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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Xinn, i understand Ali Isse is going to be an economic advisor to the President and not the PM.
  2. Xinnfanin comes here with stale news about who is going to be the new PM after I wrote this just about a month ago. Who is the insider then? War Xinn, war ninyahow dee in lagaa xog roon yahay qiro. The new PM is going to be from this list. Ali or Halane. Most likely Ali. Update on Prime Minister Selection Here is the latest. The PM would be one of these men. These are the people considered: 1- Ali Isse .............................Khatumo (former World Bank man in Addis) 2-Hussien Abdi Halane ....... My friend and fellow big-foot (currently Save the Children Africa Director and former Finance Minsiter 3-Saacid Faarax Garaad........From Gedo (Abwaan will STAY in SOL if elected) 4-Abdiweli M Ali .................The outgoing PM and son of Mudug
  3. NG, madman or fatman, there are times when truth should be told to the delusional and that can get ugly. What we need in the Jubboyinka is peace, stability and shared prosperity. For that to happen,reer Gedo need to accept that those who are the majority in Jubbaland, whether they are clan A, clan B or clan C, will take their deserved share in any adminstration set up for the Jubbas. From what we hear, it looks Gabbal and AllaMagan's madness is informing the political whims of their kins. Well they should know the Kacan was long, long time ago and that the Kacaan donkeys have learned how to write their own history. :D Having said that if the outcome of the majority clans in Juba is that a non- should lead the region, it is fine. It reflects the views of the majority clans. After all, any one clan cannot claim to be the majority if there are others who agree to come togather and challenge it. What is not acceptable is arming Barre Hiraale and his remanants to try to take Kismayo by force and displace people or to stifle homegrown political processes (provided the Jubbaland meeting to set up an adminstration is held in Kismayo) just because such a meeting will not to in the interest of certian groups.
  4. I am not defending my clan. I am defending justice and fairness. If I follow Azania logic, they are not worried one bit about the revolution clan. They don't see them as a problem. But If I follow Somalinimo logic, I want all to live in peace and if one is a threat to mutual coexistence, I highlight it even if that gives me names and labels. In this case, the truth is my clan waa laga gar daran yahay! And fairness and objectivity is not seeking cheap populism intaad dudsidid dad kuu dhow si lagugu arko nin macquul ah.
  5. I don't understand what you mean by that? Ma magaalada dad baa haysta already baad leedahay? That reality if it ever was there will be changed by another reality in few days time when some others move in. The owners who were displaced will go back and take their houses and farms.
  6. Only that what you know what you said is purely theoretical. But here is the issue. I am not saying I have a stake in there. I am saying I can comment on all matters whether in Somalia or Mars as a commentator. That i what you don't get it. And that is also why you get myopic and start at focusing on the messenger and not the message. I dramatized few things up there with some harsh labels but the fact is that extremist elements of the "Revolution" clan are knitting new threads of bloodshed with the claim on Kismayo. if you are enorsing that claim, then you are also a war-monger. I believe all of Somali towns should be for all Somalis. But real politics is about current realities not wishes. The Gedo-ans must stop claiming Kismayo and they should be told that point-blank!: It is not yours! If you don't take that, then they should know they are miring Somalia in another 21 years of bloodshed, after causing 21 years of bloodshed which was preceded by 21 year of despotism and tyranny!
  7. Xinnfanin, You are losing your muse bro. This thread is inline with what you have been propagating for years. The new Somali President have every right to insist on the soverignity of political processes that concern his country. As such, there is nothing wrong if he asks for the process to be hold inside Somalia. That doesn't mean he doesn't want a regional state in Jubbaland. That maybe his intention, but let us wait and see if he says so. That said, setting up a regional state in Jubbaland doesn't mean reconstructing false land owners and whatnot. If the process is fair, the outcome will be fair. Let us not panic!
  8. If Gedo and Caabudwaq are barren fields with nothing useful to sustain life, the “revolution” clan can go and indict God for these misdeeds or curse their great-grandfathers, but they cannot impose themselves on lands and seas where they have no business at all as if the natives in these lands are 21st century Aborigines or red Apaches. As if they have not soiled the land of Somalia with blood and buffoonery for 21 full years, these unrepentant savages are getting hysterical about lands that they have only seen in their dreams few years back. Yes, they have the right to live in Kismayo, they have stake in any future Jubba administration, but for Afweyne sake, Kismayo is not theirs! I have no problem if the Biyo-maal get it, I have no problem if the pirates who were cleansed by Jess get it, and I have no problem if the Azanians get it, but these Gedo-ans are playing with fire. They are underestimating the determination of the real owners of Kismayo or maybe overestimating their muscles. No one is claiming Baar-Dheere despite the fact that they got it only in the revolution days, but to claim Kismayo is absolutely nonsensical and unacceptable. That said, I still think President Hassan is right in insisting that his government must lead, not own, any political process which the multitude of clans in the Jubbas start to establish a regional state. It must be consultative, it must accommodate everyone (more so for the ‘small’ clans that are no small but still treated as small but who have a major stake in the town). But it must not endorse Hiirale’s “new realities on the land”. If the revolution clan doesn’t stop the hysterical land-grapping and manipulation of the facts, they will get a rude awakening judging by the resolve of the Azanians. They are taking the "ku qabso ku qadi mayside" knavery to a whole new level. I mean the onus is on all to be nationalistic and fair, not on few. And nationalism if not put in context, like all other noble ideals in the world, can mean different things for different people. It will have different consequences on different constituencies. After all, they say freedom for the lions is death for the cattle!
  9. Ibti, salaams dear. You are right. He is obviousy happy. What I don't get is not the kiss at the foot but why take a picture of that and the absurd of the absurd SHARE it! Midda kale, Ibti, waxaa la isku hayaa waa ninku ma aroor baa mise wuu soo fulay? wax kale ma aha :D Mooge, war ninku ma naag reer Djibouti ah buu qabaa? Giant ku lahaa? Waryaa in our areas, that is not giant and I am not saying this to brag. That leg is not gaint!
  10. Adeer, Ngonge, Somalia's woes are mine, as you know. So, while technically speaking I am 'noboday' to comment or involve myself in what is happening there (because I am Ethiopian by nationality), what matters is that I feel I a somali national too. I have the right to define who I am and I do not need UN or AU to endorse who I feel I am. I am a Somali through and through, and nothing pains me more than the crisis in Somalia. I hope you get what I mean.
  11. You are right. I have no business, but I can still comment on Somalia as a global activist.
  12. The Zack;875761 wrote: BS! Midda kale since when the Somali government and its president started creating or having a say on who can create and who can't creat maamul goboleed? . Since the election of the NEW President! mind you, what he says is that let the KDF and the somali troops take the place, but any follow-up political process must happen in Kismayo or inside Somalia. The fact that this was not the case in previous years doesn't mean the wrong way of handling such sensitive national matters should continue. Adiga maxaa kaaga xumaan hadii Kismayo muddo ka dib shir lagu qabto oo dawlad gobaleed lagu dhiso. Ma reerkeena ayaa wax ay Naivasha iyo Nairobi ku heli lahaayeen ku waayi hadii Kismayo la tago?? War nimanyahow aan horey u socono oo danta guud ee Somaliyeed ku mashquulo. Marka madaxweynuhu yidhaa reer-hebel wax lagama siin karo Jubbaland, we will oppose him because he is not making sense. But for now, his concerns make sense!
  13. no, no, the foot is only where he happened to be at the time of the shot! Meel daran buu ka soo baxay wax yar ka hor! :D
  14. I really feel like losing a close family member. Waan ka xanay geeridan runti. He could still have contributed much more. He had the talent. A black day walaahi!
  15. President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud has asked the Kenyan government to suspend the process of forming a regional government for Jubbaland. This process was underway in Kenya for some time. President Hassan’s call is in line with his duty as the leader of a sovereign nation. The issue here is not which clan will get what in Kismayo. The President can get the clan balance wrong. But that is not the real issue. The issue is soverignity and with the Alshabab on the run, it is now high time to demarcate the line on the roles of forien military and political forces. Yusuf Haji, Farah Mo’alin and Affey are Kenyans, they are not from Somalia. So, they have no business in meddling in the political affairs of Somalia. President Hassan should take the lead in any political process involving the establishment of regional states in Somalia. He has a national mandate. All patriotic Somalis must support the President on this. It is not fair to trivialize the efforts of the President with unfounded conspiracy theories such as the one that says the President is “messing up the initiative as part of a HAG strategy to stifle the emergence of two D-block regional States”. If the President gets it wrong, those who feel aggrieved by his decision should seek redress through national institutions and take their matter to the courts in Somalia to fight the president. They should not run and seek succor from foreigners such as those in Kenya on a matter that is exclusively an internal problem.
  16. This is a big loss for somali art, literature and entertainment. What a great poet Gariye was! Ilaahay ha u naxariisto, intii u ka tagayna samir iyo iimaan. Jacayl, can you open a thread in his honour and maybe post some of his best poems as a tribute? Thanks
  17. Somalia has seen 21 years of "proper" leadership under Siyaad, if it has 't seen a leader like Farmaajo for the last 21 years since the October 21 r olution! So, is it destiny that after a man from Gedo tormented Somalia for 21 years, another Gedo-an has to reign after 21 years of Siyad's legacy?? One can not miss the irony!!
  18. Dear Xeefoow, unless you are a graduate of Ramadan English Private school and hence linguistically challenged, where does it say Farmaajo paid IDPs???????
  19. waa runteed, tilmaan bay ku socotaa! qof xoolo ah ayaa loo soo tilmaamay ooy guur ka gaadhsiiso! :D
  20. And it proves the indecision! if the President was mulling to nominate Farmajo as PM and some reports suggest that was the case, and is now back tracking because of the hoax, then he still is indecisive! But to correct you, I did not say the President is indecisive. What is said is that there is a hint of indicisiveness in how he is handling the PM saga! Third, even an indicisive president can find some tactics employed against him too much!
  21. Yunis, no one is daft enough to think Farmaajo is bribing the IDPs or the dangerous vagrants on the streets. Of course, it is political tactics and if helps in outmanouvering Farmajo in this race for the PM-ship, it is justified. In politics, it is not what actually happened that matters, it is what people think happend that is crucial. That said, I heard this morning that the 'false start' was a delibrate ploy to force the hand of the President into nominating Farmajo. If that is indeed true, it shallows how amateur and naive Farmajo and his team are!
  22. Alpha, you are being jelous. Our era was better than yours. Then, we don't have to worry about condemns and whatnot! now, you can't call for a date without passing by a kiosk or pharmacy. Back then, we did not have to worry about gold-diggers. Love was for free like the air.
  23. Ashes to Ashes, dust to dust, Kacaan to Kacaan, Farmaajo to IDPs. Is that the taunt, Ayoub? :D Gabbal will not like it!