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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Ngonge and Che, please avoid the politics section. You sound gentlemen, until you cross the fence to that section. Meeshinan iskaga asturaada. Likewise, I better stay there, cause I suffer from similar affliction when I come to the General section.
  2. Talk about the other kettle of fish. Don't duck hot issues.
  3. Ayoub, I told you why I support the ONLF. They are the in the stage where SNM was in 1988. It would have been cruel for me to suggest a 'real somalilander' not the 'condoms' that are only there terrotrially, must not support the SNM when Hargeisa was ravaged, when women were raped on a broad daylight and when properties were seized and robbed by clanmen posing as 'Government' in 1980s. Nor would I have talked about democracy and referendum then. The priority was to stop the genocide. I hope you will see what is happening in Oga'de.nia for what it is. I don't wish to draw your attention to the horrendous human right violations there. BUT, when that stage is over, I will be requesting what I want the 'Mujaahideen' in SL to do today. To allow people to express themselves freely. To allow people like Jama M.Qaalib and Samatar brothers to come and campaign for unification. I reckon many among the 'rebellious' clan would have listened to. Not to mention the 'second' class Somalilanders - including Riyaale, who are only there as a coping strategy and to share the loot. Ngonge What makes you look for a border between you, Xinn and me is what astounds me. Economics, sociology, psychology, Geography, and common sense dictates that it is to the best of all of us to be togather. Remember we are talking about our wishes here. That they seem impractical or far-flung doesn't reduce its inherent holiness.
  4. Mujaahid Ngonge, Good to know you are a born-again somalilander, like my freind Abdi from the heartland of Kenya, who after finding out who he is in 2004, is now glorifies the martyers who died in 1988 with new tears and refuses to call himself to be a Somali without suffix! The proselytes are more passionate than the burned ones. In Ethiopia, they call it 'Ye dhil atbiya' (dawn star). It is such people who join liberation fronts at Checkpoints hours before they take towns, that actually smash doors and put gun at the head of everyone shouting "soo bax wayaa, kaadidaan u soocabnay halgankee".
  5. Is there any Axmaaro dead? JB? Arintaa ii soo ogow. Inta kale, ilaahay naxariistiisa haka waraabiyo. Somaliland and Puntland wey ku socdeen jidkaas. For how long, will trade in innocent people be allowed to continue?
  6. Right Maika. It is the interpretations. It is such petty things that give our marvellous religion a bad name. Capital punishment is instituted elsewhere and there is no disputing why adultery should be punished, but why not do it in a way that is not painful to human psyche and heart? It is not seceret I am a supporter of Alshabab, but they need to get rid of this petty things. Without establishing the enabling environment for adultery-free atmosphere through persistent teaching and change of the push factors on the gorund, merely killling 'culprits' will not attain much except to hurt our feelings and that of others, not to mention the pain of the victims.
  7. Look Ayoub, if you are intersted in knowing why I support ONLF against the Axmaaro and Tigre's, it is simple: a muslim Somali fighting a christian occupier. I guess that doesn't look so difficult to fathom. That the tribe happened to be my tribe in this case is merely a coincidence. Proof: I support the Muqaawama in Somalia against Yey and his fawning traitors. I supported the SNM against Siyaad's merciless oppression. I wish you knew my stance then. As far as the 'tribe' in Somaliland I am talking about is concerned, I haven't passed any judgement on whether they should or should not be allowed to seceed. Infact, me, I am of the opinion that no-one should be kept in a house he doesn't wish to live in. I just stated a known FACT: that when someone says I am a Somalilander, it usually tells who his tribe is. I am also of the opinion that those who wish to live alone without the nuisance of the 'unruly' Somali's in the south, must be allowed to do so. But on a simple precondition: That they will allow a democratic process to take root whereby both opponents and proponents of secession are allowed to campaign freely in an atmosphere that is clean from mobocracy and intimidation. Then, the choice of the people who opted to live 'independently' will be valid. Concerning my pragmatism and what I will do should things take an ugly turn, I think you shouldn't wait for what I would do. I am already doing something about it, writing about it elsewhere, campaigning on the need to get rid of this divisive and tribal name ( whatever its supporters will present as a justification). I am already telling you that I will not, in a health state of mind, support or even blink to consider supporting ANYTHING less than the much-rediculed, out of vogue SOMALIWEYN aspirations. Does that settle your concern? Mise waa mindi mindi ku taag!
  8. Dear Malika, my queen; salaams. I still can't believe people are silent on this hineous crime against humanity in the name of religion. The poor women could have been mentally challenged, for instance. Certainly, for her, to insist on being 'stonned' as the thuggish Wadaadis tell us, is not normal. I am weeping for my slain sister! IT IS MURDER at its worst. Somali culuma must intervene. Where is that nefarious Xinn? He should lead the denunciations instead of running after that god-forsaken illusive peace caravan. Nur should also come and tell us his views. I hate cowards who hide when things need to be said. What was done to that somali women is outrageous and for 24 hours now my mind is not focusing! Waxani waa maxay? How can 50 men stone and reduce a human body into stream of blood and meat in minutes?
  9. This sounds better than the stonning heart-break! It so happens people kill each other for lesser misunderstandings. I am still living in Horor after I read that story! I think Islamic scholars need to come up with a timely interpretation of the stonning verdict. Dhagax is no more acceptable at this age! I know some guys will be jumping at me for challenging established rules, but I believe this particular one needs to be REVISED! Enough with the Dogma of lama taaban karo! I know this is what most here feel, but are afraid to say. In the end, if fear dominates our conscience, we will lose the ability to nurture our religion and enlarge its appeal without compromising on the fundamental beliefs and teachings.
  10. geographically Yes. But those who espouse the doctrine for separation are disproportionately from one clan. Facts are facts! Polictical expediency is something else. I am PROUD to be an ONLF supporter, in their fight against oppression and colonisation. But when it comes to their aspirations, I am proud to distance myself from any O-related would-be state or inclinations.
  11. It was hardly surprising that Oodweyne (with all due respect to his elaborate method of imparting information/knowledge) had filled the whole length of nearly one-page giving a useful but not so-relevant discourse on Law 101 and particularily on the subject of extradition. No one disputes that it is a pleasure to read Oodweyne's long sentences even when you disagree with its contents. What he basically highlighted was that Somaliland's national interst (which in view of the fact that it is a tribal entity could be construed as 'tribal interst') takes precednce to matters of humanity and morality. That sounds fair enough viewed from the angle of pure politics and pragmatic positioning of one's interst. As much as I deplore such narrow focus on a worldly issue ( at the expense of the supreme teachings of our religion,our somali decorum, and our humanitarian responsibility); and the apparent preoccupation with imagined treaties that, acutally, are only in the minds of deceitful bipeds, but not on any parchments I know of (extradition treary between Ethiopia and who? the non-entity Somaliland?); I also deplore his touting about jargons and processes while at the same time he remains legally fastidious. Yet, I would leave that point at that, lest it will take us back to arguments that were adequately covered before and lest 'the appetite may sicken and so die' redolent of Shakespeare's mild caveat in 'the Twelfth Night' . What was baffling to me was his audacity to admonish me and others (including Xinnfaniin- who he rightly says is a comrade-in-arms, an allusion I accept with glee), not to call a spade a spade, and lay bare the shaky foundations of the Banana entity built on the plinth of accrued grieviences, hate, false sartorial pride, and sheer opportunism. Must I remind dear Mr.'big fence' that such a hate, for Af-weyne, for 'F' and for whoever is seen as the butchers of the insuperable people, is afterall, a fleeting impulse. That is what all the jist of all the often-disguised medley motives for having a separate homeland in the North by a SINGLE tribe is all about. Hence, while I call upon this knave and delinquent waayeel by the name of that dusty town in Hawd, to end blowing his coquettish plumage for a cause that is unworthy of even his frantic efforts of scribbling down inneneudos here in SOL, to repent and buy conscience; I also would like to warn fellow SOL'ers against countenances of any self-admiring out and out cheats and tribalists who would labour day and night to give this cheap and medivieal zeal for a division of a country and dissection of a nation, a creditable cover!
  12. That is your right, and the right of all false philosophers who think dissent is always synonymous with having great idea!
  13. Anyone who espouses Somaliland secession, which is in reality a one-clan vision, is tribalist at heart. Not that I mind if a clan wants to sceceed, but it shouldn't be disguised as a collective decision of all Somali's in the North!
  14. Xinn, He is saying the latter! In light of new evidence, I am reconsidering my friendship with Ngonge and have temporarily called my Amabassador in his turf. Ninku waa Faysal Cali Waraabe oo wax bartay uun shoow? Waakii Xeedho yidhi: Mirqaan nacay hadii uu siciid miig ku kicin waayey Marwo nacay hadii uu Mukhtaar wali ka meeraayo Miyir nacay hadii uu Muxumed-Gaas Toori midigaystay Maskax nacay hadii uu Ngonge meel cidla ah raacay
  15. seeing a women stonned to death is still grisly and horrific. I can't fathom how one is capable of doing this act! Ina-lilaah! war dadku iga calool adkaa! Hunguri, I know it is difficult to oppose that pillar of islam, but that doesn't mean I don't feel the pain of the deceased. Xinn Is there anyway a less painful method of execution can be adminstered to those who erred? War dhagaxu waa dhib' ninyahoow, why not do by bullet? If she has to die anyway?
  16. First of all, let me say that it is disheartening to know that the great mind of Ngonge (at this age of globalisation) opted to confine itself to an ideal that is as narrow as the size of a baby's pants. If Ngonge can't go out of this incurable malady of I belong to this and hence I support this, who else will? I am not decrying Xaaji Xundjuf's decision; I am despairing because I lose hope when even great minds can't think outside the suffocating box. And seeing him basically playing McCain - accusing Ayub and Norf for not having enough 'blood and uus' is even more bitter to swallow. Coming to the ONLF and what they aspire for, I can tell you my position. I HAVE NEVER dreamed of a separate homeland or entity that will declare independence. For me, the fight is a phase in reconstituting the Somaliweyn dream. Let me come to what opinion leaders and most of the people ONLF represents think. They are predominantely against living under Ethiopian Occupation. The preoccupation has been on that single issue. But the fact is there is no question, judging by the political positions they adopted at different times, that the clan is a flag-bearer of Somali Unity. Tell me one single one of them who is not supporting the Somaliweyn vision? Adeeroow waad ceeboowdaye, nigiska yar ee ciyaalka eed dhex gashay iskaga dhex bax!
  17. Romantic'ka horta yaa ii sarifi? It combines both the blowing coquettish plumage before the act (with something like patting at the bottom iyadoo ku agmaraysa) or throwing yourself into the toilet when she is taking shower; AND the actual performance later. Mise waxaasi waa saqajaanimo? I have seen guys who are good to start fire, but bad in extinguishing it. Soo saa ma'aha JB?
  18. NGONGE Tigre's/ Ethiopians baalaayuu u haystaa ileen? As if they can wreck havoc on Somaliland and Puntland as they wish! They can't and let me repeat it to you: They can't. In many ways, it is more of a voluntary political prostitution by Somaliland and Puntland to outmanouver one another for phantom gains. With Eritrea menacingly standing on the north, a boiling center (Amhara and Oromo rebellion mounting)- maybe Ngonge thinks this is a lie, the quaqmire in Somalia, the Tigre-dominated Ethiopian regime is outstreached and can't risk antagonising either Somaliland and Puntland. If they were politically wise, this was the time to move and milk concessions, instead of sheepishly embarking on craven obsequiousness. P.S. BTW, Ngonge, have you been to Ethiopia, or more importantly do you understand the socio-political landscape in that country? Adieus!
  19. I greive for the poor women. This is unacceptable.
  20. War odaygan waalan Sheikh Turki la lee yahay yaa ummadda ka qabta? Why can't they just concentrate on the big issues: The Ethiopian Occupation?
  21. Great! When the Prophet implored with Allah to bring either of the Omer's to islam, he got Cumar-binu-khataab. When I asked Allah to turn either of the knights here, the Duke or the Emperor, I got the better one. Bravo! To hell with the Corporal!
  22. Is this Emperor? or Unknown1 has stolen his password? If Emperor, let me go and pray two rak'caas for Salaatu-shukri!
  23. Someone said it. My guess is the Amharic speaking Azhari, if the old man has to go. Aw-dhubad, he was the guru in the Somali relif and rehabilitation commission (qoxotiyadii). The guy is said to be very corrupt and tribalist. I am surprised how anyone could suggest him given the demographic realities in Somalia; something EMPEROR is suggesting to. Isagoo reer-hebel ah sideed meel uladamacaday miyaa sheekadu? Well, I heard it and if you doubt, the rumour is also on Hiraan online (as a comment to a news item).
  24. I just read some one saying Tarax may replace him. I don't belive it, but it it so happens, it is another blunder. What can this nepotistic, corrupt and dormant man of the O-clan can achieve in Somalia? Yaa yidhaa ha isa sii ceebayn waxa?
  25. Sheekha afka ka jeedi! Beerihiisa ha soo ritee! Surely, he must be motivated by strong beliefs to stand up to the president.