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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Waa runtaa Cabdiyo, I shouldn't oppose it like that. Anyway, nin dhaqmeed horta ma ihi, oo I am strongly againt the culture of nobles and ordinaries as is in the British System. I prefer the American way.
  2. cabdiyo Systar, cay meesha ma taal, laakiin adiguna kii caano isku shubaba mashxarad ha la garab istaagin.
  3. Actually, I forgot to say these days. Most of those who call themselves Ugass etc THESE DAYS are really fools. At least in my areas. The genuine ones are bright and good hearted. Maalmahan wixii micida lahaa unbaa ugaas sheegta.
  4. Cabdiyo Where do you live? certainly not in Somalia. Still, as one of the most sensible people in this forum, you should have known most of the people who call themselves ugas, suldaan, boqor, malaq are mentally retarded.
  5. Inflating the Somalia parliament will appease some individuals, but is unlikely to bring any soultion to the embattled country. I will love to see Sheikh Sharif at the helm, just to see what he will say. BTW, that deal he is appending his signature to is long overdue. He should accpeted such a deal in Khartoum, well before the whole Karama of the nation was lost with the occupation of the country, and well before thousands of young Somali's perished.
  6. loooooooooooooooooooooool@saari. Gabaygu waa soo gaadha guf e la soco, ileen midkaayana ma alifayee! War hedde wxaan rabay inaan PM kuu soo diree, baryahan Xayraan baan noqday oo hawla si ah bal dhinacaaga ka dabci.
  7. Garyaqaan, Must be suffering from the same disease that afflicted the poor Sanyare. Sanyarow dharkayn lama cuno iyo midho dhunkaaleede Dhandhamooyin badan baa jiroo aad ku dhimataaye Dhereg ma laha dhuuniga xuneen cunaha dhaafeyne Hal libaax dharqaday uu jidhiyo dhiigba ka idleeyey Haw dhuran dhurwaagii laftuu dhuuxay eersadaye Dhagar aanad gelin Aw Basbaas* yuu ku dhaxalsiinne Dhexda yaanu maro kuugu xidhin dhiig tif leeyahay Dhulka niman samaantiisa wadin yaan lagaa dhigine Dhiinraac ha noqon adigoo dhawr gu’ soo jiraye Dhalanteed xareed waw egyahay dheehashada guude Dhegley lagama soo daro oowaa dhamac Kaliileede Adiguna dhabada weecsinta ah dhaanka haw rarine!
  8. JacaylBaro, Maanigaad igu leedahay BOQOR? Is la hel!! baan ku idhi. Emperor, Clearly, our bad traditions are not better than the beautiful game. Anyway, maal mahan waad cadhaysan tahay uun, aniga laftigaygana waxbaa si iga ahe, bal hawsha aan dajino go'e!
  9. The ansewr to my question is because you can always put a spin on Malika, and claim you only wanted to admire your wife as the ultimate Mala'ika!!!!. it is not as blatant as calling her Faadumo, or Ibtisam when she is Cibaado. EDIT I have not seen how you but maybe it is becuase of how you sound here in this forum. btw, I AM NOT JOKING.
  10. Calling Malika is not as disasterous as calling Ibtisam or Aaliyah. Why? Can someone tell me.
  11. You are inviting people to tune into the event live as if it is a world cup final between gaints Brazil and Argentina. Why would we have to care so much about the cronation of just another Tribal Chief??? What is with this inferiority blah blah?
  12. Wax D- la yidhaa majiro, in the real sense of the matter. It is a grave mistake to assume whatever that Boqor decides will have a bearing on my little self as A&T. This bullshit must stop. I will heed Mukhtar Roobow's call. Abdullahi Yusuf is trying to do anything to survive. Nin daad qaaday xunbo cuskay.
  13. JB, even me, the other day I wanted to call my wife and I said "Malika". Sol waan ku waalanay. Sheekadu waa run, this is the same man who was complaining that gabadh uu adeer u yahay inuuu wiil jaarkii dilo. Instead of saying maalin walba wuu dilaa, he said, maalin walba wuu wa...aa!
  14. A freudian slip is a verbal mistake that is thought to reveal an unconscious belief, thought, or emotion. It is semi-conscious, which is to say that these thoughts are consciously repressed and then unconsciously released. Mohamuud Jama suffers from this malady. So, it was entirely not shcoking for me, but many who were in that lavish lunch reception felt insulted and embarrassed. Here is what happened. Ikran, the young sister of Mohamuud's wife came from another town and this was a reception for her. Mohamuud has been watching her as she bounced from one corner of the big tent outside their house to the other, then from the house to the garden waggling her behind all morning. He also was looking at her titillating smiles and flashing of her eyes to people who were at the lunch. One of them asked him, "Is that girl your sister-in law?" He said," Haa, waa dhillo".
  15. Abtigiis

    Way Duushay!

    Salaan sare ugaaso. In military language, what I have done is called " tactical withdrawal". It is more fancy in somali- "dib-u-gurasho xeeelad dagaal". I think Nuune understands what I mean. Caddowgaaga maxaa loogu subkadaa baa la odhan jiray?
  16. Abtigiis

    Way Duushay!

    Haneefah, waan ku salaamay walaal. Hawlihiina ka bogso dee inaadeer. NG, Yesterday was a turning point on who is the real friend and who is not. I mean about the other thread. Waa kaa qaleeyee la soco.
  17. Ma maqashay ninkii reer-waqooyi ee yidhi, "bisinka maxaan ka xashifi, waan arkaa inayna qureecdu igu fileyne", when asked to say Bismilaahi.
  18. JB aniga imaqal. Niyad wanaagaagu is highly appreciated, laakiin tan ha u hanqal taagin!
  19. war ninkani ma our own Baadiyoow Emeritus baa?
  20. It can't work, it won't work. the ideological difference is too much to be reconciled. The two sides are only in this deal becuase one believes it will use the agreement as the plateform to kill the other. Even if the two sides come togather, will it matter? None of them are capable of bringing peace to Somalia. Shimbirayahaw heesa!
  21. Abtigiis

    Way Duushay!

    Congrats to Jacaylbaro, and it is a pleasure to have such a nice guy here. But, like an old football player, don't talk of hanging your keyboard just yet. yaad nooga tagaysaa! The monotony of Yey is doing this or that by Duke?
  22. Which title? the false one? I thought we agreed on that.
  23. You know,being important matters for some when it is coming from some others. I guess the feeling is mutual in here. But, personally, I would be of the opinion that even fools matter.
  24. At least the Duke is a human being afterall, and makes a mistake and is not afraid to retract it. We now know! Till now, you just were something else for me - A monster!
  25. I didnot insult you, I merely pointed out your fundamental flaw. Character analysis is not there.