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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Whether it was recorded by an Arab or a persian doesn't really matter. No one is disbuting the Hadith. What I am saying is in this particluar incident, it is clear conditions in the country are nor ripe for the excution of such selective punishment. Waxaan ognahay, maalin walba wadaado gabdhaha ku qabta oo aan cidna wax weeydiin. oo later odhan 'haa! meher fulaan baan ku dhuftay retroactively.' On the wider issue, me, I believe the notion that the practice will act as a deterrent is not correct. Hence, it needs to be revised. Waxba waxbuu dhaamaa, better hide it when doing so.
  2. I am not letting this go unanswered. Oodweyne is obliged to produce the proof or to eat back his BIG LIES.
  3. Originally posted by Aw-Dhubad: quote:Originally posted by ThePoint: She's 22 and was your former classmate? Something is not jiving. lol, you missed this paragraph Mideksa is unique among Ethiopia's politicians. At 34 years old, she is exceptionally young; Now we know Tusbaxle 40 ayuu sii caga cagaynayaa It only confirms my claim that I am indeed 35 years old. Birtukan (Orange) graduated in 1996. I graduated in 1995. How? Because after Freshaman (where we were classmate) she joined Law school (5 years), while I joined Economics Dep't (4 years). A very pleasant lady, very! Xiin looooooool@ Chebsi. Which in Vulgar Addis language means Liquor. BTW, the man she released and was re-arrested infornt of her was none other than the illustrious fighter of the TPLF, former Defence Minster, the most daring military commander of the TPLF; who among others disagreed with Meles on the conduct of the war with Eritrea. His name is SEYE ABRAHA. He is a very flamboyant and arrogant politician and it is rumoured that he is on the record for saying "Unless We eliminate Meles, we will not rest, and Ethiopia will not rest'. The current Foreign Minister, Seyoum Mesfin was part of the plot, but changed his mind later.
  4. Apparently convinced that the attackers were from the south, (he could not have said Puntland- for it also was a victim of the attacks), or from Somaligalbeed or the work of Poor Oromo civillians in Hargeisa, JB on his post 'Nothing will stop Somaliland' was calling for a direct action against perceived enemies of the sacred people. He must have been convinced as well that the bomb blasts were intended to jeopardise Somaliland's quest for independence and to tarnish its image. The same baloney politicians were propagating at all Somaliland channels since the incident. It is sad JB talked like an empty-headed cadre, who chants mantra's given to him, and not like a thinking human being who could wait and try to speak once investigations are completed. They say "a cadre has tongue, not head" where I used to live. I believe those who carried out the attacks had no regard for who recognises Somaliland and to the outcome of the elections, but were merely reacting to what they saw entities that are supporting the Ethiopian regime. The motive could have been as simple as that. They are groups, not clans. Who is the head of Kismayo adminstration? Who was Cabdi Godane who was killed along with Adan Ceyrow, and who was the leading fighter in Moqdishu? Have you ever heard people decrying Northern's intrusion? In view of his vitriolic denunciations of imaginary enemies, as if the whole world is sleepless thinking about this barren entity by the name Somaliland, is reflective of the venom injected into the young generation in the North by self-seeking politicians. To be an independent country or not is not a big deal. Djibouti is a country, even Reunion island is a country. But the amount of hate propagated against the other Somali's is not tolerable. Inherent in the anger was also a false sense of uniqueness, as if the Southerners are born violent and as if death is their distinctive inelutable fate.
  5. Originally posted by roobleh: Fourteen shameful responses to a post dedicated to a current Somali tragedy: 6. "Hundreds are dying in Mogdisho's Bakaara market on a daily basis." -so what? mine are also dying. 7. "For how long, will trade in innocent people be allowed to continue?" -they deserve this. These are mine and there is nothing shameful about them. Not even after you take them out of context. They become shameful only when you add you add your conjectures. I think your action is more shameful.
  6. Oodweyne In case you think I am not aware of what I am talking about, let me tell you that THERE IS NO EXTRADITION TREATY BETWEEN ETHIOPIA AND SOMALILAND. Officials from the two entities might have met and discussed over dinner tables that they will work togather on security and might have even informally agreed to extraditing offenders, but there is no formal agreement. So, Oodweyne, all the talk about Hargeisa Parliament archives is not true. I can give you two months if you can prove it. Once we are done with the mere existence of the document, will we tread the other road of debating whether a defacto state can enter into such an agreement, whether it is good for Somaliland, and in which instances it can be invoked. I think that settles the argument. I know if you could concentrate on the subject (a quality the same God who gave you all the talent of rhythmic writing, denied you long ago), your chances of convincing the other debator would have improved. Now, it is more of - confuse-if-you- can't-convince approach. By the way, oppossing Somaliland's hitherto illegal and unilateral declartion of independence (UDI) is not a crime. I am not saying it is not unthinkable to see a separe Somaliland state. I am saying due process must be followed, so that the field is level for all sides of the divide, so as to know who wants what. As we stand, what a congregation of angry ONE-TRIBE fighters (with significant albeit justifiable anger at the time) declared in Burco won't be representative of the feelings of the people who reisde in the geogrpahically-defined Somaliland. MAkhiir is not in it, the bulf of Sanaag and Sool are not in it. Awdal's loyalty cannot be counted on. THESE ARE FACTS! If the truth draws blood redder than the setting sun from your eyes, I can't help it.
  7. Xinn ha caayin, waa caaqil and oracle. Not mere aqyaar. Laakiin, sidii daa'uus kii la sheegi jiray boogtan Caravan'ka ah unbuu ilaahay ku saliday. Even that is not big enough to diminish his stature though.
  8. Walaahi Sheekh Shariif waan u yaxyaxay markaan arkay asagoo sidii shaxaad-doon spectator meel la fadhiisiyey, and later when he walked down confused when the meeting ended. They may have lied to him about expecting something big happening in the meeting. What immaturity can do to a man. Miskiin. I don't doubt his sincerity, but he is in a business that is clearly not his. Wuu wareeray!
  9. Why take the risk of a sucidal bomb via geela! I would say prudent on the part of those killed the camels. My uncle Faluule used to say 'nin khalkhalay ninkale oo khalkhalay qaadi ka ri waaye', when a wounded comrade asked for help in a battle where Fallule was running for his life. EDIT- Emperor (I wanted to PM you and this is what I see). Sorry, that member's private message mailbox is currently full. Please try sending your private message another time. Meesha ma hawlo LIVE ah ayaa ka socda?
  10. Ngonge, you asked what we are saying? I am saying you are after me!
  11. Originally posted by NGONGE: Waxa la yedhi: this was an ONLF operation to teach the Somaliland government a lesson and make them think twice about handing any ONLF sympathisers to the Ethiopian authorities (the evidence cited here is the one about blowing up the Ethiopian embassy). Adigo maxad odhan? NGONGE aniguu ii jeedaa. All this fecund scenarios waa si boodhka isugu-qariyo.
  12. Nepthys Waad igu banaantay. Ayaantana xagee loo kacay? Mise siduu Xinn ii sheegay waxbaa ka jira.
  13. Dear Ayoub, It is Ethiopian colony. The IGAD logo is just a cover.
  14. SAYID Walaal iga raali ahoww. And Ilaahay samir iyo iiman ha kaa siiiyo, aabana Janadii fardawsa alla ha ka waraabiyo. I am just alerted to this tragedy by a good and considerate person. Walaal, apologees mark kale, lama socon.
  15. welcome back rageedii. Yaa Sayid, keef xaalak? Balaayo kaa maqan, cid bay ku maqantahay baa la oran jiree, YAAD ku maqnayd?
  16. I don't believe such people are narrow-minded. And I try to focus on the merits of the issue discussed rather than look for who said it or not. But, I still believe for all Somali's unity is good and the way forward. Not from the traditional blue-flag waving paranoia of some, but from its added value point of view. And I see the foundations for a separate homeland in the North as shaky for they heavly dwell on the assumption that a re-union will alawys produce the horros of the past. I will prefer if there are some conditionalities put in place. For instance, if this type of governance is not going to take root, or this kinds of constitutional guarantees are not put in place, we will not rejoin Somalia could be a good and fair argument.
  17. Ayoub, most points you said are correct and it is me who have to apologise for looking the SL issue myopically. Laakiin, walaal excluding citizens from exercising their rights is not ethical. So I beg to disagree on that. Somaliweyn is not a tribe also, but I understand where you are coming from. If we avoid academic and theorithical debate, we can see that tribe is an issue in the SL quest for independence. It also matters how much of which 'region' - a euphemism for clans, support it or not. Let's not close our eyes to that reality; in the same way proponnents of Somaliweyn try to close their eyes on the reality that things have moved in Somaliland and it will be impossible to just move on as one Somalia when and if the southern conflict ends. Sida kale, miyir qabka waan kugu ogaa oo marna isma odhan wax xun buu uga jeedaa comments on ONLF.
  18. I mean it, nuune. Waa nin macquul ah oo aragti dheer.
  19. Originally posted by LIQAYE: “I am telling you that the enemy is among you and you must pick them up,” Alot of innocent people are going to suffer... Riyaale's words shows he wants reprisals and chaos so that the elections are postponed. That NNS guy can kill. He did kill in Berbera in 1980s anyway.
  20. I think Ayoub is the most far-sighted and most reasonable guy here in SOL. What he says is always right! I hope it is not KAARTA-AYUUB!(By the way, Ayoub, have you ever heard about this thing) Even when he attacks me on the ONLF thing.
  21. Liqaye What is so special is that it is not special at all. What they have done in Nairobi is that they thought about a plan to oust some of the leaders of the TFG and changed it once in Nairobi. Why? It all can be becuase 10 minutes before the meeting, General Gabre could tell Meles or Siyum, " Baki Soomali hullu yaaw naw. Towaachaw! Inayinuu mawqas yishaalal." (All of these somali's are the same. It is better to shout at the present leaders than try new ones". Why is this important? Because it defeats the thinking that the Tigre's are organised and make decisions on sound analysis or stategic importance. That they are often impulsive is well known. So, stop asking why was the Igad meeting convened first, and there is nothing new said in the end. Afterall, all the assignments communicated in the meeting could have been delivered without much fanfare. Beleive me on this one.
  22. Hundreds are dying in Mogdisho's Bakaara market on a daily basis. Equal number of Somali's end up on the shores of Yemen. This bomb balst is anothe tragedy. Why all this finger-wagging and hidden vitriol? Don't succumb to your raw emotions. Those who are perishing in Mogdishu are not made of mud, and those in Hargeisa are not made of Gold and Silver. You have the right to moan the death of innocent people, much as I also have the obligation to do so; but the way you talk is menacing. And it won't help the retributions that have already started against Southern refugees. I will be surprised if no Somalilander is involved in the attacks, one way or another.
  23. Oodweyne, Kindly produce the evidence of a signed extradition agreement between Ethiopia and Somaliland (As much as it would be non-binding internationally and irrelevant). Assuming that it MUST exist somewhere just because logically it should be somewhere is not an evidence! Proof please, not tiring verbosity! On a more serious note, focus on substance when writing things, for you are truly a master of the queen's language. I don't see that in your otherwise intersting four-liner-sentences. How long you have been here in SOL doesn't show how wise you are. So, focus on the issues at hand.
  24. The problem with the Somali's is that I lecture a Sijuu about the intentions of Kibaki, and a Mogdishu born somali lectures me on what Ethiopia (this time Tigre- Adwa and Adigrat fellows) think. YOU ALL DON"T UNDERSTAND THE MIND OF A TIGRE! or AN OROMO or an Amhara! DO YOU?
  25. http://www.ipsnews.net/news.asp?idnews=44491 POLITICS-ETHIOPIA: A Career In Dissent By Michael Chebsi ADDIS ABABA, Oct 29 (IPS) - Frozen in disbelief on the steps of the courthouse where she presided as a federal judge, Bertukan Mideksa watched as a man she had just ordered released on bail was detained by plain-clothes police with no warrant and no apparent regard for the law. That was in 2001. She next saw that man when she became a fellow inmate at Kaliti Federal Prison in 2004, charged with crimes serious enough to have her imprisoned for life: treason, outrage against the constitution, inciting, organising or leading armed rebellion, obstruction of the exercise of constitutional powers, impairing the defensive power of the state and attempted genocide. She claims her only true transgression was dissent. "I couldn't stand the lack of human dignity," said Mideksa, seated behind her desk at her poorly furnished office in central Addis Ababa. Mideksa is unique among Ethiopia's politicians. At 34 years old, she is exceptionally young; she was still in high school when rebels toppled the country's brutal military regime in 1991. And she is a woman, the first ever to head a political party in this notoriously patriarchal country. Fewer than 22 percent of the country's 547 lawmakers are women. The only female cabinet member -- predictably -- is in charge of women's affairs. Mideksa became the exception to the rule in September, when she was elected to head Ethiopia's newest political party, the Unity for Democracy and Justice Party. She has since become the leading spokesperson for the opposition. At a press conference on Oct. 10, Mideksa, flanked by her fellow party leaders, announced her party's plan to open 117 regional offices in a bid to mobilise the public across the country. Her party has also joined a forum of other opposition parties to forge a joint platform ahead of the 2010 elections, where the coalition hopes it will fare better than in the past. In November 2004, leaders of two long-standing opposition groups and two newly-formed political parties formed an electoral coalition. The strategy helped the opposition to win significant gains in the parliament, but fell short of a majority. Pointing to reports by international observers of irregularities at the polls, the opposition claimed that there were significant instances of expulsion and harassment of poll workers, incidents of intimidation, multiple voting and ballot stuffing. The political conflict turned into violent clashes on the streets, and when some of the coalition members refused to assume their elected posts, the coalition fractured acrimoniously. The newly-constituted administration of Prime Minister Meles Zenawi detained over 100 leaders of the opposition and jailed tens of thousands of their supporters in the ensuing crackdown. Mideksa, then vice president of the coalition, was among the detainees. She was convicted on July 16, 2007 by the Federal High Court. Mideksa and 34 others were sentenced to life imprisonment while three others were handed jail sentences that range 18 months to 18 years. The same day, they appealed for amnesty, which was later accepted by the pardon board and endorsed by President Girma W. Giorgis. "It was the greatest challenge of my life," Mideksa told IPS. "It's strengthened me though." Mideksa was not discouraged by the experience. She cites as one of her inspirations the 1991 Nobel Peace Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi, who is leader of the National League for Democracy in Burma (Myanmar). "I marvel at her courage and determination," she says. Her party, however, will need more than mere determination to prevail. In the April local elections, the Ethiopia People's Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) scored an overwhelming victory, with pro-government candidates outnumbering opposition candidates by 500 to 1. Irregularities in voter registration and difficulties in the result and complaints processes combined to reduce the legitimacy of the election. Recent legislation affecting political parties, the press and civil societies threatens to narrow the political space even more. Mideksa believes she can help broaden the political space through a series of public dialogues with the media. Her party has also announced that it has allocated close to 750,000 dollars to mobilise supporters from the four corners of the country in the run-up to the election. But observers doubt that Mideksa has the leadership skills to bring together the fractious opposition. Born in Addis Ababa in 1974, Mideksa went to public schools for her primary and secondary educations. She joined the law school at Addis Ababa University, and graduated with an LLB degree in 1996. Prior to her entry into politics, she served as a Judge at the Federal First Instance Court for close to seven years, before she resigned, claiming that there is government interference in the judiciary. "The values that guide me are truth and fairness," she says. She first entered politics running as an independent parliamentary candidate back in 2000. Neither her friends nor her mother supported the decision, warning her against the dangers of politics. After eight years, however, she is content with her decision. "It is a great success for me personally," says Mideksa, adding with a shrug and a smile, "and I guess for Ethiopian women too." (END/2008)