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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Xinn's "peace caravan" is moving fast and getting momentum. Sheikh Shariif has broken the hymen of hate and division, and hey, caring mothers-in-law may start breaking skirts in leaping joy.
  2. Sarkaal ka tirsanaa maamulkii DF ee G/Hiiraan oo sheegay inuu ku biiray dariiqada Suufiyada, dhowaana uu xoog ku qabsan doono B/weyne Duqii hore ee magaalada Beledweyne kana mid ahaa maamulkii gobolka Hiraan oo ay xooggga Maxkamadaha Islaamiga kala wareegeen gobolkaasi Aadan Cabdi Ciise (Aadan Garaase) oo saxaafadda la hadlay isagoo ku sugan qaybo ka mid ah gobolka Hiiraan inuu hadda wixii ka dambeeyay uu ku biiray kana mid yahay dariiqada Ahlu sunna Wal-jameeca, isla markaana ay qorshaynayo inay gacanta ku dhigaan gobolka Hiiraan. “Muddo dheer ayaa shaati diimeed lagu gambanayay oo dadka culimada, nabadoonada, waxgaradka iyo saraakiisha ciidamada lagu laynayay, sidaas darteed waxaan ku biiray dariiqada Ahlu sunna Wal-jameeca maadaama ay tahay dariiqada dhabta ee ka turjumaysa diinta Islaamka” ayuu yiri Aadan Cabdi Ciise (Aadan Garaase) oo intaasi ku daray in loo baahan yahay inay jilaan riyaadda iyaga loo jilay oo kale. Duqii hore ee magaalada Beledweyne Aadan Garaase wuxuu sheegay in isagoo taageero ka helaya dariiqada Ahlu sunna Wal-jameeca iyo ciidamadii hore ee maamulka gobolka ay dhowaan la wareegi doonaan gobolka Hiiraan, kana saari doonaan kooxoo uu ku tilmaamay inay yihiin qas-walayaal aan wax dan ah u haynin shacabka Soomaaliyeed. Hadalka duqii hore ee magaalada Beledweyne Aadan Garaase uu ku sheegay inuu ku biiray dariiqada Ahlu sunna Wal-jameeca ayaa ku soo aadaya xilli dhowaan horjooge ka tirsan maleeshiyo Soomaali ah oo ay weheliyaan ciidamada Itoobiya ee soo gaaray qaybo ka mid ah gobolka Gedo uu sheegay inay gacan ka helayaan dariiqada Ahlu sunna Wal-jameeca, mana jiraan ilaa hadda wax hadal oo ka baxay Majmaca culimada Ahlu sunna Wal-jameeca.
  3. What Ethiopia wants is for the Alshabab to be crushed. It also wants the formation ofa 'satellite' government in Somalia. If it can't achieve this, turmoil and anarchy in Somalia is the second best option. Or maybe the first. So, is it not blatantly clear to all now, that Nuur Cadde and Shariif's agreements amount to nothing? Is it not clear that any agreement which doesn't bring Alshabab onboard has zero chance of bringing stability in Somalia? Is it not so clear that what is being presented as a Djibouti agreement was parochial?
  4. Addis Ababa: Itoobiya oo dawladda Soomaaliya ugu baaqday in ay dhinac iska dhigaan Heshiiskii Jabuuti, ayna ka hormariyaan hirgalinta Axdigeeda. 6. januar 2009 Addis Ababa(AllPuntland)- Wasiirka amuuraha dibada ee dalka Itoobiya oo shalay garoonka Diyaaradaha ka duulayay ayaa sheegay in ay dawladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya ku fashilantay qodobadii ugu badnaa ee loo unkay, wuxuuna sheegay in la garab maray Axdiyadii ay ku heshiiyeen Kooxaha Soomaalida ah. Wasiirku wuxuu sheegay in ay dawladda Soomaaliya ay leedahay ciidamo fara badan, kuwasoo ay tababaro siiyaan ciidamada Itoobiya iyo wadamo kale oo dhamaantood caawinayay dawladda Soomaaliya. Mesfin wuxuu sheegay in ay Xukuumada KMG ah ay dhinac uga leexatay Axdiyadii udagsanaa dawladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya, ayna dayacday ciidamadii difaaci lahaa Xukuumada Soomaaliya. Wasiirkan wuxuu ku dhaliilay Hogaanka Xukuumadaasi in aysan waxba ka qaban howlaha ka taagan gudaha dalka Soomaaliya, isagoo uga digay Xukuumada Soomaaliya in aysan meelmarin Axdiyadii loo unkay iyo qabashada waxyaabihii loo baahnaa. Xukuumada Addis Ababa ayaa ugu baaqday Xukuumada KMG ah ee Nuur Cadde in ay dhinac iska dhigto qorshaha Shirkii Jabuuti, balse ay usoo jeesato cidii ay wax uga qaban lahayd gudaha dalka Soomaaliya, siiba gobalada ay ka dhacayaan dagaalada loona baahan yahay in maareyn loo helo dagaalada maalin walba ka socda gudaha Soomaaliya. Baaqan ka soo yeeray dawladda Itoobiya ayaa ku soo beegmaya xili uu meel sare gaaray hadalka sheegaya in aysan Xukuumada Addis Ababa ku qanacsaneyn heshiiskii lugu gaaray Magaalada Jabuuti, ee ay saxiixeen rag ka kala tirsanaa dawladda Soomaaliya iyo Mucaaradkeeda qeybo ka mid ah.
  5. Loooooooooooooooooooool@Malika's soo noqnoqoshada. I think that strikes some chords with me. Are you back from the vacation? Ma scotland baad tagtay as usual. I think you were suggesting you will go there in troll. CL Habari sister. While you may think keeping guys waiting is a virtue, you may lose some good ones along the road and end up with that chequered fatigue of Samora Michel for sometime to come.
  6. I am decisive. There is no waiting. I will send her a PM right now. Speaking of grey, she actually thinks I am already grey. This girl is an enigma. I like her.
  7. Ngonge Where little teaser bulls are marking territory, there is lots of squirting, raising of dust and dropping of strong dung, all of it obfuscatory. I can live with that! But when it results in nothing, you need to give way to the BIG bulls. Your thing with this CL has dragged on. Nagu sii daa. Cuni maayo, lamana cunayo waa maxay????????
  8. Girls live for men. So they need to prepare. And hadaan la is-uumin waxba lama helayo.
  9. The kids who are lost in the razzmattaz of western propaganda were those who were cheering this good-for-nothing Mullatto. All sensible people knew he will make BUSH look better when he takes over. Isagii baa magan ah, kaas bay wax ka sugayaan. I bet his silence is better. If he speaks, you will see what he will say: I support Israel. Change, change, change Viva!! Where is Ibtisam, Serenity, Val and the other girls????????/
  10. The ****** National Liberation Front (ONLF) has stated on multiple occasions that we will not allow the exploitation of the oil and gas wealth of our country as long as our people are denied their legitimate rights to self-determination. In that context, the ONLF affirms that if reports that Petronas will resume oil exploration activities in ****** are true, this will not be tolerated. When our people reclaim their rights to self-determination, all legitimate ventures aimed at exploiting the oil and gas wealth of our country will be entertained. However, until such time, all companies interested in engaging in such activities should be on notice that the ****** is a war zone and that the Ethiopian regime does not have effective control of ******, nor does it have the legitimacy to enter into contracts on behalf of our people. Petronas and similar companies should consider the damage to their reputation if they effectively enter into a contract with a regime engaged in war crimes and crimes against humanity in ******. These companies would be better served by seeking to play a role in resolving the long standing conflict between the Somali people of ****** and successive Ethiopian regimes so that they can pursue their economic interests in an environment where they are welcomed by the people. We urge Petronas to exercise corporate responsibility and steer clear of ****** so long as our people are victims of genocide and their rights to determine their own future are violently denied. To do anything less would be to act as an accomplice to a regime engaged in yet another African genocide. ****** National Liberation Front (ONLF) http://www.ethiopianreview.com/content/8153 Source: Ethiopian Review
  11. Originally posted by Geel_jire: - ... not since he traded his fatigues in for ill-fitted suits I disagree. I watched him carefully last week, and I think I saw the shirt under the suit was a sky-blue Polo. I have to say he has improved in that department.
  12. Muqdisho: Afar Koox oo ka dagaalama K/Soomaaliya ayaa sameystay Isbaheysi ay ku mideysan yihiin 5. Januar 2009 APL Tool Send This Article To A Friend By Email | Saaxiibkaa warkaan ugu *** Email -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Print This Article | Daabaco warkaan Muqdisho(AllPuntland)- Kooxaha ka soo horjeeda Dowladda KMG iyo joogitaanka ciidamada shisheeye ayaa ku dhawaaqay Isbaheysi ay ku mideysan yihiin, walow magaca isbaheysigaasi uu yeelanayo aysan weli isku raacin. Afar Koox oo lagu kala magacaabo Raa-kambooni, Jabhadul Islaamiya, Caanoole iyo Garabka Maxkamaddaha ee Asmara ayaa waxay yeesheen isbaheysi siyaasad ahaan iyo ciidan ahaan ay ku mideysan yihiin, isla markaana wixii hada ka danbeeya ay guda geli doonaan sameynta magacii isbaheysiga noqon lahaa. Guddoomiyaha Jabhadul Islaamiya Sheekh Axmed Cumar oo Saxaafadda u qabtay shir jaraa'id ayaa sheegay in mudo ay ku howlanaayeen sidii ay kooxahan u sameysan lahaayeen isbaheysi kulmiya afkaartooda iyo xoogooda, wuxuuna sheegay in ururadan isku yimid ay soo saareen qodobada hoos ku qoran. In ay tahay guul u soo hoyatay Umadda Soomaaliyeed haddii ay Itoobiyaanka baxaan In ay meel iska dhigeen khilaafka u dhaxeeya Xoogagga Muqaawamada In Ciidamada AMISOM ay la dagaalami doonaan ilaa ay dalka ka baxaan In hadii la keeno dalka ay la dagaallami doonaan ciidamo kasta oo shisheeye In heshiiska Jabuuti faa’iido u lahayn Umadda Soomaaliyeed In aysan muqaawamada u deg degin la wareegidda meelaha ay ka baxaan Ciidamada Itoobiya In ay soo dhaweynayaan dadaalka ay culumada wadaan ee ku aadan mideynta kooxaha dagaalama Kooxahan ku midoobaya Isbaheysiyo leh magacyada Islaamiga ayaa waxaa ay ku soo beegmayaan xili ciidamada dalka Itoobiya ay bilaabeen in ay ka baxaan dalka Soomaaliya, waxaana shalay Ururka Al-Shabaab uu shaaciyay in ay midoobeen Midowga Maxkamaddaha, balse taasi waxaa beeniyay afhayeen u hadlay Maxkamaddaha oo ku tilmaamay been aan sal iyo raad laheyn mideynta uu sheegay Abuu Mansuur Roobow. AllPuntland, Muqdisho
  13. Why do you always remind me of the character called "THE GUTTER POET" in one of the the French duo Sergeanne Golon's novels who used to parody thus: "And Knowing of every bodily ill The Very source He prescribed a pill For man and horse"
  14. Shekh Nuur I admire your wisdom and admit I am not in a position to challenge you on the issues at hand. But I don't think the case of the terrified asxaabi (who was not in a leadership position) is relevant to the deeds of Sheekh Shariif. 1- Sheikh Shariif was the man who declared the Jihaad and he should not have abandoned his collegues at the battle field. The fact that older people continued to fight while he handed over himself to the enemy in Kenya shows a part of his hidden self to me. That is the start. Why? 2- The terrified Asxaabi might have worried about families and may not have alternative. Even so, would his actions been pardoned if he was the leader of the Jammacca? I doubt. This is not to imply that Sheikh Sharif is spying to the Americans, but assuming he is on this new path out of fear for self or families. That leaves the question, does he deserve to be a leader then? What about the others who are dying, and are risking the lives of their close families? Or their entire communties like Sheikh Xassen Dahir Aweys?? 3- The third assumption is he is convinced he is on the right track after realising the powers that face him. If he believes what he is doing now (inflating a parliament, getting a position) will bring peace to Somalia, and Ethiopia will be content with it, then I see him as naive. But I suspect he is not naive, nor does he not see where his sponsors are pushing him into? His mission from the US perspective is TO NEUTRALISE THE HARDLINE ISLAMISTS! Is he willing to do that? At the risk of fighting the same Youngetsters he ordered to the battle fileds two years back????? All these things tell me there are other motives, higher than the ones I set out here for the Sheikh. Time will tell what they are, but I keep my suspicions.
  15. NG The old man might have run because he couldnot stomach the embarrassment. Talking of rape, we all know this was not 'rape' as such but waxay leedahay wuu iqalday. That happens on a daily basis. Most of us would be guilty hadii la isa sii baadh baadho. KK Odayga ha caayin waa nin weyn oo ku dhali karee. Gabadha muuna xoogine wuu shukaansaday. Runtu waa saa. Adiga laftigaagaa waagaad yarayd ninka madaxa kuu salaaxa ee kaa mariya ma wuu i kufsaday baad hadda odhan, markaan soo baraarugto????? It was a set up Zack If Somali National Army was a national army (in the real sense) why were they killing a specific clan? Odaygu reer ahaan ayuu Jalle Siyaad u raacsanaa. Plus, I think the voice recorded by the girl is his. The set up is the part about bening 'raped' and lying about the age and circumstances. Ilaahay ha u danbi dhaafo.
  16. I heard she was over 15. By the common customs in Somalia that age is regarded is not seen as a child at least sexually for girls. I am not saying this is right, but that is how it is. So the trial has got a bit tricky because different values and standards were applied, I think. The crime I was trying to highlight was that he took up arms against the Northern fighters and have used is art to defend the dictatorial regime of Siyaad Barre. Hargeisa made him and he should have been grateful. He should not have joined hand with forces who destroyed it. I repeat he is a close uncle of mine(very very close) and I have lower regards for him for what he did there, and not for this lesser crime. Libido sometimes makes broad people do silly things. I can understand his discretion there. Gabbito, Ibti? Mise feminist google baad wax walba ku eegaysaa?
  17. Ethiopia meela ma tagin. Dooloow intay fadhiisatay destablisation'kii wadaysaa. But it may be a relief in some ways for the people of Muqdisho and other badly affected areas. Laakiin dagaal haduu ina hayaa'e ogow.
  18. Why the withdrawal of Ethiopia’s Military from Somalia won’t make a difference Ethiopia has reportedly started withdrawing its army from Somalia. At least physically, that is what they are expected to do. There are some who doubt this will happen, but my issue here is different. I am of the opinion that a new cycle of war, perhaps more devastating than the one that we saw in the last two years, is on the offing. It doesn’t take one to be a good analyst to see where it is coming from. Few weeks ago, a mysterious group by the name Ahlu-suuna wal jamaca filled media pages, after they fought with the marauding Aslhabab. Few days ago, former warlord Barre Hiirale, now a proselyte of note, entered Gedo with the support of the Ethiopians. The TFG leaders are in Addis Ababa, and surely will get instructions to the effect of not allowing the Islamists to take over the country. Strategies must have been hatched up to sustain the war machine in Somalia. All this indicate that we are entering a new phase of conflict. Against this backdrop, some are still singing to the tune of reconciliation and national reconstruction via the ‘moderate’ Sheikh Shariif. How exactly this ‘peace’ is revealed to some is a mystery to me. Don’t they see the lurking enemy, ready to sow seeds of discontent and division among the Somali’s? What is the solution? I think it is a simple one. Having diagnosed Ethiopia as the primary cause of Somalia’s problems, all those who are influenced by it must be uprooted. Only then, will reconciliation among Somali’s be possible. Who thinks peace is possible while Ethiopia is still on the driving seat on Somalia's issues?
  19. Limitations to what you can do and what you can't should not drive your assessment of a situation and your recommendations. Unlike you, I think what you think is impossible is actually possible. It may take a long time though. It needs conviction and self-belief. I am too insignificant to change the course of history, but as long as there are those who share this vision (and luckily there are millions) it will come. We may not be there though. You seem to have given up. Then please shake your head and appreciate little candies you get by way of retraction of comments, and few bottles of water delievred to wives whose husbands and children are murdered. If you see that as the solution.
  20. I am amazed by the naivity of some here. Do they realise Sarkozy is working on the schedule of the IDF? Conspiracy theory aside, I can understand why some fail to see the glaring fact that Israrel is above any law because of the support it gets from EU and US!! Stop posting nonesense, please. Dacaayada reer galbeedka yaan la wadwadin, waan og nahay in ay wada socdaane.
  21. How will a retraction of a comment by EU head help the people of Gaza? It may well be that he still belives in what he said, but just thought it was nice not to say it loud. I don't share you analysis of the Gaalo here. The people are different, but the establishment and their governments are out to get at Muslims, especially the Anglo Saxons and the Jews. It does not matter if few individuals differ from the rest of the flock. Surely, the Somali's, by and large, and those in SOL are pro-Palestine and feel their pain. That LazyG and Marx aired opinions that side with the Isreal's doesn't mean that Somali's are divided on the issue. Do you get the analogy here. If you are talking about material support, that offers a temporary relief. What the palestinians need is an eternal salvation, and reclamation of their dignity. That comes with blood and Iron. It is not a rule I set. You often sound bamboozled with the western media and their cozy analyses, and forget to focus on the real issues. Look at the big picture. The attack on Gaza is just a small, infinitesimal side issue compared to the damage done to this nation. You are right that the Gaalo runs this world and you sound almost helpless and defeated when you state that; but you must know the fight is about reversing that hegemony. The alternative to this is to get the way of Mohamud Abbas - and beg your oppressors to give you freedom. Are you joining him?
  22. Ibtisam, Apart from that it is not proved that the girl was a child when the act suppossedly happened, I am trying to see it from the angle of what happened in Somalia? Far worse things have happened. BTW, I heard it was consentual thing. How yound was she, anyway?
  23. At the end of the day, lobbying Gaalo won't be a solution. Fighting bravely is. And let us not be fooled by the tricks of this criminal tribe. What Ibtisam said about this war not being one waged by jews is the all purpose of the mission of people like this imposter jew. Let us not buy that!
  24. I call the occupied land Somaligalbeed. I don't answer for what some in my tribe call it. You see, for me this discussion is between me and you-DQ. If you are assuming we are representing clan X and Y, it is wrong. At least from my side, I speak for no one except my little self. So, you saying "adaa dhul sheegtaa" is flat lie. Ngonge I know from the Internet, from the BBC and from what I hear from people. I bet you also know some. How is that ging to affect my outlook? Or are you denying that those figures are tribalists? Do you think I will be following Somali polictics and will not happen to know their clans? Just see SOL and tell me you don't know who is from where? Some honesty please!! Tribalism is when I prefer Mr. X from My Y purely becuase he is supposed to be closer to me than the other in the maze of tribal branches. Do you see me doing that? Examples please. If you support SOmaliland ONLY becuase you are from Burco, then you are a tribalist. No philosophy here brother.
  25. Ngonge I don't ask waa Qoloma, nor do my political positions go with where my ancestry lies. That is a misperction on your part. What if I accuse you, you support the secession in the North, say for instance because your from Burco???????? It sounds logical, isn't it? But, you may have other reasons that have nothing to do with this attachment. So don't judge me, lest I may do so. Whatever i said before about you were for fun. I belive you are a good Somali. I don't believe DQ and Dukey are free from tribal sentiments.