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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. THis is a process run by Ethiopia. The Amharic speaking Azhari (incidentally from my home town) is the front-runner. My Intel sources say Ethiopia wants him. But he is a useless opportunist, who supported the ocuppation of the country.
  2. Hadii guri aad leedahay Oo lagula eqel galay Ducco aan gabbobeyn Ayaan kugu galbinayaa! Ubad kuu gargaaraan Arooskaaga geeyoo Ubax gun iyo baar baxay Ayaan kugu galbinayaa Sends shiver down my spine! heesta ha sheegen adeer!! I listen to Moge on a daily basis, as it is the default CD in my car. One of the favourite songs is also "Waxaan tagay shacbaankii". I like this part: "La sharaxay qardhaasti Sheekhi gacanta ii gali Wixxii shiinno lagu qoray Ma shirabin qardhaastii Ma shirabin qardhaasti" And Idil. By the way Ayoub, PM me on what you promised.
  3. The room was packed by several Somali’s surfing the web for different purposes. From Daynille to All puntland, from Carmooyin to Safka-hore, from Wardheernews to Aminarts, from xargaga to BBC. I have the feeling most were looking for news about their homeland. Many were also chatting with families and friends. I was being nagged by Dhulqarneyn and Oodweyne (that is last Friday night) on Somaliaonline. A dark man in his early 30s sat in the booth next to mine. Another bespectacled one joined him soon. “ ‘Nasro’ weeye magacu.” I overheard one of them saying. “But, it says ‘nafta’ on this account.” The other one replied. “Waa isla iyadii. Go on. Labada magacba waa iyada” That the two individuals were in the same booth and discussing about what I consider to be a 'private’ matter cropped up my interest and I dropped my ears towards them. The bespecteled man read what the girl ( or maybe the women) was saying. This is what I heard, as the man kept on translating the message to the dark man loudly. “ …me, as I told you, have been in relationship before. I quit it long time ago, and had no interest in restarting one for a long time. But, I am ready to start talking to you,…and get to know you more…” The translations went like this: “ anigu qof hore oo aan xidhiidhi la’lahaa wuu jiray; laakin Single ayaan hada ahey…inaan is barano...” “I have started my degree and wish to continue studying for the coming four years. I am also partly working…I have no idea of where my families- mother (she mentioned that) are. …Sorry, I cannot speak or read Somali. But I hope to improve it with you…” The translator was an honest man. He told the guy everything literally. Word by word. Including, ..iga raali ahow for sorry. The man in love, with crossed legs and sitting diagonally, kept on nodding and shaking head. What made me laugh and almost brought their eyes to me is when the girl said “Ok, thank you and take care”. The translator said to the guy “ nabad galyo,...isna ilaali...taxadar” The man chucked and said “way la socotaa South Africa inay dhib badan tahay”. She must have earned some points as a considerate girl with this misinterpretation on his part. I didn’t see but I think her picture was attached in the e-mail. I heard the man say bal fur. It was opened. And then I heard the dark man saying “ caadi ma aha!...ya?... Way farax santahay.” I knew the girl was smiling on the picture. Then, the man’s turn arrived. And the translator went on writing his reply. “arimuhuu xaggana way fiican yihiin” qor he told the translator who was not good in English himself. I couldn’t sit there anymore. I let out a big guffaw and stood up. They looked at me intensely, but they didn’t seem annoyed. They must have thought something I was reading made me laugh. Conveniently, I was in the mood to smile by what Dhulqarenyn wrote to me (he was saying Caana boodhe ciyaala suuqnimada jooji ), which I actually showed to my wife later. I visualised the day the dark guy will meet the advanced girl.
  4. Originally posted by Suldaanka: A&T, LOL there are many versions out there. But anigu qof war gal ah ayaan ka soo xigtay oo waliba ka mid ahaa ragii aaskii Mooge ka qayb galay. You are absolutely wrong about where the attack took place. The fact is, the Toyota pickup truck was ambushed in a place called "meermeerta" which is located about 10 or so kilometres "South West" of Awaare. Meermeerta, as the name suggests is a very strategic place - ninkii wax doonaya inu dilo halkaa meel kaga haboon maba jirto. He is burried in Aware itself, waliba geed caana oo marka afka galbeed magalada laga galo ku yaala oo magaciisa la yidha "Geedka Weerane" . ( Anigoo caruura ayaan meesha baabuur ku maray - hadaan ogaanlaa salaan sharaf ayaan isla taagi lahaa ) As for the assassins being ONLF/WSLF, all we know is that they were professional fully trained soldiers and not your average armed nomad. There is no doubts that Siyad Barre's NSS were fully behind it - they planned it, timed it and executed it with precision. The killings soured the relationship between the local clans there and it ignited a long bitter civilwar where maybe hundreds died from the local clans. Consider you and RedSea lucky, hadii meesha aad joogi lahaydeen ninba dhinac ayuu dagaalka ka soo gali lahaa (LOL ). This is the correct version. He was killed between Aware and Dagahbur, and exactly where suldanka mentioned. The KM I mentioned was just from my head, but the place is a place where legend has that a man and a lion are buried side by side. Thank you suldaanka. He died from the ambush, not from the wound. I haven't implied that. Anyway, one of the assasins a man called Abdullahi Gheele was my Quran teacher at one point. He was the man killed by a dying member of the killed group and his body was displayed in town. MAcalinku maalinkaa ambushka ardada wuu fasaxay for one day. Where is Ayoub and his version now??????????/ Aaska waan joogay anigu.
  5. Anchi Haneefah, salaam nesh? This is in praise of you from the heart. This is a person who utters nothing but khayr and nasteex. It is unmistakable that she has been raised with the hands of a noble family. I take this moment to salute her and thank her for reminding me the path of redemption and virtue. I have never seen her making a gaffe, and that is remarkable for a person interacting with thousands on a regular basis.
  6. Call it the caana-boodhe syndrome. I didn't meant to be hard on you. Just thought you think somalia is puntland and puntland is somalia. Puntland is the home for you, the rest of somalia - the house. With the detour, outside - US or maybe Albion.
  7. Most will, but some will come back not happy. I am just being realistic, not cruel.
  8. Written in good spirit, but without much practical recommendations. Moral appeals to the general public is good but not a solution. Surely, the writer doesnot expect Alshabab, TFG, warlords and other factions to embrace one another one morning and sing "somaliyey tooso!". It is unnatural, unprecedented, and borders delusion. The conficlt is on a mix of ideology and interst (with the face of clan) and surely one of the sides must win. The winner must start the process of reconcilliation.
  9. Saaxib, I never suffer from worrying about Somaliland's secesion. I know one the south thing is sorted out, the first international meeting will convince them to go back to the marraige. Otherwise, there is no passport, and hence no travel. That is as easy as it is. The anger will give way to pragmatic thinking. Even JB will go to Somalia embassy to get a new set of travel documents.
  10. confused and vindictive souls are coming to this forum with their venom by the day. The latest edition is Oda_nobunaga. Viva tolka! Reer-hebel ha jabo. I know your enemies. Waa rer-hebel.
  11. Good transformation on the part of DQ. Waryaa, that is the language I long waited from you. Taking me as one of your own. Not telling me I belong elsewhere. Bravo DQ! One wonders if Yey's fall thought you tribal agenda has no future.
  12. Nobody can help you on this. You have the details of the matter and you alone can decide. Frankly, it is not even a big challenge. you are not yet married. If your love for her outweighs your concerns about her character, you will marry her. If not, you will not. I don't think you should marry her out of pity or consideration. My feeling is she loves you more than you do love her. It is unequal love relationship, like most. All the things she has done are not big deal. She just neeeds re-assurance. With that trust will come. the other possiblity is she is looking for excuse, but you already said she loves you. So, basically just try to re-assure her by returning her love in equal measure. If she is texting you twice, do it three times from your end, and so on. If that is not a soultion, drop her. She has no self-confidence which tells me she thinks she is the junior partner in this relationship. Maybe she thinks she is no match to you. Waryaa, be gentle but firm. And know that whatever decision you take now, you don't have to regret later after marraige. If it works, fine. If not, fine. Be sure you went into it willingly. That is the most important thing. That is what I preach, not necessarily what I would have done. I would have dropped her immediately, haddaan ani ahay. I mean, who wants wareer. Ma baanaan isguursane, goormaann buuq galaa?
  13. I think what it means is that while the boundaries are set based on coordinates, the actual demarcation on the ground is not done. Actual demarcation does not exist between Somalia aand Ethiopia.
  14. Originally posted by Suldaanka: A&T, You are partly correct. The men who assassinated Mooge were from your tribe and in fact were members of the WSLF/ONLF but trained and financed by the Siyad Barre's Secret Services (NSS). There were no 13 people or anything close to that number. They were just 5 of them in a pickup track (Xaaji Khamsiin). They were going from Awaare to Jigjiga. And there is no account of him having a pre-existing wound - atleast not from gun shot - prior to his assassination. This is totally a lie. The only part I am not sure is the number 13, who I didn't count. But the place he was killed is called jiirta-libaaxa, 45kms east of Aware. The team was going from Aware to Degahbour and was carrying a wounded Mohamed Moge. All the thing about Awbare is a TOTAL LIE. Haddana meesha joogin baan wareeri lahaa. I ask you to call anyone in Hargeisa and confirm where he was killed and whether he was wounded. There was no ONLF or WSLF operating in the region then. Of course unless the blood association of the killers makes them one. Let us not debate this. But I am amazed by how you can talk about an incident you have no idea about with such confidence. Saaxiib,ehelada ina Mooge la xidhiidh oo igu soo war celi. Ileen waxa dadku ku murmaan waa waxam oo kale. Dop you know where he is buried, by the way???? Waryaa goob-joog baan ahaa!!!!
  15. Mohamed Moge is the best Somali singer of all time and was a revolutionary fighter. I don't think anyone surpassed him yet. I have the honour of announcing that I saw him blood and flesh in our own house for several times, where he used to chew qat with my father. That is when he was in the SNM. I remember he used to bring lots of Cassettes with him. Tall and graceful, he is hard to forget. Unfortunately, he was killed by an ignorant member of my clan, his name is called Kabiye, who was a dilaal in the livestock market. He was among a group of clansmen who ambushed a convey of top SNM officials between Aware and Dhagaxbuur. A man by the name Adan ( i think he was top in the SNM) and 13 others were killed at the same place. But Mohamed Moge was wounded a day before in the small town of Aware, by another official from the SNM whom he disagreed with on some issues I don't know. The convoy ambushged was transporting him to Degahbour for a better treatment. The group who killed the team said they were avenging the killing of few of theirn own around Rabasso by the SNM. Others say they were hired by Siyad Barre.
  16. ...Muxubada kalgacalkaan Hadba soo mir kacaya! What a song! But I am not castro, mujaahid.
  17. Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional. It is Rooble's choice to talk about what he thinks is "educating".
  18. Who is saying Makhiri's are like the Afro-Americans? War af-lagaadad jooji, Duke!
  19. Why they keep coming to me remains a mystery. Was it not enough that I had slapped a Sheikh who told me he saw me riding a white horse and ascending to the sky? I mean if someone have to ascend it is not me. Maybe Xinn. For what would I be going up? Yet, this afternoon, as I boarded a BA flight destined to Jo'burg, I thought it will pacify the mind if I take a nap. And the horror came back the moment I closed my eyes. There she was. Short, messy hairs, and massive belly. She said I know her, but it took me sometime to recall. She said she is Somali. Yet, on her neck, dangling from the white thread was the star of David. The news anchorman read the story from a small TV on top of us. " The number of dead is over 600". She jumped and danced. "Why didn't you get back to me? Are you so daft? surely the code wasn't a mystry to you?" She said. "What code? why are you dancing?" I trembled. "Now, where is my Faanto?" she said. "Here it is." I qucikly gave her the tropical juice the hostess just gave me. She looked menacing in her thirst. She giggled, took it from me, only to throw it at my face. "Where is the Faanto?" I was puzzled? "Who are you?" "You know me. I am active girl. I am fast. I am unique." she marched on with blissful sense of iconoclasm. "But why do you hate them?" I asked. "How can none of them marry me?" she looked serious. "Who? the Palestinians?" She didn't answer that. "This is Damscus. We are here for a mission of orgy and fantasy. Let us get to business." She put her foot in my mouth and I felt suffocated. I struggled and struggled. I felt nausea. The man from the sea and oceans appeared from the corner. "There he is. He is the last hope. let me get at him." she suddenly lifted her foot up and run to a man who looked like a Mujaahid. I vomitted. The man next to me, Frankie, an Afrikaner electrician grapped me by the neck. "why are you spitting at me? behave!" I woke up. I felt like sending her a PM. This is unacceptable.
  20. Haneefah Tell the sister inaan dooro laga cunin dhulkeena. I am almost offended. KK, we are the people of geel and plenty of adhi. Malaay dabato ma nihin. Anyway, thanks for the effort.
  21. Don't chase shadows, Ayoub. No filin. Ngonge is not well informed as you are, and he is surprised that Awdalities are not what he thought. Rer-Awdal has a bit colder blood than those of SSC.
  22. You may have grown up in Borama. Rooble too. It is a big city. As far as I know only one clan supports the secession, and few individuals with direct interst served by Riyaale's presidency. I am not someone who is a stranger. Talk to cali Aw-bashbash, Hussien ismaaciil, Saleebaan Cawar, and hundreds of Awdalites. The view is overwhelmingly pro-union. Hence, I dismiss you and the rest of the imposters here with the disgrace you deserve.