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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Sayid leave Malika alone. She is too good to be bothered by you. Go and circle around the usual suspects.
  2. Abtigiis

    21 Oktoober

    The loudmouth from the North, huh?
  3. Will Ibtisam Listen to one I heared in Salaxleey?
  4. Abtigiis

    21 Oktoober

    Siyad Barre was responsible for the demise of the Somali nation. That he has done some good thing in the first decade of his rule wouldn't exculpate him from the gross injustices he inflicted upon Somali's through his nepotistic and clannish manipluations. Drunk with ego, and false sense of greatness, Jalle Siyaad brought the cancer of sychophancy and corruption into the nation. There was nothing good about his management. Yet, ironically, there is no doubt he was a good nationalist when it comes to his political vision of bringing all Somali's under one flag. That may stand out as one good legacy of his. Nothing else! Is this a fair assessment of the old man, Nuune? That it is coming from Faysala Cali Waraabe shouldn't diminish its worth.
  5. This Sheikh's declarations all suggest a disheartening abnegation, a puzzling and capitulationst climb-down from the plinth of leadership- both of thought and deeds. He is in the grip of giant anomie, profound wistefulness. Thumbing my nose, cocking my snooks on his peace and all its desciples!
  6. Right!wonder if they are related?
  7. Actually, I think he is a genuine guy, not made for the politics. And which ministry is called A&T in Somaliland? - Agriculture & Tourism?
  8. Morning Ibtisam. Maxaa cusub?
  9. Peasant Ninkaa odayga ee aan meeshan joogin maad iska daysid! JB- good stuff. But what was her intention, anyway? Ma isagaa ku dagdagay oo waxay rabtay in la treat gareeyo (like, you know, adigaan ku qaadi waayey fetish) mise the lady is a Khat addict but not necessarily a farsamo.
  10. A Chronicle of Encounters of Synthetic Creatures (A short story) Far from the surreal persona she achieved in the emotionally rewarding Cyber world, Ifrax’s real foibles remained wonderfully unobtrusive beneath the patina of ascribed social virtue, of being a pugilist for the right of the oppressed women- from the day she registered for false mutability. How the dry and dusty bowels of Boholaha, the entombing, sweltering underworld of Fakinka Hargiesa have yielded such an advocate for the weak and wronged is mind-boggling. She is the vibrant honeycomb of women - single women- who cannot marry. A distinguished constituent of working independent women industry! An industry that gives Ifrax and her comrades, a sense of imagined liberated community, away from the values of patriarchy that harshly fails and faults them. In the main, it is a well-educated, mobile, cosmopolitan, and even nubile but unmarried community which is quite fecund both in terms of western lexicon and lingo of women’s fraternity (or is it maternity?). The slogan is ‘sister’. The pageant, a torrent of fashionable ideas. All to give the image of trendy modernity! What she longed for, which was the feminine life in its ordinary and up-lip-sticked form, she didn’t get it. Never after that man, Jamaal, treated her like scrap meant for the social rejects - not for him, the respected gentleman of chivalric lineage. She cried for three consecutive days and nights, nonstop. His words, ten years ago, resonate in her ears every minute of the day. “Why did I, scavenger like, pick such foul carrion in the first place? Merely, because it is on the veld, unclaimed?” All because her ‘udder’ didn’t fit his fists? And he reacted so badly when she protested against his insinuations, by way of humming after a nasty song from East Africa. Now, how can they call my death, a death? A death! An ordinary death! A dignified end! O! Me! I died without ever seeing (Even for a single day) An incisive protuberance on the chest of my wife Only a lump of meat where milk is excreted For the nourishment of the young, Never made for the comfort of my hands She, and many like her, discerned real material for a viable women-led political movement from embittered dross spat by the male-dominated world. If Camouflage, - the ideal but synthetic gentleman of the cyber world, born out of the illusory ornamented words without face of this virtual estate, is to help her once more. She knows she can rely on him. Or his vulgar Dog, which will only need a sumptuous morsel and pat from the master to break the leash, leap out and strangle those naïve enough to pour their humanising peculiarities and proclivities into the virtual world. The Dog,they say privately, suffers from a presentiment of hubris, an overbearing sense of ending consequent upon upsetting the minnows and the mighty in equal measure, with his aberrant thoughts and sense of humour. Camouflage is a wife beater at home, and an agony aunt of sort in the ‘celestial’ world of the internet. His furious fumes against those who infringe on social decorum reaches the targeted ones and scalds even those quite afar. He got a fame, of being the fair and the feared, that he did not need to validate, the way the proverbial cavern that once housed a big snake acquires lasting awesome terribleness. One fumbles to fathom how he reinvented himself as an enticing foil to the insignificant rabble who chant evanescent odes of the yesteryears. “Why can’t he be so nice at home as he is elsewhere?” his wife remonstrates with the neighbours. Neighbours who are befuddled by what they hear of the man; befuddled to a point of becoming unhinged. These days, he has become an ultra-supporter of the gender argument Ifrax et al, would want to spit, so readily, onto those who cross their ways. The friendship is based on mutual enjoyment of ‘cognate’ ideas, common passions, ever more congealed by the salacious laughter on her end, of being wanted, loved, cared about, lavishly confirmed with his extravagant coquetry. So, the date finally arrived when the love shared through the thin air for long will bloom in flesh and spirit. The rendezvous was set. It will happen in the land of the Romans- Rome. ..........To be Continued.
  11. Lest NG will commit the mistake Xinn spoke of, I shall NOT say what I wanted to say. Which was: Dal dhan oo la xasaysto oo xuskaas lala aado xaajigaa ku Xusnaa Xag walbe u xagliye xaqa aan kala soocinna Xinn ayey ku caddaatay Waryaa NG, stop spoiling my name. You know I am your friend. That I don't mistake your menacing grin for a gay smile (at times) doesn't mean I am not your friend.
  12. Xiinoow, Hadaan Xaaji Xundjuf iyo adi idiin gar qaadi waayo, waa haday iska kay dhaleen Maxamed Dheere iyo Cabdi Qaybdiid!
  13. Because he dropped Daasadihii NIDO' ga iyo 'COAST'da. Apart from that, there was never a bad feeling. Waa ku yaroo rabshoole ah laakiin.
  14. ^ THERE is no harm in this latest post. As long as you keep the focus on my silly stories and me, it should be fine. Frankly speaking, I don't mind that. I enjoy it, rather. Xitaa the "Caanadoore" business, you can continue as long as it is said in a singualr form. Caanaboore ayaad cabtaa is fine. Yaad cabtiin is not! EDIT- I think from our exchanges, it is clear inaana meesha laheyn. Haddaan leeyahay, dib adiga daa oo xitaa wax magaca DQ ku jiro meeshan laguma arkeen!
  15. Ngonge, adigu waligaaba sawir iyo waxaan macno laheyn ku hoos dhuuumo when it matters.
  16. Emperor Mar kale, and for the last time, IT IS NOT ABOUT ME. How come you don't see the harm in insulting tribes? Hoos isu eeg, eex baad ku jirtaa'e isa sax ninyahoow. Am I saying he insulted me? If the boy breaks the rule, yes, he must be banned. Who is he? Why didn't you come and say the same when others were getting the marching orders? Where is Saqajaan? where is Marx? Personally, I think, if DQ can hide under "o!I meant that, o no! it was this", then let that bliss go around and benefit everybody else! Su'aashu waxaa weeye, maxaa keenay yarku inuu siduu rabo dadka u caayo oo aan cidnna ku oran jooji? What makes this boy special? And I see him still unrepentent. Again, emperor, bal waxaad ku hadlayso eeg bilaa caleyk!! "Aw-dubadoow, you are suggesting DQ should be banned miyaa, yarka muxuu idiin dhimay, ma Adigaa ma Red Sea-baa, ma gabdhahaa ma AT-baa, idikaaba kasii shidaaya oo sii carinaaya." Carinayaa??????????? maxaa loocarin uu yahay? Let him break his chain bal? It is this kind of nonesene that enourages him to continue what he has been doing to everbody! If I have to lower myself to stop vice, so be it. The end justifies the means.
  17. Arar: Xinn is not an easy man. His astuteness is confounding. By rolling out this mat, he well knew he will corner me. If I refuse to sit for Gar for a matter that should purely be settled by the rules of the forum, as it has been done to others, I will be the bitter, angry, and coward 'gogol-diid'. If, on the otherhand, I accept the Gar, which I consider is not mine, for I merely asked my brother DQ to halt what I saw as a trend of insuting tribes; in this case X-clan, but in other cases Y clan (whom he calls bililqo-doon), then, I will be committing two mistakes: (1) I have cried out against an insult on my tribe and am pleased because folks intervened and said good things about my tribe. Which belittles the whole issue to nin ka cadhooday reerkooda oo la caayey. (2) I will be part to a procession of injustice, intended to lift someone out of the mud, when the person himself feels too proud to admit his mistakes. So, the natural urge, indeed the correct decision, will look like to recoil from the poisoned chalice Xinn is dangling. My point: There is no issue to be resolved here. It is a call for someone to play by the rules. Others were punished for a lesser offence. Having said so, I see Dabshid's point, but disagree with it. First of all, I don't think the offender is a child, and even if he is, I don't think the mistakes he has committed need to be overlooked. A child who knows how to say bad things need to be told not to say so! Silence was never an option. And for Dabshid to consider my call for respect for the rules as Cabasho is disingenous. Fairness folks! I don't see Emperor's interventions as helpful, either. They are wrong and I have never lowered myself to accepting half-truths. I am worried by what I am seeing now, more than when I asked the man to stop insulting clans. Go'an: Xinnoow (inkastoo sidaan kuugu lisay aadan iigu hanbayn) - Whereas it is clear this case has manifested a worrying pattern of preferential and differential treatment of rules and standards when it comes to different personalities - Cognizent of the genuine motives behind this initiative and that it is coming from a man of impeccable recititude and wisdom - Mindful of the somali adage "ergo geesi ma diido" and in the hope that lessons are learnt by all sides from this unfortunate tussle, - Hopeful that my erring brother would not see this as an intention to embarass him, but will in good faith, see it as a guidance from an elder brother I, son of Tolka, resident of Haro-digeed, wholeheartedly accepts your gogol and gar, undetarke to be abided by your verdict, and to internalise and rectify any mistakes I might have committed on my side. I thank you for the effort and wish the Almighty will reward you for your good intentions. I ask you not to force a confession out of the other brother at this stage, but to issue a general call for all of us - somali sisters and brothers- to look at one another as such, and to close this matter, and send the file to the archives!
  18. Xinn's expected wise intervention is most welcome. The point is, it is not really so much that I can't stomach insults against a specific tribe, but that it is not right to do so against any. The RULE is very clear about it. Consistency! That the most we are asking of this creature by the name DQ is to stop it, clearly demonstrates the guy is above the law. I think, he should be officially reprimanded, and forced to control his vitriol. Xinn, in fact, I am among those who feel that Cali-dhuux has of course been the best poet (purely from poetic point of view- no moral considerations involved) in Guba chain. The man was impossible and all the reactions from the O-tribe really were equally vitepurative, delivered with vengence. To me, none lived upto the literary standards he set. That kind of talk was acceptable those days. We need to see things in their temporal context. Not today. If there is anyone who feels one tribe is better agaist the other, he needs tyo check his head. Imagine what such a person would say against the abused Somali's who are treated as an equal by the backward Somali society! Clan issues are a reality and will leave with our society, but we need to make sure that at least those who think they are educated (cilmi aduun iyo diiniba) adopt "a name and shame" approach to those who we think are living with this ghost. This is not to suggest DQ is a tribalist and certainly there is nothing to suggest he is, but that what he did (Most likely just to poke fun) was! DQ, if you listening this,with your glass of Caanaboore, acknowlegde your mistake like a real man, ask for forgiveness and most importantly don't finish that thing you say is 'an elixir medicine for the mindless'.
  19. I disagree with you, BOB. I don't want any Qabiil insulted here. I don't think it should be tolerated. That doesn't mean I don't understand what you are saying. But, I am fighting becuase it may open a bad precedence; something that is too prevalent in other sites. Meel kasta ma qabiil sheekadii baan uga cararaa hadaba? Because that is the only option remaining.
  20. let me remind you that it was you, not me, who said the following statements. Who do you think you are fooling? - Sayid Mohamed was born in Nugaal, and hence is not Caanaboodhe, and hence is not... - Hubaka lagu guumaysto Caanaboorayaasha waxaa laga soo dajiyaa Berbera,and Caanaboodhayaasha has no mind etc, and hence caanaboorayaasha are... Does anyone need to take lessons on Syllogism to decipher your primitive prejudices and insults? Evermore annoying is your disingenous and doughty expanations. Hadalka kolba si baa loo dhigaa ku lahaa. Who EXACTLY do you think you are talking to?
  21. The unworthy war can only continue under one condition: DO NOT BRING CLANS INTO IT! I hate that. simple.
  22. What was the intention of banning clan names, if clans get insulted on a regular basis, with insinuations and overt references to them. Some individuals have made a habit of it, and someone needs to stop them. It doesn't help healthy discussions, and nurture positive interaction among all of us: Somali sisters and brothers. The impunity of some individuals is disconcerting and needs to be checked. Serious!
  23. Originally posted by dhulQarnayn: [QB] hubka caano booryaal ey Xabashidu ku gumaadayso ayaa ka soo dago. Marka awalba, caano booreyaal waxay ahaayeen qalbi laawayaal Look,man, qabiil dhan duur xul haku caayin. just talk about one person. All your hate and insulting message against one clan is uncalled for. Not that I am from the aggrevied clan, but that it is not right and should not be passed with a shrug. Stop this nonesense, and call me whatever you want. This is a matter of principle. Nothing to do with Kaftan. Ha caayin qabiil dhan! How many times should I tell you? Just because no one cares to saddle your prejuidces and hate, doesn't mean you can do it with impunity. Jooji!
  24. Congratulations to the orderly Somalilanders! Walee waa dad jira.