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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Disregarding General Duke's disbelif at what he thinks can not come out of me, I think the ONLF is correct to fight in Somaligalbeed under whatever tag and I am not one of those who buy the cheap excuse that the name is inhibiting others from fighting occupation there. But, when it comes to the Lower Jubba, and I am sufficeintly informed to tell you the clash was not false; I think the Alshabab has taken control of the region, and should be consisent in disarming all groups seen as clan-based. Now,I know the ONLF is a policical organisation, and I know many of the people in the camp attacked were fighters who were wounded in previous fights in Somaligalbeed and were there to recover, but the ONLF should have talked to the Alshabab and should have agrred to live there under the approval of the islamists. You can not just allow a big force that is not taking orders from you, to exist under your nose. General Duke, Sidii rikoodh xumaaday hadaan meel lagu dhagin sidaada oo kale, ma been baa la sheegayaa.
  2. VAl now that we are thinking of a hypothetical sojurn, I think you would not have been worried about something as worldly as a can of pepsi if the imagined encounter were to happen.
  3. ^By the way, the All Blacks are not a political party. It is the New Zealand Rugby team's name. How presumptous of me to think the General will know this. Apologees!
  4. It is difficult for you to see the right in your rivals. I know that, but forget about what is in our hearts (for which none of us could vouch for) but let us look at what we say. After I was banned, I came back with the same name. Will that surprise you? And I am still A&T. That I am a fan of the All Blacks and their Haka and wanted to honour them this week, doesn't mean I will be coming back to haunt you. Incidentally, this week we are on the same side. I am almost about to forgive Yey as long as he maintains his current stance.
  5. I think the Sheekh is correct in ordering the attack on the forces that were assembling in lower jubba under the banner ONLF. Yes, they are fighting for the right cause, but it is obvious not attacking them (especially in view of the maleeshiyo beeleed nature they assumed there) would have compromised Alshabab's integrity and would have been used as a rallying cry for other clans too. Two days before the attack, another clan from Barre Hiirale's clan (who were even sympathetic to the Alshabab's) were disarmed. It would have been a great injustice to allow one clan militia to operate and not the other. Praise be upon the Sheikh for this couragoous move. P.S I have already talked to my ONLF guys about the issue and while they don't agree with me, they see my logic. At least I hope so.
  6. I am almost about to apologise to Xaji Xundjuf about my initial perceptions of him. The man is coming up with a twist in his humour. If only he dissuades from posting when high on Awadaay, he will do fine!
  7. Malika, why are you dismantling my snare there? You spoiler ugaaso! BOB confided to me in previous PM's that he doesn't wear qamiis, that he is not sheikh, and in fact that he frequents Tommy Hilfiger Kaki.
  8. (sheekh?)Shariif Sheekh Ahmed is history. Only Xinn believs in Humpty-dumpties until now.
  9. Sheh, Too much man love is what is missing in Somalia. Why do you think it is no good? +Faheema, Ibti...way duushay! I strongly dispel the rumours that she was where I was last week. Just because we too disapperead at about the same time doesn't mean we were togather. You said it all about the Cape, idyllic will sum up. Meel caadi ah ma aha. I wonder if the new settlements by the ANC for the blacks around the Cape will affect its beauty in the future.
  10. BTW, Nuune don't cover up for your friend with your PM's. If BOB has a shred of decency in him or is even real for that matter, tell him to see me in " Holiday Inn, East Gate, Johannesburg" Next friday. Or if he has a Kaaryone let alone a car, let him colect me from OR Tambo Airport at 4:00PM. He can always get my descrptions from Ngonge. Ngonge, you are hearwith authorise to send all you have on me to the short guy. I have checked lots of somali internet cafes and tried to spot a short man accessing Somaliaonline. But I saw none; and that is why I think BOB is not there!!
  11. Affirmative to the query dear Val. I know you are thinking about the attachment between the 'delinquents'; but ya',ha na cawryin.
  12. From what I saw recently, I think the World Cup will be just fine. Yes, there is a crime, but I think it is not as they put out in the media. At least, I was able to go out of my hotel on foot, walk for about 500 meters to a shopping mall, and come back on foot with all my stuff at 8:00pm. I even managed to go to a cinema. EDIT- I missed Xinn too, he can be such a gentleman in most cases. But I haven't missed his Peace caravan or whatever.
  13. Brutal honesty ma tidhi NG. I love him for that too. And I don't think he is mad too. He is just not the way crooked politicians are suppossed to be. I honestly like him. Adigu ciid wanaagsan NG, saaxiib. Let me not hide behind reciting pleasantries like a young girl in love. I really missed you. Sayid- gabdhihii xageed kala maraysaan. Idinkoo is eryan yaa iigu danbeysay.
  14. Ciid wanaagsan dear all. The crazy sayid, Duliye sare Nuune and Ngonge. It is ironic I ressited the temptations of missing Ngonge for the last couple of days. I mean my contempt for his political position is well known. NG- seriouly I am an avid supporter of Kulmiye and Silaanyo. This is not secret. I have always believed that people who fought for the freedom of SL today must milk its benefits; not the former torturer Riyaale. Having said that, I don't wish to see Faysal Cali leaving the scene just yet. That is tantamout to Dhulqaneyn leaving SOL. If that happens, whose folly shall keep us intersted in here??
  15. Nuune Salaams saaxiib! Waxaan kuu sheegayaa ninka la yidhaa BOB inuu yahay falso oo uuna joogin South Africa. Anaa hadda ka imid oo soo waayey, PM'kana wuu ka carrarayaa. Tolow ma leshoto ayuu joogaa oo wuu is qarinayaa??
  16. I was in Johannesburg for the Ciid. Met many somali's there. Was uplifting experience. Incidentally, I wish to inform Soler's that the Character BOB is a charade. He does not live in South Africa. I could not meet him. He is avoiding me for whatever reason. Maybe it is the looks.
  17. Prince, hees macaan baad taabataye aan kuu bilaabo... Markaan halaqsaday haq idhiyo Haleeshay halisti wadnahoo xageey u kacdaan hayaayoo Hawsheedii la heedadaabe Habaar sow ishaydu maqabtoo Iyadu iimay horseedin Kaan eeday soo afkayga maahoo intaa ku hadaaqi maayo...
  18. Malika, Now what are you doing, if no iskudir! Answer the following statements by writing true if true, or false if false. Allow Amxaarka ayyaama noo daa,----False Allow nabada fashili,--------------False Allow alshabaab guulee,------------True Allow Sharifka fashili,------------True Allow Ina Yusuf quwee,-------------False Allow Nur Cadde fashili,-----------True
  19. Xaaji salaan ninyahow. tii duushay sidee looga ciiday.
  20. It seems Xaaji has been having a feast in my absence.
  21. Yey knows nothing but war. I am afraid he will ignite another chapter here by supporting the detested Cadde Muse. I understand your cynical hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
  22. When is it going to start? I mean rasaastu? With Yey there, it is certain it is coming. Way nakaa hadaba! waynakaa!
  23. Somali president supports Puntland election commission 29 Nov 29, 2008 - 6:05:17 PM GAROWE, Somalia Nov 29 (Garowe Online) - Private meetings held in Garowe, the capital city of Puntland State of Somalia, ended Saturday after interim Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf and a host of Puntland presidential candidates disagreeing over the election commission. Abdi Shulu'o, Puntland presidential candidate/GO Abdi Haji Shulu'o, who was selected to speak for the presidential candidates, told a press conference in Garowe that President Yusuf "supports" the election commission, which was appointed last month by Puntland leader Gen. Adde Muse. "We [candidates] are here to tell you that issues we discussed with the [somali] President have failed and as we said before the decision now rests with the Issims [traditional elders]," Mr. Shulu'o said. On Friday, a group of Puntland presidential contenders met with President Yusuf and brought up the dispute over the Muse-appointed election commission, security in Garowe and demanded that government resources must not be used to fund Muse's re-election bid. READ: Somali president, Puntland opposition candidates meet in Garowe Another candidate, Abdirahman Hersi "Urbeyte," told the press conference that the election commission is "unacceptable." Abdirahman Urbeyte, Puntland presidential candidate/GO "The president of Puntland [Muse] is also a presidential candidate and he has no right to appoint the election commission," Mr. Urbeyte said, adding: "We have proposed that the Issims appoint the election commission, but the [Muse] administration refused this." In Puntland, the Issims wield strong influence over the region's clan-based parliament by requiring that potential legislators receive the Issims' signed endorsement. The election commission has the authority to ratify lawmakers into the Parliament, which elects the next Puntland president on January 8, 2009.
  24. Inaa-lilaahi wa inaa ilaahi raajicuun! rag waa weyn bay Baashi iyo Xinn isku sheegayaan, waxay u sacaba tumayaana waan aragnaa.
  25. Waagaan Idhi ninkani waa macaan-jecel tuug ah ma dhaweyn. Xinn baa afka igaga booday. Look at him now.