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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Who is the Bantu lady (not under quoatation mark)? Jandayi Fraser? That one is a useless Bantu. Speaking of Bantu, I was just watching Michelle Obama's visit to the White House and her terrible Red dress. I am wondering if there is a plotter insider her designers. Wa'yo qofka gabadha sidan u bahdilaya ee kolba horrible dress u galinaya????? She hasn't got the looks, and they are making it worse by not dressing her up properly! All the more reason why Obama should get rid off her? bahashan.... This is unacceptable.
  2. It looks I can con millions out of this hungry lotus-eaters in Hargeisa if I descend on Egal international Airport with my three european collegues for December leave. Marcel, Alf and Ruth can be said, well, " wafti balaadhan oo uu hogaaminayo A&T, oo ay ku jiraan saraakiil rer- Europe ah ayaa Soo gaadhay Somaliland.
  3. ****** iyo ****** oo kala tageeray John mcCian iyo Barack Obama Doorashadii madaxtinimada wadanka Maraykanka ee maalinti Talaada aheed la soo gabagabyay ayaa waxaa ku kala qabsamay balaha Soomaaliyeed taas oo keentay in ay u kala codeeyaan labadii musharax ee kala ahaay Barack Obama iyo John McCian Balaha sida wayn ugu kala qabsamay doorashadaan ayaa waxaa kala ahaayeen labada beelood oo inta badan siyaasadahooda isdiidanyihiin ee kala ah Beesha ****** iyo Beesha ******. Inta laga war hayo labadaan beelood inta badan isu aragti ma noqadaan markii laga hadlaayo xaalada Soomaaliya oo way ku kala qaybsanyihiin lakiin arinta cusub oo ugubka ah ayaa ah tan doorashada Mareykanka oo markoodi ugu horeysay ay ku kala aragti duwanadeen markii inta badan ee Beesha ****** ay u codeyeen musharaxa xisbiga Dimuquraadiga ee Barack Obama halka Beesha ****** ay u codaysay xisbiga Jamhuuriga ee uu hogaaminayay ninkii doorashada looga itaal roonaaday ee John McCian. Beesha Hawiya ayaa intii ay socotay Doorashada Mareykanka qabanqabinayay sidii ay codkooda u siin lahayeen musharaxa Dimuquradiga ayagoo taas ku macneeyay in ay ku mucaradayaan beesha ****** arinta ay wado oo ah in xisbiga Jamhuuriga uu talada sii haayo madaama ay beesha ****** ay awooda ku yeelatay taageerada xisbigii hore ee Jamhuuriga uu ku taageeray in ay Soomaliaya ay ku qabsadaan awooda ciidan ee Itoopiya . Arintaan ayaa waxay waji gabax ku noqtay Beesha ****** oo sugaysay in la doorto xisbiga jamhuuriga markiisi sadaxaad si ay ciidamada Itoopiya ee wadanka ku qabsadeen ay sii joogaan ayagoo ogaay in haddi uu talada wadanka mareykanka la wareego xisbiga Dimuquraadiga ay siyaasadooda noqonayso mid fashil ku dhamaatay. Communitiyada Soomalida ay ku leeyihiin Mareykanka oo aad u badan mid kamid ah Xafiiskiisa Shaqala ka tirsan oo nuqulka warkaan aan ka helnay ayaa hadlkisa intaas ku sii daray in ay labadaan beelood ay kala jiidanayeen dadka Soomalida ah ee beelahooda aan aheen si ay cododkoda ay ugu biiriyaan Ku kala qabsanaanta Doorshadii dhacday labadaan belood ayaa waxaa inta badan la yaab ku noqotay shacabka Soomaaliyeed iyo beelaha kalaba madaama labadaan beelood ay noqdeen laba belood oo markasto kala hadaf ah una kala qaybsameen Jamhuuri iyo Dimuquraadi waxaana lala siiyaabay tageerida culama'udiinka belaha ****** ay tagereen xisbiga Dumuquradiga iyo guushii Barack Obama . Hadal heenta ugu badan Soomalida Mareekanka ku nool ayaa noqotay arinta labadaan belood oo dhaxda ka dubaalanaayo arimo ay sida ay noqonaysa aan la ogeen ayagoo midba mida kale is dhahayo ku riix siyaasada walow ay dadka qaar ay shegayaan in dibir siyaasadeed ay u belaabatay beesha ****** madaama ay wayeen McCian oo ay ku bixiyeen waqti iyo lacag si uu noqdo Madaxweynaha Mareykanka . Raage Cali dheere raagenews@hotmail.com dayniilecom@hotmail.com deyniilenews@yahoo.com http://www.dayniile.com/Novembar08/6Novenber15.htm
  4. Originally posted by Gheelle.T: AT&T, I am guessing Bashe's line of "Latter-Day-Patriots" hit a nerve..OOch War ninyahow meel un raac dee, waxaagu waa flip flip a la John Kerry style. Alshabaab waa taageeraa waana ka soo horjeedaa isma raacdo. Either embrace them just like brother Kashafa, ama Peace caravan dhinac ka soo raac. Gheele T. The tyranny of medicority! Ah! My friend, we have become narrow, as if between and beyond the the multitude of oppossing factions' dialectic, is nothing. The oppressive and overbearing weight of orthodoxy, of the regning spirit of the age: WE MUST BELONG, willy-nilly. Judgement, classification, and labelling has become mass hysteria. Inevitably, free thoughts wilt. That is why commending the Alshabab for their gallantry against the enemy and oppossing their misdeeds at the same time is deemed flip-flopping, ala John Kerry style. Far more tragic than the poor politics of the day, is the frightful way thought space has so shrunk, so constricted, before the relentless march of militant and thought-free bigotry. In the present climate sincere and different thinking requires courage, reckless courage whose other name, ironically, is bravado. You gird your loins to think beyond conventional orthodoxy and demagoguery, outside factions thought regimentation. In our society this time, thought has a label, a name, and too often a wrong label, a wrong name. The label, the names, stems not from the desire to make ideas knowable, less from a wish to describe accurately, to encompass a thought phenomenon for greater enlightment, for better understanding. It stems not from the desire to expand knowledge, to deepen the ken of human understanding. NO! The urge to label, to name, is prompted by a merciless desire to condemn, to lynch, to kill innovation, to kill facts. As to me subscribing to the label " latter-day- patriot", well, I guess it is still better than '"latter-day traitor'. considering I am not old enough to have particpated in the misrule of Somalia and not close enough to affect proceedings in that country, which rules out me ever being "early day this or that", I can live with the new label!
  5. The maximum I have gone in my days was putting on a ring with the first initial of the girl's name. It was a cheap silver one too. The maximum the girl did was putting on a gold necklace with the initials - M; which actually later helped the hitherto ii waran from 2 meters away into a bit more intimate. Why, I pretended to be removing the M-letter from her necklace, saying it could be well another M (who I saw as a rival).
  6. Noocaa is-gubguba haweenku uma baxaan! But the boy is great. Jacayl adag baa haya. Yarkaa oofaha weyne ee la il meeyay jacaylka aafo yuu dhigayaa ayaantuu waayo Xaliimo
  7. Originally posted by Sayid*Somal: Proposal: if the result stand the same at the close of poll - Cara should choose her own vice president. - A&T: that is the only way you'll be getting in That is just a quaint formality. Just let Cara take the helm.
  8. War don't do me any favour, declare it. I am alreay the VP.
  9. ooooooo! Cl,welcome back. we all missed you. Ngnonge too. Sayid, doorashadii maad ku dhawaaqdid? waa maxay bahasha ma inaad rig gareeysaad rabtaa?
  10. It is not her who told me this story. Nin Soomali ah oo yurub ka yimid baa igu yidhi "war meesha waa lagu ba'ay oo rag kuma noola. Ninkaan findhicilaneyn xaas kuma hayn karo".
  11. DD, what is ANR? Adigaaba macalimad ah show? Nepthys, balayaa lagu cunsiiye ha ii saadin. Waan fahmay waxaad jeedee. Laakiin, someone from europe, soo ka igu yidhi, yurub ninkaan aroortii ka findhicilaneyn alaabtaas xaas kuma qabi karo?
  12. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: Kashka, anna Baashi aa i matalaayya in the dirin! Waana kaa rag fiicannaahay ee see yeeli! With all due respect, A&T would be a lamp when confronted with Baashi,the lion! Faanna maaha ! Anba ilmaa-deeraday, adigaa Xinn ka fiican bay cisha kasta i yidhaahdaan. So it is quite understandable. On a serious note, Xinn, leave this camaflouge of peace, peace, peace and give us simple answers on: 1- If you think Sheekh Shariif's conduct during the war was appropriate? 2- If we don't have the right to judge him by how he walked the walk when it mattered and not by his latter day demagougery? 3- If without Sheekh Hassen and others, he can deliver peace? [by the way, if I were him, I will have started by asking the US to take Sheekh Xassen Dahir, Turki and others from the list of terrorists.] Is it not so obvious that without that happening, the said sheikhs will not be ready for any settlement. Peace must come to all, not to some individuals. 4- You well know I have condemned the killing of the young girl in Kismayo unequivocally, when you were hiding yourself. So, stop this disingenous way of painting anyone who opposses this mediocre Sheikh as Alshabab sympatizer, or kaligii muslim. Intellectual dishonesty oo kashafa sheegay has become the trademark of you and your siamese twin, Baashi. 5- Sheekhu inuu ka baxsaday dagaal oo uu xamili waayay dhibtii (because he didnot expected it will get so hot when he joined the ICU) way iska caddahay. Gheele T is the new kid on the block after the seasoned Xinn and Baashe. reminds me of Axmed Xaashi's unrelated, "Mannatana midbaa soo mudh yidhi reer Maxkamad diide"
  13. Originally posted by Valenteenah: This is turning into a one-horse (sorry Cara) race. Alright then: Cara for presidency. Xiin for VP. AT&T for the gallows. There is a fallacy there. You can't have Cara as president and dream of the gallows for me. Cara will pardon me. You will not get your wish. Serenity Asymptote: is a mathematical term. When a curve gets closer to the X or Y axis but never touches. Find out the Ngonge analogy. Nuune Waryaa, ileen Piot baad aheyd, waan ka noqday. Sports'ka hayso, at the same time, waxaan kaa dhigayaa duuliyahay khaaska ah ee madaxtooyada.
  14. Even when I am convinced his caravan won't go far? if I would agree with anyone out of courtesy, it is you. But, unfortunately, I am not CONVINCED Shariif can deliver. As to the question if there are others who can do it, I think there are some. It is so unnatural to assume we have only one hero. believe me, if the sheikh has stayed with his team during the occupation, he would have had the capacity to implement his vision. Now, he only had good-will. I and you have it too. But, it is not enough. Strong men deliver peace. Hassen Dahir Aweys and Abu-mansoor can deliver peace. They have a lot of flaws, but the reality is they can influence what happens next, more than Sheekh Shariif. I don't have a ready-made soultion for somalia, but i know what Sheikh Shariif wants to acheive is unachievable and it is sad that I sound like a war-monger.
  15. Wax qabadkaygu wuxuu noqon lahaa hadaan doorashada hello: - Stopping any PM's. members are not benefitting equally from this service. Rag baa iska xidhay markuu ka batay dalabkii, anaguna magaca PM waan maqalaa uun. FAIRNESS ayaan u halgamayaa! - Banning all TFG supporters, and making 'praising Yey' a punishable offence. - Creating synergy and linkage between women section and men section (to be created under my admin). - Ban misfits from the political section, and open a forum called 'PALAVAR' for xaaji et al. - Intrdouce a system whereby kids are detectd and confined to 'children section'. Dhulqarneyn knows what I am talking about. - Immediately fire Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqyaar from his current role. He failed to do his job. - replace one-time lucky, otherwise novince, Nuune from moderating the Sports section. - Decalre Ngonge ' a National Asymptote' no women should fear to be around him. And a lot of reforms.
  16. You never know. They say absolute power corrupts absolutely. The best guard againt such tendency is to put the check and balance system in place. Never rely on the good-will and perpetual goodness of any human. Xinn, can come and arrest everybody for opposing his slow caravan too. But, on a serious note, anigu Dictator ma ihi. In fact, I hate dictatorship. But I am not also a man who likes to lead people. I think I am not strong enough. Life is fun for me, and I concentrate on the 'qaxar la'aan' side of it. A bit of self-promotion, in case it helps my case here!
  17. As things stand and if polls close now (sayid wants to rig it by extending the closing date), It is pretty clear CARA will be the President, and A&T will be vice President. See how it works out. - CARA won the presidency and vice presidency but she can hold only one. -So, the vice presidency is up for grabs. Xinn come second in the presidency, but not in the race for the VP, and hence is disqualified from competing for vice presidency. -Nepthys is the runner-up, but there is no way two women will take office. Meesha ma head of a local jamac baa la dooranayaa! - Eliminate Nepthys, and who is there? A&T. Call me power hungry, but that is how it works out. Considering I was content with the post of vice-president from the start, this is a Major acheivement. Spiced even more, the President is Cara. Who knows if I will not end up being the first-gentleman and vice president?
  18. If every impecunious creature presents himself as a philantropist like Ngone is doing, why can't I? Waryaa, Ngone, I am afraid if you dispose of the meagre cents you have on dirac donations, you will end up on RAAD TV, being announced as "Ngonge A, oo ahaan jiray xubin muhiim ah oo SOL oo kacay kadib markii donations irrepsonsible ah uu mariyey PM", wuxuu bahwaynta soo maaliyeed, gaar ahaan kuwa SOL kacodsanayaa in gargaar degdeg ah lala soo gaadho. Address: SOL C/O Ibtisam e-mail: ngonge@busaarad.com
  19. Dear ugaaso Malika Waad salaaman tahay, horta. Salaan qaali ah. And what you said about privildges, might be partially true. Laakiin, You cannot deny that for us, men, it is important how one behaves under difficult situation. It is not whether Shariif is good or bad, but is someone leaves me at the middle of a fire (we both helped to ignite), I have the right not to trust him again. Sheekh Shariif should not have given himself up to Kenyan authorities when his comrades who he commanded were dying in the bush. Simple principle: the commander must not desert the followers. If he would have stayed with them, and once in-country and having endured the harsh days, he later adopts his current approach, people would have seen him as ' a good hearted, peaceful nationalist!' Having not done that, I think I amd many others have the right to be suspicious of him. Otherwise, I can understand your motives for supporting him. You want the misery to end. But dear, that shouldn't blind you to the facts on the ground and to the wrongs done by this Sheikh.
  20. Originally posted by Ducaysane: If you think Shukaansi in Afmaaay is hard, Try Djabutian. maxaa nakala raacay mid yaroo jabuutiyaan ah. Franch intii aan garanayey bay aakhirkii noqotey in aan ku sheekaysano. Afsomaligii waan isla keeni weynay. Aniga: Abaayo magacaa Ayada: ma magacaygaad i waydiisay. Aniga: haah Ayada: Faadumo Aniga: xagee dagan tahay Ayada: ma meeshaan daganahay baad i weydiisay. subxanalaah. heey! wariyaa ducaysance, yaaqi waad wajaqdaye! bilcaanta aad islabaxdaan may dhego-culustahay bay ahyed?
  21. Originally posted by Kashafa: [QB] Qayaastii labbo sanno kadib oo mujaahidiintu Shariifka wali ka sugayaan dhaankii uu u dooney, sabtidii ayuu kusoo furey awrkii dhaanka garoonka Jowhar, meeshii laga direyna waxay ahayd Jubbadda Hoose This hits a chord with Xinn's Cravan. I can now metaphorically see what Xinn means when he talks about a peace caravan. A dhaan Caravan that failed to bring water back to the ailing caravan. Sheekh Shariif should be ashamed of what he did. I have no doubt he is a coward! And I hate cowards. Kashafa salaams.
  22. loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool@ina diiriye invoking Ina-Turner (tina)!
  23. Originally posted by NGONGE: I was not tutting at the recognition comment by the way. It was more to do with the 'Bantu' label that disappointed me. Lakin adigo Somaliland oon ba kuu muuqata. Jandayi Fraser is a useless BANTU. Is there any question that she is a Bantu, Ya Ngonge? If we agree she is, then she is useless as a person. In fact, useless is an understatment!
  24. Originally posted by SCORPION_SISTA: Let me get this out first hehehehehehehehehehe No Ruth does not love you She wants to sleep with you Is sleep ultimately not the end product of love? Why would I care?
  25. because 'tanfis' is breathing or breath in Amharic, for some reason, I always thought "Fal yatanaafisuuna Mutanaafisun" as "wixii idinka neefiya ka neefiya". Istaaqfurullah!