhamaan laheyde! Intaad kolba xaawalay yaan lala hadlin hayso! So, women become a resource to be pawned and traded across debate forums?! This time, I agree to given you peace with the conditions we have agreed to keep for ourselves! Failure to deliver on promises entails the possiblity of sporadic and unexpected resumption of hostilities! One more condition is for you to clear what I wanted to say in my four lines to the aggrieved party! Rukni diini ah ma aha inaad igu raraataaye rabinna iima kaa qorin inaan raarta kuu fadhiyo I will be looking for my calaf with the my farsamo- weird but practical, should you fail to end the dependency sydrome in that field! EDIT War hedde Geeloow, odaytinimadaadu waa sidee? Ninka heshiis kama baryaye, haduu labadanadaba dan noo yahay ha ogolaado! Adigii baa wax sii qaribayee! Walee gabadh baanna kuu dirsadeen!
  2. Spot on Sophist! ------------ Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ Oh I love me a fickle girl. That A&T is a farsighted man. Must it have taken you so long to figure out? Why do you think I am investing heavily on a project that is not yielding any quick profits, Yet!
  3. Afro Ninkaa madoow waa masiibo! I know he is bringing disaster when it comes to what matters to us. He will be siding with Ethiopia to runaway from the Ghost of Barack and Hussien. I DON'T LIKE HIM AT ALL; and mark my words: You will rue and recant your above statement! Sida kale, hawluhu soo dhag-dhag ma aha, walaashiis?
  4. ^Prudence dictates that! keep out of this, Sanaag man! Lest it might take regional dimension. EDIT: Also, when you are well aware of the Sanaag temper!
  5. Indeed, malika. It can be broken. Yet, I wasn't referring to wayso literally. It is a local metaphor meant to say someone upset me, in jigjiga. Hope I clarified. In view of your Somali (as SomTan), your bewilderment is understandable.
  6. Sophist, briefing you on where things stand is not equated with Cabasho. It is not bad or a sign of weakness to do so, but it isn't the case here. I could have let you wander aimlessly in your apparent somnampulsim!!! I, however, had the foresight to see you were flexing your muscles to jump in, and wanted to counter that. I now see, your message to Xinn just after you declared you are not in this, as a clear demonstration of honouring your oath of fealty to the man from the East. In view of that, I am left with no option but to reflect on what must have propelled Ina-Camanje to run away when he heard the approching caravan of Xididkii from the East: Waa koramadoodii waxaa koorta soo luli'ye Kud hadilee waa waxaan laheyn kubabka daalaaye Saakana Kabdo-castii miyaaa kadinka ii taagan?? The difference is, this time, no one is running away! Unleash your wrath, Sophist! Unleash! But again I caution you with the following lines from Ina-Aflaw, who scoffing at the threat of coalescing minnows in a duel, said: Qaraamaad, qacleey, iyo hadhuudh, qamandigii heeda Qudayaal la soo ururiyey iyo dhuuni toban qoys ah Quudkaa ninkii cunis ka daya waa qashiinimo'e Alow yaa intaan qabar ku dhicin qoloba meel geeya Oo qoysba qoyskii lahaa qaalinka u raacsha! ------------- Dear Naden I hope and pray God will give you the wisdom and humility to reflect on your uncalled and vitepurative onslaught on my character! totally out of the blue. Nothing,nothing can justify that. I can't stress my displeasure any more. Yet, you seem to suggest I am stifling your natural right to insult, if that is what you see as a contribution to the threads I dominate. You did before, you can better yourself if you feel the urge to do so. Don't confuse comments with insults! And somehow I sense you resent the "shocked applause" of the crowd as evidenced by your admonishing of them against my stories and again repeating it here! Like it or not, it shall continue from my end. You can go and hang a million time if you don't like it! Can you tell me what was offensive about my Gabay which was a reply to Xinn's Halqabsi? Standard poetry demands I follow it if I desire to do so! On the otherhand, you called me a filty man vomiting poison! Not that I really care about it anymore, but just to remind you to make an introspection of what you do before you play victim! You could have laid the wreath on the veritably dignified Xinn, without infringing on mine! That I talk about filth (in the stories which obviously made you form an opinion) doesn't mean I take filth!!! I don't. NOR DO I BABYSIT SUCH NONESENSE! I get hot and truculent! Dare not! Wabilaahi tawfiiq! ---------------------- Xiinoow Adeer, you subtly imply I have meant harm in warning someone not to meddle! Go back and tell me what is wrong in my Halqabsi? Don't give the impression that it was wrong! It is utterly dishonest and unbecoming of you. You cynically declare: "...But Naden is above that!" Excuse me!!!, Above what? what was meant to her? Everything is not about winning debates or reasserting a reputation for infallibility. Come clean on this dear Xiin. Waxaad ka dhigaysaa sidii anoo gabadha ku idhi dharka iska bixi! just because the wording of my warning went through clothes analogy. P.S Sida kale, arintii inoo gaarka aheyd waa runtaa oo waxaan ka biqi inay sidaaa u dhacday. Bal hadaan waayo waan kuu soo sheegi!
  7. I have nothing against women. MS DD is there and we are at peace! Others too. It was when they come between me and Ngonge that I tell "please leave the boxing ring". That is now deemed offensive. This earth, people! ----------------------- On a serious note, odayga Xinn ergaa iigu maqan? I mean how long do I survive to be seen as maati-lays? (killer of the vulnerable. But even before his reaction, I am declaring a unilateral cessation of all fighting until a panel investigates whether any breach of the laws of war has been committed by me. I reckon that is cool to Xinn as well!
  8. Salaams Malika! For God's sake, when will anyone take what I say at face value? Waa maxay insinuation'ka iyo balaayadan la i daba wadaa???????????If you want to know the truth, that is just a statement we use in my area to say who made you angry? See weeye, ugaaso. I REALLY haven't for one minute thought of anything. Anyway, lessons learnt.
  9. Originally posted by NGONGE: A&T, This scattergun approach will be your downfall, saaxib. Focus on Xiin and stop biting every time someone replies to you. It is impossible. The man likes to fight like an insurgent. Conventional war is not his forte. You fire at him and like the Liberation Tigers of Tamil ealan, female zealots fire back. Dirty war. The sad part is human rights organisations denounce me, later, for killing innocent civillains mainly children and women! ------------------------------------- Xinn I totally reject your dani when it comes to your allegations that there were insinuations behind my statement on why you didn't call Nephtys. Ya sheik maradaa halkaa kaaga dhacday. I was merely following our discussion on earlier duels where you said either Nepthys or Buuxo (xidigo??) (not sure which one) will tell which of us was making deel-qaaf! Period. Wixii kale ee aad ogtahay, adaa og! I equally resent your anger on that! Sida kale adeer waa la faaya! Hedde nin weyna waa tahee, dagaalku ha ku koobnaado combatants'ka. What is this business of you involving non-combatant civillians? They can cheer from behind, but in the front? No! Sophist adeer war xun baa la iga kaa siiyey'e nin meel uu galo la' baan ahey. I am not a street fighter. Ever saw a miskiin in town who is being followed by kids who throw stones at him? Like that, I run always until it becomes absoultely unavoidable that I take a big stone and face them! Anyway, welcome back and hope you will not add to my predicament. ------------- War kii xumaa ee JB ahaa xaguu u kacay?
  10. ^^ Dear Naden, Three mistakes in your response: 1) Misuderstanding/ deliberate or otherwise/ the metaphor of battle - in your haste to dispose of the Birmad duty 2) Digressing into issues that are not here for discussion: my stories and the reaction to them (I don't know what you wanted the 'fools' who are enamoured to do) 3) Asking me, the undignified, to spare you ( when it is clear you have entered into my edifice of iniquity willingly) One thing you did right is defend yourself and denounce my presumptousness. In light of new evidence, I will duly revise the part about the disciplined bit. The others don't really matter. If you are old or young, aloof or welcoming, it should bother someone else. Not me, Son of Tolka! Shall we, therefore, conclude that despite the harsh manner in which you said it, you are willing to stay off this matter and that you have in a way heeded my advice? Let me know!
  11. Whereto jovial ya Xinn? It is amazing what desperation can do to a broad. It led mighty Xinn to summon the aloof albiet disciplined young lady from her comfort zone into this raging battle. ----------------------- Stay off this Naden! And I shall offer a higher bribe in kind! Miisaan haday noqoto iyo miyir haweeneedba Mawluhu aduu kugu khalqoo maanta aan rabine Maamuus ayaad mudan tahay iyo maalmo sooryaba'e Ha yeshee Nadaneey mid baa mindiyo soo qaatay Mudac iyo minshaar buu wataa oo madaxuu kaa goynee Ha u bixin mullaaxooy yuuna meelo kaa ridine Midaasi waa iga talo iyo miyaa la ii sheegay Hayeshee mid baan garanayaa oo aan miinka ka cadayne Maaweelo iyo geeduu marshaa duulka aad tahaye Hadii aad maryaha tuurta ood muran ku taageerto Yaana maqlin Muusanoow danbiyo maxaa la ii caayey yaana maqlin Ma afadiis baan aheyn maxaa la ii maagay? Moderator baan doonayaa yaan lagu mashquulin Midaasina waa iga digniin iyo marag ha loo yeelo ------- One Early victim of Xinn's convulted and sensational presentation of the isues at hand is Ilax. Saaxiib, this is not a debate on whether peace or war is good. I wish it was as simple as that! It is not a theoretical disposition. Let me ask Xinn whether such values as principle, dignity and soverignity mean much to him. Somalia was invaded and is under occupation. Do you think it is just fine to compromise with the aggressors just like that? Where do you draw the redline? I think the status-quo ante must be restored and Ethiopia must leave all somali territories for any meanigful compromise and dialogue to start. I have no problem to see even Mohamed Dheere as the next PM; but with Ethiopia ruling Somalia, it is just too much. Dhimashaan ka xigaa! Is there no place for what we used to call dignity and dadnimo? Or is it the thing of the past that must be slaughtered because the exigencies demand so? Is this a wilful under-understanding or do you really need that nefarious self-appointed witch doctor in my hometown, Daahiye, to read the obvious? Ethiopia will not allow a settlemet that is in the interst of the Somali's in the long run. The sooner you swallow this, the better! So, any deal among the Somali's must not involve Ethiopian hand. I know some think Eritrea is equally involved and might wonder why I emphasise Ethiopias meddling and overlook that of Eritrea. It is because Eritrea has no georaphical, political or strategic interst in Somalia. For it, it is just a playground to fight its enemy. P.S Xinn, you said: _________________________________________________ "Perhaps the reason why most sensible girls here view you as the one crazed has something to do with this habit of yours of injecting misplaced jokes into every exchange. When you continue to propel such spikes through the heart, as it were, of our esteemed girls, _________________________________________________ Now, you are lobbying a constituency I have given up on! I have appointed Nuune as special envoy to salvage something. But, maybe, it is for the next election. I am really concentrating on male voters!
  12. ^ what an upset! I was really looking for the parting Gabay, but the the prize of the Halqabsi, I thought, would go to Nepthys. See how Xinn can wrongfoot even the most vigilant souls! ----------- Very briefly on peace crap, and on a serious note, do I really have an obligation to sustain your delusions, prospects and conjectures? For how long? Timeline, please! You must realise people are upto here (here in the the SOL forum) with anger and impatience over your never-settling Caravan and it may not be long before tenous cords snap! you must realise to borrow the words of that loud-mouth George Charamba "puppets dolive on borrowed times, and not many acquire any self-preservation instinct". Perhaps, it is you who, through sheer word power carving a life out of a dead entity by the name TFG? While I certainly applaud your good-heartedness, I abhor the banality of invoking miamisc plans,wishes, endless long-term promises which, at the end of the day, will not wash. Practicality please! Who is going to agree, on what, when? Bal wax noo sheeg adeer!
  13. ^^ Sorry Malika. What happened. Yaa waysada kaa jabiyey?
  14. CC- it is not availability of caano that is really important, it is yaa la jooga caanaha, yaa loo hayaa, waa imisa, arma la isku saydhaa hadii la is waydiisto etc etc. All those questions are the real deal.
  15. Alla Magan way jirtaye, odaygii Xinn baan masaabiir ku garaacay. Ninku waa nin xoog badan oo hadda hubkii wuu soo dhamaystee waxoogaa Gabay ah oo gunaanad ah ayuu ku maqan yahay. Waana Home team sidaad la socotaba. Bal hadda ha la iska war hayo oo xaalkayka la soco!
  16. No Ingrisi CL. Where were you all this morning? Cabdiyo, run sheeg! Gacantaa i dhaasha saan kuugu haadinayo whenever I see CC. Even from the days you were full (buuxo).
  17. V-area waa meelaha la igu haysto. Waa meelaha uun Xiin yidhaa faraha ha laga qaado. If you really fail to see it, then I have no option but to give you the cheeky definition Addis Boys use: "perpetual wound that erupts lava every four weeks".
  18. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ Ceeb Caleeki ya Cabdiyo. Ninkaan ween bad doonaysa en aad ku aamusiisid 'lol' kaleya? Spot on! NG. Bravo. Bal day filinka la isu dhigayo. Even a five year old demands he gets at least a candy if he couldn't have a chocolate.
  19. Originally posted by FirstLady: Dear SOL nomads, this question has arisen when young educated somali brother asked me for my hand. He is good standard looks. Regardless of how he dresses even if it is the most impressive I am not attracted to him one bit. I don't think about him. So, what I like to know is, can you marry someone you are not attracted to , that your heart isn't in it? It is question that I definatly would like some help with the sisters. I don 't want to marry just for the words of marriage but more. I don't feel butterflies, nothing at all. Please let me know what you gals think. Thanks. Ideally, it is a big NO! But you seem undecided. Clearly has given the thing happening some thought. Take your time. He is not attractive from your description. I know what it is like when women talk of not being really in it! yacni wiilka yaraha Joqaraafi ku yar noqday. In terms of the looks. But if you keep on saying I don't want to get married just for the sake of it, the time will come when you will be looking for just that and you will not be getting it. What you do depends on what you think are your options. If you are not sure chances won't be coming quite repeatedly, put him on vibration mode and assess the market. A practical solution I would assume.
  20. CC maxaa kuu diiday where is A&T? Even if you don't feel like it, just to make me happy.
  21. Haye +faheema. Just sometimes feel nostalgic about what I used to have a decade ago. Otherwise, sidee weeye xaal?
  22. *****aykumu salaam Faheema. Laakin Hi baad dadka kale ku tidhaaye, salaantanu inkastooy fiican tahay hadana waa ha ii soo galin! NG- PM'kii ma heshay?
  23. Siphon Burying them in favour of who? I haven't seen men who behave better than Somalis's! Let not the narration of individual stories take away your rationality. And what is the talk with V-area? Who talked about it? You women like to intimidate men by talking about things you think will make men duck for cover. Stop the nonesense! Alla-magan hasn't talked about it!
  24. the grin tells it. I should go now. Me and Mccain are the same. Running after things we won't get!
  25. Nuune Soodiga arka in VAl ay carartay. Ninyahoow waxaan rabaa uun in gabdhuhu ila hadlaane wax kale majiro. Bal day adigu. Ragnna lugtuu ku wadhwadhay, anaguna salaantii baan dirqi nagu ah. Waa nasiib! iyo farsamo-xumo