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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. No blood, no original! The man is right to refuse to buy used clothes. If they discussed about it before, it shouldn't be a problem. Imagine, you go to a shop and ask for a new shirt. you are given a packed one, only to see later at home that it has marks of pen prints near the top pocket. Apparently, it belonged to an executive manager who gave it to charity and it ended up on the shelves of the shop via the hands of cheats. If she was thinking of fooling her man, she should have married a novince Xeroow, not a seasoned rider.
  2. The rants of an envious man. Aday kaa cabsanaysaa gabadhu e fasax ninayhow.
  3. I am actually supporting him on this one. But for a differnt reasons. I know the more he plays hard ball, with Ethiopia siding with Nuur Cadde, the more the false TFG is weakened and the more the resistance will get momentum.
  4. Clue it give me. But that is not good enough. I assure you any technics acquired will not used irresponsibly. So, please.
  5. War dadkani indho adakaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!Agaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Wale sheeko unbay igu aheyd!
  6. Don't play deaf MS. Acronym kii.
  7. Who said Yey is telling Ethiopia off? It is the other way round. He is frantic and that doesn't mean he is striong. They used him and threw him out like a used condom. What more could he have done than to wnader aimelssly. Do you want us to believe he has convictions and that is what he is fighting for? NO, we are not blind. On the ONLF one, forget about it. Just make sure you don't handover innocent civillains in exchange for nothing. At least demand cash from the Ethio's while doing so!
  8. MS DD Inaadeeray arintii maad ii sheegtid? EDIT- Farancab is new. Laakiin, maybe you have heard about his other name before. Trust me it isnot a good name. CL Ok,then, I will eat back my saliva, as they say in Somali. Otherwise, wewe Ok soo ma tihid?
  9. I don't understand the clan militia you are talking about. If it is ONLF, Yes, they are clan militia, but they are fighting against Ethiopia, not fellow Somali's. Do I have any option other than supporting them in this case? Or it is that you are trying to feel good about your tribal mindset by believing everyone else is doing the same and therefore it is fine to follow your clan leader? if that comforts you, well let us assume I am supporting ONLF becuase of tribe then. Still, is it not right to support one of yolur owns when they are fighting a just war? unless you are telling me we should have surrended to the enemy when our girls are raped at will!! I don't hide my disdain over the name they chose, but there is no doubt they are brave warriors who are making all of the peopl of Somaligalbeed proud. They are resisting aggression and colonialism.
  10. Sanyare is rediculous, and I was laughing the whole night over his ignorance. He should not have responded to the simple classification of the security phase by UNDSS (Dept' of Safety and security). It is a routine thing to do in the system and implies nothing. In fact at times, it is deliberatey used by field staffs to get higher pays (a s working under riskier areas gets them Hardship and Hazard allowances). SL security level was downgragded to Phase 4 (ready for evacuation) from phase 3 (only essential staff remains in the field), and this might trigger worry whether the UN will leave. But, barring any repeat of a serious security incident, a reassessment in a weeks time could take it back to phase 3. Personally, I don't understand why Hargeisa should not be in Phase 1 or 2. It is so safe.
  11. Duke Where were you yesterday? Ma hadaad soo toostay. All the things you are posting are Yesterday's news. maybe, shalay waad duuduubnay in ciil, and saakay intan kuugu bishaareeyeen.
  12. So, you now change the subject of your post and the theme of your argument from "you knwo it is not all gloomy from Ethiopia side", to " let them go to hell". I respect the latter. Infact, I respect Yey as a real man for his latest stance. But don't repeat the line "Wali nalama nacin ee waa qayb uun inta na diidan". That will lead you to nowhere. I guarantee failure if you count on a rift between Meles and Siyoum.
  13. CL Ha xishoonin. Just say it. Waan ku jecelahay iska dheh! come on,make my day!
  14. Dukey, The number of times you post fabrications on Tolka sites will not change the veracity of the information. My last word is wait for a while and we will see the position of Ethiopia, in this case that of Meles! Just few more days! And then don't disappear when you know the truth!
  15. The talk of a rift between Ethipian leaders on Somalia is just a white lie. I have confirmed with sources in Addis that they are laughing about it. BIG WHITE LIE, peddled to sell the idea that Yey is not yet dropped from the list of stooges Ethiopia loves. Like a women in love with a drunkard, who likes to blame his friends everytime he comes home drunk, Yeysters cannot fathom how their man could be outmanouvered by harmless-looking Nuur Cadde. So, the fabrications are needed to calm nerves. For their information, PM Meles from Adwa and the man they say is now having a rift with him, FM Siyoum Mesfin from Adigrat have always been the closest friends in TPLF leadership. If they would have talked about the rift between Meles, Siyoum and others on one-side and Arkebe Oukubay's young turks on the other hand, on who should take the helm from Meles (if he deides not to run for elections in 2010), they would have made a better circus of things. Bad they are ignorant of what is happening inside TPLF.
  16. Ibti, Be forewarned. Farancab is the man who had that bad name.
  17. Waryaa Khalid, Dhagaxbuur hadaad aragtay Burco miyaad aragtay? I was there, ask me. In Degahbour, it is livestock market and Bus stations. In Burco, ninka tukaanka iibinaya, ka qayilaya, ka dawaarlaha ah, iyo waliba gabdhaha shaaha kariya, everyone has a formidable Bud. Waxaan ka yaabay ku yaroo sarifle ah (may be in his 12 or 13) oo bud weyn wataa noo hanjabayey maalin dhan.
  18. loooooooooooooooooooool@Ngonge! Waryaa waa sheeko heer sare ah! I never thought it that way in terms of sequencing, but there was this guy called Mahad from my home areas who will always stop me under a blazing sun, and tell me Him: kuwii dhaawacahaa in qaar la xidhay ma maqashay? Me: Dhaawac maxaya? Him: Kuwii gaadhigu la rogmaday Me: Xagee? Him: Abdiraxmaan dheere yaaba ku jiraye Me: Adbiraxmaan dheere waa kee? Him: Kii Ardo furay Me: Ardadee? (disregarding my question) Him: Maalin dhaweyd unbaaba la soo daayey Me: Ayo? maxaa loo xidhay? Him: Ina Afwaranlaa dacweeyey. .....and then it goes on and on.
  19. Khalid, there is fallacy there. Gabdhaha ragii dhaley xageed kaga tagtay!
  20. Fat anigaa aad ugu baahan ooy caata mid ah la itaal daran!
  21. What do you two want me to do? I fully agree with what the counsellor has done! Dhakhtar fiican weeye, oo saaxiibkay inaan u tilmaamo u baahan.
  22. Most of the SOL guys from Puntalnd do! Let us speak with numbers Nuune. I am talking to them. Plus, this is not about Puntland, it is about exposing tribalists whenever the chance presents itself. I have in the past made the same remarks Somaliland. I do not hesitate to say the same against ONLF when they invade another tribe, or when they are trying to impose a clan name onto others. Yet, I support all those who are fighting Ethiopia, becuase with their struggle shall the grand vision of Somaliweyn be realised!
  23. Allpuntland, Garoweonline, Carmooyin, Allidamalle, and all TOLKA sites are running funny stories in the last couple of days. They don't want to see Ethiopia, and have suddenly become 'Arab Affecinados' as if they are "terrorists". These are people who all along were claiming to be supporting an internationally backed Government. When YEy is impeached next week by the false Parliamnet (as my sources confirmed from Addis), that is the last time you will hear them talking about TFG. Instead of falsely claiming to have been supporting TFG, they should have came to the open and said like Cawke ( rumored to have uttered emotionally during a match in Ciyaarihii Goboladda involving waqooyi galbeed) -ANAGAA WADANNA!