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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Originally posted by Cara: The International Space Station is looking rather defenseless. Car ha soo kor maro Africa
  2. I have nothing to add to Kashafa's conclusions. Nuur Cadde or hebel madoobe, or the Sheikh in Sheraton are all irrelevant. But, the sheik can still play one role as Ilax suggested. He can work to bring unity among the liberation forces and redeem himslef a bit. The TFG can not be part of a peace deal in Somalia. Malika, I am praying for Yey to stay on for a while (not much by the way) so that he completes the collapse of the hobbyhorse entity of the Ethio's. Maybe for one more month. Once he does so, may he perish in hell for his countless crimes.
  3. Serioulsy, my worry in the last three days were about the health of the old man. Ilaahayoow yuuna naga dhiman baan xalay ku ducaystay. Waligay is ma odhan waxaas ama wax u eg yaad ilaahay way diisan. Wadnahaas caaga ah ayaan waxooga kalsooni ah ku qabaa. TFG's case is surgical. Medical way dhaafatay. Ha ina dayso bahashaasi.
  4. eeg hadda kolkuu meel if kaaga baxo yaad balaadhsan taqaane!
  5. The alternative is support the muqaawama. Period. Once the country is under the rule of one entity, the next worry starts. Which is not necessarily more difficult than the one at hand. Can't you see both Sheikh Shariif is side-lined, and the TFG is on its knee. What more should you wait saaxib. I agree with you, short of proving that you were wrong, I don't have so much to offer. But, let us agree that the caravan fetish is over. Then, we can ask 'what next?'. I have no answer for now.
  6. Xinnow, ma halkii baad ka sii miisaysaa wali. Wali madax adeyg waa dhib.
  7. Shaqadaaday aad ugu mashquuli, plus shaqooyinka the boyfriends of her friends. That should give you a hint.
  8. Nuune, wuu fiican yahay oo the last time I heard him talking was two days ago. Wuxuu lahaa waa inaan "Garowe qabsano oo aan Buffer zone ka samaysano". I like his gut.
  9. waa waxaan la sheegeyn. Sheelo miyaad maqashay? BTW, bil amaara, gudoomiyihii hore ee golbolka waqooyi galbeed, Cabdalla Ga. Wa. miyaad maqashay?
  10. jacaylbaro, ninkan jeesto lama yidhaa. Maalin dhaweyd wax xillaa loo yiqiin.
  11. Originally posted by dhulQarnayn: quote: the rag tags will be crushed by Ethiopia and all will be rosy thereafter Well that would be true if Ethiopia's real intention was to crush the deviants. Alas, Ethiopia's true objective is to keep the deviants strong enough to always pose a threat to the TFG-- thus preventing it from ever getting anything worthwhile done-- but weak enough to ever muster up the support needed to unite Somalis behind it's political objectives. Ilaa hadda in dadku intaa fahmaan waxa ka hortaagnaa baan la yaaban ahay. If Ethiopia had interst in restoring governance in Somalia, mayna kolna Harar saraakiisha Somaliland ku la shireen, kolna TFG baan taageersan nahay yidhaahdeen. For Meles, it is not even about colonising Somalia. It is survival strategy. Intay Somalia dagaal ka jiro unbuu Ethiopia xukumi karaa!
  12. Waa Ok yarta (face'ka). laakin, I would have preferred the one just above her marriage. Look into her eyes and you see determination and homilness. BTW, my first wife was a nurse! So, I know what you mean.
  13. Ngonge,it was only yesterday 16 years loo xiiray aan maqlaynay. Why are you staring at the kid far left in the bottom row? Ilmaha yar iska dhaaf, chicken-farsameeye ha noqone. So applies to tan yareeed kadeeday- CL.
  14. Nuune, You cannot talk like that while still in the government. Behave or you will be fired. I have an able replacement in Aw-dhubad if you continue to test my patience.
  15. I issue an executive order for the arrest of any dissident. G/Duke should do his job. Soo xidh Brofossore'ka.
  16. Ngonge, If you would have told this man in the name Xinn in no uncertain terms that what he calls a caravan is just a horse-shit, he would have calmed down. Adigaa igabay! (If you understand what it means)
  17. It is Xargaga again! -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- Digniin Shacabka SSC Diiwaangelinta Somaliland Tuesday, November 11, 2008 - 09:13 PM Dadka isu diiwaan gelinaya Soomaaliland oo faraha laga qaadayo waxay khatar u yihiin in loo isticmaalo farahooda si khaldan.. Waxaa soo baxaya warar badan oo sheegaya in warbixinaha laga qaadayo dadka la sheegay in ay maamulka Soomaliland u diiwaan gelinayaan doorashooyinka durba loo isticmaalay si khaldan oo khatar ku noqon karta qofka amaankiisa iyo mustaqbalkiisa. Hadaba waxaan xusuusinayaa dadka degan SSC in siyaabahan soo socda loo isticmaali karo farahooda iyo warbixintooda: 1- Faraha dadka laga qaado waxaa lagu uruurinayaa meelo aan amnigoodu sugnayan. (you would think in blood transfusion laga hadlayo here) 2- Waxaa laga iibin karaa warbixinta qofka hay'ado shisheeye iyo shaqsiyaad dan gaar ah ku fushanaya. ( Wonder what the fingerprints of a nomad in Buuhodle will do to wadanada shisheeye) 3- Waxaa la siinayaa safaaradaha Yurub iyo Maraykanka ee ku yaala wadamada aynu jaarka nahay iyo Ethiopia oo isticmaali kara hadii uu qofku damco inuu ka dhoofo wadanka. 4- Waxaa la siinaya hay'adaha sirdoonka sida FBI,CIA,MI5 iwm. 5- Waxaa loo adeegsan karaa in faldembiyeed dhacay dusha lagaa saaro,iyadoo la isticmaalayo farahaagii iyo warbixintaadii. Hadaba waxaan kula talinayaa in ay shacabku ka digtoonaadaan in ayan cidna siinin warbixintooda ayana yeelin in la sawiro farahooda ilaa iyo inta ay dawlad dhexe ka dhalanayso dalka. (It is clear. Farahiina ilaashada!) To SOlers: You think this is a joke. I can tell you it resonates well with the folks down there where the votes are supposed to be casted.
  18. Originally posted by Xaaji_xundjuf: Maakhir wa meesha ugu mirqaanka baddan . lasqoray horre baan oo sheegay wa mafrish jimce na somaliland ba ku qayisha jimce na puntiland. Ileen Xaajigu kolkol wuu tuurtaa!
  19. Xinn wants to give the benefit of the doubt to the warlord + Thugs + Tribalists + Opportunists who are allied in the TFG to settle their difference. Unfortunately, he doesn't want to give the same chance to the Alshabab + ARS + and other islamic fronts whose main division at this point is mainly on how to deal with the occupation. BTW, who is Sheekh Cabdiraxmaan and why did we not hear his voice when the country is under occupation? The Only sheekh who matters now is Sheekh Muktar Roobow Abu-Mansoor, the man who helps me walk in some dignity as a somali. Again, Xinn, WHY IS IT DIFFICULT TO FORM ANOTHER GOVERBNMENT, this time in Somalia, and use that as a start? Waakii yidhi (Qaasim), markay guushi soo dhawaatay: Had aan sii fogeyn waxaad sugtaa heego iyo roobe Hilaac caafimaadbaa ku mari hogol daruureede Heeryada rag baa kaaga furi hub iyo baaruude Hiddo dhalad wixii aan aheyn waa lagaa hudine Hor ilaahay waa kaa xoreyn hawshan kuu timiye Insha-allah Home nabadgelyaa lagugu soo hoyne
  20. Bashe, Xaalkaagu waa: Anagiyio Saleebanadii way na sidataaye Si xillu shabaabkii u galay YEY raggiisiiye
  21. MS DD I have no Jinn, But I can not be held responsible if galkacal ay la qeeylyaan. Then, let them send me Maryan Mursal's: Jacayl diiran oo kulul oo iiga yimid dhankaagaa Iga dhigay midaan, midaan dhimana nooleyn
  22. NG, the admiration of the peers ma tidhi. Bashiir wiil la yidhaa ( a somali classmate) was seeing our history teacher ( Hagere). He must have been something like 18 then. He has special place in our group with the accolade "Macalimaduu ka ga raacaa".
  23. So far, only Ibtisam is doing her job very well!