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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. General Folly is Yey's trusted and loyal personal spokesperson with no track record of ever holding independent opinions that are his alone. General speaks for Yey. Put differently, Yey speaks through General folly. Therefore, there is no reason why we should have to blame him for what is not of his making. EDIT:- BTW, General, is ONLF an insult?
  2. General Folly mistakes diplomacy for deciet, propaganda for lies.
  3. leave the Old man alone. Teleconfrence ayuu kaga qayb galayaa shirka Djibouti, from Garow.
  4. Originally posted by General Duke: garabka tabarta yar... oo maanta shir jaraa'id ku qabtay Muqdisho... War isku hagaaji sheekada ninyahow. Tabar yari iyo Muqdishu ka hadlay kala daa!
  5. I can only say I was not referring to CL when I wrote those lines as Ngonge. But, certianly, she is a factor in this rivalry.
  6. Jacayl, Ka dhex tooska maad iga daysid. Sookaynu isku si wax u wadnay. Ma Somaliland'ta unbaad ninkan waalan ee NG ku raacaday! NG, no apolgees entertained. Xabad waxaan aheyn inagama dhaxeeyso.
  7. Waryaa NGONGE, At least it is there to see for anyone who is taking this bilateral friendship seriously. Reflect back on the pile of filth you acribed to me.
  8. Xaalku waa caadi ninyahow, adigoo lagu waayey mooye. Kolkaan is quote gareeyey, actually,inaad adigu i quote garaysay baan moodeey markii hore. Ngongaan na qasaya, maalin dhow inaan is delete gareeyaan ka yaabi!
  9. Ii waran JB, nabad toos majirto waad aragtaa inaan anigii is quote gareeyey, before I edited it.
  10. What Ngonge would write: "People talk about my image, like I come in two dimensions, like lipstick is a sign of my declining mind, like what I happen to be wearing the day someone takes my picture is my new statement for all womenkind." Ani Defranco Think of this. Up until now, life has been quite comfortable, in fact unfolding in the rarefied sphere of angels you so delightfully inhabit. You eat well; you dress well; you drive well; you sleep well in one of the leafy portions of London. Your life is green, well manicured. Your child goes to expensive schools, with single parenting no longer a drawback, no longer a stigma. But below and beyond your zone of cushioned comfort, lies a world, a cosmos of biting and boring fashion world, of vogue and vanity. It is furious competition which has been eating into the entrails of the not so pretty, including the ugly women who survive only becuase they know they have succeeded in life on many other fronts. But to catch up with the runaway world, where you lack the essential ingredient, make-up is the thing to recline on. And hence, you dye your lumpy thick lips with a blend of blue and mauve, to match the violet and red eyelashes...
  11. Hadaan eegay Xaajo.com oo uu leeyahay nin ay walaalo yihiin Sheekha xukuma MJXSG. Waxay u muuqata in dagaal ba'ani uuna dhicin, waxayna leeyihiin wuxuu u dhaxeya laba garab oo ONLF ah. Waa arin koley aan filayo in is afgaran waa ay ku timid, hase ahaate, hadii Maxamed Siraad Dolaal ciidan uu wato uu dhulkii la tagay waxa uu horseedayaa burbur iyo kala daadasho, maadaama khilaafka siyaasiga ah in loo dhaadhiciyo miilatariga ayna habooneyn. Ninkaas waxaa lagu kari la'yahay adeerow halganka "nasasho ku caawi", oo bal yarahe daa dad kale ha wadeene.
  12. ONLF ayaa gar daran, and they are useless. In an attempt to please the Americans, they want to eradicate the MJXSG from the region, whom they accuse of kidnapping aid workers. Wadaadaduna, dee dadkan ay qafaalayaan meesha haka daayaan. I am speaking from the past experience. Arintan aad sheegayso lama socdo, xaggey ka dhacday?
  13. Somaalida waan ka helaa. Nin qayli unbaa urur dhan 'terrorist' ka dhigi!!!
  14. Is that why you gave me 1 and spolied the party for me after nuune gave me 5? because the average has gone down to 3. :mad:
  15. Emperor Having a position is not something you, of all people, should talk about. Unlike the all-weather TFG supporter, the infamous General Duke, you change colours and only a month or so ago, were indicating you have changed your mind on the TFG. Here we are again, completeing a vicious circle of confusion and obfuscation. Credibility is also not an area where you stand high on. So, let us not throw dirty mud at others when it is you who stands to lose the most. Having said so, no one discussed Xinn's loyalty, but that his utterances there looked like those of a man in delusion; hopeful things will go differently. Why? could be he is indeed a Yusfite as you say, or he just wants to relish the opportunity to say "told you so". Me, I think it is the latter! And don't think I do not know about the attack dog you have been sending my way these days. I held you personally responsible for the actions of the demon kid, who is acting with your tutelage and patronage. I will be glad to engage in a fight that involves equals. Come clear, and stop sending Dhulqarneyn, if you don't want to denounce ifanticide later.
  16. And you still believe one of yours is not revealed yet. PM, please! For all I know the rating here do not matter much. Xaaji Xundjuf can rate you, or even Farancab may be attracted to someone's aviatar, but does that mean you are great?
  17. What is even more condescenting about this child's version of Somalinimo is that he thinks that the people of Moqdisho can eat the sand, the 'despicable secessionists' in the north can burn in hell,and the 'coward and occupied' Somali's in Ethiopia can cry for eternity, while his uncle is busy shaping a cozy paradise for the Somali nation. What cheek! The hysterical dislike for all these people, he now simulates with reckless abandon, won't make him a Somali, I guess. Somalinimo yaa isaga ka baryaya tolow! Or perhpas this is the time, me and him swap nationalities, as I can see he would be fine to live as an Ethiopian.
  18. Dear DQ, The problem with you is that you are a poorly schooled fake wordsmith who suffers from the folly of thinking that words are synonymous with ideas. Because you do not know the difference between words and ideas, you are typically thoughtless and is prone to debating individuals and their social identities through the use of what you imagine are fancy words ironically uplifted from Victorian literature. And in most cases, even those words are STOLEN. Now, is it incument on me to debate with a theif of words? On the issue, with your tribal bigotry, you always reveal the mindset of the stooges and 'Ethiopia-lovers' you and your filthy uncle subscribe to. And in most cases, your utterances help us in knowing what you intend to do and to be prepared. In many ways, you are a very "useful I.d.i.o.t".
  19. MS DD Then that PM is long overdue. Soo tuur maanta!
  20. Alsaylici is right. They must follow Ethiopia upto Harar and give them hard time, to teach them a lesson. That attacking a neighbour to please Uncle Sam is not always rewarding.
  21. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: Interesting that Nur Adde formed Benadir regional admin before his cabinet gets approved. He should’ve waited. Xaaji NG might have been right on this: Yey’s political foes tend to make mistakes and this timing flap may once again engineer a comeback for Yey! Wishful thinking!
  22. Emperor always reminded me of the proverbial story of a condemned fratricidal son who pleads orphan status in his own mitigation. He cheers for Yey, and at the same time decries the abyss into which somalia is thrown into as if the two are mutually exclusive. Now, here, you see him relishing in the unlikely come back of the vulgar warlord, probably because it may save uncle Yey. At least, there is no contradictions here.