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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. I am not a follower of the 4.5 philosophy. Ministers without Portfolio Tuujiye Lazy G. This should help in the regional disparity though.
  2. Originally posted by Ducaysane: Noolaatay. Looooooooooooooool. I second that!
  3. Ayoub, your concern is noted. Perhaps the cliche Last but NOT least be appropriate here. Lady Ibtisam, I am not scared you will overthrow me. i will learn about it in advance - Why do you think G/Duke is there? I am not averse to ideas that are contrary to mine- read my new signature. Most of all, I believe you not find cabinet meetings dull, for Ngonge is there To Sayid*Somali I regret that I haven't filled the post of Finance and Trade. I delyed it for a reason. There were too many good candidates. But I have now decided on a lady of immense business skill. Please be informed that the new Trade and Finance secretary is Marwo MS DD Faarax Ingiriisi( I have updated the list accrodingly).
  4. There may be skrimishes, but I don't think there will be what JB would have liked to see in the South.
  5. Honourable Mr. Speaker, Sayid*Somali This is my cabinet, and I hope this will also mean that I have assumed the role of President as of today. I may not be democratically elected, or some may feel I am not the right man for the post, but many do feel the same way about Bush, Kibaki, Karzai and even Abdullahi Yusuf. So, who cares? Cabinet: 1- SOL External relations - Marwo MALIKA Axmed Warsame 2- Women relations - Mudane Rudy Diriye jaamac 3- Information and communciations- Mudane Jacaylbaro Riyaale Mahamuud 4- Transport and Aviation - Mudane Nuune Ismaaciil Axmed 5- Social and Mirqaan affiars- Mudane Ngonge Abdullahi Dhagacadde 6- Difaaca iyo Weerarka - Marwo Ibtisaam Dahir Jaamac 7- Awqaafta iyo Diinta - Sheekh Nuur Sheekh Muxumed Godane 8- Maawelada caruurta, iyo daryeelka waayeelka - Mudane Dhulqarneyn Yusuf Axmed 9- Suugaanta iyo amniga - MudaneXinnfaniin Shariif Maxamed 10- Xoolaha iyo duur-joogta - Mudane Xaaji Xindjuf Cigaal /way dhaqaaqday/ 11- Isku-xidhka jaaliyadaha - MudaneNorfGheele Samatar 12- La dagaalanka cayayaanka - Marwo NepthysDool Bacadle 13- Sirdoonka iyo dheegtii-maalnimada -Mudane G/Duke Cali Jeele 14- Kicinta, dajinta iyo abaabulka - Mudane Oodweyne Mahamed Maxamuud 15- Cadaalada iyo sinaanta - Mudane Ayoub Cabdullahi Ducaale 16- Maaliyadaa iyo ganacsiga - Marwo MS DD Faarax Talyani Chief of Staff: Mudane Ducaysane Ali Yaasin Cheif Advisor to the Pres : Mudane Alla-magan Hiiraale Axmed
  6. 16 jir'aa? Walee, way cosobsatay! Anyway, she is only 26 too. I can imagine what happened there. But I will not invoke that wicked poem of the zani (nin sino sameeyay), who confronted a Shiekh, after the sheikh warned him of the danbi he is involved in: Lugtan diririg leeyn iyo tan kale sii dulmarinteeda Daw-laaxinteeda iyo misane dib u yar laabkeeda Isku duruga iyo kala duruga iyo uumiyaha is daaray Xalus diiran naasa is dul baxay iyo diihashada laabta Meeshaa nawaahiga ka dhacay iyo duhursiga leylka Yaa yidhi Danbibaa ku jira daraja mooyaane ????
  7. Finiiiiiiiiiiiiito with the first part of the film -US, ETHio and TFG! But a new chaos might just be starting
  8. It is an open secret that Kashafa is my ideological twin and I love him so much. But I cannot allow him go to areas that is not his domain, and to be rediculed by the ENEMY. Remember Xinn will be waking up in 6 hours time and will see this. Kashka, continue with the prose, where you excel! Nuune, yuuna ku waalin.
  9. Keep it up' aaaaaa? War ha waalin miskiinka DS nuune! Meesha gabay ma yaale, yaan 'gabay homicide' laguu qabsan.
  10. Xiin &Co, caravan-dhawr, Abwaan Qasiim's prophetic lines still valid: Maantana Siciidow waqtigu saamaxaad malehe, Moorada salkeediyo xalaan sugay malluugtiiye, Sufurtaa madow ee dayaxa saaran baan garanne. Dhiig buu sidaa waqalkan aad sagalka mooddaaye, Siigada dhacaysaa ragbay sabibi doontaaye, Ilaahay sidaan ka arki jirey way ku socotaaye. Duulkii sedkoodii dhammaa saancadka lahaaye, Sanbabada gantaalaha ka mudi saadanbay garane, Waa nayla kala soocayaa subax an dheerayne, Ninki cadho la sooyaamayow sabirka maad dhowrtid
  11. No, Ibti, i will not kill Sayid. He is committing sucide with every comment these days. Salaams to you. Speaking of CARA, it is clear the woman has got no balls (literally and metaphorically) to lead. She is shirking responsibility, and I think this is the time to impeach her and put me in her place. I will form the cabinet and move the forum forward. Qoftan hana dhaafto! Looooooooooooooooool@the KIISHKA. Balaayaa dhacday oo baas baa yimid!
  12. Waryaa Sayid, Gabdhaha cayda ka daa!! There is no iota of humor in what you are saying here.
  13. As odd as it sounds, I agree with DQ on this one. The Daraawiish should declare their state. If rer-hebel can have it, why not rer-hebel. When sanity comes back and some clans stop faking sovereinity, then all will go back to the less pompous names of Waqooyi galbeed, Togdheer, Sanaag etc. For now, Northland ho socoto.
  14. They also say Permanent Head Damage here, for Ph.D. Anyway, go Northland!
  15. Jacaylbaro, ka leef wakaase, xaafad xaafad dawlad loo sameystee! Horta since when did one notification letter suffice in State lagu sameeyo? But, I still support Northland! I like Xargaga for all the entertainment it offers. PRESS RELEASE: Letter of introduction about new State in Somalia Subject: the letter of introduction about new State in Somalia. To: All International Communities. The purpose of this letter is to inform you of the creation of a new state in Somalia . The state’s name is Northland State of Somalia and it believes the unity of Somalia . On April 16, 2008 , a group of scholars from Somalia met in Minnesota and debated about the current situation in Somalia . The scholars were divided into groups to discuss different issues in Somalia . A group of scholars from the Sool, Sanaag, and Cayn regions in Somalia devised a solution to establish and maintain peace in the area between Somaliland and Puntland. Scholars proposed to create a new state, Northland State of Somalia , located between Somaliland and Puntland. As we all know, Somalia installed and adapted a federal government that believes in a federalism system. Somalia ’s federal constitution states that two or more region can establish their own state. We have the support of the executive branch and parliament of the federal government of Somalia . As you know, Somaliland spends millions of dollars and has lost of hundreds of lives to close their borders. Similarly, Puntland State spends millions dollars and has lost of hundreds of lives to defend their borders. However, the people living in the Sool, Sanaag, and Cayn regions are caught in the conflict between Somaliland and Puntland. These regions between Somaliland and Puntland have become the most dangerous regions in the northern part of Somalia because of the war between Puntland and Somaliland . The war contributes to the closure of the schools, businesses, hospitals, airports, traffic disruptions and loss of lives throughout Somalia , but most especially in the Sool, Sanaag, and Cayn regions. Furthermore, Somaliland and Puntland each claim these regions as their own. When Somaliland claims the regions, people who do not believe in their system flee the region becoming homeless in Garoowe, sometimes leaving their children behind in the region with its unstable infrastructure. Similarly, when Puntland controls these regions, people who do not like their system flee the area, becoming homeless in Hargeysa, and leaving their children in the region with its unstable infrastructure. Scholars believe the establishment of Northland State of Somalia will create a stable, consistent government in the region that will benefit and rebuild the region. This government will work with the federal government and international community to rebuild the schools, hospitals, airports and roads. Northland State of Somalia will establish a democratic system for people and will strengthen the rights of all, including women. Currently, scholars are traveling around the world to promote the idea to the Somali Diaspora. We request the international community’s support and recognition of the new state in Somalia . We have included a map that will give you the size of these regions, the locations, and the cities names. Abdimalik Askar PhD Candidate http://www.xargaga.net/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=3355
  16. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: quote: Whenever I walk along the street, I try not to talk to anyone because I fear that if I am identified as a Somali citizen , And this is just sad. The poor guy hadii ma shuukaanso karo Xalimo reer Hargeysa eh.No, wuu shukaansan karaa. Gabdhaha Hargeisa waa Transnational. They have more global-thinking than the men.
  17. HornAfrique kiiska ha iska waalin. Dad la caayeey majiro. I called a bantu a bantu? When you call Obama a black, is it derogatory? The fact that the women I talked about is bad and bantu doesn't mean all bantu's are bad. But, I have seen many like you oo rabba inay u muuqdaan "fair and wide" by presenting themselves as Martin L.K at this age. Speaking of caucasian, I am not. But I am not bantu too.
  18. Platonic? That is the entry point for Xinn. Intersting it is the exit for you.
  19. I know I am firmly in your trap. I walked into it wilfully. Wanted to please you. Waryaa islaanta candhada weyn we madoow naga daa oo, xageed marinyaysaa child abuse'kii, I mean CL xageed kala maraysaan. I haven't heard from her these days, and was worrying she may be in trouble.
  20. I have always believed that if someone has to kill me, I prefer to be killed by the kings not servants. A bantu peddling a white man's agenda is just like that for me. The contempt comes along with the resentment.
  21. If we are talking about that women, she is worse than a spade. She is devil in the shape of a human. Just becuase she visited Somaliland won't make her an angel. BTW, since when did Ngonge become a moralist? Is it not you who think sacrificing oromos for the cause of recognition is right and acceptable, as long as it advances what you as "SL's interst'. Like that Heeryo (who used to teach quraan to my uncle's children by day, but spends his nights in night clubs) kolba dhinac ha igaga imane, xageen kuugu soo hagaagaa?
  22. calling a spade a spade, saaxiib. No racism,and it sad I have to defend a case here, where there is none. In any case, it is true I have my own biases. I am sure you have yours too. Maybe, I am a bit more honest in discussing them than you.
  23. No, xaaji N, ha iga qaleenee sii wad that line about me being a racist against Bantu's? Which will only prove you wrong. I hate any bad person, whether he is black, white or green. J. Fraser just happens to be a bantu drunkard with big powers, who sleeps with Tigre boys in Addis Sheraton. I have lots of reasons to vent my anger and contempt on her. Otherwise, doorashadii Somaliland miyaadan codeyneyn as a lander? BTW,do you vote in London and does that count towards the result? JB I have transferred her to rudy?
  24. Salaan sare Malika. Go! Sayid! go! even after you cheated the elections out of my jaw to please one girl, (doorasho dhan baad ku shukaansi tagtay), I still consider you a friend. So big-hearted, me! Add "Iwadihaalahu (for male), Iwadhishaalu (for female) / Amharic - jaalala jiraa (in Oromo) - Afiqrikum (in Tigrinya) It should bolster your otherwise useless list.