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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. AYOUB;874076 wrote: :)Originally Posted by Abtigiis This is what I am getting from Mogadishu. Amazing stuff. What is amazing about this Ayoub? Are you disputing this was the news in Mogadishu yesterday?
  2. Gabbal, I never liked Farmaajo. It is not like I started hating him after his hoax yesterday. The man is shallow and somewhat desperate for power. He can't even articulate what he wants to say properly. He is not the calbire Somalia needs for PM right now. On 'currency; don't take it literally, I am sure you know the word is used to mean different thing (acceptance) in english. Yes, I said it is not a problem if IDPs love you, it is infact better than to be loved by elites who are eating bountifully. But I also said one does not have to get desperate because desperate people like him! So, I reject your allegations and accusations. You are visibly angry but when you finsish your anger reflect on the hogwash you wrote above and see if it makes sense.
  3. In the IDP camps, where desperation and delinquency see-saw, composure and circumspection can leave you sleep in empty stomach, while chicanery and elbowing fellow beneficiaries of humanitarian handouts, notwithstanding that it donates bad names to you, will ultimately make you take sacks of grain and cans of oil to your family. The vicious tactics, therefore, are the necessary abuse one must inflict on equally deprived lives to save lives at home. In these auditoriums of famine, the stakes are high and only a man-eat-man mindset can make one see the sun the next day. In Farmajo’s political belvedere, ironically augmented and abetted by the ululation and adulations of IDPs, that which delivers the PM post is that which is right and righteous. His is a vagrant politics that is of a lower caliber, but politics finding currency and fertile ground in deprived settlements and among depressed people. That is not the problem. Somalia’s new leaders will have to cater to the needs of these depressed people. But that doesn’t mean these leaders have to embrace desperate politics to address the needs of desperate people. And here is where Farmajo’s IDP politics merits no paean. With yesterday’s needless farce, Farmajo’s credibility and relevance in the race for the PM or even for a lesser portfolio deteriorated from thread-bareness to an out-and-out fig leaf. In time, the present dismay shall wane, and in place of it, the farce will serve as a critical lever that will lift Somalia’s notoriously bizarre politics to a level of new comical dialectics for a soul-searching synthesis. But the shame is his. Not ours. After all, this was none of our choice, and the man we appear to redeem, by saying the debacle was the cynical work of Sharif Sakin, does not deserve our support, both intrinsically and by his spineless political conduct in trying to give meaningless acquiescein Kampala the decency of an ineluctable national sacrifice. So, in Farmajo, we are once again dealing with the recurring curse of the same leadership failure and antics we have been facing for many moons: men who have nothing to present but their bespectacled faces, standing but receding hairlines, sagging bellies, and full blown bald heads! We are dealing with masks that crave high offices and with it the booty that it offers. You check their background and it is zero, nil and hollow gust. No liberation war fought. No selfless deeds. No poor IDPs assisted. No lands reconstructed. No jobs given to needy youth. Not even rushing deflowered and bleeding bride to the clinic for medical attention. Void, except for bounding ambition. Is this the dawn of the era of celebrity politics in Somalia? Even then, why isn't Sado, and not Farmajo, running if that is the case?
  4. Abdullahi Hussien, who did this video and is also with the President when this was shot, is here and you must see the whole video to get sense of what is taking place in that region.
  5. War threadkan may naga xidhaan Farmaajaa marada nagaga riday marada alle haka ridee!! Norf, this was broadcasted on the national radio for your information!
  6. My views on both Siyad Barre and the butcher of Kismaayo Jees is well known! Unlike you and the rest of the SNM progeny in this forum, I don't support my clansmen always!
  7. I don't do such a dishonorable thing, I am not a somalilander! Silaanyo is an old man and like my father. I can't insult him. In fact, it is well known that I admire him for fighting tyranny!
  8. If I write a book with the title "Silaanyo ma straight baa mise waa,,,," do I leave much for the imagination?? Come on Xaaji!!
  9. Farmaajo seems somehow desperate to get this post and that frightens me! I think he wants to steal!
  10. Xaaji, not that I expect you to know this, but where is the context to this poem? Still, it doesn't prove he wasn't a shiekh as he is denouncing what he sees as Zaaniyad!! There are worse poems he composed but what is acceptable today is very different to what was acceptable in his days. Do you agree Xaaji?
  11. Personally, I have a liking for lean women but a fat one has to come, bring her on. I may enjoy being sandwitched! As collective lackeys, indeed you automatically represent the Author's views!!
  12. Again, it is a matter of perspective. No viewpoint is right or wrong. But I think the side meetings created unnecesary competition and the President will see the result (bad) very soon!! To me, he should have gone on national TV and have asserted his position forcefully, boiling down the selection to 'an individual' rather than clan or a region! He had a grace period of goodwill!
  13. It is not! If it is anything it is you running away from harsh truth, which is that the said book represents the grievienaces of the SNM clan and nothing more!! I don' t represent the Sayidists point of view and it is clear from my post.
  14. Secession to name one. I also haven't seen you making any positive remarks about the Sayid either. I believe my assessment of the Sayid's legacy is impartial. I acknowledge what he did right, i condemn what he did wrong and there is plenty he did wrong. On your previous post, you mentioned that reer hebel were collective lackeys in the past and collective anti-sayid now. Take out the bad word lackey and replace it with "pro-British", and I still think that statement is correct. Of course, as always there are exceptions but by and large it is safe to conclude that. On the anti-Sayid one, i don't blame them. The sayid saw them as enemies and it is a normal reaction to his hate!
  15. The MPs represent constituencies (clan), the PM is expected to represent the whole of the country. By having side meetings with subclans, the whole process is sullied beyong repair. It should have been handled differently, me thinks.
  16. I don't say you have simple mind marwo Blessed, but I don't see you breaking ranks with your clan on any single issue, including this one!
  17. lool, add the leaks on Farmaajo to this and you will realize how incompetent the president and his team are! God help Somalia!
  18. Wait a minute Xaaji, you are not famed for high intellect but to miss the theme of my argument here is inexcusable. I am just saying this book represents the views of one clan!
  19. Yes, I heard the State Radio will issue a denial just five minutes ago! Nomads, I apologize for falling for this! I have better source and should have checked with them. I now hear Farmaajo is not in the short-lis. In fact, it is Mohamed Barre or Saacid if at all it goes to the Gedo community!
  20. I think a candid book on "the role and contribution of the SNM clan on the liberation of Somalia" would make a good reposte to this book. It won't be pretty!
  21. Not at all! one of the candidates called me and this seems to be a false news! Palace reportedly angry about this news. Insider information.
  22. Farmaajo's camp is notorious for lies. This we know, but we apologize for misleading people.
  23. This president has plenty of NGO participatory democracy experience. Ha, let us consult Ngonge, ok it is the turn of Ooba, but where is Mooge? Blessed wax miyaan la waydiineeyn? dee Juxa kama tagni karo! Xitaa Xaaji inaan maqalo soo ma haboona. I think he doesn't have the tempo that somalia requires right now. But God help him.
  24. A hint of Indecisiveness? The manner in which the President is handling the selection of the Prime Minister suggests that the President may be trying to hear the ideas of various constituencies and clans before making a decision, but it could also be a hint of a weak and indecisive leader, who is swayed by the opinions of the last counsel. He may nominate a PM in few days’ time, but that can’t expunge the flaws in the approach followed to select a PM. Still, declaring the president ‘indecisive’ simply because he has taken time to decide on a PM is harsh and premature. It is also unfair. This, despite the fact that the President shouldn’t have waited for two solid weeks to refocus the nation’s attention on the real priorities – security and building governance institutions. Yet, what is indisputable is that the President’s handling of the PM selection process is far from reassuring. First, countless advisors and so-called inner circles started calling different personalities asking for CVs and expression of interest, as if this is a job advertisement when it is anything but that. Second, the PM selection became a saga that is distracting everybody from the real issues. The security situation is deteriorating in Mogadishu and there is a clear administrative vacuum. Members of the former government and other administrative bodies are nervous and preoccupied with securing posts in the new government rather than focusing on their tasks. The saga overshadowed the push for Kismayo and other Alshabab strongholds. Just because the President has thirty days to nominate a Prime Minister does not mean he should wait for four weeks to make an announcement. A month is too long for a country in crisis like Somalia and by now the Prime Minister should have been known and the task at hand should have been drafting a work plan for the first 100 days. It can be argued that the President has taken time (a) to consult various clans so that they feel consulted and therefore respected (b) to ensure he gets the right person, because the President will not be able to sack the PM once he nominates. The first reason is acceptable but, by now, it is a common knowledge that the PM would be selected from the ***** clan, because of the 4.5 formula. It would have been better to ask the whole ***** block to send one delegation for consultations, instead of creating unnecessarily rivalry and competition by receiving different sub-clans separately. In fact, the current approach is sowing the seeds of acrimony and bitterness, because sub-clans that feel their recommendations were not accepted would feel aggrieved. The President should have insisted that he has the right to pick any individual as long as he is from the ***** clan. It would have been better if he could say he can pick competent Somali, but the limitations to this are known and understandable, if not acceptable. But at least, if his pool is *****, he should have discouraged various sub-clans from nominating and lobbying for sub-clan candidates. Because he allowed sub-clan competition, he can now be sure he will have a tough time once he makes his PM announcement.