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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Originally posted by Cige: Ina Rayaale oo ah kii waddankan aanu ka xoraynay ayaa maantana loo tumayaayoo dadkii iska xoreeyay dib loogu adoominayaaye arrintu waa intaa weeye. That candid reply from the Sheikh sums up the real meaning of who is Somalilander and who is not. Even JB will agree that at the end of the day, only reer-hebel are the real Somalilanders. Inta kale, Master Plan'ka unbaa maray. I, however, agree with the Sheekh that Ina-Riyaale is a useless dictator, and a former torturer.
  2. He is shorter, but looks like Mandela. kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk at soo dhaweynta.
  3. Apologees accpeted dear Juje. But the question remains will Sheekh Shariif and the other guys in Djibouti matter as far as the fighting in Somalia is concerned? If those who are signing the papers were from Al-shabab, I would have welcomed it. Second, As long as people like Yey can go back and bank on the military might of a destablising neighboour at will, there will be no meanigful peace in Somalia. My concern is sustainability!! If Ethiopia feels it comes out of this mess with clean hands, I can bet with you, raids on border towns and even the heartlands of Somalia will be carried out with impunity by the Tigrayan leaders in Addis.
  4. Juje's tribal insinuations should have been directed against supporters of TFG and the marauding Yeysters. It is unfortunate it is hurled at someone who is suffering more than the people of mogdisho from a never-ending Ethiopian occupation. It is not fair to vent that anger against me, a poor man from the wantonly killed and ravaged Somaligalbeed fields. Adeer way kaa qaldantee, the legitimate recipient of that salvo should have been General Duke. When have you seen me cheering the Ethiopian occupation, by the way? Or is this some kind of primitive generalisation drived from my percieved association with an identity bequeath to me from someone who legend has it he crossed from the sea sometime ago? Shame on you!
  5. Come again! Julliet-Julliet! come again. 44'tanka igala hadal. USB, kor u bax. Ma is fahaney. I didn't get you!
  6. While I still think this guy looks a bit lucky and might win, I don't belief the polls one bit! Armaa loo been guurayaa miskiinka madoow?
  7. Waryaa JB, rate or no rate, Hargeisa farsamadu way ku badan tahay. Too much. Althogh the last time I was there in 2002, I sensed it was improving. There were some girls who were saying 'caawa ayaan is baranee naga daa dee. Bari inooga dhig'. That has not been the way always.
  8. Maybe I have an inside knowledge to the thinking of the Ethiopian regime! And their plans? Have that thought ever occured to you?
  9. Who was that man, who said in the current Somalia context, optimists are the worst criminals? I tend to agree. And who is this minnow Shariif who is confusing us with baloneys when the stage is set for a perpetuation of the occupation in Nairobi? While we may be dealing with genuine naivety here, it will be good to be prepared for the possiblity of a 'dwarfish thief in a gaint's ropes' analogy. Someone is feeling oversized. This Sharif! No one hates peace, but people have reason to oppose shady deals that will only stretch the days of suffering for the Somali people. Meesha waxba kama soo naasa cada! Saying that isn't opposing peace!
  10. loooool@Malika's qarxis! ii waran Mala'ika?
  11. wuxuba show halkanuu ka dhowaa. Oday dhafoorka haysta unbaa is hor waday. Time lost dheh, kaa. Sidaan Benous Aires uga dagayba, kaalay arag, PM dhacaya: " aboowe, soo dhawoow."
  12. Ngone and Xinn lalama doodi karoo. Waa sida basal oo kale oo kol beel bay kaaga iman. They are moving target camal.
  13. nuune, believe me, it is for a reason. Waa farsamo. And the face change is not accidental. rejuvinated baa la noqday. wax baa ii baxay, dhankii iga awdnaan jiray.
  14. Congratulations. Let the Ba.HA.DA. follow soon.
  15. Nobody wants to listen to you stating the obvious. People have been expressing their moral outrage over what happened, probably from Islamic and humanitarian point of view. That the world is imperfect, doesn't make inhumane treatment of human beings right. This is the third such reckless comment I saw. Dib isugu noqo old man. The last statement is not nice either. Somaliland is not gettting anything in return for its loyalty to the Tigray regime, except upsetting the potential rulers of Ethiopia, oromo's and their somaligalbeed neighbours. Last, since when is anybody sough by a dictatorial regime, a criminal? Couldn't he have been targeted because of his conscince and beliefs alone?
  16. Nor! Waa Ok. sidee weye xagaaga?
  17. Ibti? It is me who should PM you? Hanaga farxin dee?
  18. I don't agree with you Ngonge. How will the presence of an Oromo miskiin harm the people of Somaliland. Nothing to be philosophical about here, Xaaji. Waa qalad ku daa arinta.
  19. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: I know realize that this LB nick is our Aw Tusbaxle. Ilaahay amarki Aw Tusbaxle tuuryadiisu xiin iyo Baashi ma dhaafto wale odayaashan waan laga lug bixin. Baashi welcome saaxiib. You been missed.
  20. ^^^ On a serious note, waan kula heshiine, tell me shop'ka MS DD meeshu ku yaal. Addres'ka isii.
  21. Temper iga dheh. On many occasions, you police this damn corner. I was doing your job.
  22. Haa ma saasaa. Anyway, why do you nag her in public? Maad PM u dirtid?
  23. war ninku ma nin waalanbaa? War I asked simple question, and if you can't answer leave it there. Ma CID mise NSS yaa ku dhalay?
  24. Ibtisam, stop emabrrassing MS DD? This was supposed to be your little secrets. Why do you tell people in islaantu xaafadaha dharka la soo marto?