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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Salaams gabdhaha. Cidaan iga qaadin are excluding themselves from the said catagory.
  2. Waxaan la yaabanahay nabada uu Sheekh Shariif keeni karo ee Johnny u muuqata? Khilaaf iyo kala jajab mooye bal maxaa soo kordhay since his peace was signed?
  3. Johnny, will you enlighten us on the plans of the Sharif befor we talk about the alternatives, please? Arriving in Moqgishu by itself doesn't entail anything to the displaced millions and to the ravaged society.
  4. Abdilatif Waan maqlay inay wadaadu leeyihiin ONLF waa gaalo, waana la socdaa waxa meesha ka socda, balse hadaan laga cararin hadda, xalku ma in la is dilaa? Taas oo timaad ayaa ka xun wa walba. Dhinaca Gobolka markay noqoto, wadaadau waa inay iskaga baxaan, maadaama ayna la jaan qaadi karin siyaasada looga baahan yahay halkaas. So, my solution is ONLF leave Jubba, wadaadadu leave ******ia. Sidaa ayaa lagu kala badbaadin karaa. Inayna dhinaca wadaada wax ka imanaya waan ogahay, laakiin halaga meermeero.
  5. Dadka leh Dagaalka Alshabab iyo ONLF ha socdo bal aan eegno meeshay wax u wadaan. I repeat waa in la kala socdaa, oo ONLF meeshaa Alshabab faraha uga qaadaa, GAR IYO GAR DARABA. Hadii kale, both sides will lose and Ethiopia will win. Is anyone expecting a compromise from Alshabab and Xassen Turki???????? Waa maya. Mar hadii taas jawaabtu tahay, hala iska celiyo oo ha lala dagaalo ma xalbaa??
  6. (Sheikh?) Sharif's cycle of degeneration to what he was before his sudden rise to fame is nearing its nadir. Ninkaas waa ku daayay. He is a sell out. Bad thing is the Antarnational Kommunity and Atobiya do not trust him as well and only want to use him for the phase of fomenting strife among the islamists.
  7. Salaan Sare Farancab. AfroG, I was looking for him there in Mayfair Ghetto. Meel kasta waan ka dayey.
  8. It is still clear Haneefah has not forgiven me. I thought she had a much bigger stomach than she exhibits now. I still beleive she will forgive me someday. Inadeer Xaneefo, that was a 'friendly fire'. No harm intended. I just couldn't fathom how that man could so boldly make that wicked claim. I understand that I offended you. Please forgive. Waad ogtahay, inakastoon kolkol wareero, that I am salvageable somehow. As to BOB, I just want to let him know that I will be going back on Friday to his land, and that will be it. Haddan soo waayo, markaa I will formally ask the admin to ban him. If he is in Angola, I want to hear it from the horse's mouth.
  9. By his own admission, the next wife will be from the refugee camps around Libooye. I thought that was what he told us back then when he was still considered to be from Kismaayo.
  10. Several missions to South Africa has been conducted to meet the said man, but to no avial. It appears the self-declared short man disappears everytime a SOLer descends on the sunset nation. He convinently happens to be in Mozambique, Madagasacar or Reunion Island at just about the same time my visit is there too. Lately, even the usually trustworthy Norf's explanation that he was in Angola is not sounding reliable. Rumours abound that, after all, BOB might not be a Somali; but a somali-speaking Zulu. One insider has gone to the level of speculating the real identity of the character BOB. It is feared he could be Patrick Shabalala, a taxi owner in Jo'burg.
  11. What they win consistently was and still is the Tri-nations, Six nations and other regional tournaments. The last world Cup they won was the inaugural 1987 cup. Since then, they did not win a single one. When did you leave. Hayat?
  12. I confess I don't know Maori language. But can still chant Kapa o pango, Hi aue, hi! Incidentally, what is the black curse that prevents the best rugby team in the world from winning the world cup? NZ is the best, but when was the last time they won a World cup?
  13. ^ Largely due to my love for Jonah Lomu, I am Kiwi.
  14. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: ^^Wiilkii ina Turki ahaa noo soo warayso. Weydii sida aabihi iyo Roobow isku yihiin! Isagaa ii sheegay inayna wax kala aheyn.
  15. Originally posted by Abu_Diaby: A&T, I don't think it is as simple as your making out to be. Didn't ONLF attack Shababs in the Ethio region? as well as attacking the WSLF.?..another wadad armed organisation......... Isn't this case more of a payback, as opposed to attacking veterans? :confused: like saying you can't come to Somalia if you attack Islamists in the OG region>? please explain............this is your field...... Bashi, this guy has got some of the essentials andyou better see it. I oppose the Wadaads operation in ******ia, because they are giving ONLF bad image with inappropriate abductions and etc. Likewise, the ONLF in Jubba must accept the terms of Turki and Alshabab's and should not use the support from the clan to disintegrate the Alshabab into a loose union of clan militias. I can see where Bashi is coming from. He wants the wadaad's to be discredited. He has maintainted this outlook from the get-go. Now to the Home boys : Zack and Abdilatif Zack- the ONLF is a political organisation fighting for political objectibves. But it is very much clan based. Let us agree on that. Will that make it less likable or take away from the valour and integrity of the organisation or its mission? BIG no. But, I understand in Jubba, they were told that the wadaadas will not allow other armed groups operating in that area. As the overall rulers, they have the right to say so. Abdilatif I don't think any freedom-loving person will not support the ONLF; but that is not synonymous with supporting all of its actions and moves. I think the ONLF should settle their difference with the wadaadas for the common good. Because the wadaadas are inflexible, ONLF should take the lead in compromising. Agreeing to the terms of the wadaads in lower jubba would have been a good move. I don't think it is healthy to expect that the O's are exempted from the rules of the Alshabab, just because ONLF is fighting the ethiopians as well. In principle, I support that all forces in Somalia must support the Alshabab's and adhere to its directions, at least for the short-run. Bashi, adigu waxaanad ogeyn ayaa jira. Diplomacy failed. Turki refused to the talks. But, does that mean the ONLF and the Beel should have fought back? I think not. Inay ka war wareegaan ayey aheyd. The wadaadas are known to have the wrong priorties, but it is upto the others to avoid clash. Did you see where I am coming from?
  16. Waryaa Internet' ka kuma arag'e bal hubso. Anigaa PM kuugu warami doona. Mab'daooda ka raac iska daa magacyada ay la baxeen.
  17. I am not amused. Does it need all this twists to my statements to see the logic? Just for your information, why do you think the ONLF is rightly rejecting the existence of its fighters in Somalia? I thought this is politics 101. But for you, if you could fathom this, I will give you a Doctoral degree. It will be a great acheivement for a misfit.
  18. All things said, who is Abu Zuheir? The head of the Kismayo adminstartaion. Is he not a core member of Alshabab? What does that tell you? I can tell you Turki is wholly with the Alshabab. It is Ibrahim Shukri, his one time commander, who is now in Afmadow, who has that tribal tendency and wants to maintain its 'uniqueness'.
  19. Xinn Ciid wanaagsan duqa. The Kaambooni raptors are part and parcel of the Alshabab. They are ideologically inseparable. Don't count much on a difference there. Sida kale, bal maxaa ka dhaqaaqay Caravankii?
  20. I agree yes. For me, the end product of the two struggles matters and not who delivers. It is the weakening of Ethiopia and the final liberation. If Alshabab could win Somalia, it will be a reliable source of support for the ONLF in the long run. If it is weakened, it will help traitors like your uncle,and ONLF will lose a support base. So, when ONLF is not supporting its own case via miscalculations, I contradict it. Surprisingly, many ONLF supporters are not dismayed by the contradictions you see here. B But agains, I know fools have only one way. That Natnaeil was right in his "Professorial Folly", when he said, "for a fool, the door is either shut or open". He will not think about the windows.
  21. Val If at all, my reputation is intact when it comes to helping a lonely tourist girl.
  22. I am a supporter of ONLF and there is a distinction between being an ONLF and being a supporter, if that could ever get into your tiny cranium. Second, I do not support them blindly. Gabbito? Just becuase you can't see your uncle's faults doesn't mean all humans can't see the wrongs in their next of kins? Blame your upbringing in the countryside where they told you "fiqi tolkii kama jano tago".
  23. You are repeating yourself over and over again. I don't give two hoots if you believe it or not. You can write LIER in bold if you wish. But that is what I feel about the incident, and I am not in the pedigree of prostituting my beliefs for the useless cheer of strangers in a forum. That tells me you do things for the gallery and you think others do the same too. DALI, The context matters. That bad blood is already there in Somaligalbeed. Let us not think about the ideal situation that we all would have liked, but the situation as it is on the ground. There is mutual suspicion betweeen the two groups and I am not here to pass verdict on who is wrong here. I am talking about a particular incident. Had the incident been in the other side of the border, I might have felt differently. General Duke Adiga meeshaad ka socoto waan garanayaa oo waxaa weeye just because you rationalise your guilt and tribal tendencies with the nonesense that everybody is supporting his clan, anything to the contrary will only make you feel bad about yourself. So go on and feed your bad-feelings with conjectures about others.