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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Ok! what is your proposal? I wouldn't like to delink the motive of the attack to the withdrawal. But let it go, and what now? what should be done?
  2. Should he not also calculate on the position of Alshabab and those doing the fight, at least. This is not to belittle his naivity that the Ethiopians have come to restore peace in Somalia, as you seem to imply inadvertently. They came for a purpose, which is to ensure a mini-colony, in the form of a government that is subservient to their demands is installed. They will not rest without ensuring that!!!! On the wider struggle issue, 2 years is too short to expect the fruits of a liberation struggle or to discredit the success of it. Where did you see a colonizer defeat in fortnight? Now that you think the good sheikh is on the money on this one, let us, as Achebe would say " all see with what amount of care the urchin would delivere the parcel!"
  3. Contrary to the title, Somalilanders'ka dhinaca waxbarashadda lagguma xanto! Haneefah, as much as I hate it, aniga iyo Red ba irbadu naguma fadhido, kol kol bay naga dhaqaaqdaa!
  4. It is true when Somali girls go astry, they do it really badly. They go to the extreme. How many times do I have to leave a cafe or restaurant, because shouting and smoking Somali girls entered and soon set off a a ghastly pandemonium! Sometimes, I think of changinge my nationality because of some or our girls, ilbax ismoodaya.
  5. The question is who will Ethiopia replace him with? I heard the name Azhari a couple of times. He is from Dhagaxbuur, but another stooge.
  6. He is getting on my nerves these last few days with naive comments about how confident he is about the genuine will of Ethiopia to withdraw from Somalia. Now, a little bit of penny advice for this novice sheikh. This neophyte 'diplomat' is in a new business: politics. I wish to remind him that Politics has no laboratory models. Economists would say models for politics, like models for other human behaviours, are stochastic. Where you are grappling with fast-changing, fast-flowing factors, you do not slam doors; lock them up, bolt them even. Rather, like a bad man who strays into nuptial chambers of a married woman, you sleep and wink with this one unblinking eye firmly on the exit. You do not speak with the finality of God. But that is exactly what the Sheikh has been saying; that the 'Ethiopians will leave if no one shoots at them'. What a moron, I am tempted to say to this man. Why can't he shut up and wait how things transpire in the fued between the TFG? Xinn's onslaught on the horizon, but someone needs to stop the nonsensical talk of this sheekh.
  7. Hakiimeenesh, Madhaanitee, Fawaashee nesh (you are my doctor,my medicine, my healer) weeeye JB! Tamirat Taddesse is the man. BTW, I still think Somali music is by far better than Amharic (ethiopian) music; but the last decade or so , it is true they had caught up with Somali's and maybe even surpassed.
  8. Now you can be sued for libel. I thought we are only good enough for Taran actually. At least that is something I think we know how to do it! BTW, what this signature as to don't ignore men becuase they are small?? Do you want to go the way of the teacher women in Australia? I am getting attracted to you by the day, runti!
  9. It is your poisoned mind that is seeing shadows. Otherwise, I don't mind seeing a puntlander at the helm as long as he is a clean nationalist. For you, everything is about perpetuation of a dynasty! What harm is there if someone else rules Somaia, by the way?
  10. It is where he is from. Forward and progressive we are all! Look at Farancab too. Home boys are multiplying in this forum. Where is Abdilatif maalmahan. I think it is time to have a small Dhagaxbuur cocktail.
  11. Originally posted by Ms DD: Chance would be a fine thing A&T. I would probably karbaash him with my dacas. You may do that, but I think it will be to push him inside. Naga soo gal camal. He is a handsome boy.
  12. I am a fan of Abdirasak Haji Hussien, just for the consumption of your little chicken head.
  13. MS DD That boy, if only you have seen him in real life!! You may have erred. He is also in Albion land. So, if you keep tormenting him, he may end up in front of your business. Is ilaali, he is not in Zimbabwe.
  14. yes, wise Ayoub. If I see that body as not yet dead as you think. And if I think there is a chance it can be treated medically. Will you see my point as well?
  15. "...Liqaye oo Xaqii ku eedaamay!" The nef-ku-celiye Observer
  16. Ms DD, Khalid is my cousin.
  17. Big apology to CL and greetings to you all!! Ngonge, ii ergee xaal baan diyaar la ahaye!
  18. Angry or not, I have every right to relish the demise of YEY and its tribal ideology! And God knows how I am enjoying it! I am even singing old songs these days! Down with tribal hegemony mentality! Down with traitors.
  19. CL, God's verdict is not a mystery. He told us in the Quran. As to the qualifications you are making, we are debating what if virginity is lost through Xaraam sex. There are other ways of losing it, but even the stupi-ds like me know, that is outside the domain of condemnation. Yes most men value virign girl over the other. I am not saying their should or they should not. It is what I observed in little experience. The comment you are angry about, please forgive me. I was upset with you. That is all.
  20. Puntland waxba iima dhimin. But it is Yey, the websites above, and your likes who I am talking to. Shame you should be the forerunners of the noble people of Puntland. Protocol passes as more mature and honest to debate with, than this kid-thief of ideas. Protocol confirms what I said about Yey's following in Puntland.
  21. Emperor I now realise the futility of arguing with the immature. You form your own statemnts out of my words and defeat them. I have not said a single tribe, but I said that tribe takes the primary responsibility, as long as somali politics is still being talked about in the plural sense!! If you understand what the means. Again, bashing my personality is not a soultion. Let assume I am all you say I am, but concentrate on the issues. Could you? Hadii kale, waaan kuu soo jilba joogsan.
  22. You see Hunguri or Dhuuni,we both agree Qabyaalad is the killer problem. My way is to talk about it and said you are reer X, I am reer Y, but what is the use of being X and Y? If you want the truth I never felt like rer hebel. It is only natural that like your personal name and it is something people call you. Let the Qabiil wake up, and see who is cheering for his clan. In fact, in my approach, I am championing that people bad about their own tribes or supposed tribes than others. Ninka yidhaa reerkayaga ayaa fiican ama saxan ayaan qabyaaladiiste u aqaan, ee anigu ma reerka la igu sheegayaan amaanayey? By the way, I denouce refugees from my home areas who have actively participated in the killings of the Somali people in the North, purely becuase they were of different tribe. How is that for a Qabiiliste?
  23. Waa siday kula noqotay. And I am not obliged to dispel your judgement. Qaabiil ka hadal qabyaalad ma aha!
  24. No one seems to ask about the background of the man and his age. He may not be the young 'westernized fellows' who crowd SOL. So, let him do what he thinks is best for him. He is wrong to have shamed the girl, he is wrong to have brought the issue to public. HE could have opted out of the marriage without bringing the virginity issue out. He was fool and disrespectful. But, he was not wrong to leave a women who tried to cheat him from the get go. CL I see you have been asking what is wrong with a non-virgin sister and if she is not pure. No one can pass verdict on purity, and certainly if she lost it without a marriage, she is not pure according to the social decorum and religion we subscribe to. If the Sawaxiil's don't care, it is their headache. I can tell you men would always value a virgin girl over a non-virgin one. That doesn't mean all non-virgins won't get husbands.
  25. CL I understand Ngonge has been sending the wrong pictures of old men to you. Waryaa, gabadha run u sheeg. Let the competition be based on facts. You cannot present me as a dying pensioner!