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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. ^ Red, didn't you notice the boy has actually hanged himself by his own hands. All the lines describe people of his charachter and belief. He just felt he has to post a poem, whatever,- so that some think he is actually grown up!
  2. Originally posted by dhulQarnayn: Besides, suugaanta caano booreyaal wax qiima ah oo ee leedahay majirto, waayo ficilkooda iyo qalbigooda ayaa is khilaafsan. Sidaa daraadeed; Sayid Maxamed Cabdille Xassan oo ka yaabay caqli xumadooda wuxuu ku tilmaamay sidatan... I thought Sayid Mohamed will fall into the catgory of the reer-Caanaboodhe; according to your own definition. ------- Anyway, Daar weyn oo ninkii lahaa digasho kuu seexshay Darin banaanka aad dhigata ood ku diirsataa dhaanta Da’yar lagama maarme haduu daa’im kuugu deeqo Ubad uu Dhulqarneyn ku jiro, ma lihi baa dhaanta
  3. All this cornucopia from Albion is boring! Talk about something hilarious. If someone wants to invite someone else, just PM. -------------------- Haneefah, welcome back. You been missed.
  4. Letter to Libaax-sanka-taabte It was so kind of you to allow everybody to take part in this forum, regardless of the disparities in age, experience, and intellect. Clearly SOL has achived a lot in reviving somali self-pride and identity, and is a very useful forum where ideas and issues are discussed. I have learned a lot of good things. Sadly, like any public forums, It is also like a dovecot. All kinds of people and bipeds who resemble people, all kinds of misfits made their ways into it. There is no crime in having deficiancies of character and substance, but when it is coming due to the age factor, it can be stopped. Just open a section for kids so that they can keep on exchanging immature, although innocent, jokes and chats. Just a recommendation. Otherwise, grown up people here will never rest. Caruurta dhawaaqoodii baa na kharibay. And we don't like to be seen as child-beaters.
  5. Originally posted by M.M.: Ilax@Suubaan Ballal...Dee nagga daa reer dhuunta laggu dhufey yeyna moodin inaa loo duur xuliyey OG: ZACK (M.M that was good!) Down with BOB and his divions! eeyaa ma saa saad sheekh ku tahay! LX- salaan sare saaxiib. Will need to see Barsha dhexe some day soon.
  6. Somalilanders'ku Ingiriis kay jeclaan jireen! Waar ninkii Ducaale ahaa oo "Biridhish' aad moodaan arkay, they used to say. I don't know why? Me, I have always been looking to the East! Reer-galbeedka majecli.
  7. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: [ A group of men, dressed in identical and ill-fitting suits arrive carrying more cables, a guitar and a tiny speaker. They place themselves in the corner and start testing the musical equipment. This story is breathtaking! I like all of it, but this part reminds me of many things. Ill-fitting suits! Somalida horta maxaa protocol xumada ugu wacan?????????//
  8. Nuune Why do you think I was asking questions about Walac the whole last week. I prefer if they hate me, runtii. Because that will allow you to do your work, and hopefully, things will get back fine later. If it is the opposite, and you are a working man, waa mushkilo weyn!
  9. http://www.wardheernews.com/Articles_08/October/07_wedding_nomad.html I knew this was Ngonge. XINNFANIIN Read http://www.wardheernews.com/articles_08/September/Maan_Hadal/04_Meles_Zenawi_and_the_Somalis,.html http://www.wardheernews.com/articles_08/September/Maan_Hadal/23_prologue_to_assimilation.html http://www.wardheernews.com/Articles_08/March/01_TPLF_sacrificial_lamb_Moge.html http://www.wardheernews.com/articles_08/March/08_Memoirs_of_a_fatal_holiday_Moge.html http://www.wardheernews.com/articles_08/Feb/16_heaven_absentees_Moge.html http://www.maanhadal.com/maanhada/Towolde_tactical_Changes.html Iyo qaar kaloo badan Iyo qaar kaloo badan
  10. Three boys, one daughter. One on the way. Ma masaariif baad noogu qoraysaa Mujaahid? If so, saddex adeerkay dhalay baa ila jooga!
  11. On a related but slightly different matter, this friend of mine was only yesterday asking me for an advice. The man is 50 years old, have 3 girls but was unlkiely on boys for long time. Last year, he got one finally. He is a collegue of mine and I can tell you how delighted he was, still is. But, the women travelled back home and showed around the young boy to relatives of his and her who were critical of her for a long time. [urging the man to go and marry another one before he dies asagoo gablan ah]. She made a mistake when she saw a palm-reader of sort. Apparently, the man told her that there are two more boys in the line and she should ask the man to deliver. It is in her, he told her; and all she needs is make sure the man extracts them out. Now, my friend was so tired when I saw him, and told me, " Yaakhii, Xaaskiibaa pressure igu haysa. Caruurtii maxaad u raadin la'dahay unbay i leedahay." Every minute I sleep, she considers as minutes wasted and a big opportunity cost!
  12. Enough! for heaven sake CHE, suggest something positive one single day. It is not enough to critique whatever one dreams of. By the way, speaking of the Third Reich as a thing of the past, has it occurred to you that, infact, the defeat of Nazism in Europe has meant the construction of a counter-myth of semitic infallibility? Or in the broader sense, that anger and hatred have always been purposeful, in fact from bibilical days, in forming and developing identities and nations. Hassen's quest (not his method -joining the TFG or whatever) is not in vain! The Somali Empire will come out of shared fear, interest and hate! hate to all those who have abused what it stands for. ---------------------- Kashafa Welcome brother! been long and lonely days for me here. Welcome again, the leading voice of hope and valour!
  13. Long time since I decided not to address creatures for the red earth, gnawing worms, spitting termites as if they are humans worthy of a reply. Apparantely moral venality could also be a unique biological attribute, and not necessarily a product of pyscho-social condition. Some variant of it may not have remedy, afterall. That is why DQ is the man to shun, Yey the model to quash, and atavistic ethical degeneration the theme to keep under surveillance!
  14. The anniversary of the crowning of the stooge! I despair when fools try to divert the real issues, dodge the existential question of a nation and its pride, and seek release in inane rituals and fetishes that ornament false coronation.
  15. Ilax Marka hore horta T&A' dan iga daa? Do you read things upside down? Or your forte is Carabi? When I opted to study Economics, I was thinking of money. As a young boy, I thought of the name 'Dhaqaale' and equated it with money. Marka xiga, don't worry about the profession bit. If you think I am forgetting 'say's law", and all the Econometrics puzzles, try me? But, the more I look at those books, the more I understand I should have studied sociology,psychology or Literature. Waryaa, wan ku arkaa inaad hiiyaashi dhagaxa la fal gashaye, yaad ka jugaysaa haabadaas? Waayahey biibiiyaasha waan ka waajeyn! inkastoo la igu yidhi waxay u badan yihiin museeyaal!
  16. Nepthys; While exposing his underwrap missives is not appropriate, and is clearly a breach of trust, [for even a dangerous vagrant has rights], I beleive you have your reasons. You may have been inundated by his heaves of balonies. No one, I repeat, no one can take it. That I know. And remember dear Sister, a despairing man who could not fathom how a rabble ever dreamed of the hands of his queen has this to say: Geenyada Bishaaro ah markuu baqalku soo doonay Way baadiyootee sharcigu uma baneeyeene
  17. People, I have always warned SOL'ers against the confident countenances of self-admiring pretenders. This tribe of fawning bipeds is not deterred by little knowledge it commands. Rather it asserts, it flaunts it even, in a weired show of self-cherishing. They spit hate conveyed with febrile prejudice and malice. Yet, we all know hate is such a shallow impulse whose appreciation of the human character is simplistically allegorical. Let me not hear General Duke, Supremacist, Xaaji Xundjuf, dhulqarneyn for any nominations. It is an affront to human intelliegnce and wisdom. Unless SOL is going to be what other sites of hate are! Elsewhere public office aspirants guide princess. Elsewhere they campaign on promises of hope and prosperity. Not among the Somali's. To be a candidate is to be an out and out knave, one which honest men and women are best advised to shun. It is to be a caveat emptor the whole way, like Dhulqerneyn is(let the buyer beware types). That is why I am calling for the immediate suspension and banning of people like Dhulqarneyn from this contest, if it is going to have any meaning. If, god forbid, DQ was to be a Minister of filth as he wished for, will anyone be spared of his waste products? let us not encourage sucidal doughty sense of impunity? Even with his agony aunt posture, XINNFANIIN is clearly the favourite. Let us concentrate on men and women of substance, even when it is clear it is a mock election. What you wish in a mock mode might be what you will get in real. -------------------- CARA, Indeed, if Che is impeached for misconduct, there is a possiblity I may take his place! and I believe we can work out our complicated situation.
  18. Sayid it is obvious XINN is an outstanding man with the credentials to lead more than a medley of mediocres here in SOL. The man has all leadership quality and would clearly have fired me within a week should your recommendation have gone through. He can't stand nonesense, mainly when it involves denuding things. I thought JohnnyB was eyeing that post for a long time. Let us not spoil his party, sayid! Isaga ku sii dhex daa xaawaleeyda. You and me, filinkeenu wuu gubtay waa hore!
  19. Siphoning and me?! A lips-watering prospect but please put me under CARA! With no clause on impreachment for whatever harassment!
  20. ^ Xaaji Xundjuf aniguu igu bahdilay JB! ----------------- I thought Xinn was the President of the the association of SOL women. In the interst of having some check and balance, he must renounce that first. If he does so, he is clearly my favourite. Plus, I always had this idea of him as the outgoing president, in any case! two-terms only, please. ----- It is not who you like that you have to propose but he who can run the damn place well. For example, I like Ngonge. But he will mess it up. I like JB, but he will shout at everybody. So, I am looking at the best choice. Someone cool, and cold-blooded. Someone who can tame the shouting propagandists like General Duke with one line. Someone, not loquocious, yet not disenaged. My vote for the sensation of SOL! Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the next president: CARA (now who will call me anti-feminist?) Running mate is Nune? (oh no), Che (no!no! definitely no). Someone harmless in the real context! Unknown1-if he is alive. If not, and I really hate this, CHE! President: CARA Vice President: CHE
  21. Originally posted by Mujahid: Red Sea: Speaking of bililiqo, you have become virtual budhcad. Stop plagiarizing other pple's work as your own. When I labelled him 'a pirate kid', I had no idea of what he was capable of. It was just a joke. How prescient I was! Now, I think this creature is a forgery himself. I suspect even his posts are done by someone else. The amount of pilagarism is disconcerting!!
  22. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: Haaye bring your own piece like A&T ,, you don't have to steal the other's .... Aflagaadada jooji JB. I don't write pornography! And I obejct being comapred to this certified dangerous vagrant! Seriously!
  23. Originally posted by Naden: Listen, respect begets respect and your earlier posts will show you who is insulting whom. But in the spirit of communicating old-school-nomad style of gabay and mah-mah, here is my modest contribution: caruur caruur aan lala ciyarin baa jira. It is elementary that when you have brought an ant-infested log into the kitchen, you should expect a lizard! I should have known! It is me, dear Naden, who chose to invoke your aviatar! It is me! Anyway, salaams and let us hope this marks the end of the bad beginning. ---------------------------------------- Xiinoow Cudbi iyo canbaro iyo hadaad caasha soo kicisay Canab iyo ceebla hadaad ku tidhii kaalay ila caaya Ma cabbana ninkaad moodaysa inuu sii cararayaaye Ha cabaadin abtoow adigaa cuskaday ceesaamaha'e
  24. Nepthys, Waad salaaman tahay! It seems becuase I don't see women as impartial when it comes to Xinn's matters, it would have been better if you could persuade one of the menfolk here in SOL to say what you just said. Maybe, I will listen to them. But, again, this is not an ordinary call from any women. It is Nephtys and I have to listen! Haye! ee adna odayga hoos ula hada oo inanka daa' ku dheh!