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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. You, yourself Faarax, is like sheikh Shariif. Flipflopping. Where you not the same one who was saying let us give the caravan a chance????? Believe it or not, but I get good intelligence reprts from Addis Ababa. That is why I have always maintained the mission in Djibouti was a set up. Trust me when I tell you I have even read with my own eyes a circular from Ethiopia's foriegn Ministry to all embassy's ( I found it in Ethiopian Embassy where the ambassador is a Somali who I know). The circular was an updating all embassies. It was when Sheikh Shariif was In Asmara. It spoke of a potential breakup of the ARS(Ethiopian FM claiming the credit) and rightly predicted that Sheikh Sharif and Shariif Xassen who were in Yemen will not return to Asmara. Tyhe same circular had the name of Cali Khalif Galaydh, claiming that he was on a visit to Ethiopia at the time, and said the fact that the presence of such a formidbale critic of Ethiopia in Addis Ababa showed that Ethiopa's policy of neutralizing Eritrea's plans is working. So, anaga waxa Ethiopia ka shaqeynayso nagama qarsoona, ee Somaalida ilaa ay gidaarka soo taabato war kala qaadan.
  2. This is stating the obvious. How old are you, adiga laftigaagu horta???? Shimibir ba shimbirkiisuu la duula yaana ku dhex waalane?
  3. I think we will only wait till he lands in Kismayo. I am expecting the statement to be issued from there. But NG, seriously, XInn ma ahlu sunna wal jamaacaa'baa?????
  4. Ibti When I was your age, I thought the same way you think now. I doubt you will think the same way when you reach my age. How I worked men of wisdom with childish self-assuredned during those days? And worse, the tendancy is to speak with the finality of God and to be so sure of youreself. It is the age. I have observed your comments, and while intelligence (academic and emotional is there), experience is what you luck. Mark my words: you will not believe in most of what you believe in your youthful zeal now in 10 years time.
  5. No luck this time. I am focused. I have waited for this moment for too long.
  6. Ibti you are kid fed US and Isreal mightiness propaganda. I pity you. They have weapons, yes, but there is no reason why the Palestinians wouldn't acquire one day. You speak as if the game is over and no one can match Israel. I say that is myopic. As to the madaxa qufulan, well it is your right to think so. As I say, way ku waaleen reer galbeedku. I pity you.
  7. Adam Isreal baa la cabsiiyey. Saaxib, they will be overrun in hours. 14 million cannot fight over half-billion. Simple.
  8. The sources also say Che had been influential in silencing critics of Caravan, not becuase he believed in it, but in revrence to Xinn. One key informat to this article said he had an agreement with CHE to leave Xinn alone. That deadline for that agreement apparaently ended today. CHE, why do you pretend you don't know who I join? Do I need to rejoin anyone anew? Of course, the Amiir Sheekh Mukhtar Roobow and Sheekh Xassen Dahir have always been my leaders.
  9. I have always suspected Xinn to be a Suufi with big Tusbax. I will not be surprised if he joins "Ahlu sunna wal jammaca".
  10. Now we seem to agree. Motivation comes as an issue when the two sides match one another on the technical side. And when it comes to motivation, I think someone who is willing to blow himself up is more motivated than someone who ducks under a Tank for hours before he crosses a street in Gaza.
  11. Originally posted by NGONGE: This, of course, begs a question. Will he too retreat to Garowe mese tiiso Kismaayaay aheed? I think he might already be on hisway to Kismayo. Hadayna Pirates dhexda ku qabsan.
  12. Haneefah Walaal, ducadaadi waa la aqbalay. Waad aragtaa wax san mooye in wax xun afkayga laga la'yahay. Pray in ilaahay ii siyaadiyo.
  13. Good to see Ibtisam almot agreeing with me on the futility of humanitarian assitance and diplomatic gestures. A palestinian whose house and properties were destroyed will makea new one, only until the next operation. That is why I call for a lasting Armagedeon. Meesha waa in lagu kala baxaa. My planning time is centuries. Let the hostility continue and the one with something to enjoy will be the one who will find the going tough!
  14. Adam Meel kalaad ka heesaysaa walaal. I am not disputing that the Palestinians will be more motivated than the other Arabs who are not directly affected. That is all too obvious. I am dispiuting that the Isreal's are somehow unique now. If they were determined then, they are not anymore. That is my assesment. I bet the Palestinians will beat them with ease if they have a technology even remotely close to APache and Abrahams tanks. I watch the TV and see the fear in the Isreali Soldiers.
  15. Sources close to Xinn told the unassociated rixle , that he will concede and rescind his support to the Djibouti Peace plan, famously dubbed the Caravan by himself. These sources say Xinn decided to make a statement of apology after realising that Ethiopia, the main handler of the fake TFG is decidedly working to pull the rug under the feet of this feeble agreement by arming warlords and urging the remnants of the TFG to regroup and fight the Alshabab. The return to warldorism is not a new strategy to perpetuate the cycle of violence and anarchy in Somalia, but it is revealed that this time it is being waged under a new banner of “Ahlu-Sunna Wal Jamaca”. Notorious warlords such as Abdi Waal, Adan Garaaso, Barre Hirrale and others have resurfaced and sources based in Godey say the Ethiopians are arming thousands of clan militias in the wake of the much publicised withdrawal from Somalia. It is also rumoured that Nuur Cadde and Adan Madooe were warned not to waste time with Sheikh Shariif by Ethiopia and will go it alone with the selection of a new president. With the TFG disintegrating, warlords flourishing and Ethiopia’s hand still in Somalia, some doubt that the peace Caravan has the potency to be reconciling A&T and Dhulqerneyn, let alone the wider belligerent sections of the Somali society. Having read the script of what is to transpire, these sources say, Xinn is mulling to declare the Caravan lost or dead, and to join those he ridiculed as war-mongers for so long in the last ditch effort to save face. Analysts say this will be a courageous move which will salvage some pride for the man many in SOL forum admire for his level-headedness and sound judgement. Others, including his long time ally, NGONGE confided to this writer that the man could decide to continue to sing the same music with a bit of adaptations in the forms of ifs and buts. Ngonge said Xinn is well versed in the art of wrong-footing those who take him for granted and cautioned against premature celebrations by the writer and those who feel the events on the ground vindicated the rightness of their arguments all along.
  16. Meeshan Ingiriiskeeda ma fahamo, when the feminine talk. Malika is more direct, laakin SHEH iyada waxeeda sting like a bij ma dhaafo miyaa? Blame my awkward english. Salaams gabdho. Malika, kac ka xaroo dhaxanta if it is snowing.
  17. What is good for their clans is to take the money from the care-taker husband and wait for the real husband to arrive. That works fine for me too.
  18. I see your paranoia. I see that you think everyone is getting at your sacred cow. I see conspiracy theory trumphs in your little world. I see you don't think Jama Mohamed Qaliib is after Somaliweyn.
  19. They take their feifdom and will go. Not that of others. SSC and Awdal people will decide their fate! Fair enough. If you don't want to be with clan X and XX becuase of X and XX; clan Y in British Somaliland doesn't to be with SL because of Y and YY. Why is that a problem?
  20. Originally posted by Adam-Zayla: A&T - Sure there civilian population might fear death but it's not them i'm referring to in my post! They have the most motivated army in the WORLD, when they fight conventional wars they fight with the mentality that losing is 'extinction' Losing is not an option for them! If you enter in a war with them you better be going with the frame of mind that your probably going to die or you might as well stay put cause that's the mentality there soldiers have in conventional wars. Where did you get this from? from the myth's created by Leon Uris's "Exodus" and Ken Follet's novels " Our man in Damsacus". All this hyperthropic sense of superiority is created to frighten Arabs and others. They are just ordinary human beings, with the frailities of a human. They have a brave and a coward one. They have a dedicated and not dedicated one. That they won wars doesn't mean they are superior to anybody. Get your facts right. Xayaysiiska western media ha ku mashquulin. Or are you one of those people who actually believe the MOSAD is now looking at my little self as I insult Isreal? Isreal is mighty? My foot!
  21. I am wishing you a happy re-union with the brothers. That isn't harm. I don't want Somaliland disapper, I merely want they join the rest; for we Somali's are indivisible. This mentality that Somalilander's will not survive without going it alone is a poision. Who put it in your head? Shaydaanka iska naara oo dadkiina dhinaca ka raaca!
  22. ME is wrong today. Unsually he says good things. Why behave as if Palestine isn't a priority to us, somali's??????/
  23. If your somalinimo beliefs could give way to this segmental rethoric only because of one unfortunate incident, it was shaky all along. Join the Mujaahidiin and Faysal Cali et al then. And march toward the Southeast!!! May God make the road like a piece of cloth. Hooooooooooooo! From your A&T.
  24. Originally posted by Malika: ^ :rolleyes: Anywho, A&T;Land for whom, Israels or Jews? Salaams Sis, Jews. Anywho, why does the difference matter now. I mean between Jews and Israel's. That jews are a subset of Isreal's?
  25. rising against the clan agenda of secession.