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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Hibbo iyo ducaba naga hooya'e!!
  2. If it were not to self-advantage myself, I would have called Ghelle's conjectures a medical case of delayed reaction. Now, I know Ghelle is not my fan but he should not fabricate lies about my stance. Somaliland has handed over more ONLF's than Puntland (and has not repented unlike Puntland), and what is my stance on it?????????? Gheele, de adeer xaqiiqda ha iska indho tirin. General'ka isaga waa saamax oo tacsiyuu fadhiyaa. Maalmahan saliida iyo biyuhuu isku daray. My sympaths to him. Waa kaa South Mudug afka ii saaray!!! "nin khalkhaly nin kale oo khal khalay qaadi kari waaye..."
  3. What is the point of this fake General here? Saaxib, glorifying a monster is not opinion and Puntland is afterall a tiny place which is sparesly populated. Don't talk as if it matters much!!!!
  4. Marx's return is the best present for the new year. I certainly missed him. Ngonge should also feel the same. NG, greetings from Lusaka saaxiib. Has a lot of stories to tell when the vacation is over. By the way, tell Xinn some of my prejudices againts puntlanders is diminished courtesy of a high level reception by one man with the name "Dhawaaq" who frequents execusing himself on the phone when talking to zambians with "Sorry Maandhaw!"
  5. Hayam what is the problem? Afro Do you confuse insults with admonitions? Or that I didn't reply makes you feel you have the right to continue your assault?
  6. YAAN LA IS CAAYIN! AFro did the same a week ago. Now Nepthys.
  7. Sheh You can't insult me in PM's in the name of giving advice,and pretend all is well here. What cheek!!
  8. I think as a Puntlander,Zambia will be fine. Quite a number of them - mostly former SSDF guys are there. I am now in Lusaka. Noo imo aaan isla walbahaaree.
  9. What is this story with pigs? An isinuation to suggest somethings never change? a provocation? Anyway, I don't want to fail to such an easy trap. Maa'shaa alaah waa fiicannahay. Adiga xagaaga soo saawa saawa ma aha?
  10. Greetings to you CL,from a reformed and repentent A&T. Caafimaadkaaga ka waran?
  11. I am on leave till January 5. Familigaa igu dhagan and the kids won't give me time to do my hobbies. Hadda waan soo baxsaday. I am sure Naphiso is talking about Dhulqarneyn, it is not that I would have nominated him for anything. He is a valiant fighter, regardless. Meesha maxaa ku dhigay adiga, sooka la leeyahay odaygii Cabdullahi ahaa waa la impeach garaynayaa?????? TFG ma ka baxnaa hadda? Bal inoo tali?
  12. I think we should also start proceedings to impeach Duke and et al from their nomad status here.
  13. I couldn't reach BOB in South Africa. Now it is clear I can't reach him here either. His PM is full.
  14. Naphiso should just say the man she is talking about is DHULQARNEYN and end the speculations here.
  15. Morning all. Ngonge haye shiishaa'gii muxuu sheegay hada?
  16. markay ku biloowday isiidaa inuu yidhaa soo ma aheyn. Isagaa Fresh ahaa oo is yidhi adkayso inaadan mar kale helin baa laga yaabaaye. Mise gabadhaa ilka-dheereeyd tolow?
  17. naag nool baad sheegaysaa!!! Kuwa barariya waan arkay laakiin goosasho waa ii wali.
  18. Ish! war waxaas waan ka roonahay anagu. Software'ka waa nagala fiican yahay!
  19. Khalid, I think the issue has to be convincing the communities, in this case the other clans the value of fighting for freedom from Ethiopia. I know other clans exhibit defeatist mentality, but that should not be a deterent from taking them onboard. You can always have individuals in an organisation, but unless the sentiment of the communties they represent is not in line with what they are fighting for, they cannot be seen as representative.
  20. Originally posted by Hadoodil: Regardless of what the ONLF and its diehard disciples argue, the region is the home of all Somali clans. All Somali clans – big or small – are represented in that beleaguered region! Exactly my point. The ONLF has done good so far, but appreciating this reality and making the necessary political adjustment is the way forward. Other clans in the region are not saints and true, a name and structure change might not bring in the required buy-in immediately, but it will have a symbolic importance. Halganka hala balaadhiyo.
  21. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: horta adigu inaad gabyayso iyo inaad hadlayso lama kala garto ,,,,,,,,,
  22. What is your definition of a 'politician' for you. Professor Mesfin, that chauvinistic Amxaar academician, must have been right when he said "Somali's are a misguided people who mistake deceit for diplomacy". Go read " Somalia: the problem Child of Africa". I can see you mistake a cheat for a politician. No wonder you are a fan of yey.