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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Singub should be shamed for siding with his clan during the Somali Civil war, much the same like that Igbo poet subordinated his art to his ancestry. The crimes he is wanted for now are not that big, to be fair to him. BTW, he is a close uncle. Very close.
  2. How come old pal Ngonge ignores me like this and doesn't even send compliments of the new year. Oday, sidee tahay.
  3. Even if that is true (which isn't) it does not matter. Obama is the President of the US. Roobow is a Somali as long as he says so. And his actions make him a better somali than Yey and you. That I know. By the way, your comments show your segmental mind and that you have not outgrown from the hangover of the era of princes, reer hebel and useless geneology.
  4. Thought economy, milatry, psycholgy and parts of politics are already there! It is the politics that is imperfect. It will hopefully get perfect once the Ethiopian involvement in Somalia is ended. That dosen't mean the end of the occupation, it means the end of Ethiopia's cronny's like Sheikh Adan Black and even Nuur Cadde. What business is there for them to go to Addis? Nacala ku yaal! Remember the gun is part of the politics. Might is right, and when you win on the battleground, you are likely to win on the table as well.
  5. REALLY BIG! Intay la'ekayd hadaad aragtoo BIG maadan ku dayseen. I doubt I would have made to here haddaan afaarahaas galo! Way i hugfi lahayd?
  6. JB, as a prelude I can narrate what happened in Zambia, when I took my whole family to a clinic. The receptionsit, a Zambian beauty (if that doesn't sound oxymoronic for you), with all the endowments behind, waxay igu samaysay..... Apparently getting my phone number from the form I filled in and clearly enticed by the green 100 USD I deposited (for I didn't have Zambian Kwacha), my phone rang while enjoying dinner with my familiy. My wife: hello? The Zambian girl: Is Mr. [Abtigiis] there? My wife: yes. War hoo la hadal qof baa kula hadlayee ** ** Me: who is this? ZG: It is me. The big girl at the reception this morning. Can we talk? [i run to the toilet] Me: yes, what is it? ZG: I want to see you? Me: why? ZG: to have fun. Me: why? ZG: becuase it is good to have fun? I am now standing at the petrol station in fornt of the clinic. Are you able to come? Home is just few meteres away! Me: [thinking war anagaa wax agarnay] but why do you think I am ready for fun, especially when you saw I was there with my family?? ZG: I just thought we both need fun! Me: why? ZG: ihi!hihi!come on! you gave me a fat tip! Me: sister, I am sorry. I am not the type of man you thought I am. I am coming tomorrow to the clinic to collect the change. I will bring your Kwacha and will take the USD. ZG: fine, but some think in your eyes told me you wanted me? ME: something in my eyes? [war ma dhilay baan u ekahay]. Mise ishaa igaga fakatay????????? I latter told the wife the girl was asking me to bring the Zambian money! And took her with me while delievring. Ma ninkaagu dayday buu u eg yahay baan u sheegaa?????????????
  7. Zack The admin will do nothing against this delinquent DQ. In many ways, he is the attack dog for someone formidbale enough to protect him. He is someone who decided, out of a whore's charity, to pawn goodwill and decency by way of saccharine headlines and comments. What tames him is when you requite the 'favour' in kind!
  8. Nuune, war bal breaking News ka soo daa. Adigaan ku sugaye, anigu waxba ma hayo. Wixii vacation'ka aan soo arkayna waan soo wadaa. Sida kale, goormaad diyaarad nagu soo kor mari doontaa?????/
  9. Politics later my dear. Now the issue is liberation and unification. The latter scares you, I know.
  10. voter registration is not an end by itself. The process will be judged by how the votes are casted and whether the real winner is declared a winner. Beyond ensuring good governance, what else is this process suppossed to bring about? JB seems to imply recognition. Not here, but somewhere else. I am afraid that is not coming. Not that I am against it, but the dynamics have changed. I think Somaliland's honeymoon for recognition is over. JB salaams sida kale. Baryaan kala maqneynoo waan kuu basaasee, Ninyahoow ma nabadbaa?????
  11. Sheekh Muktar Roobow Abu Mansoor is a genuine somali cleansed from the dirt of qabiil by his religious convictions. All the way with him. May Allah grant him the ultimate victory! May I take this opportunity to tell the uninitiated that woe betide whoever is fooled by the peace caravan Xinn peddles here with such gusto and the peurile sermons of the Ex-Sheikh, Mr. Shariif and his feral tribe of carniverous mullahs he is sharing bed with. Why Xinn and others are oblivious to the wicked hands of Ethiopia and imply peace is on the offing betrays common sense. The coming movie is called Sheikh Barre Hiirale. Do they know where it is produced and the consequences? There will be no peace as long as Ethiopia is meddling in Somali affairs. Its withdrwal amounts to nothing if it continues to manipulate warlords and Sheikhlords.
  12. The Sheekh's motivations are the former -money and prestige. They both came with power. Time will prove me right!
  13. Goodness me! Apparently I haven't missed much. Life teaches that however violent, however, loud, whatever degree of fragrance, a fart can never be a harmattan, let alone a monsoon. I was pleasantly spared the fart of LazyGirl; for such a copy and paste 'opinion' from Mark Regev is nothing more than a fart. It is a stinking one right through its bone. It can not be paraded as an opinion!! Shame on you veritable lazy!!
  14. Duke is dead Shot in the head by Nuur cade Who is gonna tell him mama? Who is gonna tell his wife?
  15. The US and its allies, notably Ethiopia have moved from their strategy of imposing warlords and traitors as 'secular government' which will deal with the threat of Islamic extremism. As part of the endless installments of polices and strategies, Ahlu-sunna wa jammaca is in vogue now. This is designed to foment yet another cycle of bloody internal war among 'religious' groups. Well, the fact remains that there is nothing religious about the Ahlu-hilib wa Suufi group who are opening up new offices in Nairobia and elsewhere in the form of large edifices for lavish get-togathers that looks down on the famous Carnivore restaurant in that city. There is no reason to be cheerful about the advent of this new group and in many ways it is sad that the people of Somalia have to endure more years of blood-bath, but one thing is certain. In weeks to come, the supposed inter-islamist fued will come out clear, when the leaders of the side best known for their fancy hair-styles, non-vegetarian food consumption, and crescendo of melodious music in the company of women parade in the capitals of East Africa with IGAD and whoever replaces that monster Frayzer.
  16. When are you going to resign too DQ? As to the old man, he goes down in history as a traitor. GOOD RIDDANCE. Waa mahad alle Maanta waa ayaan!!!!
  17. I am relishing the demise of the invaders. They were comprehensevly routed and have to be evacaued by Antonov planes since yesterday. Kabtaydii yaa arkay baa ka dhacday. The mood is blue here in Lusaka among the TOLKA. How I am cherishing this moment! I invite any SOLer to send me a PM if he wants a wonderful New Year Gift. It is not just a year! It is the year where treason was defeated and tribal avarice thoroughly reversed.
  18. Serenity How naive of you?!!!There is no response from world community. There is a response from the Anglo-saxon empire: keep quite and watch. This has been the case all along. The empire must be defated for justice to prevail. Let not the sweet words of democracy and fake feeling of liberty you enjoy in Western Capitals blind you to the real essense of the turmoil in the world: Anglo-saxon avarice!
  19. AHLU HILIB WA SUUFI are backed by Ethiopia and the US. Sheekh Shariif is no more relevant!!!
  20. Originally posted by Koora-Tuunshe: Caaqilka ayaa sheegay in aysan laba beelood istira koobi karin . Indeed!!The Caaqil is right. Who counts who?? When Somalilanders opted for a clan-based government, they should have known this was on the offing!
  21. Nacabkii Ilaah naga kaxee naaqiska ahaaye Nasiib baannu leenahay haddaan Yusuf soo noqonne Waxa Nacalla-qabihii na baday waa ka noollahaye Noolaatay yidi-diiladii Naxashka saarrayde