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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Waryaa Mujaahid, Gabadha ka qalee, ceebtaada Allah ha asturee.
  2. Faysal will not win. Silaanyo will. It is all a sham. Don't make it sound as if it is going to be close. Faysal is competeting just for the thrill. On Borama registration, I accpet my mistake for mixing up the two scenarios. But, that won't alter the fundamental conclusion. It even supports my case further. Reer Borama are tying to get Riyaale back to power, and I can vividly see the hand of money and tola'yey there. It doesn't show they are pro-secssion. As long as you wilfilly think Xaabsade and Riyale represent SSC and Awdal, I have the right to fake that Buuba (coming from rer Suldaan) represents the feelings of those around Salaxley.
  3. Why don't you see the reverse logic. Maybe it is kuwa jagada la siiyay uun kuwa SL raacsan. Can that be a possiblity?
  4. Why do you belittle Xidigo's ability to mobilise? If the common Awdalite think like her, then why not declare 'the state of Awdal'?? What is so special about the "Somaliland state" that makes the occuring of the other so unreal??? BTW, adigu maad imtixaanaadkaagi ku mashquusid, Xaajiga iyo Ngonge ayaa tolka sii difaaciye?
  5. This state should have been declared a longtime ago. What will the SNM do? Invade Borame? Awdalities should know they hold the key to the restoration of the unity of Somalia. What they do matters. The dream of the secessionsts will end when brave Awdal men tell them off. Without Awdal, Makhiir and Sool, what will be the foundation for a unilateral declaration of Independence? None. The charade will all come out to the open. I like the SNM in so far they were an instrument of liberation, to free the oppressed people of a particluar clan. They have done good in that field, and brought freedom to that clan from tyranny. But when they morph into a force of division and subjugation (forcing others to accept what they don't believe in- as in the case of Las Anod), It should be resisted. Men of good judgement from that said clan agree that the issue is not to have a 'state' for the sake of having it, but ensure that past injustices are not repeated again. That is fair and the soultion is a just and democratic Somalia, where clan plays no role in individual's social, economic and political progression. It is so much amount Individual rights, thah group rights. For groups are an aggregation of individuals.
  6. Originally posted by roobleh: ^^Somalilander-nimo is an allegiance to the Somaliland Republic, its customs and institutions. And Somalilander is a person who is a citizen of that country. It was better if you said "Somalilander-nimo is an allegiane to "reer-hebelnimo", its roots and its ficil. And Somalilander is a person who is a citizen of that reer. By the way, your talk about Obama's election not based on race is false. 99% of the Blacks voted for him. The majority of whites voted for McCain. As always, race alone was not suffiecent. Money was important as well. It is not by chance that Hillary Clinton has to come down to Florida to beg the Hispanics (as a race) to vote to Obama. Markaa don't mystify things. Hunguri Declare Makhir a state and end the story. Ama ogolow in Siyaasada lagu kala adkaan karo oo u hogaansan doorashada however flowed it may have been. Laakiin, waxaa kaa muuqata qabyaalad cadde dee kor u bax saaxib. Waa maxay tolaa'yeydu???/ At this age and times!!
  7. Koora Tuunshe Ilaa shalay waan ku raadinaye, ma nabad baa? I am sorry the General lost.
  8. Ayoub misrepresented my views. That is cheap. Oodweyne didn't say anything that deserves an answer. His frenzied spewing of ungrammatical grandiloquence is quite in character, all of it obfuscatory. There is no good argument, hence, oodweyne's tact is "let me bamboozle with all sorts of orotundities". It is a shell.
  9. Wait when Riyaale leaves power. The Awdalites are the most pro-somalia people in that part of the world. Adigu, o! I was lied to uun ha igu odhan maalin dhow. Go and ask the guy who teaches you about how things are in Somaliland, waa maxay this thing a mad man AT is saying. Or at least go and listen to some Awdalities who are not pro-secession. You will get some insights into the issue. I can tell you if Ilk-jir becomes President in SL, Makhir will replace Awdal and sing the tune until it is time to get serious. Oh, I forgot. So, Xaabsade represents the people around Las Anod? No problem. Ilka-xanaf and Buuba are representatives of SL, and they are part of the TFG. Fair enough,hadii la is jikaarayo.
  10. Ibtisam' field of study is not Public Choice and its theories. She merely confuses what she sees in Britian or America with what happens in other countries. And she likes to adopt one model. I can bet Silaayo will be the next president in Somaliland, and his election is no more legal or moral than that of faroole. If farole is selected by 65 people, Silaanyo is selected by lesser members of his clan who said this time was taayadii. He is using clan to get to power. Whether islaan and a kid queued up to vote doesnot change anything. The kid was told by his families to vote for Silaanyo. The family were told by the Ugaaska reerka.
  11. I can't show Stevie Wonders that Steven Gerard wears Red shirt. I can only tell him. If you are looking for dissent, it is there. Do you think the people of Las Canood are happy with the conquering SNM army and its stooge- the mercenery Xaabsade? They don't want to fight for there is no reason to do so. If recogniton and boundary setting comes, or if the south gets a government, then, I will be able to show you. For now, I can tell you.
  12. Adigu wax badan ma ogid on these issues. Waa lagu cabbeyey uun. By the way, do you know where Dharwanaje, Harawo are? Do you know where tuulada Mohamed Ahmed is? or Ina-guuxaa? No, you know Al-bustaani, Fallujah, Ajman. Can you stomach how it will make you angry if I were to debate you about where those areas are?
  13. Xiinoow meeshi ceebaa ka dhacday. reerkii ma isagii unbaa is doortay.
  14. Ayoub Unless you are an out and out knave, which I think you are not, you don't need to over-philosiphy the debate here. The nature of the issue at hand in Kilil5 is fundamentally different than that in SL. You know that. According to public choice thoery, there is no single social ordering of preferences that satifies all. or so says Kenneth Arrows "impossibility theorem". But, the least imperfect is that one allows the majority preference to reign. So, the majority in Kilil5 do not want to be with Ethiopia. But that will only be true when a free and independent referendum is conducted. The same may be the case in Somaliland. The majority (but predominantely from one clan) do not want union. But, that is a proposition, not yet a fact. The minority in here will unleash violence to stop their lands being labelled what it isn't, unlike the case in kilil5. The analogy will make sense if, for instance, ONLF wants to call Jigjiga and Dire Dawa Oga.deni.a. The problem that SL faces now will come then. Curiously what you throw as an inconsistency at me ( that I am shabab in mogdishu, Democratic in kilil5, and 4.5 in SL) points to the firm vision I have for Somali's. I want them to re-unite and form the biggest economy and the most flourishing cultural civilization in East Africa. CAll it a daydream, if you wish. But don't call it inconsistency.
  15. Does Che believe that one man one vote brings the best man to power, regardless of how a society is organised. Well, they have it in South Africa, and Jacob Zuma is coming. Well i don't need to tell you who he is. I mean the Machine-gun man who just washes after having sex with an HIV+. Wiisa Umshini wam!CHE. Bring my Machine-gun.
  16. Originally posted by LayZie G.: Emperor, where is the democracy eedo? Why aren't the people having a hand at electing their governor? IGNORANCE 101. Direct Presidential elections is not the only form of elections. Parliamentary elections are valid as well. Indeed, in a society where the majority of the population are not literate, direct voting is not necessarily better in terms of stopping organised groups(elites) from usurping power. Parties are manipulated by interst groups too. Public choice theories ha la aqriyo. There is no reason why the election of Silanyo (if it happens) will be more valid than that of Faroole. Afterall, Silaanyo will be elected becuase he gets support from his sub-clan, and becuase he forms allainces with other politicians who will bring reerkooda in exchange for a prize later. Yet another fart from LazyG. I saw Ibtisam wrote similar thinks on another thread.
  17. This is one of the few instances when there is no technical solution to the problem. Either the fundamental religious paradigms and beliefs of the two people must be redefined, or one of them must disapper. It seems that way. I think Isreal's land grap needs to be reversed. Two-state solution the way US sponsors is another injustice. All refugees must come back and Israel should get a tiny protion of the present land. That their fathers lived there million years ago doesn't mean they shoud share it. By that analogy, the RED Indians must get back LOS ANGELS.
  18. Hunguri is a typical average Somali. He thinks if his uncle loses, it is the end of the world. PeaceAction imika ha sasabin Hunguri. Waad u qayisheen janankiiye. It was farce all along.
  19. Sheikh Bob, waa maxay waxan alla-bariga iyo oohinta u dhaxeeya eed wadaa uun. Take up issus saaxib and work to change what is happening in Somalia. Support those you think are on the right course in the conflict there. Kuli way qaldan yihiin af ma aha. Somali's are just human beings. Not better, not worse than others. Where you came from now, Angola, waxay isla mareen waad ogtahay. yet, it ended. Ours will end too.
  20. yes, he wasn't but ME can still favour him. I thought it is about who was your favorite, not who was the best? Anyway, NG, who do you think was better? Roberto Baggio or Gheorgi Hagi? I mean if we are ranking those mentioned. BTW do you know Rabah Madjer of Algeria?
  21. How would you have proposed the Israel's and Palestinians to live in peace? Some ideas eedo. I just can't see how? Bal ii sheeg and I will follow you.
  22. There will be no Future Kilil5. It will join Somalia. Xaguu hadalku kaa marayaa Mujaahid. Only one referendum. What you had in Burco was not a refrendum. The SNM was a player in the issue at hand, and a referendum done by it alone is not legally valid. Even if we talk legalistically, if you want to end the marraiage the other partner has to be there. I am not even going that far. I am only making the point that it is a mystery why whoever is from the North and I meet in other parts of the world is not telling me he is "a lander". So far, only those from a certain triangle tell me they are. Guys from Las Caanood, badhan, Awdal, and etc tell me they are Somali's from Somalia. Not Landers.
  23. Who got hold of the good ME? Wiilka yaa summer'kan gacanta ku hayay. Soo kan sheekadii Saraakiisha Soomalida ee Rushka loo diro marakay soo ilbaxayaan ay billaabi jireen la yimid???????/
  24. Che Since when did you see a qualified person leading Somali's?? A qualified person today will stay away from such filth-rideen posts. Meel la isku ceebeeyo ninna kuma ordeen. Having said that, I have to say I was baised towards Ilka-jiir, just because guys here in SOL said he is good man. Plus, it would have really sent a chill onto the bending back of oodweyne and co. Tolow Koora-Tuunshe xaguu cadhadii isku duuduubay! Maanta bakhtigaa u xalaal ah.