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Everything posted by Abtigiis

  1. Afro adiga shaki baa kaa taagan. Will i end up describing myself to a man? Horta is cadee. Anyway, aniga waxaan u ekahay oo aan nala kala garan Cadde Muuse.
  2. Abtigiis


    Jacliyaayey Cabdiyo oon la jaaro Jecliyaayey Jilbaha oon u duugo
  3. CL, I wear 42 kabahayga. If you think you can fit, well come. With the indeminity form. AfroGirl, You can PM Ngonge and you will get the real sawir. (serious). Ngonge: please send the one I am with the Thai girl to Afro (inkastoon afro ka shakisanahay gender wise) KK Is strong candidate, laakin waxaan maqlay maqlay busy line keedu.
  4. The pruple one:Look ather hands. It hints at a beautiful face. But she will not come with a gun to me. CL What number do you wear? I mean Size'ka shoe'gaaga? If there is much difference between our numbers, it will not be difficult. Or you can sign an indeminity form stating that I will be liable for any damages.
  5. It is time we also put any kid with the name Abdullahi Yusuf into custody.
  6. Jacayalbaro, Some seem baffled by the suggestion somehow instead of the Jaariyad, the sister-in-law can be busted. Certainly there must have been a precedence because Axmed Gacayte wouldn't have sang thus: Inkastoo dad gacaliyo Xidid kala dan beyn jirey Ma dayrkii Makka'aan gubay Danbi malaha dooquyee? If it is Xaraam, jaariyad or sister-in-law ma kala laha.
  7. Ngonge is right. Temptation is a serious problem. And given that the reproductive organ is entirely AUTONOMOUS and does not consult the brain to act, terrible things can happen in a short space of time. For those of you who think there are preventive measures that can be instituted against Jaariyado, what about secretaries in work place. Certainly, it is those who tempt my little self with their obsequious smiles and exaggerated back-waging. What about the women collegues and work and those you go meet on the field as a team? So, the soultion is not to be found by employing appetite-killing ugly Jaariyado and by calling the offic and the man ten times a day. The soultion is trust and Iimaan. Faarx-Brown mentioned something about values of trust and so and so, and I agree with him. But where you get those values matter. If it is coming from deep belief in religion, it is most enduring. if is coming from the need to be decent and social valuation, it may break with the advent of a serious provocation. A serious provocation can be if a girl you have taken to dinner several times and who comes to do cofee ceremony in your house on saturday's suddenly decides to throw herself on the bed. A weak Xerow is rumored to have responded to this kind of provocation by saying "sanadka danbe ayaan Xaashka tagi, ee hada waan iska wadi...".
  8. My Zimbabwean wife is Sara, a 55+ old women. The wife is clever.
  9. No!No!No! Ducaysane hawshan ma dhax gali karo, isagu waa halis. Danger sign ayaan saaray. Ragga Asymptote'ka ah ee sheekeeyay like xinn and NG waa harmless. Originally posted by Resistance: ^ so why u qarcinaysaa your mates markas, don't you know backbiting is haram. I am back-biting who? Will anyone know him? Waa anonymous dee, resistance. Cairo maybe a ploy too young compatriot.
  10. If the man or the women cheats, that relationship should be over. There is no point in continuing it. Values or no values, sheekadu way gaaban tahay. If I sleep with another women, it means I am feeling I miss something in my wife. Qanaacadu waa qaybta u wayn guurka, so if aadan ku qanacasanyn your partner, it is better if you end. Having said that and agreeing totally with Malika, the nasty part of me tells me it wouldn't mind having serenity as a wife as long as I can come home dry and she will blame it on differing values. Serenity, will you respond to the vacancy then????
  11. I said I don't touch steamy boyayso. Never did. nevertheless, boyayso are human and girls too. So let us not despise them. And deny they their sexual equality. They are very much assailable. I met a man who told me that becuase mushaharkii gabadha shaqaalaha ay isku gaadh-gaadhay, he called her and said ka waran haddad xaas ba ii noqoto. because 6 bilood bay ku lahayd. it happened in Cairo. Ninku waa saaxiibkay. If by any luck haduu halkan ka aqriyo, i know what awaits me. Waan kala dhimanay. Because the lady is still his wife. I also know someone who once slept with the maid becuase according to him shaati uu jeclaa bay si fiican u kaawiyadaysay and he felt he needed to reward her.
  12. Saqajaan baad tahay waryaa nuune. ma nin jaariyadaha ku qabtaan kuu la eg ahay? unless of course, ayna iyadoo xaasku maqan yahay ooy dhaxani dhacayso ayna ku soo agmarin!! In fact, a relative of mine oo Cabdiwahaab la yidhaa bay naagtiisu ka eriday xaafada gabadh qurux-badan oo xabashiyad ah becuase she said kolkay cuntada u keentuu xaga danbe ka daawadaa. Dumaashiday oo yar ayaa joogta xaafada oo waliba aad ii aaminsane maan heestii Axmed Gacayte ee "ma dayrkii MECCA'aan gubay..." aheyd maan u qaado intaan jaariyad dhididay isku dilayo???????
  13. KK The 40 days starts the day we meet. Travel Costs covered of course. See weeye I told you I am not stingy. Dhinca kale, she better know she is not doing it with an amateur. Alaab jacdaday haday meesha latimaad, I will take her to one of her relatives home here in Africa and pay for her return ticket. Yaa la caamaynayaa?
  14. Malika No, this is serious, the computer part is to communicate later. Waryaa Ngonge There is no point in trying my luck if you declare it over here and send PM's to her.
  15. Abtigiis


    The best version i like it the jecliyaay dhulka hooyo xornimo aan ku joogo with Mohamud jaango. Dhaanto has the potential to be a nice dance, but a lot needs to be improved. So too Saylici which is my favourite somali dance. Salalaa calyhi hooyaale Salalaa salalaa calyhi hooyaale Bismilaah Bismilaah calyhi hooyaale Bismillah Bismillah calyhi hooyaale Yac kooya!
  16. looooooooooooooooooooooooooool@Malika's porrige wife. This is proper wife walaal; the circumstances she comes to me are of no relevance. The 40 day thing is just a saftey clause (call it probation period). Ngonge, Is there any possibility CL can see the vacancy? I mean last time you say you left her for me, and only yesterday you saying "where is she, so that she washes my feet". Maad igala noqotay?
  17. Of course I trust you. You will send your left-overs to me. I don't mind as this is a temporary arrangement. Jacaylbaro'na kuwa uu Workshop'ka u qabto on FGM iyo khatarta HIV'ga buu mid iiga soo dhex heli. I trust him too.
  18. welcome serenity. Saakaan islahaa ma baafisaa tolw. Happy to see you back the serene. She is not a substitute for a women, laakiin sometimes it is good to try the weired.
  19. Who cares if she doesn't get an oragasm as long as she keeps one going. War taas baa loo baahnaa. It is time we divorce the mortals we call wives and go for this unending sensation. Markaad diyaar noqotaba waa where is it? No place for I am sick iyo other distractions.
  20. In aniticpation of the delivery of the wife, I hereby make the necessary arrangements in place for a Xalaal replacement. Any qualified would-be wives can contact me directly or can give their consent to my representatives across the globe to be named under. Position: 2nd wife Duration of work: Inititally for 40 days (intay xaasku afartan baxayso) but with possible extension Desirables: Age: from 29-43 (preferably with no children under 15 from previous marriage) Good mannered, religious, and cheerful Computer literate average or tall dark colour and well built On the offer: Gabati and yarad through Dahabshiil to her families (but no face to face meeting) No aroos or party No Tahniyad through the media, but e-mails can be received from friends (becuase Xaaskaa maqlaysa) It is not lost to the man seeking this type of women that due to bad reputations or more accurately misperception on the part of SOL girls, likely wife might not come from this group. However, SOL girls are encourged to refer any intersted girl/women in their localities to the address to be given. Please make sure they send their photo's and health certificates either directly to me or to the designated addresses. The photo's must be iyagoo taagan and recent one (Audio CD'na ha soo raaciyaan so that it helps me in estimating their age) If they have no Birth certificates,maybe because they lost them during the civil war, a former husband tore it apart or they were born in a rural areas, they must have a local reference to the year (such as abaartii daba deer, kacankii, SYL anything that can be remembered.) Send your applications before January 28 to A&T C/O SOL Adimn Or If in Somaliland - To Jacaylbaro If in Europe - To Ngonge If in North America and Canada - to Xinn If in Africa - deliver by hand or call me (number to be provided on request). Factsheet about me: Age: over 30 but still intact Volatile but usually amicable Not stingy, but don't accept Dulmar ninkeedi baa Abudabai dahab uga keenay(usually responds so what?) Useful tip: sidaa lacag lagama qaado, but if you smile and become tender jeebkuu gacanta kula ordayaa
  21. Originally posted by me: Rag badan buu shukaanta u qabtoo shaahid loo yahaye Maantana Shariifyaa ku dhacay shabakadii Bushe looooooooooooooooooooool@ Shariifyaa ku dhacay.... Xinn, That was good piece from you, laakin ciddaad difaaci baan u qalmin.
  22. Originally posted by GAAROODI: Somali's are a very unique people with regards to mind set unlike many people you have a combination of contradictory elements that compete with one another. This debate is not aimed at any group its an acknowledgment that we are intertwined and as a people have alot of problems. I have regularly read the posts on Somalia online and understand that the mentalities that exist and the constant tit for tat is just the same old game with a new generation. The reason why Somali's remain the only people in the world other than Iraq and Afghanistan who do not have a viable state is shown in the very posts that you guys regularly post. If you look back in history no state has ever thrived built on favoritism, clannism etc. What you have today amongst Somali's are an entire population who are refugees,internally displaced people,pirates and bandits or people who are struggling to exist on the backs of diaspora communities. Firstly every nation that has ever been successful is built on some form of progressive ideology. In Somalia that ideology does not exist. Its gone from being a family run democracy to a communist socialist state to and islamic state to a....it keeps going. So far none of these theories have worked. You have to ask yourself then why? The one element that have forced these systems to fall apart is tribalism. We live in a nomadic society were the family is king, were your needs, security and progress depends on the clan. However this is historical way back in the day. Although every other people have moved forward the Somali's have not and thats why they have been wiped off the map. Wether the die in the sea's of yemen or the become prostitutes for swahili's or arabs, wether they die in villages from a lack of water or food. These people (Somali's) remain probably the only people on earth to consecutively continue to exterminate themselves and what is sad is that instead of being the younger more progressive generation to come up with some new theory to solve the unique somali problem you continue to write about trivial matters you pluck out from biased websites. Anyways im going on holiday so wont be replying for probably a few days and then ill start regularly posting. Educate us more. certainly today is the first day I heard of Somali's having an inferiotry complex. I thought the reverse was true. Anyway, educate us the man from Garoodi.
  23. It is how it is, Not how I want it. Waa siday tahay walaal.