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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Ok! They are rising. I mean they are starting to express their feelings, which for the last couple of years was put on ice, to milk Riyaale's presidency. Is that false?
  2. Originally posted by Adam-Zayla: The Israelis are not a race of Supermen/women they are just highly motivated! Motivation doesnot work in the face of differential technology. you may be motivated to your chin, but if you come to face me (with my Machingun) with Dabalaab, I will make you thin ash. By the way, the Isreal's are not highly motivated as you claim. Infact, they fear death and are cowards. they were motivated when they were fighting to get land. Desperation makes people tough.
  3. If you mean his seccesion ideas, I strongly oppose it! It can never go with my firm Somaliweyn aspiration. But I like how articulate he is. He is talking about the villages near Las Anod or on the border with Puntland. I think his analogy this time is correct. Hail Awdal!!!!!!!They are awkening.
  4. Mine is the great DIEGO ARMANDO MARADONA. There is only One Maradona. Football's Alpha and Omega. Next comes Ghoergi Hagi of Romania and Rabah Madjer of Algeria.
  5. Originally posted by AYOUB: Ngonge, Stop making excuses for them, enough is enough. He is not making excuses for THEM. HE, himself is an Arab.
  6. I follow,religiously, all the interviews of the leader of UCID, Engineer Faysal, because they are never dull. Some say he is not diplomatic, or he is mad ; but I think the man is sharp. Maybe he is not in the right profession, but no one can say he is not convincing in his arguments. See what he said when HCTV asked him why he opposes that voter registration is done on the peripherial villages of Sool. “You have Las Anod. What is the logic of taking the boys who are doing fantastic job to villages where you know they will face problems. Above all, why would we give a propaganda victory to those who would make a spectacle out of a minor incident.” Then, the Journalist asked him if the Engineer doesn’t think that it is mandatory that all areas are reached to legitimise the elections. Here is where Feysal’s unique talent was revealed. “Adeer” he said, “ North Uganda waligeed doorasho kama dhacdo. Yet Uganda is going to elections. Hangaraarac lug qudha uma dhutiyo. Therefore, you don’t have to reach every village to make the elections credible. They are credible as we stand.” When he was asked why he thinks Riyaale has not done enough for the cause of recognition, this is what he said: “ Adeer, wafti baan Hargeisa ku soo dhaweyney or Jaaliyadda Kuwait baan la soo shiray is not working for recognition.” Describing the level of ignorance by the general public, he narrated an incident he witnessed somewhere in the rural parts of Sahil. “I saw this man standing next to the boys who were doing the registration. The boys managed to eneter into the database more than 270 voters in short period. But the man did not understand why the boys were taking so long to register him. And he blurted out in rage: “KUWAN YARYAR HADAYNA SHAQEEYNEY, USHAAS BAAN KAGA SHAQEEYSIIN ”. The engineer Laughed when he finished the story. The kind of laugh you see on the faces of your friends when talking over tea. It was a good sight. He is funny, direct and in most cases gives honest answers.
  7. Awdal is revolting as well. I am afraid tii duushay inay soo dagayso. Afterall, what goes up, must come down.
  8. Xaaji Xundjuf is the best Somalilander in SOL. Ngonge is fake.
  9. Chavez is a man with big balls. None of Ngonge's favourite Arabs could dare to expel an Israeli student.
  10. Dear Sheik Nur, Many thanks for asking. I will give you a breif summary of two paragraphs. But I will like you to go and see the background below which is taken from an article I wrote in 2006. I will like to say that how the name come up and what the organisation should be called is not the real issue. For your information, the ONLF have repeatedly called on other clans in the region, for example, in Jigjiga, Shinile and Liben to organise themselves in whatever name they deem right and resist the colonisers. It offered to consider the change of name should that condition be met. Despite the claim of the region, it is only fighting in OGN clan inhabited areas and is not trying to impose its will on other clans. What holds others from taking up the gun is the mystery????? The ONLF has also not included Islam in its official charter in order not to face the wrath of the west. They understand that Ethiopia will use it to undermine their 'non-religious' localised aspirations. I think that is prudent. But, I don't think the name Islam will disappear from the charter of a free Somaligalbeed under the leadership of ONLF. ------------- BACKGROUND The acrimony over the name ‘OGDN’ and the disarray among Somali’s The name OGDN in the ONLF has started to generate an untimely dispute and rancor; Untimely, because there should have been other priorities. Yes, the name is the genesis of the acrimony; but certainly not the most difficult to resolve. I will ask a question here, just to show what the real difference is? What should we do now as Somali’s in the region? For the sake of the argument, let us shelf the name and agree on Somali-galbeed or a generic ‘Hawd area’ for that matter. Among the likely answers will be: - Let us come together, take a common name and continue the struggle - Let us stop the fight and seek ‘our rights’, ‘peacefully’: this will need a definition of ‘rights’ and ‘peacefully’. That subjectivity and vagueness is bound to divide people further, I presume. - We ended up in this situation because ONLF chose to fight - No, we are here because we refused to be ‘colonized’ again : this time under a ‘sugar-coated’ pseudo-federalism label - Business can be done with the regime in Addis Ababa - No. no more tricks. We should fight for our rights. After all, freedom is earned, not given as alms. - We should unite first, then fight - No, we can’t wait to unite under occupation. The lack of unity is not an exogenous factor. It is an endogenous one. That factor has to disappear, first. These are, by no means, the only answers. I will ask the readers to add theirs. Nor do the questions end there: Each answer will branch out a myriad of questions. The following ones might be some: - If business can be done with Addis Ababa, What business? To what end? - Ought the struggle to be for self-determination or for ensuring rights ‘within Ethiopia’? Can our rights be ensured in Ethiopia, anyway? What are the risks, expectations and fall back plans for shocks? - Who do we define ourselves as? Somalis or Ethiopian? - What vision do we have for our progeny and for posterity? What culture? The intention here is neither to give answers or suggestions to these difficult questions nor to solicit opinions on this. It is simply to illustrate that the divisions are much more deep than the name. Coming back to the name, proponents include those who are adamant that the region was called ‘OGDN’ and should be called so. This group is not necessarily a collection of tribalists. Most of these people argue from historical perspective and the ‘dual’ advantages that name will have for the struggle against Abyssinian occupation: we are not Ethiopian; nor followers of ‘Somali irredentism’. Another group is tribalists who cling to the name ‘to the letter’ and would not like to accommodate others’ concerns: now or in the future. Opponents are equally diverse. Some are those who are the other side of the coin of the latter group of the proponents: OGDN-phobes who get goose pimples at the mention of that name. And, would rather live under ‘Christian’ occupation; than those they detest. Others are those who don’t understand why another Somali clan would use a name that is not inclusive at the expense of one that is just fit for everybody. These ones are suspicious of a hidden agenda; but not necessarily hostile to the other clan or less ‘nationalists’. A third group is beneficiaries of the current ‘TPLF’ regime and aspirants for the loot in the region: not from any particular clan; but a coterie of opportunists from Liben to Qabridahar. Their rainbow colours also mirror their arguments for and against the ONLF and the struggle. Not surprisingly, arguments for subordination range from we should ‘develop’ ourselves first; we would have enjoyed more rights had there been no rebellion against the Tigres, and so on. That argument holds little water in the face of the evidence on the ground. The land annexed to Oromia, as an appeasement, is Babile, Chinac-sani, and Diredawa. Not the land of the ‘rebellious’ clans. And Danbal is not much developed than Danan. Yes, most of those killed are from the ‘rebellious’ clan; but also at least it is in this clan’s areas that almost 100% of the civil servants are from the locals-not highlanders; as opposed to Awbare and Shinile. On the proponents side, yes the region was called OGDN (which areas were under this name is disputed), but the challenges today are different. A significant level of animosity has been created by a powerful enemy as part of its ‘divide and rule’ policy. Furthermore, the disintegration of Somalia and the death of Somali nationalism severely undermined trust among us; and most importantly we are in changing and dynamic environment and need to change with the times. Intellectual obsolescence is manifested by sticking to ideas or names clearly no more applicable to the facts on the ground. Change of strategy must be in the menu of true freedom fighters and prudent leaders. I call upon the ONLF to initiate wide ranging political discussions among the ‘nationalist’ Somali’s in the region with the prospect of changing the name. For now, I am of the view, changing the name will only have a symbolic importance as opposed to substantial result. Why? The SNM name didn’t helped to propel others to join in the fight in the North-Western Somalia. Many still associated the name with a particular clan. Yet, symbolic moves to accommodate the feelings of the wider public are a manifestation of political maturity and would allay fears of nationalist sections. The ‘nationalist’ Somalis would do justice to themselves if they play a proactive role in initiating such discussions and most importantly denounce the massacres of their brothers as a good-will gesture. It is one thing to oppose a functioning and in many cases creditable organization like ONLF; it is quite another to sit and wait who will win the ongoing battle. “…they come for the communist, and then the Jews, and then…” It could be you next time around. Who knows what would have happened to the people of Somali-galbeed and the flicker of identity they hold onto until today, had it not been for the gallant struggle of the ONLF!!
  11. Originally posted by NGONGE: [QB] Duke, ps Qarxis time. Did you know that the person right in the middle of your signature looks exactly like A&T? The one right in the middle. Err, I mean the one with the glasses. TRUE STORY. Waryaa do you mean one of the musharixiinta Puntland in Duke's Signature looks like A&T???? The middle one ayaan u malayen; retract the glasses confusion. I don't look like Cadde Musse. I am skinny. I am not corrupt as well:D Seriously, I have to admire your detective skills!!
  12. lool@ the general! Nuune But it is the fact! I should or not should have said is another discussion.
  13. Marx islaanta ha ku qarxin dee hadaad hoos uwada hadasheen. waa ku sidee! Hawa gadiska inay eedo ma aha?
  14. actually i think he must be either 'people who sell xawad', or 'people who twist other's arms'. Those two live in Hiiran.
  15. Look KK, Now we are talking seriously, the issue is simple. I don't condone rape or even consentual sex outside a legal and xalaal marriage. That has to be clear first. Second, my information (including what the girl is said to have claimed) is that there was no rape at all. The girl is saying he cheated her by giving sweets and so on. Now, that qualifies as "cheating", not rape in our definion. In the west, making intercourse with your wife if she is not happy qualifies as rape. Let us not mix the two definions. Having said so, I am not still saying ours is good or bad!! Third, there are many girls at that age who refuse to do what some others at the same age do. A girl who is willing to go with a man for a xaaran at 15 will likely do it at 25 or 35. So, don't make the young girl clean as well. I think the old man just happened to be one among many customers, if you want to know what I think of the girl. "meel lawada galo unbuu galay odaygu" siday ila tahay. Way qarinaysaa waxay samaysay, because she wants to get vengence without going through the ignominy that comes with the act she has done. Both are criminals.
  16. He is another warlord in the warlord TFG government. I heard his name only once before, when he was fighting for the governorship of Hiraan with another one called Dabageed. I remember the name because of "GARASO" of cars. I think he was Kirishboy in his past life.
  17. She will be Dhaylo. Do I like her to slewp with men? NO! NO!. But if she does, I will blame her. I think a 15-16 year old should know better. But moralitic discussion was not the issue. The thing was does it happen? And I think it is happening everyday. I am merely stating a fact. And worse it is not even the biggest crimes happening back home. I am objecting to the 'selective' nature of the labelling, not to the fact that it is immoral.
  18. Waryaa Marx, you don't thank those who riskied their cyberlife like AT&T soo ma'aha?
  19. "...And obliging Tolka-men collide chins for catchy paragraphs." The BOOK OF THE EIGTH EPOCH. Lagama hadlin Garoowe horumarkeeda ee sheekaa soo dhexgashay. But if you still insist, there is a bigger villa in Danbarweyne built by MSF-B but that area is far from developed.
  20. ^ You remember your enemies, but you never thank your friends, soo ma aha?
  21. Maya, xitaa haduu laabta gabadha yar u salaaxay danbi uu ilaahay kagalay weeye. Millions do the same. I am not condoning it, but I can understand it. Anagaba ilaahay hanaga dhaafee waan salaaxnay meelo ka daran, and yet we are not a fugitive or in the limelight. Maybe he is unlucky that his is known by the public. Nuune iyo raggan meesha jooga kii aan cunug yar salaaxiin, islaan buu murqaha ka saaray. That can also be seen as "abusing the elderly". Gabbito hotcat??????