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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Imika Cabdullahi Yusuf ayaa mucaarad ah'e miyaadab ogeyn? Soo kuwa TFG'dii diidan?
  2. Looooooooool@iskuul axad la aado! That was funny. Laakin, today is saturday. Not that it matters. Adigu'se ma kolbaad iskuul tagtaa isniin iyo axad toona! Soodiga halkan uun gabdhaha u kala tiriya.
  3. Farancab Ninkani iskuul iyo hawl kale kama cararayaane, orod iskaga tag yuuna ku dan seejine. Computer daasad ah unbuu garaacaa, waa ilmo saaqiday.
  4. You ask DQ. I was asking him. All Somali's have the the same origin with Oromos. KUSH, if you know it. Su'aashu yayna tolnimo-jacayl kaa leexane cidday ku habbontahay waydii! Bilaa-Protocol.
  5. True! That is a trait we are lacking. It was in the notice this morning. See number 5, Gar-ma-yaqaan! Originally posted by Alluvial Diamond: Notice It has become quite apparent that Somaliland has produced Xaaji Xundjuf and Puntland Dhulqarneyn to advance hateful propoganda and to do the dirty job. In the interst of fighting like with likes, we are looking for someone of similar 'caliber' from Somaligalbeed. Applicants who wish to do the same job in SOL will be rewarded. The job is demanding as it entails following sensible threads and thrashing them, looking after the reerka interst, and demeaning women. Applicants with the following qualifications can send their CVs to me, at Alluvial Diamond Dhabaha Toosan, Haro-digeed Required Qualifications 1- Good command of English and Somali, but no formal diplomas 2- Ability to google and find lethal poems and epithets, in most cases inflammatory ones 3- Experience in Cyber piracy of minimun 3years 4- Proven record of dishonesty, thuggery and muran capacity 5- Ability to upset 100 people at once and manage to confront them without any help 6- Lots of blood, dhiig and ficil, as those who oppose your ideas are against your tribe.
  6. Ngonge meesha wax kuma haysid. RedSea is one of the rare breed of Somali's who have decided to think outiside of the clan box! Our feature is in the hands of such people. BTW, born-agains are more militant than the real landers. It is the " ye-dhil-atbiya" (the morning star sydrome) I mentioned before.
  7. http://www.somaliaonline.com/ubb/ultimatebb.php?/t opic/9/16543#000000
  8. No lack of self-awareness there dear NG. The man is saying that a group (among many he was busy trying to reconcile) have no right to represent others and the wider public and enter into an agreement. HE is not implying HE representsthe whole SOMALI's. Adiguna, sometimes, you go to descredit people on the filmsiest of evidences.
  9. Xiin hadda unbaa loo yaaba, with the content of his peace caravan finally delivered.
  10. Ghanian Ayi Kwei Armah's epic novel “Two thousand seasons and The healers” is on the massive violence that has been meted against Africa in her long and arduous journey towards self-redemption. The novel traces the gratuitous violence visited on the continent in the first and second wave of her invasion and conquest by Marauding Arabs and European colonizers respectively. In one such typical encounter, Armah narrates in sickening, detailed indignation the assault of mother Africa by Arab Conquerors. Overfed and dead drunk, these latitudinarian Arabs engage in unspeakable acts of flesh, their dutiful African askaris loyally transfixed on perimeter ground, unconcerned, unmoved by the debilitating orgies suffered by their mothers and sisters trapped inside these dens of debauchery. Undefended by their men-folk and sons, who have been turned into dutiful askaris, the women have to device ways of defending themselves and liberating their people. They decide to play along, seemingly ready to gratify these drunken Arabs, many of pretended libido. A combination of drunkenness and imagined ecstasy throws the invaders off guard, allowing the violated women to take devastating revenge that leaves scores butchered and dead. Of course the African askaris hear the mounting wails of dying Arabs trapped within. But they mistakenly attribute this cacophony of death to leaping multiple ecstasy for which their bosses are well renowned. Until of course one clever askari realises that instead of the usual tapering grunts and groans of burnt out lustful joy, the noises on that particular day seemed to end too abruptly, never to be followed by the traditional heavy snores of a contented Arab. Perturbed and yet torn between care and dutiful compliance with an iron-clad instruction never to attempt to interrupt, he carefully opens the door only to see horrific death, all set against triumphant women petulantly admiring bloody, smoking daggers. He raises a wild alarm, whereupon his kind rushes in to witness the horror. Without further ado, the askaris fell upon the women with machetes, dementedly hacking all to death by way of vengeance. The offending women of the village are slaughtered, including mothers, nieces, aunts, grandmothers, sisters and half-sisters of the attacking askaris. That day the sound of dying women echoed throughout the village, attracting the attention of the elderly and even men who had gone to faraway forests for a hunt. First to arrive at the place of double carnage is old women Nandi who cannot understand why the askaris are butchering women –their mothers- for dead masters. These women have done no more than liberate themselves from sexual predators. By killing the invaders, they have liberated their own children and communities, all along in captivity. But here were the children of the village, hacking their mothers to death, seemingly to obey and fulfil orders of masters, now thoroughly dead. What a bloody reflex from a slave!! Confounded by this sacrilege, old Nandi confronts the head askari, who happens to be son of her eldest daughter:“Son of my daughter, whose work are you doing? Look. Those who turned you killer, where are they? Look at them. That should have been your work: killing your people’s killers, destroying your people’s destroyers. You did not do it, the work of your life. Instead you chose the work of the walking corpses, killing your own people. What could we say to you? "We knew your masters. They would have screamed at you to kill us all, and you would have obeyed them. But now look. There your masters lie. Your can give them your obedience no more. They have been sent past its use. For whom then are you still killing your people? Son of my daughter, for whom?" She does not get an answer. What she gets instead is a fatal blow that splits her skull into halves, a blow that ensures she never asks again. The askaris carry on with the carnage, until of course their long dead masters are thoroughly happy and pleased with their work. Or so they thought. Thereafter, they filed back, each fearful of a future now blank without the master’s orders. Abdullahi Yusuf is the head askari, still looking at a blank future without the master's orders. Why is Sheikh Sharif joining the club of askaris? Whose work is he doing? That of America? Igad? Ethiopia? Somali's?
  11. What is wrong with half-Somali Oromo? Or with even an Orom muslim? What matters is his beliefs, integrity and nationalism. as we stand, Muktar Roobow (even when we declare him an Oromo) is by far better Somali, than your octagenerian Kaafir uncle who raped his own country.
  12. Now, is there anyone doubting Dhulqarneyn is not OK on the head, particularly these days? So, you tell us all people of ***** and ***** are Oromos? [ November 30, 2008, 12:56 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  13. Hogaanka Midowga maxkamadaha Islaamiga ah ee gudaha Somalia oo ka soo horjeestay heshiiskii awood qeybsiga ahaa ee DF iyo Isbaheysiga dib u xoreynta ku saxiixdeen Jabuuti Uj:war saxaafadeed 29/11/2008 Shir ay isugu yimaadeen maamulka gudaha ee GMIS uuna shir guddominayey madaxa maamulka gudaha GMIS Sh.C/qaadir Cali Cumar ayaa waxaa ay uga hadleen go’aanadii ka soo baxay shirkii Jabuti iyo qodobo kale oo xasaasi ah. Hadaba dood dheer iyo falanqayn kadib waxaa leysla gartay qodobada soo socda: Q 1aad 1. Waxaan beri kanahay in wax lagu darsado qoladii dalka ku soo hogaamisay cadawga soo jireenka ah ee umadda soomaliyeed iyagoon ka towbad keenin falkoodaas iyo cadawgii gumeysiga oo dalka wili heysta. Ciidamo hor lehna soo galinaayo. 2. Waxaan si buuxda u taagersan nahay bayaankii ay soo saareen culimada musaalaxada iyo sixidda camalka ee ku aadanaa hishiiskii Jabuuti, 3. Waxaan sii wadi doonaa jihaadka iyo muqaawamada illaa cadawgu dalka ka baxaayo insha Allah, Q 2aad 1. Sidoo kale waxaan canbaareyneynaa kana soo horjeednaa fal kasta oo burcadnimo ah bad iyo beriba sida: A. Falalka afduubashada maraakiibta oo ay burcad badeedu ka wadaan badaha B. Xaalufinta kheyraadka badda ee sida sharci darada ah ay maraakiibta ajnabiga ah ka wadaan biyaha soomaliya, C. waxaa kale oo aan canbaareyneynaa ku shubida sunta iyo qashinka warshadaha badaha soomaliyeed, D. Waxan ka xunahay falalka dhaca iyo afduubka ka socda dalka meel kasta oo ay noqoto waxana uga digeynaa cid kasta oo geysataba, E. Waxaan mujahidiinta fareynaa iney il gaar ah u yeeshaan gacan bir ahna ku qabtaan cid kasta oo dhibaateyneysa bulshada soomaaliyeed UGU DANBEYN Waxaan ugu baaqeynaa si gaar ah mujaahidiinta iney adkeeyaan midnimadooda kana fogaadaan wax kasta oo wax u dhimi kara camalka wanaagsan oo ay gacanta ku hayaan, sidoo kale waxaan ugu baaqeynaa bulshada soomaliyeed qeybaheda kala duwan iney Allaah u towbad keenan gacmahana is qabsadaan hal meelna uga soo wada jeestaan cadawga nagu soo duulay, ogaadaana in xalka kaliya ee looga bixi karo dhibaatada uu yahay ku dhaqanka shareecada islaamka, Madaxa Maamulka Gudaha ee GMIS Sh.C/qaadir Cali Cumar
  14. Originally posted by Qudhac: Caasha ayaa ku eedaysay dawladda Itoobiya in ay markan ka shaqeyneyso in ay isku dirto Soomaalida, ayna iskugu dhiibtay hub fara badan ayna badashey wajigii ay ku soo gashay gudaha Soomaaliya, Wallee? oo Itobiya ma hawshaas bay ku jirta????
  15. Ummadda Somaligalbeed soo taad laheyd Somali ma ahee Ethiopia joga oo Somali hadalkeed jojiya ma aheyn?????Ilawsha dhowidaa ma umul baad tahay? Seriously, His holiness Sheekh Mukhtar Robow Abu Mansoor ayaa aniga Sayid, Suldaan iyo Boqor ii ah! I heed his orders, not that of Kaabo-qabiils!
  16. He is not king of Somalia. Beela shaqo kuma lihi!! Isimadaad sheegi laftigooda ayaan i matalin my little self.
  17. waa mahad allee maanta waa ayaan!! Guul Culumo!guul!
  18. Somalia: Islamic clerics' council rejects power-sharing deal 28 Nov 28, 2008 - 11:23:43 AM MOGADISHU, Somalia Nov 28 (Garowe Online) - A group of Muslim scholars in Somalia have issued a declaration rejecting a new power-sharing agreement signed between the country's transitional federal government (TFG) and an opposition faction, led by Islamist chief Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed. Full story Sheikh Bashir Ahmed Salad, the scholars' chairman, said the new deal is "against the Islamic religion." "It is unacceptable that a small group decides the destiny of the Somali people," Sheikh Bashir said, adding: "It is also unacceptable to sign an agreement with the group [TFG] that brought enemy forces [Ethiopian army]." The Islamic scholars' declaration warned that the power-sharing deal could "lead to open war" among Somalia's Islamist guerrilla groups. Sheikh Bashir and a group of scholars have been spearheading efforts to reconcile Islamic Courts Union (ICU) factions. In October, the Islamic clerics issued a fatwa calling for the continuation of the anti-Ethiopia insurgency and demanded that agreements cannot be signed until the intra- ICU dispute is resolved.
  19. King of Who? When has D become synonymous with SOmalia??????? Miyuuna beesha rer-hebel aheyn? But again, it is DQ who is saying. Why am I not amused!
  20. Bad news for Ngonge. Bokero is back. He thought he was finished.
  21. I cannot believe Ngonge and Jacyalbaro are implying Ethiopia is a of a less evil than Alshabab!! Waryaa, war maxaa meesha degeneration of moral ka socda! JB- at least Ethiopia waxay SOmali'da muslimka ah ee aad "dariska" tihiin ku hayso miyuuna ku dhibeyn? By this logic, Isreal maxay nagu bi'isay is on the pipeline.
  22. waryaa Xinn iyo Nuune, ciyaalada amoora'hooda u daaya oo Brandishing green card'ga joojiya!
  23. Dagaal dhinaca guurka ah oo ka dhax bilawday Dhalinyarada bagamuudada ah iyo odayaasha dibada ka yimid ee heesto baasaboorada ajaanibka ah (Dhacdo la yaab ah Akhri) Dhalinyarada Soomaliyeed ee ku nool gudaha wadanka iyo wadamada dariska la ah Soomaaliya ayaa ka cabanayo odayaasha ka soo shaqaystay wadamada Yurub iyo Waqooyiga Ameerika ,waxayna cabashadaan salka ku haysaa ayaga oo dhalinyarada laga fara marooqsado had iyo goor Gabdhaha ay wada socdaan kana dhaxeeyo xariirka lamaane marka uu meesha ku soo dhax dhaco oday aan hadleen balse jeebkiisa uu hadlaayo taas oo dhalin yaro badan ku riday niyad xumo. Arintaan ayaa ah arin inta badan ay qarsanayeen dhalinyarada Soomaliyeed balse mudooyinka danbe soo yara iftiintay kadib markii dhalinyaro badan ay wayeen lamaanayaal xariir qota dheer kala dhaxeyay sabab la xariira dhanka dhaqalaha madaama ay dhalinyarada inta badan aysan shaqo hayn wadankiina ay ku badatay baga mudanimada,waxaana inta badan dhalinyaradaan xariirkooda soo afjaro odayaasha heesto lacagaha walan ee soo shaqaysteen. Hooyo iyo Aabe walbo ee Soomaliyeed waxay hada Gabadhooda u radiyaan nin ka imaaday dibada oo kaliyah iyaga oo ku racayo Basboorka iyo dhaqalaha yar ee uu soo shaqaystay balse la fiirinayn dooqa gabdha iyo ninka dabeecadiisa iyo hab dhaqanka diintiisa . Gabdhaha Soomaliyeed ayaa inta badan waxaa lagu cuburiyaa xoriyada guurgeeda iyada oo ay waridka ugu caga jugleyaan haday kaynsato nin cida waxne aan ku soo kordhinayn dhanka dhaqalaha in la dayrinaayo . Arintaas aya qasabtay in gabar walbo oo ka baqayso caga jugleenta waridka ay ka cararto dhalinyarada asageeda ah ee siini kara farxada iyo ciyaarta ay rabto markaas una cararto oday nafteeda aysan ku faraxsaneen balsa ay rabto oo kaliyah heblo waxaa guursaday ama soo doontay nin ka yimid dibada . Dhalinyarada aan ka bixin wadanka ayaa waxaa soo wajahay caqabado xaga nolosha iyo shaqa la'aanta waxaana hada ka sii daray in lagu adkeyay guurka oo aan la rabin xitaa nin soo dhacsanayo nolol maalmeedkiisa oo la rabo bas nin heesto basaboor iyo lacag ka badan nolol maalmeed. Waqtiyadaan danbe waxay bilabeen dhalinyarda in ay ka soo tagaan wadanka ayaga oo dhamantooda wadanka ka soo aday tahriib kuna soo jeeda wadamada yurub si ay u helaan basaboor ayaga oo aminsan in hadii ay helaan basaboor aysan wayneen gabar qurxoon oo jeclaato. Dagaalkaan u dhaxeeyo odayaasha heesto basaboorada ee dhameyay gabdhaha yar yarka ee quroxoon iyo dhalin yarada baga muudada ah ayaa ah mid hada bilawday iyaga oo inta badan dhalinyarada ka niyad jabeen gabdhaha daneeyo lacagaha ee aan aqoonin jaceylka . Hadaba waxaan wada sugeynaa meesha uu dagaalkan cirib dhigto iyada oo lagu balamay ninkii basboor helin in uusan helayn gabar qurxoon oo sharaf iyo isluub leh nin kastane laga rabo basaboor hadii kale uu qadi doona daadka . Raage Cali Dheere raagenews@hotmail.com dayniilecom@hotmail.com deyniilenews@yahoo.com
  24. MMA mentioning the qabiil name is not always to be censored. For instance, here, the post mandates that one mentions the D at least to explain things. I hope the rules will be interpreted in a less strict manner.