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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. I would like to join you BG, but what was the alternative? MCCain? Lesser evil for me.
  2. What if the one who wants to be convinced is blind, like in this case. On the second question, Somalia exists, because it has two of the three things it needs to be considered 'alive'. - Defined territory - people What is missing is a Government. Mind you, I don't want to hypocratically suggest TFG is a governemnt just for the sake of this argument. If you are thinking about its state, then you can say it is in bad shape. By the way, in terms of deaths and destruction (minus Mogdishu) Somalia is still better than many countries.
  3. What did you expected. It is as if Stevie Wonder is insisting someone should produce the evidence that grass is green.
  4. ^ That somaliland is not recongnised by any country,because the territorial soverienty of Somalia must be respected is a GOOD ENOUGH proof of SOMALIA's existence.
  5. Do you actually think Ruth loves me? I suspect my colleague, Ruth O’Connell, loves me. I suspect so because every time I walk into her office, and she notices me walking there through the glass door, she hurriedly picks out a lipstick from her bag and quickly applies to her slim lips. She is charming and slightly over thirty. She was born Irish, but she told me she is a blue-blood American, descendent of those who descended from the Mayflower passenger crew centuries back. She also likes to pay for my bills whenever we go out for lunch together. I agree to her kindness, with gratitude. I think she started loving me after I shared my friend’s predicament with her. This was his story. In the three years they were married to one another, Mohamud has been a happy husband, caring and always providing, but soft on the production side. Soft, but not too soft to satisfy his woman and most importantly to spawn progeny. Two boys. Initially, there were several nights where he has to feign sickness to avoid the daunting task Maryama requested; the task of living up to her potency. But, later, with time, he has outgrown his state of denial and admitted he is no match. Yet, Maryama always understood. This last two months, she has started behaving funny in bed. For three nights now, the new trick is holding him by the head in the middle of the task and rubbing his mouth against the source of milk for the young Khalif. Yes, she has stopped breast-feeding the baby, but why should the father take up from where the baby-boy left off? He couldn’t understand. More importantly, who has taught her this new passion? He was seeking my advice whether to divorce her or not. He could no longer put up with her bizarre behaviour, which culminated in her muttering imprecations if he dares to haul out his mouth from where it is glued to, even to let out some choking gulp of air. Ruth asked me what I think of the issue and I have given my answer that I think the man is lucky and must hold onto whatever is given to him as long as it makes his wife’s life a little bit more enjoyable. From that day on, Ruth is refusing to lose me beside her, is supporting me in meetings and is insisting that I must see a coastal Island nearby where she says is serene and captivating. She keeps on saying I am a very understanding man, who needs to be allowed to explore the joy of life. But she hasn’t yet said she loves me, or that she thinks about a relationship with me. I, Ahmed-Dahir, don’t know what to do. I wouldn't have cared about her love, in any case, because ‘even our donkey’s don’t mate’, but what she hinted last evening on Dinner, by way of a return story about her friend- a certain Dyane, who she says loves to massage the back and foot of her man, before anything else takes place. Even as a child, there was nothing more soothing than feel the hands of my dad and mom on my back, scratching it, whenever I lie down beside them. Imagine that combined with the thrill of what my friend has? I could go for it, but first things first; do you think Ruth loves me? I asked someone who knows her better about her situation and how she deals with men, and he confirmed to me that she is not the type who runs after men, but if someone lands his proposal for a quick fix, she seriously considers such requests.
  6. Originally posted by Ibtisam: It is expected that A&T surrounds his points with his usual five star jumps from post to pillar, but at least his thread is heading somewhere, regardless of how it get there, what I object to is the trail of people following Oodweyne around threads like they are in school with their retarded two lines. Please ciyaal suuqnimaad iska taayah. I fully agree with this. This two lines against oodweyne MUST end. The man is truly entertaining and his English is second to none. I personally like to challenge him, partly because I will learn one or more words from his reply. I apologise if I seemed critical of his style, but my point really was to ask him to produce a treaty he claimed existed.
  7. Scolari is lucky, but lousy. Mikel is not good. I always knew that, even when Brazil lifted the Cupin 2002 with such poor performance. Portuagal would have done better withour Scolari.
  8. In Somaliland too. There will be no recognition, nor any more visits by jandayi Fraser, that useless Bantu.
  9. ma soconayso. waa lagu shubtay. 4.5 halagu qaybiyo.
  10. Sheekhu kharash adag buu wataabaan maqloo, waxoogaa hadalkiisu wuu socon intay dhamaanayso.
  11. JB's story is great. Waa macalin aabihii. Habeenkii wuu sii tuuraa wuxuu jidka ku arko. can you believe I was thinking about how cars increase the supply of the Eve's just yesterday? If you are walking, jaariyadaha unbaad is arkaysaan. For high-class tuurasho, the car is indispensible. Ngonge kama madhna fikrada sheekada, laakin thumbs up to JB.
  12. Nepthys, Barack foomkiisaad ka heshay. Walaahi inaan odaygaaga u sheegaynaa. Otherwise, ma xaa inaga galay African inaga? They don't like us. Hate or love, ilaahay Carabtaas aynu isku diinta nahay yuu ina baday. BTW, I am supporting the lesser evil, Obama. Mc-gacan waa sun. Somaliland will not be recognised under Obama, so I can understand JB's frustration. Iyaga waxay wax ugu jiraan the continuation of War on Terror. Inay ka daadsadaan Mccain, in exchange for the heads of few sheiks.
  13. There is a parallel between this voting and what will happen to Obama. All the opinion polls showed I and Xinn leading. Now, you see what is happening when the 'undecided' joined in. It is ominous, I fear for Obama.
  14. Xiinoow, Hedde adeerow sidani waa maxay. Wixii uuna ka jeexneyn miyaan albaabka laga fureyn? I tried to PM you and it says the member doesn't accept PM's? Sidee wax u jiraan? Is the sanction across the board mise waa raga uun? by the wa, what I wanted to tell you was that I need to know if you think Oodweyne must apologise for the perjury he committed on the extradition treaty thing. Waan kuu ifiyee, raadka hay! ma is-fahanay?
  15. Ibtisam, I once greeted her, and for whatever reason she hasn't answered. That is it. Can someone like that hold a public office?
  16. Cara, I would have preferred if you answer greetings. You sound like a human here in public.
  17. The 12 dollar question is why is Ibtisam not there? I voted for Cara and Nepthys by the way. As always friend of girls.
  18. You are not new. you joined in April.Try Xaaji Xundjuf.
  19. Originally posted by Thierry.: HornAfrique I agree with you 100% quote: A&T Whether it was recorded by an Arab or a persian doesn't really matter. No one is disbuting the Hadith. What I am saying is in this particluar incident, it is clear conditions in the country are nor ripe for the excution of such selective punishment. Could the same be said about murderers or rapist ya A&T what was your take on ICU executing the rapist and murderers in public only 2 years ago in the Capital. Hada A&T would you dare go to Kismayo and commit adultery knowing the consequences of the act. If no then I believe its fulfilled its purpose. A rapist and a murderer is a rapist and a murderer. Sorry, I have no pity for him, as long as there is no miscarriage of justice. But, adultery is different. I can elaborate if you are intersted. And the manner of excution is appaling.
  20. I commiserate with Qudhac. Yarku ma qumana. Qarixii Hargeisaa wax u dhimay. By the way, Qudhac ma Xaajigii baa? I mean Xundjuf?
  21. Reer Hargeisa, if you think so, fine. Oodweyne, Will we ever get an answer for what we have been looking for? Proof of the extradition treaty? I know it is asking too much of you to confine your limits to a simple yes or no, but please YES or NO? The rest, as usual, was fun to read.
  22. Ode to Oodweyne Spouting adjectival superlatives, the raconteur, has made a habit of storming into any thread, assailing opinions that are not in conformity with his, ridiculing personalities with rants full of blighting effluvia, and drawing a long list of ‘facts’ that are mysteriously known only to him. Worse, a ceaseless torrent of words and phrases -which like a hard fruit that fills a toothless man’s mouth, one moment churning inside the left cheek to create bumpy nodes, another moment hurriedly posted to the right cheek, rights jaws for similar fate- is considered a measure of one’s knowledgeability about issues, one’s polished-ness, and one’s insuperable reasoning power. Just because someone bellowed hard with a knocking sense of infallibility, doesn’t mean he is on top of the issues. That addressing critics with some measure of equanimity is relegated to the cesspit in his world, won’t help either. Which brings us to one unforgivable plunder by the rhetorician: After scoffing at what he saw as historical enemies and detractors of Somaliland- for merely decrying the handing over of an asylum-seeking Oromo to Ethiopia, we have been subjected to unsolicited lecturing of basic Law, with the claim that an extradition treaty exists between sovereign Ethiopia and the non-entity Somaliland. Despite several calls and pleadings to Oodweyne to produce proof of it, before we go into other matters that equally matter, the man has disappeared and is yet to oblige an answer to what me and many others here in SOL would like to know. For the answer, will save us the trouble of debating legalistically, when there is no such law to be debated upon. Supreme law is not a matter of prospect or conjecture, please! They are implacably hard facts on national parchments. The debate could still rage on the other aspects of the issue, politics, morality, and religion, though. His feeble arguments for the continuation of this false state, itself in loco parentis status anyway, is a replica of what Xaaji Xundjuf puts down in two lines, with the candidness, splendour and bliss of ignorance. (More or less the following rationale) -We fought to liberate ourselves and hence accepting a reunion with south Somalia is tantamount to surrendering the victory to the enemy. And after all, how dare can we ever think of entertaining the idea of returning to the suffocating republic after what has been done to our tribe. (the grievance motive). Rwanda is a counter-example of how to move ahead. -The Southerners are biologically deficient in instituting democracy and good governance, and hence it is not worth to be with them anymore. (simply not scientific) -Historical reference to the pre-July 1, 1960 status. {So what? Are all the clans in the then British Somaliland ready to the proposed divorce?} As much as they are Partisan, the following statement by the NSPU is not refutable. “…represents merely the leaders of one clan in some parts of northern Somalia (former British Somaliland), which in taking advantage of the collapse of the Somali state, unilaterally declared in May 1991 the secession of the area from Somalia, and adopting a former colonial name of Somaliland, an area inhabited by five Somali clans. These secessionist and clannish leaders have been struggling for an international recognition and for this, they have been relentlessly propagating hackneyed collection of claims such as that all the clans in northern Somalia were behind the secession when in reality only some sections of one clan subscribe to this secession”. -Who are we to unite with? -Good reasoning (but with no sign of conditionality in the declarations of Independence). Yet, Oodweyne considers the voice of the people from the North- outside the ‘tribe’ that has to get all that it wants, as irrelevant. To him, they are the wretched lives that must be sublimated to dismal statistics in the range of what is to be considered ‘below significance levels’. But, this post is not to debate the Somaliland Independence issue. It is to protest Oodweyne’s endless delectable lies and illusions, and his constant muttering of imprecations, as if that alone will devastate the numberless enemies he sees. I denounce his methods of argument, which would only find satiety if one importunes with him for release from the captivating but vapid proclamations. I stand side-by-side with victims of his incantations of self-greatness, and turpitude. I pledge my pen and anger, the only estate I call mine.
  23. Anagu waxaan naqaan mid odhan jiray "Inamal Acmaalu biniyaati", oo intuu hablaha ku kiciyo odhan jiray waan guursan doonaa ee sinno ma aha. Waan u soo shaqaysanyaa waxoogaa. Intaana waan ku sii afuufi.
  24. Adam Zayla _________________________________________________ "Similarly people who were personally hit by a tragic situation will act differently from those who were not: I'm sure A&T would find the violent death of a Somali person in Sweden very saddening but his reaction both emotionally and physically will totally differ if this particular person is a close relative." _________________________________________________ This is true without but and if. Well taken.